Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,440 The King of Heaven is Willful

[The cool breeze of autumn night leaves the shadow of the trees on the door, and the moonlight shines on the jade basin. For a moment, the flowers are still fragrant when they bloom, but when I want to talk about it, my heart molds the soul of the moon. --Appreciating chrysanthemums on an autumn night】

Even if Ye Ming knows this information, he will not tell it. This is also a rule in the entertainment industry. Rules are rules. No matter who you are, if you generally don’t have the ability to lift a table, then you should abide by it in the entertainment industry. The rules are better.

Otherwise, it will always be difficult to survive for a long time. For example, Cai Fenghua said when Leslie Cheung that a moment of glory does not mean eternity, this is unruly, awards and other successes and failures, no one will always be successful, even a superstar like Principal Tan's brother has failed in awards. when. Therefore, Cai Fenghua complained at the time that his brother's momentary glory did not represent eternity. He's just a little unruly. If you directly say that there is a win or a loss in the game, or if you come back next time, I think you won't be banned.

But this is only if, under normal circumstances, those celebrities in the entertainment industry who do not abide by the rules will be banned.

Of course, in Ye Ming's current state, he basically has the ability to flip the table. But at this good time, Ye Ming had no intention of flipping the table. Rules are meant to be followed. Therefore, when Ye Ming said this, the reporters at the scene were quite helpless.

Next, Sister Fang Fang introduced: "Next, we are introducing Mr. Tony. Mr. Tony is Michael Jackson's manager. He came to China this time for the Super Girl finals.

Our company thought about it and realized that Super Girl is also very popular with the audience. Therefore, at this time, after we invited Mr. Tony and sought his opinion, we invited him to attend this press conference. "

At this time, the reporters at the scene finally understood a little bit. For example, at this time, Tony, a buddy, had never been heard of in the Chinese entertainment industry, or in a place like China, that was I have never heard of a No. 1 person like this. Feelings are Jackson's manager. Jackson has been very proud of himself recently. Not only has he done well in his career, but he has also done very well in charity. And if you have the chance or not, it would be great to find a time to confront reporters or something.

Who let those paparazzi cause him a lot of trouble before? Tony was Jackson's new manager and was responsible for some of the singing jobs he had organized. Under normal circumstances, Jackson's superstar manager like Tony has a very high status, and not everyone in the entertainment industry can mess with him. Therefore, Tony's character is also quite proud. But Tony is very smart. He knows what the relationship between his artist Jackson and Ye Ming is like. The relationship between the two people is very strong.

Therefore, even if Tony can teach those superstars in the Japanese entertainment industry as well as his third grandson, in China, he still maintains a sufficiently elegant attitude. Otherwise, if Ye Ming talks to Jackson later, his job may be ruined directly.

Therefore, it seems that Tony has a relatively upright attitude now.

When they heard that Tony turned out to be Jackson's manager, the reporters at the scene suddenly became excited. Jackson would come to help in the Super Girl finals. This was actually decided when Ye Ming started to produce Super Girl. a thing. Of course, Ye Ming did not say how to invite Jackson here, but everyone is also very relieved. If there are still many people in China who can easily invite Jackson over, then in such a matter, that is Ye Ming understood.

Now, as expected, with the arrival of the Super Girl finals, everyone is beginning to care about when Ye Ming's promise can be fulfilled.

At this time, Tony's arrival naturally ignited everyone's emotions. Ye Ming said with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Tony. I said that if you have any questions, you can ask Mr. Tony, of course. Maybe Mr. Tony has selected some questions that can be answered."

This statement also gives everyone a relatively clear boundary. If you reporters can’t handle some of the questions yourself, then you shouldn’t ask them at this time. After all, reporters actually want to know some breaking news or something.

Therefore, in such a situation, if Ye Ming does not give a bottom line, then at this time, the reporter may ask some more sensitive questions. Outside the stadium, there was a burst of cheers at this moment. Naturally, it was Ye Jiajun who came to build momentum for Ye Ming. This kind of momentum made the reporters at the scene feel numb.

At this time, if you offend Ye Ming and face the angry Ye Jiajun, it is really difficult to say whether you can walk out.

Only those reporters who often face crazy fans know how strong those crazy fans can be under the appeal of stars. God knows what these fans will do for the sake of their own stars and to defend the honor of their own stars. Something crazy happened.

Therefore, if you want to interview a superstar, it is not an easy task. Therefore, when some reporters ask questions now, they must think carefully.

Although Tony is a little-known agent even in Hollywood, he is definitely an agent who has seen the world, so he didn't panic at all when facing so many reporters.

Reporter Ma Li of the Beijing Times immediately asked: "Mr. Tony, I think fans must be very interested in knowing when Mr. Jackson will launch his Heartfelt World Tour concert. Everyone is looking forward to this concert." It’s been a long time.”

Jackson's life has been completely turned around. Now Jackson has no scandals, no debts or anything like that. Anyway, he can play however he wants.

And now he seems to be very interested in confronting reporters. Therefore, if he directly interviews Jackson, God knows what amazing words he will come up with. And it is said that Jackson and the rich man Trump seem to have some moves. As we all know, Trump, a billionaire, has always had a characteristic, that is, when doing things, sometimes he does things without using his own brain, and it is normal to criticize reporters.

Therefore, at this time, he is relatively close to such a not-so-reliable rich man. God knows whether Jackson will come up with any shocking words like Trump when facing reporters in the future. Relatively speaking, Jackson's agent is one of those agents who is relatively easy to talk to and has a well-rounded approach. In such a matter, Tony is actually quite competent.

At this moment, Tony said without thinking: "Mr. Jackson has also thought about this issue. In fact, he thinks it is not necessary. After all, the memorial concert has just started and there is not much time. If this is the case, we always find reasons to hold concerts." If so, then Mr. Jackson has countless reasons, such as [Thriller] sales commemorative party, Mr. Jackson's Golden Melody Award commemorative party, etc. Anyway, as long as we look for it, we can find suitable reasons to hold commemorations every year. Will do.

But Mr. Jackson personally believes that it is not necessary. He will not consume his fans so much. He believes that his fans can listen to his genuine songs, which is more meaningful. As for holding a concert every year, it seems that there is no need, and there is no need for my fans to spend so much money to watch a live concert. Therefore, at least in the recent period, there are no plans for any personal concerts, and even if there are stage concerts, there will not be many. Of course, Supergirl's invitation this time is different. Or if there are any charity needs, Mr. Jackson will try his best to consider them. "

This is a piece of advice Ye Ming gave Jackson. Even if you are rich, can you be richer than Gates? Can he be richer than that guy Trump? This is impossible. Therefore, when doing charity or something, you have to do what you can. In such a situation, you have to do charity according to your own strength. In the future, you should make as few donations as possible, and don't publicize it, or It means that someone invites you to sing to support charity, or there is a charity sale, etc. You can participate in this, but if there are any donations or the like, you have to choose what to do, and don't ask any organization to raise funds. It costs money.

Now Jackson's foundation also selectively supports applications from some charitable organizations. In this way, Jackson's charitable foundation can develop healthily. In the future, Jackson will be able to run the foundation even if he no longer has to invest his own money. This is what Ye Ming thinks is the most appropriate way to do charity.

As for the opinions on holding concerts, Jackson actually doesn't care much about making money. Yes, these are the performance companies who are trying to make money. Therefore, in the past, Jackson had no choice. Sometimes if he didn't have a concert, then It would also be a breach of contract.

But now Jackson is on his own, so he can decide how to watch the concert and when it will start. He would not be so greedy and just plunder all the money from some of his fans. This is not a good phenomenon for his fans.

Therefore, during this process, Jackson did not pay much attention to personal concerts. Anyway, it depends on Jackson's own mood. Rich people, Jackson is so willful now. Moreover, Jackson directly played Internet music, which made the giants of the traditional record industry furious. If Jackson plays Internet music, it will not be a very good thing if these traditional record companies want to make money from Jackson in the future. The easy thing. Ma Li then asked: "Everyone knows that Mr. Jackson is very interested in acting in movies. I don't know, Mr. Jackson himself also participated in the movie Fast and Furious. Next, does Mr. Jackson intend to enter Hollywood? ?" Tony shrugged and said, "Well, it's hard to say. Jackson's cameo in the movie Fast and Furious was a complete coincidence. It was Mr. Ye Ming's invitation that made Jackson agree to make a cameo.

Of course, Mr. Jackson himself is indeed interested in movies. As for entering Hollywood, this is an opportunity. If there are suitable opportunities and scripts, then maybe Mr. Jackson himself will be able to make movies. Everything is possible. "This answer is relatively general. If it is an answer like this from a mainland agent, then I guess the reporter will not be very willing. You have to say it carefully, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the reporter. Disrespectful.

But Tony is a Hollywood agent, and he is Jackson's agent. He is tall and tall. According to reporters, he is also the tallest agent among agents.

Therefore, although Tony's answer to this was that the reporter was not very satisfied, when it was like this, no one dared to say anything.

This is like saying that Xiaobei's daughter Xiaoqi went to Hong Kong City and peed on the streets. Some Hong Kong people criticized the Hong Kong government for not building enough public toilets. If it were a little girl from the mainland, then there would probably be some people in Hong Kong who would be able to say all kinds of disgusting things, and it would definitely involve some qualities or something. Anyway, that's how it is. Tony can answer some questions if he wants to. If he doesn't want to answer directly, there is no problem in being vague. This is also a question of his status in the entertainment industry.

After all, Tony was representing Jackson at this moment. Next came Yu Guo's question. Yu Guo stood up and said, "Mr. Ye, I heard that you have been filming the Fast and Furious movie in Hollywood recently. What we want to know is, is this movie right? What is your opinion? Do you think our Chinese audience will like this kind of road movie? It seems that there are not many Chinese road movies, and it is a relatively unpopular subject."

This is a fact. In fact, Chinese road movies are indeed an unpopular subject, and it is an extremely unpopular subject.

Under normal circumstances, that is, People on the Journey is one and Lao Zhao's Leaves Return to Their Roots is also one. Apart from these two, there are not many influential road movies.

Ye Ming nodded and said, "I actually considered this issue when I took over the filming of Fast and Furious. Hollywood is quite good at this type of movie. I also wanted to try a new type, so I agreed to cooperate. ." (To be continued)

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