Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,453 This is all a favor

[The full moon shines on the dead branches, I don’t know what time it is. Those who look at Luoqi have no recognition. --Lantern Festival Moon Appreciation】

It was right that Li Qing came to Lychee Terrace this time. After all, Li Qing had some connections in the capital. Therefore, it was very easy to intercede with Ye Ming. At this moment, Li Qing found his old classmate, Director Hai of the General Administration Office. Back then, Li Qing and Director Hai were brothers who had bunk beds.

The relationship has always been very good. The two of them found a secluded small restaurant to eat. Doubt is not a public figure, so he feels quite comfortable eating out.

At this moment, Li Qing said while drinking: "Second brother, tell me, what is the best way for us to say this matter? What exactly does Ye Ming want to do?"

Director Hai shook his head and said: "Not many people know about this matter. Not to mention me, even Mr. Han may not know about it. But, Third Brother, I'm not telling you this. What you did is indeed a bit inappropriate." To be honest, this guy Ye Ming is the kind of person who is like a knife, how do you provoke someone like him?"

Ye Ming is famous and capable. No one can deny this.

But when it comes to an issue like this, almost everyone knows that Ye Ming is a tough guy, and he is definitely not the kind of person who easily gives in within the system. In the impression of the General Administration, Ye Ming is not a very disciplined person. Therefore, now the three major TV stations are taking action against Ye Ming’s program.

In such a case, one can imagine how tragic the result would be. Li Qing said helplessly: "Our family did not do this. Moreover, Super Girl swept all variety shows. Even Mango Channel's own fast books were suppressed. It is conceivable that at this time How popular is Super Girl?

Moreover, it was said that the Internet company was used to smear Super Girl on the Internet. Someone guaranteed that there was nothing wrong with this matter. In the end, even if someone was found to have deliberately smeared Super Girl, it was impossible to find our TV station in the end.

Only on such an issue would we agree to participate in this matter. Who knew that Ye Ming was so cruel, he directly sued the Information Consulting Co., Ltd., and finally implicated us.

Now we don't know what evidence Ye Ming has in his hands. "

Director Hai thought for a while and said: "The leaders of the General Administration are very dissatisfied with this matter. I estimate that Ye Ming may have very favorable evidence in his hands. Otherwise, what about you all?" It's three provincial satellite TV stations. This level is placed over there. If Ye Ming didn't have irrefutable evidence, it would be impossible to directly follow you over such a matter." Evidence, this It was the first time Li Qing knew that Ye Ming must have some incredible evidence, the kind of evidence that would silence at least three provincial satellite TV stations.

Therefore, on a question like this, the evidence in Ye Ming's hands ensures that he can be invincible.

Li Qing thought for a while and said: "Second brother, please tell us about this matter and make peace. See if there is any room for relaxation. We are all in the circle. If we are talking about falling out, then It’s not good for us, and it may not necessarily be a good thing for Huihuang Entertainment.”

Director Hai thought for a while and said: "Huihuang Film and Television, as well as Huihuang.com, are not as simple as you think. Why Ye Ming can always lead the Spring Festival Gala, that is not to say how good his songs are. Of course Ye Ming The songs are indeed very good. But what I am saying here is that those who can sing well may not necessarily be able to perform on the Spring Festival Gala. There are singers of all sizes across the country. In this case, those who can perform on the Spring Festival Gala How many singers are there? And you’re the lead singer. Think about it, if you don’t have enough background, do you have the qualifications to do this?”

It seems, seemingly, that there were no such singers before, and before Ye Ming, the opening of the Spring Festival Gala seemed to be a martial art, similar to a national gala. Anyway, it is generally inescapable, and basically all dancing Arranged for the opening dance, this pair has an explanation for each other.

But the first program of the Spring Festival Gala after Ye Ming was songs, which is reflected in Ye Ming's background.

Li Qing thought for a while and said: "It seems that Ye Ming's luck will be very good in a short period of time."

Director Hai nodded and said: "At least before 2008, Ye Ming's luck must have been very good. You must know that Ye Ming worked hard to do a lot of work for the beginning of the Olympic bid. For these achievements, the people above him eh I will remember them all. Moreover, Ye Ming is constantly taking actions internationally, which can be regarded as promoting the prestige of our country. Do you think the higher-ups can ignore such a Chinese person who brings glory to the country?

Therefore, you must not offend people with this kind of background. If you offend them, it will be trouble. As for me trying to make peace with the middleman, I can't guarantee that it will happen. It's no problem. I guess it's hard to say whether the other side will give me face. "

Li Qing said with some surprise: "Second brother, you are from the General Administration. Speaking of which, you are at the level of Ye Ming's boss. Could it be that he doesn't give you any face?"

Director Hai thought for a while and said: "Ye Ming will definitely give him some face. Since Ye Ming did not sue your three provincial satellite TV stations, he brought such a matter to the General Administration and asked the leaders to handle it. He said Ye Ming is not the kind of person who doesn't know what the world is like when he becomes famous, becomes a big star, and doesn't take Chinese people seriously when he goes to Hollywood.

This shows that Ye Ming is still very capable of managing the treasury. Therefore, at a time like this, I think that for my face, if I go to Ye Ming, he will give me some face, but the three of you don’t think too much. Let's wait for the bloodletting. Who told you people to do the wrong thing in such a matter?

The question is, does it matter if you do something wrong? People who do this kind of tricks should not be too scheming. But the key is that you did Yes Ning and left the evidence with Ye Ming. Ye Ming also knows how to advance and retreat. Instead of suing you, he directly reported it to the General Administration, indicating that you will handle the matter and the leader will definitely not let Ye Ming suffer.

I can still make peace and create a good negotiation atmosphere for you. "

There is nothing wrong with Ye Ming being a cutthroat, but this is to say that Ye Ming protects his shortcomings, is petty, and has a strong desire for revenge. It is not that Ye Ming does not care about the overall situation at all. Speaking of which, Ye Ming's overall view of the situation is relatively good. Otherwise, with Ye Ming's temper, his superiors would have dealt with him long ago.

Li Qing said helplessly: "Then please help me, second brother, to find out what Ye Ming wants to do before it can be settled." Director Hai immediately looked at him and patted his chest and said, "There is no problem with this. , However, it won’t be very effective for me to do this alone. Therefore, here you need to find the Blueberry Station and the Tomato Station. These two will also do the activities together.

The fault was made by the three of you, and we cannot let you, Litchitai, be the one to shoulder the blame. I heard that people from those three families are also here. You'd better discuss it immediately and see how we can work together to handle this matter. I think this guy Ye Ming must be busy with Super Girl recently, so I think he also wants to resolve this matter quickly. "

Brilliant Film and Television, over here, Sister Fang Fang came over and said: "Boss, here, someone has come to the Lychee Station. There is a deputy director, Li Qing, and Director Hai from the General Administration's office also called just now, saying that it is very important Pay attention to this matter. According to my investigation, Li Qing and Director Hai are college classmates and have a very close relationship. They are working as lobbyists."

Ye Ming nodded and said, "I think they should pay attention to this matter, otherwise, it would be too unkind. We sued Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd., which is also the right thing to do in such a matter. Yes, to scare the monkeys. If we don't do it like this, then it is estimated that the three TV stations may not necessarily make any big moves. Even if they send people, they may not be at the level of deputy director, so they will not come to deal with it. If something goes wrong, then it’s considered good.

Now there is a deputy director of the Lychee Station, the Blueberry Station and the Tomato Station. Is there anything going on there? Who are all the people coming? "

Sister Fang Fang shook her head and said, "I heard that the people over there haven't arrived yet. They will probably arrive here tomorrow. Moreover, I dare say there will be many people calling to clarify tomorrow."

Ye Ming nodded with a smile and said: We are not afraid of people who tell the truth, but we are afraid of people who do not intercede. China is a humane society. In an instant, we are not afraid of someone interceding or interceding. These are all humane. Therefore, at this time, the more people who can speak out, the better. "

There is nothing wrong with the use of favors, but since it is called favors, then in such a matter, it must be said that it must be repaid, and there are comings and goings. This is called favors. In the past, it was no longer called favor, it was called kindness. There is no problem if this kind of kindness is used once or twice, but if it is used all the time, even if it is an acquaintance, there will be a day when it does not work well.

There is only human affection, and the more you use it, the more familiar it becomes. Anyway, this thing is used by you and me, and it can be used at any time.

Therefore, this favor also illustrates a problem, that is to say, friends in a circle are basically on the same level, at least not much different. If you say you drive a BMW, your friends should generally drive a Mercedes-Benz. Audi has no problem with it. If you drive an Alto, it will basically be considered reluctant. If you don't even have a car, even if this friend is your ally, it is definitely not the kind of core friend. Of course, relatives are an exception. Friends, especially core friends, are basically like this.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming is not afraid of someone interceding or clarifying. Brilliant Film and Television will always use these favors in the future.

After all, Huihuang Film and Television always shoots several movies every year. You cannot guarantee that every step of your movie will successfully pass the review of the General Administration.

If there are some problems in the middle, for example, if Huang Bo appears in a movie like No Man's Land again, it will be censored. You can always find more connections to intercede, right? Then things will be much easier to handle. Anyway, even Ye Ming didn't dare to say that he wouldn't ask for help in the future.

At Mango Channel, at this time, Ou Balang took a long look, glanced at several of his subordinates and said, "You are still not doing a good enough job in this matter. Look, your news follow-up is not timely enough, and in terms of wording, , it is not tough enough, it must be tougher.

You know, Super Girl is our flagship program. These people are trying to smear our flagship program. Now we still say things like condemnation. What the hell? Are you saying that we are the only ones who know how to say things like condemnation? ah. Protest, condemnation, indignation, what the hell, there are five days in a week, the first day is protest, the second day is strong protest, the third day is condemnation, the fourth day is strong condemnation, the fifth day is expression of regret, Saturday and Sunday are holidays.

You are just fooling around in a good way, aren't you? Did you get your salary from the table in vain? "

At this time, some subordinates complained: "Director, we are not engaged in diplomacy, so naturally we will not do that, but the other party is also a brother unit of the three families. If we speak too strongly, is it inappropriate? Ah, after all, we are all colleagues, this is too strong, and I won’t be able to save my face when the time comes.”

Principal Ouyang Yang said unceremoniously: "If you can't live with it, you can't live with it, and you can't live with it. You have the nerve to say this. They did it in the first year of junior high school. Why don't you say that we are colleagues and we are brothers and smear us?" When it came to Super Girl, it was called "happy". At that time, they had to accept it.

Since they are the first graders, don’t blame us for the fifteenth grade. I have also promised Ye Ming that as long as Huihuang Film and Television sues Chang Lei, we will definitely support it to the end. Our attitude must be tougher and our stance must be firmer. Otherwise, how will we cooperate with Huihuang Film and Television in the future? I don’t need to explain the influence of Super Girl. You should also know something. When the time comes, if some problems arise in this regard, will you be responsible for it or will I be responsible for it? "

At this moment, several subordinates were speechless. There was nothing more to say. After all, Super Girl is the flagship program of Mango Channel. If anyone dares to hurt Zhijizi on a program like this, it is definitely Nothing ends well.

PS: I recommend a book, Red Mansion Proof, Red Mansion Fairy Tales.

In the first life, he was Nuwa’s stubborn stone to mend the sky.

In the second life, he was the Monkey King who made trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

In the third life, he traveled to the end of the Dharma era, and the path to immortality was about to be cut off. A concubine of the Jia family gave birth to a son, Jia Huan.

Cutting off the love of three generations, in the red building, he attained the great holy status. (To be continued)

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