Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1539: What year, month, and treasure?

[The moon sets without sleep, thousands of miles away, a lonely love song, the person is gone, thousands of miles away. I was so disappointed that I couldn't see Jiangnan - Farewell]

No newcomer will not be nervous in such a situation, but there are very few, very few newcomers who can stand on the stage in such a situation and quickly grasp the situation. She suppressed the nervousness in her heart. At this point, Li Yuchun did quite well, which meant that she was born to eat this bowl of rice, and the ancestor would reward her with it.

This is talent. If ordinary people want to reach this level, they cannot develop it in a year or two.

For example, there are group performances such as Jing Piao or Heng Piao, which have been performed for two or three years. Once you face the camera and have lines, you will be nervous in such a situation.

The reason why such a situation occurs is actually very simple, that is, lack of confidence. There is nothing wrong with it. This is a manifestation of lack of confidence. Any nervousness that arises when standing on stage is actually due to my own lack of confidence. If I am very confident, then there will be no nervous situation at all. Have you ever seen a company leader get nervous while standing on stage? That's impossible. They are the leaders. Theoretically speaking, only the people in the audience will be nervous. They should not be nervous while standing on the stage. Therefore, at a time like this, an actor standing on the stage has almost the same meaning.

Being able to suppress the tension in your heart to a great extent is also a very important criterion for measuring whether a person is suitable to be an actor or singer. If you are always nervous in front of the camera and the audience, then you should consider whether to change your career. Of course, it’s okay for newbies to be nervous, but if they’ve been around for two or three years and still feel nervous in front of the camera, that means they need to consider whether they’ll need to change the person.

This is a key reason why it is difficult to say that Qun Yun from Beipiao or Hengdiao can be said to have mixed up. Among these group performers, there seems to be only one who can really make it out in the entertainment industry, and that is Wang Baoqiang. Don't think that Wang Baoqiang is just someone who pretends to be lucky. In fact, he only became so lucky after filming Blind Shaft. He was spotted by Huayi Brothers and signed a contract, so he had the opportunity to appear in Feng Xiaogang's new movie.

This will lead to Wang Baoqiang's series of successes later. When you shoot a blind shaft, you basically risk your life. It is said that when filming at that time, everyone would sign a life and death contract with the mine owner, and he would be responsible for his life and death. Of course this is a legend, it’s hard to say whether it’s true or not. But at that time, it was impossible to have a chance to shoot in a mine, a regular state-owned mine, or an underground film like Blind Shaft.

Therefore, only private mines will have such an opportunity. It is estimated that many people will be very clear that in those private black mines, basically speaking, there will be no safety measures, or the safety measures are very rubbish. Therefore, it is not impossible to actually sign a life and death contract when shooting a blind shaft in such a situation.

Therefore, no one's success is a fluke, even Wang Baoqiang is the same. He Dabao stood on the stage. He was definitely nervous, but it wasn't too much. Otherwise, how could this person be called He Dabao? He was basically a heartless person. She is not the kind of person who performs heartlessly, does the same thing in front of you, and stabs you secretly behind your back.

He Dabao is the kind of truly heartless person, the kind of person who doesn't need to act, but who is truly this kind of person. If a girl is in this situation at the beginning, it is understandable, but if she is locked into a marriage and is still such a heartless person when giving birth, then in such a matter, it is relatively Not suitable anymore. It's a pity that He Dabao is such a person.

Of course, as far as He Dabao's singing skills are concerned, he is still quite good. Among the super girls who are so good at it, he is also among the best. It's just that He Dabao is not good at getting things done, and he doesn't have any scheming. Like this A person singing My Future Is Not a Dream can be more suitable. At this time, Na Ying nodded and said to herself in the audience: "That's good. At this point, the little girl He Dabao finally said that she has learned how to choose songs. There is progress in this aspect."

[Are you like me, lowering your head in the sun and working silently and sweating? Are you like me, even if you suffer indifference, you never give up on the life you want? Are you like me who is busy pursuing and pursuing an unexpected tenderness all day long? 】

Zhang Yusheng's "My Future Is Not a Dream" is relatively easy to sing. Basically, after practicing for a few days in a karaoke bar, anyone who is not too talented can sing it with style.

But if it is really possible to sing such a song very movingly, then it is still relatively difficult to do such a thing. For example, the singer who has covered this song in the future is not the same. , but there are basically no people who can really reach a height like Zhang Yusheng. Zhang Yusheng was a genius-like existence. He died young at the age of only thirty-one, which has to be lamented.

Just give a number and you will know. Zhang Yusheng simply said that the sales volume of an album was six million. Think about six million in that era. What a sweeping result it was. It can be said that if Zhang Yusheng had not been in a car accident, what a big surprise it would have brought to everyone. I believe there will be more classic songs to show to everyone. But this is all just assumptions. It's like saying how many classic movies would Bruce Lee have brought us if he hadn't died young?

Will something happen without Brother Cheng Long? These are assumptions that many people have made.

But it's a pity that this entertainment industry does not assume such a thing. When He Dabao sang a classic song like Xiaobao, he just said that he performed the song from a girl's perspective, and actually sang it with a different flavor. This is already quite difficult. After finishing the song, Ye Ming said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad. He Dabao's progress is indeed very obvious. He mastered the song well and the heat was quite good. Mike, how are you? Look at this singer’s singing style.”

Jackson shook his head and said: "There is nothing domineering about it. I think he has almost the same problem as the last contestant, but this singer takes a fresher line. This is reflected in his singing and when he sings." Judging from the performance of this singer, he has indeed done well. Being able to do this is very rare for a new singer. If there are suitable development opportunities, he may have his own It’s a fixed fan group, but if you want to truly stand at the top, it’s not easy, it must mean that it takes countless efforts. But it may not necessarily be successful.”

Jackson's evaluation was still not polite and domineering at all. What he likes and hopes to see most on this stage is the appearance of a singer like this. Therefore, in fact, He Dabao's performance did not satisfy Jackson.

Of course, Ye Ming will not remain silent because of this matter. At this moment, Ye Ming immediately changed the subject and said: "Brother Hua Jian, you and Xiaobao should be relatively familiar with each other. If you watch such a performance from the perspective of Xiaobao's friend, then what do you think? How did Dabao perform this time? How far is it from your expectations for this song?"

Zhou Huajian said with a smile: "At work, Xiaobao and I are not from the same company. I am from the Rolling Stones, but Xiaobao is from UFO, so at work, we really don't have much communication." That is to say, we met occasionally at some activities. We can't say that we are very familiar friends, but we can be regarded as casual acquaintances. At that time, it was not like the record market in Baodao now, even if we were not the same People in the company, but they can also be friends. At that time, the entertainment industry was relatively strict and stubborn. Well, speaking of the entertainment industry at that time, I think people who came here were not willing to say more."

There is something hidden in this statement, but from some news circulating in the Baodao entertainment industry, we should be able to see Hu Lai. In that entertainment industry, things like stabbing people with knives on the street really happened. , the famous Yinsong Pavilion incident is actually a good example. After the Yinsong Pavilion incident, we lost a talented writer. It can be said that among martial arts novels, the only one who can compete with Jin Yong's achievements is this person, and he is Gu Long.

Liang Yusheng is the pioneer of the new school of martial arts novels, which is undisputed, but the real leader of the new school of Wuxia is Jin Yong, and the only one who can compete with Jin Yong in the influence of his works is Gu Long. The Yinsong Pavilion incident can be said to be an important reason for Gu Long's death due to illness.

As for the details, with the death of another person involved, Captain Ke, this has become a historical mystery forever.

Of course, that was in the 1980s, but in the 1990s, Baodao's entertainment industry had just been liberalized and had not been open for a long time. In terms of the situation, on such a thing , which is considered a relatively complicated one. But it can also be seen that people from different companies actually have less communication with each other.

Although it wouldn't be said that they were friends until they died, but if Xiaobao and Zhou Huajian were friends, it would be impossible in such a matter.

Therefore, at this time, Zhou Huajian said that he could only look at the problem from his own perspective, and could not say that he was Zhang Yusheng's good friend or something. The entertainment industry is such a big place, and now the Super Girl finals are broadcast live. Therefore, Zhou Huajian actually does not dare to lie. Once he lies, at a time like this, he will soon be entertained Some people in the circle know.

As for the relationship between Zhou Huajian and Xiaobao, although not many people may know about it, in the Baodao entertainment circle, it is estimated that there should be relatively many people who know about this situation.

Therefore, Zhou Huajian would not say that, and there was no need to say that. Zhou Huajian himself is a king in the entertainment industry music industry, and he is one of the group of singers who have reached the top of the entertainment industry's popular music. Therefore, in such a matter, Zhou Huajian actually said that Zhang Yusheng was my friend and so on. In such a situation, it is not necessary for everything to be like this.

Therefore, Zhou Huajian could only slowly begin to recall at this moment: "Of course, I have heard Xiaobao singing My Future Is Not a Dream live more than once, a song that I also like very much.

If you ask me to evaluate this player's case on such a matter, I will not evaluate such an issue from a professional perspective. I will evaluate this song sung by He Dabao from my personal feelings. song.

The female version of My Future Is Not a Dream. If it is possible to sing to such an extent, then I believe He Dabao must have put in a lot of effort.

The singing is good, it has its own flavor in it, and it doesn't completely imitate Xiaobao's music style. I think what He Dabao has done on this point is already quite good. Just in terms of technique, there are things that need to be paid attention to, and I am a little rusty. "

This evaluation is actually a very high evaluation. He is also a king-level presence in the Chinese pop music scene. At a time like this, even if Zhou Huajian insists on strict requirements, no matter what the situation is, he can always find some faults with the players. This Zhou Huajian is not like this. do. Therefore, regarding such an issue, Zhou Huajian is the only one in the entertainment industry who has the title of a good old man.

In fact, even when facing a stage like the Supergirl Finals where there are newcomers, he is not willing to do something like a sinner easily.

This is Zhou Huajian's own persistence. Everyone has their own persistence. In fact, singers are the same, but being able to do this is to ensure that their style will not change significantly. This is very difficult to do, but Zhou Huajian, very Apparently this was achieved. This is the reason why Zhou Huajian's reputation is very good in the entertainment industry now. (To be continued)

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