Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,469 Different Treatment

[The gurgling water flows through the forest, and dark clouds cover the sun and the sky. Asking where the ancient pavilion is, the mountain road winds into the forest. --Mountain Travel Occasionally Rain】

Ye Ming waved his hand, indicating that they could leave and go back to prepare. They would just decide where to go. Anyway, whether it's Bibidi or Lehehe, the money given is the same, it's up to them to decide where to go.

Xu Zheng came over and said, "Boss, isn't it wise to expose them to something like commercial acting so early? No matter how it is, it's good for us to do some training first. .These people are now somewhat famous, not the kind of young people who are not famous at all. They also represent the image of our company when they go out.

If there are some problems, it will cause some trouble for us. "

There is definitely no big trouble. People like Li Yuchun, Ye Yiqian, and Bibi He Jie may cause some trouble, but to Brilliant Film and Television, it is considered a small trouble, not even a big trouble. But although trouble is certainly not a big deal, it is still a trouble, right? As the director of Super Girl, Xu Zheng pays more attention to this.

Ye Mingming waved his hand and said: "Training is a must. At least in the next three to five years, Harmony Super Girl will have an influence that you can't imagine. If it is said to be better, there will be There are emperors and superstars. Therefore, these people must learn something. This is a must.

But when it comes to a problem like this, the study is dogmatic. For example, regarding this matter, the teachers we invited have paid more attention to it and tried not to let those rules and regulations constrain our Super Girl Academy. But on paper, Zhongjue Qian said that some things are open in the entertainment industry. Noodles cannot be learned in school. At this point, there are certain things in the entertainment industry that must be experienced by these people personally, so that they will be impressed and truly mature.

Otherwise, you have never seen the big world, which will always be a regret in the future. "

Ye Ming is a top student in the film school. He himself is very clear about the teachings of the film school. Even in film schools, drama schools, etc., in these places, there are students from the acting department who have really come out. There are only a few people who can become stars, not to mention big stars, not to mention superstars like Ye Ming, even if they are first-tier stars or second-tier familiar faces.

In film schools, generally speaking, a graduating class with two or three graduates is considered good.

For example, in Zhao Wei's class, there are actually big stars like Zhao Wei, Huang Jiaozhu, Zhang Heng, Chen Kun, etc. It is already a super class in the film academy, and is called the film academy. The golden generation will resist half of the film schools in the entertainment industry in the next ten or even twenty years.

It can be said that the only students from the acting department like Zhang Yimou and others can compete with Zhao Wei. So, basically. In film schools, not everyone who graduates will be called a star. Of course, the chance of becoming a star is much greater than that of ordinary people. After all, there are many seniors who have been in the entertainment industry. This is also a relationship. But truly becoming a big star depends on one's talent and luck.

Ye Ming knows this very clearly. He also knows why something like this happened to me. That is to say, I have become dogmatic. Even in the film academy, Ye Ming has become dogmatic now.

Therefore, super girls cannot follow this old path. It must be said that in such a matter, these super girls should be trained on a real stage, so that they can have greater courage to face the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. of.

Ye Ming said as he walked: "What has not gone through wind and rain is just a stone. Only jade that has been tempered can emit bright light."

Jade cannot be used without being polished, that's all. Xu Zheng also knew this deeply, so he felt a little speechless. As a director, he has now begun to reflect on whether his work as a director is somewhat unqualified. Isn't it a little too accommodating to the Mango Terrace? You have to know that there is a brilliant film and television company behind you, so what are you afraid of?

In the past, even Xu Zheng wanted to arrange some commercial performances for the top 30 Super Girls, so that these Super Girls could really train themselves on the stage and truly face the audience and interact with each other at close range.

But he doesn't have this right either. Regardless of Ye Ming's arrival, the matter was settled in just two sentences. Even if there were staff from the Mango Channel, they wouldn't dare to let out a fart. Facing Ye Ming, those staff from the Mango Channel were just pretending to be dogs. A portion.

Therefore, this is the influence brought by power and status. Although Ye Ming said it so easily, it was said that he arranged these things directly, and no one dared to object.

But if Xu Zheng arranged for such an incident to happen, then the people at Mango Channel would definitely not be willing to be dogs and pretend not to see anything at this time. After all, Xu Zheng is, at best, just a temporary director of Brilliant Film and Television. After this operation, you, a director of Brilliant Film and Television, may be temporary or something. If you want to seize any rights, the people from Mango Channel will definitely not Will let go easily.

Therefore, although things are the same, if the people who arrange them are different, then at such a time, the results are actually different.

Ye Ming looked up at the lights above, thought for a moment and said, "What the boss said is right. I, as a person, feel that I am too kind. If it is said that this guy Guo Degang is here, he is definitely doing better." I absolutely.

This guy is definitely one of the best when it comes to crowds. "When talking about cross talk or something like that, you must have a certain level of eloquence, and it's not just an ordinary good eloquence.

It's all just talking. Why do I have to give you money when I listen to what you, a cross talk actor, say? That's because cross talk can make the audience laugh. If the cross talk can make the audience laugh, then it is a good cross talk at this time. The audience doesn't care what kind of vulgarity they are. I spend money to buy tickets just to have fun. If I want to learn, I won't come to your theater to listen to cross talk.

Therefore, a cross talk that can sell tickets is a good cross talk even if it is Sansu. As for the cross talk that cannot sell tickets, even if it is not a good thing, it is not a glorious thing to say that the cross talk actors are waiting to receive state subsidies or something. Therefore, on a question like this, since Guo Degang said he could sell tickets, he must be a very eloquent person to be able to do it.

Therefore, if Guo Degang is trying to attract people in the company, he is definitely one of the most skilled. Generally speaking, it was the boss and Sister Fang who he didn't dare to run away from, but it was hard to say for other people. It's a pity that this guy went out on his own. Xu Zheng was just wondering if he was really being too soft-hearted at this time.

At this time, a staff member of Mango Channel said: "Director Xu, do you think this matter is serious? Will our channel really return the director?"

This sudden change of generals is really not a good thing for the program. "

Xu Zheng snorted and said, "Do you think we, Mr. Ye, came all the way here just to joke with you? I have said before that since we are cooperating, it is convenient for us to work with others, but some people It just doesn’t hurt. I just go my own way and do things without caring. I don’t have any rights. But since he said that our family is taking the lead, and since he said that, I think it will not be without purpose. Our family is taking the lead. I just met the second head of your family, and I guess some things have already been decided, so whatever we say here may not be useful."

Now some people over at the Mango Terrace are scared. This makes Xu Zheng feel very good. He asks you to yell and act. Now you are dumbfounded. Don't look at you having fun now. Be careful to make a list afterwards. Now that Ye Ming has spoken out about this matter, Xu Zheng is 100% sure that this kind of thing is not a big problem and he will definitely replace him.

The staff member said cautiously: "Director Xu, if the director here is changed, won't the other people be replaced in the same way?" This is a big issue that the staff is concerned about. Fellow Taoist, I am a poor Taoist. Some things are changed when the director is changed. Anyway, I don’t have esophagitis.

Maybe the staff of Mango Channel also know that Ye Ming's words are definitely not without purpose, but in such a matter, there is no problem in changing the director, just don't replace the ordinary staff like yourself. .

At this time, everyone knows that Super Girl is a phenomenon-level popular program. When you go to the streets and alleys, in any city in China, almost everyone is talking about Super Girl. They all say do you support Li Yuchun or Bi Bi, or do you support Li Yuchun or Bi Bi? Silly white sweet Ye Yiqian?

Therefore, such a popular program is actually a glorious resume for the TV station staff, and it will be quite valuable for future promotions and so on. For example, when I get promoted in the future, I will be told that I have done lighting, screenwriting, etc. in Super Girl. That will definitely have an extra layer of aura than ordinary lighting screenwriters and so on.

In the Chinese circle, what matters is the qualifications and the bargaining chips. As long as you have enough qualifications and chips, then in a matter like this, promotion will basically be a matter of course.

therefore. On a question like this, at this time, some questions are more important to do.

Xu Zheng pondered for a while and did not express his opinion immediately. Xu Zheng himself knew very well about this matter. Since the boss said that he did not say that he must replace those other staff members, it meant that Xu Zheng It's up to you to decide. If you want to change someone, just take the opportunity to change him directly. This is your right as a director of Brilliant Film and Television.

But if Xu Zheng wants to be a good person and Shi En, the staff of Mango Channel, then it doesn't matter if he chooses not to change. It means that the boss doesn't care about this and will do whatever he wants.

As long as he says that he can be a good director and take care of Super Girl. As long as there is no big trouble, then there is no big problem.

Therefore, regarding such a matter, Xu Zheng hesitated for a moment before saying: "This is a critical moment for the program team. It is actually a last resort to replace the director. After all, it is said that this guy Lao Zheng did some things too much." Too much.

But we still strive to keep the stability of the program team relatively good. The director must be changed, and Lao Zheng must leave. Our boss has said it, and this cannot be wrong.

But if France wants to return other staff, my opinion is that it is not necessary. Everyone cooperates well. Therefore, I think that for some things, as long as everyone cooperates happily, there is no need to break up the team and replace it with someone new.

Of course, there are some people who are relatively close to Lao Zheng and don’t take our brilliant film and television into their hearts at all. They should leave, but they still have to leave. Our program team cannot afford such big-name staff. "

Xu Zheng actually has his own plans. Now he knows that what his boss wants to do is to develop the program stably. If these cooperations are considered pleasant and almost running in, and everyone is relatively familiar with the staff and they are replaced, Then when new people come, they still need to get used to each other. This is not a matter of the same number for the program team.

Therefore, when this situation has been changed to a favor, no matter how it is said, it is basically a matter of replacing people directly, which is basically a no-brainer. But on a question like this, if it is said that there will be no substitutions, then the staff will at least have a grateful attitude toward Xu Zheng, and the program team will work more smoothly in the future.

Therefore, Xu Zheng still feels that the director Lao Zheng must leave, but the rest of the staff, as long as they are not direct descendants brought by Lao Zheng, can stay.

When the staff member heard this, he knew what Xu Zheng was thinking, and immediately said: "It's true. Some people on the crew just don't do a good job. Director Xu, how about we go out tonight?" Let's sit down, one of them is having a gathering, and the other is also discussing how to allocate work better in this Easter match." This is reciprocation, which basically means that the staff of Mango Channel began to surrender to Xu Zheng . (To be continued)

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