Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,450 You call this slander

[The willows are green with wine in the cup, the spring breeze is parting and the book is full of sorrow, Rongrong's body is naturally decorated, and the mist is deep in the rain - Chun Bamboo] Since Ye Ming said that he would only do this.

At this time, Director Ou Yangtang finally said helplessly: "Even if you, Huihuang Film and Television, want to do this, I have a suggestion, don't do it too badly. The entertainment industry is like this now. Virtue, anyway, is the result of being good to you, me, and everyone. Unless it is absolutely necessary, it is best not to break up."

China's entertainment industry is basically in such a state, especially among the provincial satellite TVs, basically the four major provincial satellite TVs, the competition is very fierce, but it is really a matter of seeing red with a bayonet. Not a lot really. Competition is competition, but on an issue like this, competition is a matter for the people below. The top leaders are the kind of people who talk and laugh happily. Although they may not necessarily be good friends, they are all senior leaders of provincial satellite TV. Therefore, in such a period of time, meeting in private is not the kind of thing that will last forever.

The circle of China TV Station can be regarded as half of the official circle. Therefore, the relationship between ties in the TV station is similar to the relationship between officialdom. Therefore, at this moment, Ouyang Balcony naturally wanted to remind Ye Ming. Ye Ming said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, I am naturally measured. I will not do anything until it is critical."

The next day, a big news broke in the entertainment industry. The legal advisor of Huihuang Film and Television, the famous barrister Zhang Chunfeng and Zhang Zhang in Beijing, had filed a lawsuit with the court, suing Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. for organizing a troll to slander and smear Super Girl. It has caused immeasurable losses to Brilliant Film and Television and Super Girl. Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. is required to compensate 10 million, plus 8 million for reputational damage.

This amount adds up to 18 million. This number has never appeared before in the entertainment industry.

Let’s not talk about the amount of compensation, let’s talk about the type of prosecution, defamation, slander, and organizing trolls. Such a quota is very rare. Most people have no idea that there are such forms of crimes. The key is that if there is such a crime, some experts in the legal field will jump out and say that this is the first defamation case on the Internet.

You know, the existence of media like the Internet is actually a model that has only emerged in the past two years. Although BBS and the like have already begun to exist in two thousand years, no matter how it is, it is only now that the Internet has truly become popular in China.

Therefore, in such a situation, no matter how it is, the most difficult thing is to sue an information consulting company, which is what everyone calls an Internet promoter, on such a charge. Talk about how to find evidence of crime. On the Internet, it is not easy to find the person behind the scenes.

And it means that in such a problem, if you want to find the person who is behind the scenes, it will still take a lot of effort, or it will be very difficult.

Therefore, there have been a lot of slanders and slanders on the Internet, but it has never happened before in China that there is actually a lawsuit. Because there is no conclusive evidence, even if it is a lawsuit, generally speaking, the court will not It will not be accepted. After all, the court is a place that pays attention to evidence, and Internet defamation is often the most difficult thing to find evidence for.

Therefore, if Huihuang Film and Television sued Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. at this time, it would be the first case on the Internet. At this time, everyone began to speculate on what kind of evidence Huihuang Film and Television provided to the court before the court accepted the case. And it is still accepted in Beijing.

You know, in a place like the capital, it is Ye Ming's base camp. Many of Ye Ming's friends are in the capital. This home game definitely has very convenient conditions.

However, the court refused to provide relevant information to reporters because the case was under trial. However, it also answered a reporter's question affirmatively, saying that Huihuang Film and Television had sufficient evidence to prove a matter, and the court would only accept the case. of. Moreover, news soon came over there that Xie Changle, the boss of Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd., had gone to the United States. It turned out that Xie Changle had become an American national long ago and was doing business in China. It's an American passport. It turns out that this guy was also prepared to run away if the incident came to light.

This is complete proof that the prosecution of Huihuang Film and Television is a fact. The suspects have already run away. What is the outcome of this case can be easily found out.

Lawyer Zhang found Ye Ming and said with some regret: "Mr. Ye, this matter is still a bit troublesome. After all, the suspect has arrived in the United States, and it is said that he has obtained a U.S. passport. The news I found is that this Xie Changle had already obtained an American passport in the 1990s, so it would be difficult to extradite him, unless he was caught when he came back."

The chance was very small. Xie Changle felt the danger and knew that Huihuang Film and Television and Mango Channel would not let him go. Therefore, after leaving early, it was strange that he would come back on his own initiative.

Ye Ming nodded and said, "I didn't expect it. Xie Changle is more cunning than we thought. By the way, isn't his company still in China?

Even if the person runs away, the company will still be there. How about his company? "The person is not here, but the company is here, so compensation and other things can't be settled like that.

Lawyer Zhang said helplessly: "We have also investigated this. Xie Changle's company is actually similar to a leather bag company. In such a matter, he behaves more cunningly. Most of his funds are in In a bank account in Switzerland, there is only more than 20,000 yuan in cash in the account of his good girl in China, and it is said that after this operation, he has already owed the workers of his company three months, a total of 130,000 yuan. It’s said that people from those companies are also suing Xie Changle?”

This means that at least Changle Information Consulting Co., Ltd. is a shell company. If you want to offset the company's debt, such a thing is basically impossible.

As a lawyer, Lawyer Zhang is actually quite depressed when encountering such a suspect. He has been a lawyer for more than ten years and has experienced many cases, large and small. However, in a situation like this, when he encounters This is the first time I have seen such a cunning criminal suspect. In fact, Lawyer Zhang himself knows very well that once a case involves foreigners, such a case will be much more complicated. If you want to win this lawsuit, there is basically no problem. It is a certainty that you will win. There is no difficulty. Xie Changle can be regarded as absconding in fear of crime. Therefore, there is no obstacle to winning the case.

But in a matter like this, if you want compensation after winning the lawsuit, it is not very possible, at least that's what lawyer Zhang thinks. At this moment, Ying thought for a moment and said, "Lawyer Zhang means that Xie Changle's bank account in Switzerland contains money?"

Lawyer Zhang said listlessly: "According to my investigation, Xie Changle's profits over the years are basically all in this account. Therefore, there must be a lot of money in it, which should be over ten million. But The more you know about the ethics of Swiss banks, they insist on a confidentiality system, so at least it is somewhat impossible for us to check Swiss banks."

Think about it, most people think this way. Later, in the name of anti-terrorism, Eagle Sauce directly broke the Swiss bank's head and gave up the confidentiality law. He was the most powerful among the top five hooligans in the world. Take the lead, even the president of a small country will do whatever he says. Switzerland has maintained a secrecy law for hundreds of years. In the crazy Eagle Sauce, it looks like a pile of waste paper. Didn't you see that Eagle Sauce's department store was hit? The Swiss bank also knows what will happen if it offends the angry Eagle Sauce at this time, so it is inevitable to bow its head. But that was when facing Yingjiang, and I had to bow my head. It is probably difficult for ordinary people to do this.

Ye Ming pondered for a moment and said, "If it means that Xie Changle's account at the Swiss Bank was frozen, there should be no hidden problems in this case, right?" Lawyer Zhang's eyes lit up. He himself also knew that the person he was facing had a very extensive network of connections, a world-class rich man, and God knew what friends could help him.

Therefore, Lawyer Zhang nodded very excitedly and said: "We are sure to win this case. The key is, after winning the case, how will we get compensation? Of course, if Mr. Ye has the means to persuade Swiss Bank to help , then the issue of compensation shouldn’t be a big deal.”

At this time, Ye Ming finally nodded and said, "If that's the case, then Lawyer Zhang, you can go work on this case. I'll just ask a friend to handle it at the Swiss Bank."

At UBS, a director came to the chairman very angrily and said: "Hans, what are you doing? Our bank has always adhered to the confidentiality law. Except for Eagle Sauce, we have bowed our heads once, and we have never bowed to others again. What are you doing?" Directly freezing the account of one of our customers will have a huge blow to the reputation of our bank. In this case, our competitors will take the opportunity to attack us at this time. The board of directors, How do you explain it to everyone?"

Hans said impatiently: "Explain, explain, Moore, can you use your brain? If there is no good reason, would I give such an order? Do you know what kind of person we encountered today?" Opponent?

He is a hacker, a very powerful hacker. I am sure that even among the top ten most powerful hackers in the world, seven of them are related to our bank. Our firewall was also modified by some hacker. , but even a powerful firewall like this is the same as a scumbag in front of the hacker. He has already broken into our heart server and directly left a threat, saying that he will not agree to cooperate with him to freeze a Ordinary customers, just hack our server. What do you think I should do?"

Moore was silent for a moment and said: "Are the hackers in the Rabbit family so powerful?" Hans snorted and said: "What do you think? As one of the top five hooligans in the world, do you think there is a fuel-efficient lamp? Rabbit started to be fierce. , it’s no problem to engage in eagle sauce. What do you think we are doing as a bank to compete with that guy? Anyway, he is just an ordinary customer. If he offends him, he will be offended. No matter how banks are customers and God, they are all scum. Profit is what matters. God, don’t think that other banks haven’t done this kind of thing to blackmail their customers, it’s just that people don’t want to say it. Don’t worry, I guarantee it won’t have a big impact. Those bastards also have their own tricks on me. In the hands of everyone, everyone will tear up and lift the table, no one will feel better, they will not be so stupid."

Making a fortune in silence is the consistent style of Swiss banks. As for internal strife, there must be some, but overturning the table is impossible. They are all time-honored banks that have been passed down for hundreds of years. Everyone knows how to do business.

At this time, Xie Changle's life in the United States was quite prosperous. Although the company in China said that he should throw it away, he has made a lot of money in these years. Even if he is not working now, then At this time, you can say that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life.

Moreover, Guo Meili, a beautiful secretary, was waiting on her side, and her life was very comfortable. She no longer had to face the yellow-faced woman at home at night. It is even said that, in Xie Changle's opinion, this is the life a man should really have.

However, when he got the news that his account in the Swiss bank had been frozen, he was dumbfounded. He immediately called his lawyer. This was also the lawyer he used when he applied for immigration. He was an old friend. What happened? Naturally, it is better to find someone you know to do things.

At this moment, the lawyer also got some information from Lai, saying that China had used some connections to directly ask the Swiss Bank to freeze Xie Changle's account in the Swiss Bank. In the end, the lawyer came to the conclusion that Xie Changle must have offended a very great person in China, otherwise the Swiss bank, which has always been scornful of anyone except Yingjiang, would not have frozen his bank account for no reason. of.

In a word, Xie Changle is in trouble. (To be continued)

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