Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1485: Everyone may become the Supergirl Champion

【Humanity is passionate, and the night is too cold. The red candle is about to fall, and the bright moon is already half-full. Green grass dew makes it difficult to fall asleep. Acacia is full of autumn frost, and no one can bear the word love. --Zui Qiuyue】

Lucky, Ye Ming said that Super Girl is also a very lucky person. In a sense, Super Girl is indeed relatively lucky, especially the top 30 Super Girl players in front of Ye Ming. It's luck. But at this time, not everyone can think of this luck.

Ye Yiqian said with some emotion: "If it is really true for those who have been eliminated, we are indeed relatively lucky. At least we still have the opportunity to sing on this stage. This is the luckiest thing for me. ”

At least that's what Ye Yiqian thinks. However, there are also people who disagree with Ye Yiqian's point of view. He Jie said bluntly: "We must have ideals and not be intoxicated by the small success in front of us. In fact, our most important test has not yet come. It is better to talk about success only when we are truly standing on the stage of the finals."

In fact, it cannot be said that He Jie's statement is not correct, while Ye Yiqian's statement is basically relatively popular.

The starting points of the two people are different, so in such a situation, they will get two different results. In Super Girl, Li Yuchun quite agrees with Ye Yiqian's point of view, nodding and saying: "That's not true. The fact that we can get here is indeed considered a success.

In the past, even if some of us participated in commercial performances, it was just a warm-up at most. Giving them three to five hundred yuan, reimbursing travel expenses and so on, is already considered a good treatment.

Therefore, now we can have a reward of 20,000, which is actually an opportunity given to us by Super Girl. If we are even saying that we are not even among the top 30 Supergirls, then it is impossible for us to have the opportunity to do a commercial performance worth 20,000 yuan at this time. "

Li Yuchun is the kind of person who has no ambitions. This can be seen from the fact that Li Yuchun has never fallen out with Mango TV.

If we rely on Chunchun's influence and reputation, once Chunchun and Mango TV fall out, she may make great progress in a short period of time. But it was Mango Station that offended him the most, and the result of repaying kindness with hatred was very detrimental to Li Yuchun's subsequent development.

Therefore, reliable artists like Chunchun are the favorites in the entertainment industry.

In fact, the entertainment industry is such a place. People in the entertainment industry may not necessarily be trustworthy people themselves, but they always like the people they meet to be trustworthy people. Therefore, at such a time, Chunchun did not fall out with Mango Station in the first place. This is because he gives people such an honest and kind character. In the end, Chunchun came out to set up a studio on her own only after her contract expired.

Anyway, this is a relatively rare example in the history of the entertainment industry. There are not just one or two Supergirls who have a falling out with Mango TV. There are many fast boys who have a direct falling out, but the only Supergirl who is truly loyal and can end well in the end is Li Yuchun. Therefore, from this point, it can be seen that Li Yuchun is indeed the kind of super girl with no ambition.

Therefore, Li Yuchun now thinks that Ye Yiqian's approach is very good, at least Chunchun himself approves it more.

BiBi became more aggressive at this time: "Actually, what the boss means is to spur us and make us work hard to prepare for the following competition. In fact, in this kind of competition, if we do not enter the finals, , that in my opinion is a failure, and if entering the finals means or not becoming the champion, it may not be called a success.

Of course, if you want to become a champion, strength is very important in something like this, but even more important is popularity, and you must seize the audience vote. "

To become a champion, in fact, this championship has basically been determined. Maybe it means that others may not say it is very clear, but on such a matter, Li Yuchun is actually settled.

And now Li Yuchun's condition is also quite impressive. Ye Ming looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Actually, when you reach the top 30 Super Girls, each of you has the appearance of a champion, which at least shows that your strength is not bad.

Even among the top thirty, the difference in strength between you is not so great that it is impossible to catch up. Therefore, it can actually be seen from this point that everyone, every Supergirl top 30 player standing here now, has the possibility of becoming the champion.

Now you are just a little bit behind, the only difference is your own hard work and of course a little bit of luck. "Luck is very important. Ye Ming has already said this. Although perhaps Li Yuchun, Bi Bi He Jie and others may not really realize this, at a time like this, In fact, Ye Ming's statement is the most practical.

The top 30 Super Girls, the players who can reach the top 30, although there will be a gap in strength at a time like this, it is the same as Ye Ming said, this gap is not to the extent that it is irreparable. of.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, Ye Ming said that the top 30 super female players are all capable of being champions. This is really not wrong at all. Therefore, regarding such a question, Li Yuchun and other top 30 super female players are naturally very happy at this moment.

Champion, who doesn't like to win the championship? Although some people have some doubts about whether they can win the championship. This even includes Li Yuchun. At this time, Li Yuchun himself did not say that he was certain that he would become the champion.

But at this time, nothing can stop Li Yuchun from having a champion's heart.

Although Li Yuchun has no ambition, it does not mean that she does not want to win the championship. Even the top 30 Super Girls on the scene all have the heart of a champion. The difference is only in degree.

Therefore, in such a matter, Ye Ming said that everyone could win the championship. Now the difference is basically a matter of luck, which indeed ignited everyone's fighting spirit. This is actually what Ye Ming hopes to see most. Commercial acting is a training for the top 30 Supergirls. In fact, no matter what happens, after winning the championship, the Supergirls will definitely receive countless invitations to perform in commercials. Therefore, in such a matter, it is very necessary to temper them at this time.

But this time's commercial performance allowed them, the super girls, to truly experience the pain of commercial performance.

In fact, commercial performance is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Once you go on stage and sing a song or a few songs, you will be fooled.

The preliminary preparation work is actually very cumbersome.

Of course, if we talk about an irresponsible singer who doesn't do any pre-preparation at all and goes directly to the stage to sing, then in such an incident, the singer himself is actually hurt. This happens once or twice. The more times it happens, the more opportunities there will be for commercial performances. Real success cannot ignore the efforts of artists.

Take Jackson, for example, why he became the greatest pop singer in the world. This is of course due to his strength and luck, but it is impossible to deny that Jackson's own efforts are also very necessary at this time. For example, during his comeback concert, although it was a completely tragic journey, the King of Heaven left this world just after the rehearsal due to a doctor's mistake.

But the cause, in fact, everyone can see it. The cause is that Jackson worked too hard during the rehearsal. In order to maintain his energy and have a good rest, he asked the doctor to take medicine. As a result, the result became the final A rehearsal for a concert.

Such a superstar goes all out and prepares meticulously when he holds a concert. You, a little singer, may not be a third-rate singer, so what qualifications do you have to not prepare at all during a commercial performance?

Although commercial performances are not as important as concerts, if you are not prepared at all, it will be disrespectful to yourself and the industry.

Ye Yiqian, as expected, was very excited and said: "Boss, do you mean that if I have better luck, then it is possible for me to become the champion of Supergirl?"

Ye Ming looked at Ye Yiqian with a smile. This is indeed the silly and sweet kind. There is no scheming. Just think about this kind of thing in your heart. You are now among the top 30 Super Girls, and you are still talking about yourself. Is there a chance to become a champion? A player like Li Yuchun's performance is very eye-catching, but he doesn't dare to say this openly. You, a player in the top 30, whose performance is not the best, dare to say this.

However, looking at everyone's expressions, it seemed that there was no surprise. In fact, everyone was already mentally prepared for Ye Yiqian to ask such a question.

Ye Yiqian's ability to ask such a question seemed very normal to everyone. At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said very seriously: "I can tell you this matter with certainty, everything is possible. If you are lucky enough, it does not mean that there is no possibility of becoming a champion."

But Ye Ming didn't say anything else later. That is to say, unless the other top 30 Super Girl contestants all had diarrhea and were unable to participate in the competition, Ye Yiqian would have a chance to become the champion. If Li Yuchun is not very aggressive now, then Ye Yiqian's aggression is actually not at all. What's so aggressive about Silly Baitian?

If it is said that even if Li Yuchun finally became a little bit aggressive and a little bit domineering later, Brother Xinchun will have eternal life, not everyone can protect him.

Ye Yiqian is the kind of person who has no ambitions even if she starts over.

Therefore, regarding a question like this, it does not mean that Ye Yiqian does not necessarily have this strength. In fact, according to this comparison, Ye Yiqian, a silly white sweet, can reach the top 30 of Supergirl, which means that her strength is actually There is no doubt about it. But at a time like this, it is indeed a bit surprising to say that Ye Yiqian can become the champion. However, Ye Ming did not attack Ye Yiqian. It was actually good to have such a wish.

When Ye Ming said that Ye Yiqian herself might become the champion, Ye Yiqian said with a smile: "What the boss said makes me a little scared. How about I give everyone laxatives tomorrow, and then no one can go to the competition, and the champion will be It could be mine."

Ye Yiqian indeed has the potential to self-defeat, and she is so capable of self-destruction that now she herself has realized the result.

Sure enough, the top 30 Super Girls told Ye Yiqian that she might be the champion, but there was no reaction at all. Everyone knew about their feelings. Although Ye Yiqian would say this, a person with Ye Yiqian's personality would definitely do it at this time. He used some means to hack himself back.

Sure enough, after the boss confirmed Ye Yiqian's problem, she quickly denounced herself and even submitted a feasibility report at this time, saying that she would give everyone laxatives and so on. Anyway, that's what she said. It can also be seen from one of the things that the current top 30 Super Girls are a relatively united group.

There may be some gaps, some cliques, etc., but at least overall, the top 30 Supergirls are relatively harmonious at this time.

This is also because we did not participate in the finals and did not go through a fierce battle. Of course, the more important thing is that in such a matter, we have not experienced the influence of happy kisses.

If we talk about something like this, after everyone has been influenced by the entertainment industry, it won't take too long. After a year, after passing the new wall, everyone will definitely start to have real intrigues and so on when they get together again. The current top 30 Super Girls are still relatively immature.

On such a problem, it is actually the result that Ye Ming hopes to see most.

Although Ye Ming himself is very clear that with the changes of time, the top 30 Super Girls will not always be as harmonious as they are now, but with the current results, he is already very satisfied.

Therefore, Ye Yiqian's words at this moment also amused Ye Ming: "If you don't tell me about this plan, it may be possible to succeed. If you don't believe it, you can give it a try, but now that you have spoken out, others will not give you this plan." Opportunity.”

Of course this is also a joke. (To be continued)

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