Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,425: Buy it to save worry

[The bright moon enters the autumn wind, and the wind follows the clouds. There should be no intention at present, where can I find old dreams - Thoughts]

Three million, this is for Ye Ming's sake. No matter what the result is, Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou are not very satisfied.

Zhang Yimou even muttered: "This is a price based on Ye Ming's face. If it is not based on Ye Ming's face in such a situation, then at this time, How much money did you say you would get?"

The words were spoken in Chinese. Therefore, Zhang Yimou was very relieved at this time. He thought that Raymond could not understand the Chinese language.

But I didn't expect that at this time, Raymond said with a very pure Beijing taste: "If it weren't for Ye Ming's sake, two million would really be a huge sum for a movie like yours. If you operate If it's not good, it's possible to lose money.

Therefore, this price can be regarded as the conscience price of Hollywood. If you ask someone else to do it, it is not impossible to give you a price of 150 yuan. "

Emotionally speaking, this Raymond is a Chinese expert. In many cases, people like Raymond are now more aware of the value of underlined movies in the West.

So they say that as long as you find good movies, Oudu will basically have a good year. This result actually made Zhang Yimou quite embarrassed. Unexpectedly, he thought that he would not be able to understand him, but his Beijing dialect was smoother than Zhang Yimou's own. but. This guy Raymond said he came here to do business, not to make enemies.

Therefore, at this time, Raymond said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, Director Zhang, you don't have to worry about anything, business is business, I understand this. As middlemen, if we say that we are not familiar with some Chinese culture, Even if I don't understand it well, it would be inappropriate for such a matter. Therefore, I am very proficient in Chinese language.

If you are unwilling to buy out, that doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. Let's cooperate. "

There are two options for this movie, one is to sell out, and the other is to cooperate. If the box office is high, then at this time, everyone will make money. But if we talk about cooperation, the movie box office is not very good, and the seller has to bear a certain loss. This is basically the same as what Ye Ming said.

Zhang Weiping thought for a while and said: "Maybe it is better for us to sell out. After all, we are talking about living. At this time, it is always impossible for us to send people to keep an eye on the box office in the United States. Therefore, I think it is better for us to sell out." A choice.”

Raymond was not anxious because Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou could not make up their minds. He was patient enough to wait for the result. Even if these two people don't sell in the end, it's not a big loss to Raymond. After all, now Raymond only wants to watch the clips, but he is not very interested in the whole movie and must win the top movie.

In fact, what Raymond cares about now is building a good relationship with Ye Ming. Ye Ming is the person who controls Huihuang.com and is the real Internet video boss. This position no one can surpass in a short time. Therefore, it is a very good choice to have a good relationship with Ye Ming now.

After all, it means that at this time, even if Lei Neng buys movies in the future, he will not only need to sell them to movie theaters, but also TV stations. Now there is an additional video website, but the video websites are actually owned by Huihuang.com, and the rest Those video websites are basically the same sub-sites supported by Huihuang.com.

Therefore, if we can build a good relationship with Ye Ming, it will be more convenient to sell movies to Huihuang.com in the future.

Therefore, at this moment, Raymond smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, I think it means that your two friends haven't really thought about this matter yet. How about we give them some time to think about this problem clearly before we talk about it?" Ye

Ming is just a middleman, not the real decision-maker, so he nodded when he saw this and said: "It's okay, or our friends haven't figured out how to cooperate, so give them more time to think about it. How about you guys can continue talking tomorrow? This matter may not be accomplished in one day."

Zhang Weiping seems unwilling to stay here and sell movies.

If we live in China, then he is a big boss in the entertainment industry. I don’t know how many little stars and actors are pursuing him. But in Hollywood, he is nothing. No one even opens their eyes to look at him and wants to shut him down. He was rejected. Therefore, in such a situation, his own confidence in himself was a little shaken.

I originally thought that when I was in China, I was very good at making a martial arts movie, and the Chinese government was very supportive of it, so I felt a little bit arrogant.

But in such a situation, in fact, in this matter, the hero Dong Ping transferred from abroad only had a buyout price of 2 million. This made Zhang Weiping a little unhappy. He wasted so much effort to come up with it. I have an international cast of heroes, and you actually said that you offered such a price. Are you saying you look down on me?

Therefore, Zhang Weiping believed that Dong Ping might actually have tampered with this matter. After all, he is a middleman, so if he is talking about getting a little kickback or something, this seems very normal to Chinese people, not to mention that Dong Ping is actually doing this himself, and the kickback must mean that he is getting very powerful, so , on such a matter, Zhang Weiping got excited and came over with Zhang Yimou.

I think with Zhang Yimou's international status, it shouldn't be difficult to sell this movie.

But the facts taught him a very profound lesson. In fact, at this time, Zhang Yimou almost said that he had forgotten one thing, that is to say, on such a thing, he should actually have remembered it, Western movies In fact, I still have a certain sense of contempt for Chinese movies, thinking that movies originated in the West. Therefore, in China, a backward place, if you want to catch up with China in terms of movies, you have to do something like this. , almost a question that says it is impossible to live.

Among them, Zhang Yimou, Akira Kurosawa, and Li Yin are already considered the top directors in the East.

But a few of them have been truly recognized by the West based on their ability. Kurosawa Akira, Zhang Yimou and Lao Chen basically all filmed the national suffering of their own countries. They catered to some people in the West who wanted to know something about the East. To them, the East was just as poor and backward as in the movies. of. But regarding such a good-looking issue, if it were really another movie, it would be hard to say.

The only one, Li Yin, is actually a Western director with yellow skin. He himself is actually a director trained by Westerners, and his success is also due to the rise of the Chinese film market. Westerners see China's huge bottom line. Ah Ying Market thought that there should be an oriental face representing the oriental voice, and that's how Li's success came about.

Didn’t you see, who are the investors behind Li Yi’s successful movies? They are all big capital from Hollywood, such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Columbia, etc. Anyway, Brokeback Mountain, Pi, etc., these are all from Hollywood. Big companies, Western capital predators.

Therefore, it is the Westerners who actually benefit. Li Bian's success can only be said to be the kind of success that Mr. Lu Xun said is rare and valuable. This is not a success that is very proud.

And it’s because the Chinese electronic music market has risen to a level that Hollywood can’t ignore. Even top Hollywood productions will usually edit a special version for China to play. Generally, this kind of version, Bingbing, Tiantian, etc. Characters such as soy sauce will appear. Hollywood later fawned over the Chinese audience. After all, the Chinese audience brought them huge box office. Hollywood’s capital only means to kneel down and lick the people they like, people who can bring them huge profits.

As for Zhang Weiping bringing Zhang Yimou out with a film shot by Chinese people, and expecting Westerners to open the door to welcome him, this is impossible. In fact, even if the movie is good and may bring considerable profits to Westerners, it will still be squeezed.

This is a rule of Westerners, to make maximum profits at the minimum cost.

Two million US dollars is an example. If Raymond hadn't wanted to make friends with Ye Mingde, he would have said that he would not give three million US dollars at this time. He had estimated the box office of this movie, and even if he gave him ten million, then There will be no loss, but if Raymond dares to give this money, it will break a rule of the Western entertainment industry. The Western entertainment industry's rule against the Eastern entertainment industry is to give one less profit if it can give one less profit.

Even Raymond, who wanted to have a good relationship with Ye Ming, had such an attitude. Regarding such a matter, what kind of attitude did the other Hollywood filmmakers Zhang Weiping met have? This is One can imagine.

Therefore, under such a situation, Zhang Weiping is actually unwilling to continue to stay in Hollywood.

He wanted to go back. In China, that was his real territory.

Therefore, when something like this came out, after Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou came out, he said with some emotion: "Director Zhang, before this matter came out, I was very ambitious. I thought that the movie Our Heroes would be a good one. You can't get it for 100 million, but you can get it for 80 to 90 million. When converted into US dollars, it actually costs about 20 million.

But I didn’t expect that the current situation has passed. People don’t look down on us at all. They simply look down on us. If we don’t talk about the consequences of this, it is impossible to think of it. Two million U.S. dollars, and some people offered more than one million U.S. dollars. This is what they came up with, and they didn't settle the score. Two million U.S. dollars is enough to do anything. We can't shoot even one-third of our movies. Do they vampires have the nerve to give us this price? At this time, we are still holding on to Ye Ming. Give us three million. Director Zhang, what do you think? In other words, at this time, we should buy it out or something? "

You can tell by being obedient. In fact, Zhang Weiping is quite decadent when it comes to things like this. He thinks that at such a time, he should go back.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou also thought about it and said: "This matter is really not our expertise. Although Dong Ping, an old boy, said that the kickbacks may be more, but the price of two million is considered relatively good. A pretty good price too.

As for three million, this price really surprised me. We have never encountered such a price.

Therefore, Mr. Zhang, if you want to sell it, I think it is good. As for the cooperation you mentioned, we don’t know much about Hollywood. I’ve heard that companies in Hollywood do falsified accounts and make movies lose money at the box office. They do this kind of bad thing. It was done very smoothly.

If this is the case, then at this time, our cooperation may suffer.

After all, I’m not very familiar with the Western entertainment industry, and I don’t have specialized talents keeping an eye on their company. Therefore, it’s impossible for us to cooperate with them on such a matter, otherwise we’ll be bought out by them. He even helped them count the money. This kind of thing has happened to our Chinese directors.

I have also encountered directors from Korea and Japan, and even from the West. Even their Western counterparts were fooled to death. Anyway, this kind of thing is quite troublesome.

According to my personal opinion, a direct sale is more appropriate. With less worries, more energy can be spent at home. Of course, this opinion is just my own suggestion. It is up to you, Mr. Zhang, to decide how to do it. "

Zhang Weiping himself couldn't decide. He was not the sole proprietor of this film, so he called and discussed it with the shareholders behind it.

In less than ten minutes, Zhang Weiping had already negotiated a result. At this time, Zhang Weiping came back and said: "Mr. Raymond, regarding this movie, I think we can talk about the next step of selling it out." Question. 3.5 million, this is a price that several of our shareholders have discussed and vaguely agreed upon. If you agree to such a price, then we will continue to discuss it. Otherwise, the matter will come to an end. That’s it for now.”

In fact, in this movie, Raymond said that he would not lose any money even if he gave 10 million yuan, but that is not what the entertainment industry does. Hollywood has its own rules.

Therefore, at this time, if Raymond dares to give 10 million, then from now on, he will say that he does not need to continue in the entertainment industry, but if he is given 3.5 million, this price is still within his ability. of one price. (To be continued)

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