Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1561 I am an art director

【The golden autumn festival of Xiaofeng, the sound of falling leaves is exquisite, the sky is covered with frost under the moon, and the pen is covered with snow for thousands of years. --Late Autumn】

Ye Ming looked helpless. At this time, he sighed and said, "You two care about Sanxingdui culture. Does that mean you don't care much about our Chinese culture?"

In fact, there was no need to ask about this matter. Ye Ming knew why Spielberg and Lucas came to China from the United States, and it was for the Sanxingdui culture. They came here with full confidence and enthusiasm.

Moreover, Spielberg also vowed that if there is any harvest, the next film may use Sanxingdui culture as the historical background or something.

Regarding this point, Ye Ming doesn’t know whether Spielberg paid attention to Sanxingdui culture in his previous life and what the results were after paying attention to it. However, it can be seen from the fact that Spielberg did not shoot a movie related to Sanxingdui culture in the end. , this great director seemed to say that there was no big gain.

And this time, it is actually the same. Now Spielberg and Lucas cannot gain anything. This is almost certain.

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said with great certainty: "Of course I know about this, but what I don't know is how you got such news. Sanxingdui Culture actually said that it was related to aliens. related?

This is just a nature worship, no big deal. At least looking at Qiai now, we in China have not really accepted this Sanxingdui culture. "

When Spielberg heard this, an expression of surprise immediately appeared on his face: "How could there be a result like this? It shouldn't be like this. I checked some relevant information. , and some things about the loss of Sanxingdui culture to foreign countries. I have real Sanxingdui antiques in my hands. If this were not the case, then it would be impossible for me to drag Lucas to China at this time. .I have been working hard on this recently. But you hit me so hard."

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said with great certainty: "Sanxingdui culture, this matter may not be fully recognized by our Chinese officials. It is certain that there is Sanxingdui culture, but what exactly are the antiques of Sanxingdui?" This kind of thing is still relatively difficult to say. You don’t know the Chinese antique market. The probability of counterfeiting of Sanxingdui antiques is very high, so high that it is unimaginable. Now there are ten Sanxingdui antiques. If there are one or two pieces inside, that would be considered a very good result, and for such a thing, there are only a handful of antiques in Sanxingdui that are officially recognized."

Spielberg's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly felt that this matter might be a little bad, and it was worse than he thought. He immediately said: "Well, it's impossible. That's not what I heard. Moreover, the Sanxingdui antiques I got have been tested by carbon 14. They should not be fake antiques. They are really from that era." Antique.

Although I have shot more science fiction movies, science fiction movies are all fantasy based on science, and they still have a certain scientific basis. Therefore, on such a thing, I am still convinced by science. If it weren't for the carbon 14 test that proved that the Sanxingdui figure with protruding eyes was a real antique, I wouldn't have come, and even if I said I came, do you think Lucas would come?"

Yes, if an antique can fool Spielberg, it is already a pretty amazing antique, but if it can fool Lucas in such a matter, Then what an awesome antique this antique must be. It was precisely because of scientific identification that the portrait Spielberg obtained was indeed authentic, so the two of them came over.

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said: "You still underestimate the wisdom of us Chinese people. Can Carbon 14 be said to be real? The result is real. Does it mean that antiques must be real? You may not know that China is There is a kind of splicing of antiques, which means that the entire antique may be spliced ​​together. For example, the probability of the portrait being broken is still very high. After all, after the changes of the times, in such a situation It’s natural to be disabled, you should understand this, right?”

Spielberg nodded and said: "Well, of course, after wars, thefts, natural disasters, etc., it is normal for something like this to be damaged at this time. It is precisely because of the rarity of antiques that the rarer the antiques, the higher the price. Of course, if the artistic value is high and the rarity is higher, the price will be higher. These antiques may not all be complete. Yes, but the price is definitely priceless.

For example, it is difficult to explain clearly what happened to Venus and what caused the broken arm. But this does not hinder the value of Venus. To describe Venus as priceless, that is the most appropriate thing. "

Spielberg calls himself an artistic director, which is very different from those commercial directors who just say that they regard commercial films as their top priority.

Although Spielberg is known as the most successful commercial director in Hollywood, when it comes to such a thing, he considers himself to be an artistic director.

Of course, Spielberg has also made some art films and charity films. These may be his own insistence, whether it is to build his reputation or he really likes art. Anyway, this guy thinks he is Artistic. On this point, this is one of the things he is very proud of now.

Ye Ming immediately said hurriedly: "That's right, sometimes incomplete things also have incomplete beauty, such as Venus. But in China, these incomplete antiques can be spliced ​​together to make some imaginary antiques. And Sanxingdui culture and Other cultures in China are very different. If you are imagining Sanxingdui antiques, it would be very easy to deceive an artist like you who likes antiques.

And the biggest feature of spliced ​​antiques is that even if you use carbon 14 testing, there is no possibility of detecting that they are fakes. After all, the things they use to splice are actually antiques. All the parts are antiques, but if they are put together, it is a beautiful Sanxingdui antique that can fool people.

Regarding this point, in fact, people in the world are not very fond of Sanxingdui antiques. One of the big reasons is that there are too many fakes in Sanxingdui antiques. It’s not that there are no real ones, but there are many more fakes than real ones, and there are also such absolutely deceptive antiques that are spliced ​​together, which is hard to guard against. Therefore, I think you may not necessarily be able to get the real Sanxingdui antiques. . "

When Lux heard what Ye Ming said, he was very confused and said: "This matter, does it mean that you said that Sanxingdui culture is fake and not real?" Ye Ming immediately denied it and said: "No. , this is definitely not the case. I have never said this. I just said that the antiques in Sanxingdui are officially recognized, but there are very few. They are all high-quality products excavated by the officials.

In addition, few Sanxingdui antiques on the market have been officially recognized, or even recognized internationally. There is definitely Sanxingdui culture. This is unmistakable. There is also the term Sanxingdui culture internationally. However, it is difficult to say whether the Sanxingdui antiques are real.

Therefore, when you come to China, unless you are going to visit the official Sanxingdui antiques in the museum, I guarantee that they are authentic. If you want to go to the birthplace of Sanxingdui and check out the ruins of Sanxingdui culture, etc. Regarding such a problem, I don’t think it is necessary, and the chance of you encountering a counterfeit is very high, almost 90% or more. Spielberg said with some frustration: "Are you saying that I am doing useless work?" "

If anyone discovers that the culture or antique clues they have been chasing may be fakes or deceived, no one will feel very comfortable.

Especially if an artist is treated like a fool by a few antique dealers, such a thing will make people feel even more uncomfortable.

In Spielberg's view, those antique dealers are just businessmen. Businessmen with a strong smell of copper cannot do much business with art.

The only function is to act as a porter for art. But if Spielberg, who always considered himself an artist, was deceived by these porters, you can imagine how he would feel at this time.

Therefore, Spielberg definitely has the urge to hit a wall on such a problem.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Maybe what you encountered is real, but it's not necessarily true. If it is a spliced ​​antique, there must be a flaw in the connection. If you have someone check it carefully If so, then maybe something will be discovered. Of course, no matter what it is, what I mean is that if you want to shoot a movie in Sanxingdui culture, you still have to be more cautious."

If you want to make a movie about the culture of Sanxingdui, there are actually many points of interest. For example, antiques must be related to aliens. This can be seen by looking at the shape of Sanxingdui statues. The chances of having a relationship with aliens are very high.

But if we were to shoot Sanxingdui culture at this time and make a science fiction film, but it turned out that the basis was actually false and was deceived by antique dealers who Spielberg thought were porters, then in a film like this In terms of things, this aspect is quite ridiculous.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming was also trying to persuade him to be more careful, at least not to just believe what those Chinese antique dealers and so-called connoisseurs said. Maybe some of the official words have a certain degree of credibility, but until now the officials have not acknowledged the existence of Sanxingdui culture. This can be seen from history books, such as the Shanding Cave Man, Dawenkou Culture, etc. These are officially recognized examples written in history books. Therefore, regarding a problem like this, these things are relatively easy for the public to accept.

If it were to be made into a movie using these, at least the theoretical basis would not be laughed at. But things like Sanxingdui are really hard to say. In history books, or in official documents, it is difficult to see anyone recognizing Sanxingdui culture, which proves that this is not mainstream.

It’s not that Sanxingdui culture doesn’t exist or is just fabricated, but that it is non-mainstream and lacks the support of some necessary theoretical systems. These things must be taken into consideration when shooting a movie.

Although making a movie is not a historical documentary, there is no need to be so serious, but when it comes to a matter like this, if you say that it is a movie that was shot with great difficulty, the result is that it is nothing but a fake. It’s a big shame to be deceived by antiques.

When Spielberg heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and said: "Yes, I better check it out. I am quite interested in the culture of Sanxingdui. Therefore, at a time like this, if it is If I can find reasonable support, then it would be very interesting to make a good movie. But if the basis for supporting this is a scam, then the movie will be laughed at in the end. I’m going to have someone check to see if the statue I got is real.”

If this is found out and this antique is authentic, it may be a very good thing for Spielberg. After all, it proves that his persistence is not wrong. But if it is said that in such a matter, the test results are the same as what Ye Ming said, indicating that this thing is a fake, and the antiques that support his pursuit are all deceived, then he himself does not know , is my persistence really justified?

Regarding such a matter, Spielberg is also in a state of hesitation. This state makes him have a little doubt about whether he is possessed by evil spirits and why he got a Did you rush to China to inspect a Sanxingdui antique? (To be continued)

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