Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,473: Not eating steamed buns to fight for breath

[The breeze blows outside the door late at night, and the moon returns in front of the window. The stars fall from the sky late at night, illuminating the blooming wintersweet outside the wall. --Sleepless Night】

The list was settled calmly and passed to Bididi and Lehehe. In fact, the two companies on this list have no opinions. Basically, there is a difference in popularity among the top 30 players, but it is definitely not that the difference is huge. Even the relatively popular Li Yuchun, Bibi He Jie and others are not much different from the heartless, silly and sweet Ye Yiqian.

After all, when you reach the top thirty, no matter what player you are, there will always be some popularity. Even the two traitors who left, and the player who was taken back by his parents because Ye Ming directly pointed out that he was not old enough, actually have a certain degree of popularity. Therefore, what the company wants is this popularity. As long as the top 30 Super Girls come, the number will be almost the same. Anyway, Ye Ming also said here that he should not bully his own singers by paying them per head. Ye Ming's protection against shortcomings is well known in the entertainment industry. For artists who bully Huihuang Film and Television, first the agent will come forward, then a lawyer's letter, and then the company will come forward. If it really doesn't work, Ye Ming can just roll up his sleeves and go into battle personally. possible.

Therefore, everyone knows that artists from Huihuang Film and Television cannot be bullied casually. As for Tianyu, who doesn’t know that Tianyu is a subsidiary of Huihuang Film and Television.

Therefore, it is very refreshing to decide this matter.

On the other hand, it was Manager Zhou who was in charge of this matter at Bididi. He was considered an old acquaintance. When making the call, Manager Zhou said very politely: "Mr. Ye, can you really not come? If so, If you come, everything else will be easy to talk about."

Ye Ming comes, it is no longer a matter of price. Of course, the price cannot be lowered, otherwise I would be sorry for Ye Ming's identity, but it is more of a favor. If Ye Ming comes, then this small activity now, at least in Ye Ming's eyes, Ming seems to be a small activity. If such a small event can invite a star of Ye Ming's level, it must be because of human kindness.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "There is no chance of going here. After all, I still have a lot of things to do here. At that time in Hollywood, a lot of things here were accumulated. Now we have Super Girl resurrected." Sai, if this matter is not handled well, it will definitely cause some trouble. Therefore, I must personally take charge of this matter here.

Letting these people from the top 30 go over is also to give them some exercise. I am quite optimistic about these people. There will definitely be a few popular people among them. If there is a chance, if there is a suitable opportunity in the future, it will not be too late for us to cooperate again. "

Anyway, everyone can talk about the scene. In fact, Manager Zhou did not expect to invite Ye Ming to this kind of event. Of course, if it is a national event like that, it may not be possible to invite Ye Ming to come. Yes, the key is to see if Ye Ming has a suitable schedule.

Manager Zhou said that at a time like this, it actually just means to keep in touch with each other.

The happy part this time was not that they contacted their customer service manager, but the caller was actually their boss Xing Qianli, a very energetic old man.

After Ye Ming received the call, he laughed out of surprise and said, "Mr. .”

Xing Qianli said helplessly: "Those guys, if I leave general things to them, they might be able to handle it for me. But if I leave some things to them, then I can't do it myself." Don't worry. Just like last time, Lehehe originally wanted to cooperate with you, but what did these people do?

Your last Fast and Furious movie was a collaboration with Bididi, but I was laughed at by a few friends. We, Lehehe and Bididi, have always said that we have a good cooperative relationship with your brilliant company. But at a time like this, Bididi actually said that he has collaborated with you on a Hollywood movie. This means that we are lagging behind happily. "

It seems, it seems, this is really the case. At least for some people who watch Lehehe and Bididi, everyone has a similar relationship with Huihuang Film and Television. But Bididi is already talking about entering the Hollywood market. No matter how Fast and Furious ends up doing at the box office.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with Bididi Automobile entering the Hollywood market and gaining recognition abroad.

After seeing this, the cheerful boss naturally felt a little unconvinced. If we were talking about comparing popularity and brand, Bididi was no match for Lehehe.

At least now it seems that the emerging car brand Bididi is not as good as the old brand Lehehe.

But now I see Bididi seizing the opportunity and cooperating with Ye Ming in Fast and Furious. If this movie is not very popular, forget it, but if it is said that once this movie really becomes popular If so, then for such a thing, the one who would be laughed at would be Lehehe.

But think about it carefully, now there is a question: are there any movies that Ye Ming has participated in that are not popular? Anyway, Xing Qianli himself had thought about this problem. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't find anything bad about the box office of the movie that Ye Ming participated in. Among them, the very popular Harry Potter, although it is said that Ye Ming did not participate, but on such an issue, at this time, the copyright of Harry Potter belongs to Ye Ming.

Although it is said that Warner Brothers made this movie a success, that is to say, they invited Ye Ming to choose the role at the beginning, but now they are increasingly marginalizing Ye Ming, thinking that Ye Ming will be in Harry Potter. influence.

But these little tricks don’t cost a dime. The box office should be allocated to Ye Ming. Why don’t you give it a try for a penny less? There are many lawyers in Wall Street's legal team who are very busy. Therefore, at this time, whether it was a movie that Ye Ming participated in or invested in, the results were quite good.

Therefore, think about it now, once Fast and Furious becomes a big hit, it is possible that Lehehe will appear as a negative teaching material. Therefore, Xing Qianli called Ye Ming personally this time.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Mr. , so isn’t Bididi just in time? If your company wants to cooperate with me, I would be happy, but this drink is quite troublesome, and there is no suitable entry point for Americans to drink it while driving. Lehehe, do you think this is possible?"

Of course this is impossible. After all, on top of such a nice issue, there is also the issue of the police. If you dare to drive and drink, then whether it is in China or abroad, if you are caught, it will definitely be a crime. I will be invited back for tea by the police uncle. Especially in the United States, if you dare to do this, you might be imprisoned for endangering public safety.

After all, if you drink it at home, even if you drink it upside down, it won't be a big problem. If you dare to drive out for a drink in a situation like this, you will definitely be punished.

Xing Qianli was speechless now. Even if this thing is not illegal, at this time, in American road movies, the driver should drink Coke or something, or at least Sprite or something, these are common Yes, are you drinking happily? Such a scene is indeed somewhat inappropriate.

Therefore, Xing Qianli also said with some helplessness: "Okay, this matter is indeed a bit troublesome, but if it is arranged to give us a lens now, even if it is a small lens, it would be good to be able to show up on it. What's the price? That’s it.”

Lehehe is not short of money. Anyway, Xing Qianli believes that Lehehe must do what Bididi has done. Therefore, at this time, I don't care about money at all, as long as you can give a suitable opportunity to let Lehehe appear in The Fast and the Furious and not let Bididi be beautiful, then the money issue is easy to talk about. In fact, more than 90% of things in this world can be solved with money.

The remaining 10% is not that it cannot be solved with money, but that the money given is not enough. Therefore, on such a matter, Xing Qianli thought that he should seize this opportunity and fight for it. Ye Ming hesitated and said: "The movie has been filmed, so if you want to add another one at this time, it will be very difficult. And if you want to add one, you still have to reshoot the scene or something.

Therefore, it is indeed relatively difficult to deal with such a problem. "

Is it difficult to compare? Xing Qianli is an old fox. At this time, he can naturally hear the hidden meaning. It is very difficult to handle. At this time, it has another meaning, that is, it is more difficult to handle, but it does not mean that it cannot be done. This is what happened.

Therefore, Xing Qianli said very generously: "If we are talking about money, then for a matter like this, at this time, there is no problem. We will happily pay for the re-shooting. This should not be a big problem." Are you ready?" Anyway, Lehehe is determined to appear in a Hollywood movie. Even if he shows his face, he must not lose to Bididi in a matter like this. When Ye Ming heard this, he knew that Xing Qianli definitely wanted to win this cooperation.

Therefore, he hesitated a little and said: "If it's just an appearance, then maybe there is a possibility of cooperation. As for specific cooperation, you can contact the crew of Fast and Furious. I will contact you The director mentioned something like this. Your Lehehe company’s products have not passed your health quarantine in the United States, right?”

The United States is relatively strict when it comes to food safety.

Therefore, at this time, if Huaxia Food wants to enter the US market, it will not be easy. Therefore, Ye Ming had to make sure of this issue first.

Xing Qianli said very excitedly: "This is almost the same. We are doing work in this area. I believe that in the near future, we will get the production and sales license from the United States. By then, our Lehehe products will be possible. It has been exported to the United States. Now it’s time for you to think of a solution. Isn’t it the same as Bididi who doesn’t have a sales license in the United States?”

The point of this question is not that Lehehe is about to obtain a sales license in the United States, but that Lehehe's company's products are indeed not eligible to be sold in the United States.

Moreover, Ye Ming also frowned and said, "This is nothing. It's just a car. If it's smuggled in, there's nothing to be surprised about.

But you are a food product, which is very different from a car. Therefore, Bididi can easily integrate his products into the movie. Otherwise, one problem in this situation is that it is difficult to achieve perfect integration. But if you contact the crew, if you can get on, they will definitely let you get on. If it is impossible, then on such a matter, the only way is to cooperate next time. But Americans are very practical. As long as they give money, they generally know how to choose. "

This is Ye Ming's experience. Anyway, some Americans do work like this. As long as they pay, almost everything else is negotiable. Xing Qianli actually didn't have much hope at the beginning. He thought that if he complained at this time, as long as it meant that Ye Ming could cooperate next time, this would definitely be regarded as his victory.

But at this time, Xing Qianli actually didn't expect that this time he would actually have an opportunity to cooperate with Fast and Furious.

Therefore, Xing Qianli immediately said: "You have to give me accurate information about this matter. Don't deceive me."

Ye Ming laughed and said: "This matter is not a trivial matter. I can fool you, but it is impossible now. Of course, if the post-editing is completed, it will probably be a bit suspense by then. It all depends on the progress over there. But I think there shouldn't be much of a problem. After all, cooperation is a win-win situation."

Ye Ming didn't say it was final, and he also left some room for himself. As for how they would cooperate after Xing Qianli called, this has no direct relationship with Ye Ming. (To be continued)

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