Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,430 How to Stay in Hollywood

[Life is as vague as smoke, and it is impossible to win a laurel in the Toad Palace. But if you want to be magnanimous, you are not just wasting your good time. --Encouraging Learning】

Vin Diesel thought for a while and then said more confidently: "If the three of us think about this matter, we may not have any good thoughts. It is not that the three of us are not smart enough, but that we are living. Our perspectives are different. The three of us still look at the problem from the perspective of actors, or even from the perspective of a famous actor who is not very good. Isn’t this right?”

This question was more practical. After all, it was a yes. Michelle said without politeness at all: "This matter, actually, what I think is, on this point, we are It's possible for a third-tier actor to be shameless and move to the second-tier cast.

Just say it directly and you don’t have to indicate the actors. The three of us can hold on. "

Michelle was telling the truth, but not everyone could bear such a truth.

But Vin Diesel is the kind of man who can bend and stretch. He endures hardships but also enjoys glory, so even if she is asked to go to the street to sell department store products, he can still do it.

Can this be seen from his family's ancestral farm? His grandfather told him that if you can persist in working on the farm, then you can do any job in the world. Understand. You have to remember this. It is precisely like this that makes Vin Diesel cry.

No matter how difficult he encountered in Hollywood, he was still thinking about what his grandfather said, you can do it as a farmer, so when it comes to a problem like this, do you think there is anything else you can't do? ? It seems that this statement is indeed a truth. If you are a farmer, you can do it yourself. If you are a farmer, then Vin Diesel can persist in any job. Planting people.

Therefore, Michelle's blow is nothing to Vin Diesel. As for saying this to Jordana, at this point, at this time, it is no longer a problem. For example, at this time, Jordana did not regard acting as her lifelong career at all.

At least, on this issue, Jordana is not very willing to regard acting in movies as a lifelong job.

Therefore, if Michelle is like this, Jordana will not take it to heart. After all, at this time, he mainly wanted to go to school.

Vin Diesel shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is a fact. Have you ever thought about it? We have the opportunity to participate in the Fast and Furious movie. Although I heard that Universal Movies doesn't attach much importance to this movie, but you don't I can deny one thing, that is to say, people did invest money in this aspect. An investment of 50 million is considered a first-tier film in Hollywood.

If you include the car and advertising fees for this movie, the investment in this movie is about 80 to 90 million. Such an investment scale is considered relatively powerful among the first-tier companies. .

So for a movie like this, at a time like this, why do you want me to come to you? Even if Director Rob Cohen wants to find other A-list stars to be actors, it will be very easy. He has good relationships with many A-list stars.

But the result of this movie is that we; love starred in it. You haven't thought about this at all, right? "

Jordana is the kind of person who is always relatively calm. Regarding this issue, he actually said that he has thought about it very clearly. That is to say, on such a matter, , why the cast of The Fast and the Furious found themselves alive.

Therefore, Jordana immediately said: "I used twelve mathematical formulas to calculate this problem, and the answer I got is that the most likely thing is that this guy Ye Ming pointed out that we will star. This is also A question I heard from the crew.

As Morgan said, Rob Cohen actually wanted to use A-list actors at the beginning. At least the three leading actors needed to be A-list actors. This is also a guarantee for the box office.

But in this good time, Ye Ming is the one who really has the right to choose, and Ye Ming is also one of the investors. Therefore, under such past circumstances, it is Ye Ming's business to choose actors. .

Later, I also used mathematical formulas to calculate such a problem, which means that on such a matter, this problem was indeed Ye Ming's attention. "

Jordana is the kind of person who is relatively rational. She likes to make comparisons when something happens, and use mathematical formulas to calculate probabilities.

It's one of her favorite things.

However, Michelle did not say that she liked this calculation method very much, but said very definitely: "Is there anything else that needs to be calculated for this problem? This matter is actually clearly about Ye Mingding. Who doesn’t know about this crew?

For example, regarding the issue of the car stunt team, Bizarro Racing Team is actually the real family member of the crew, but with Ye Mingfa here, Ke Shouliang Racing Team will finally have a unified relationship with the crew. Therefore, it can be seen that Ye Ming's influence on the crew is greater than that of the director.

It's just that under normal circumstances, the matter does not involve Ye Ming, and Ye Ming rarely interferes in the crew's affairs.

But no one on the crew can deny Ye Ming's rights. It's like saying that Ye Ming decided on the starring role in such a matter.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the three of us are Ye Mingding.

As for why Ye Ming turned around, I don't know at this time. Jordana, please do the calculations. Didn't you say you are very good at calculations? "

Jordana is at least one of the best students in the United States, but she said very definitely: "I can calculate probability problems in mathematics, but in such a matter, it is not about yourself. It’s the kind of thing I think of as a prophet. I’m not a magician. If I can calculate it, then how about I go buy a lottery ticket.”

Naturally, there are some things that Jordana cannot calculate. Regarding such a question, in fact, Jordanna didn’t say that she hadn’t calculated why Ye Ming would find the three of them to star in Fast and Furious, but she really couldn’t figure it out. At this point, Qian Mian himself did the same. Rather helpless.

Therefore, at this time, Jordana was naturally a little unhappy when Michelle asked such questions.

Michelle said with a smile: "Actually, I know you don't have this ability, but I know what you don't know, because Ye Ming thinks that the three of us are the most suitable for this role. Maybe Ye Ming sees it. After reviewing our previous works, we think we are more suitable actors for the roles.

They are the kind of actors that exist in Hollywood legends who are born to exist for a certain type of role.

That's why we decided to cast the three of us as the leading actors against all the odds. In this case. Could it be that the two of you didn't notice anything? "

This is definitely a clue, and it's a relatively big clue.

Regarding such a question, Vin Diesel nodded and said: "That's what I said. In fact, I also mean this. On this point, what we need to consider is Ye Ming It's a matter of attitude.

We are not very famous, but Ye Ming considers the problem from the perspective of the crew and thinks that we are relatively suitable for this type of movie script. Therefore, at this time, he would go against all odds to find us.

In other words, now Ye Ming is actually looking at the problem from a different perspective than ours.

In such a situation, maybe we don’t know what we should do next. But if we are talking about a problem like this, the three of us really think about what we are going to do next, maybe we are not doing well enough, but at a time like this, we go to Ye Ming If so, you might be able to get a different answer.

After all, Ye Ming is a bystander. There is an old saying in China, that is, those in the middle are confused, but those on the outside are clear.

As a bystander, Ye Ming should be able to give us some different sword intentions. Therefore, regarding a matter like this, I actually think that we should go to Ye Ming and listen to what kind of sword intent this guy Ye Ming will give us. "

Vin Diesel himself is not very good at thinking about what he will do next. Therefore, he has thought about this question and it is actually more appropriate to ask two people. One is director Rob Cohen, but at this time Rob Cohen is busy in the post-production of the movie, so he won't have too much energy to solve these problems.

As for the other person, he is actually talking about this guy Ye Ming. Ye Ming is the star of Fast and Furious and the producer of Fast and Furious. Therefore, when looking at the problem, it means that there must be different perspectives to consider such an issue. This is almost certain.

Michelle's eyes also lit up and said: "Yes, let's go to Ye Ming. Ye Ming should have a different idea when looking at the problem. And the most important thing now is that it is said that Ye Ming has not yet Go back to China. If this guy left and went to China, then it will not be easy for us to find him in the future. "

Jordana smiled coldly and said: "Didn't Ye Ming say he wanted to develop in Hollywood? When he was filming, he also said that he would develop in a place like Hollywood. Why should I say that he wants to go to China? .”

Michelle rolled her eyes at Jordana and said, "Let me explain this to you clearly. In fact, it's because regarding this issue, he has his own show in China, which is said to be a singing one." The variety show is coming to an end.

Therefore, Ye Ming himself was not very good at renovating his subordinates, so he wanted to go and have a look. And it is said that Michael Jackson will also support this show.

Speaking of which, a program like this should be considered a relatively interesting one.

Ye Ming is going to focus on his own show. But I heard that Ye Ming is still in Hollywood and has not gone back. However, it is said that he is about to go back. "

Although Jordan was not very clear about Ye Ming's detailed itinerary, on a question like this, where he was roughly, Michelle was relatively clear. Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, what he said is quite categorical.

At this time, Michelle said simply: "What's the use of thinking about this? Just call him directly and ask him. Does any of you have Ye Ming's phone number?"

Does anyone have Ye Ming’s phone number? This question is indeed a question. To be honest, these four people were filming together. Therefore, when asked about such a question, they did not take the initiative to leave each other's phone numbers. One was At the beginning, everyone was not familiar with each other, and it was embarrassing to ask for their mobile phone numbers. Later, they became familiar with each other, and when everyone was busy filming, they were able to explain any problems they had to the other party. Therefore, it was of no use to use civilized mobile phone numbers. In this case, at this time, it means that there is no phone number left for each other.

Jordana said unhurriedly: "This problem is relatively easy to solve. We don't know. The director directs it. At this time, let's ask the director directly, or the drama coordinator Morgan. These two people must know Ye Ming What’s the phone number?”

This method is actually a good one, Vin Diesel immediately said: "If this is really the case, then we should not ask the director.

After all, the director is quite busy at this time. Now that the movie is in post-production, it is probably not easy to find a director at this time.

Go directly to Morgan. Morgan is a relatively easy-to-talk person. It would be easier to find him and ask for Ye Ming's number. "

Thinking about it, the director is still more like WeChat in the minds of the three of them. Therefore, if you want to ask this authoritative person, you have to hesitate.

But if you ask Morgan, the drama coordinator, it is relatively easy at this point. Morgan not only said that he has not been very busy recently, he is not usually so majestic, and he is also the kind of person who wears clothes that are approachable.

At least that's how it seems to Vin Diesel and others. (To be continued)

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