Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,416 The capable Bruce Lee

[Humanity is full of love affairs, and it is difficult to fall asleep at night. Where the red candle is swaying, the moon is half full outside the window. The green grass rises from the cold dew, and each one is as round as a pearl. Lovesickness is like the frosty moon, illuminating the cold dream. --It’s half a month]

Although it is not certain whether you can go to Xie Dongna's new book launch conference, you should try your best to at least express your attitude. At this moment, Xie Dongna naturally understood that she was able to call Ke Shouliang because she felt that she and Ke Shouliang knew each other, and calling him could invite him to a large extent. If the relationship wasn't to a certain extent, then Xie Dongna wouldn't have spoken, otherwise it would be too shameful if she couldn't come when invited. For example, if Donna Xie invites Andy to come, then there is basically no need to think about such a thing, because she and Andy do not have such a relationship. But if at this time, Zhou Xingxing publishes his autobiography or something, and invites Andy to come, then the problem should probably be gone. As long as there is no problem with Andy's schedule, he will definitely go. This has a lot to do with the social circle. But now that Xie Dongna heard that Ke Shouliang was filming in the United States, she knew that this matter was more important to him. Ke Shouliang can say that he will definitely support him when he has time. This is already quite a face-saving gesture.

Therefore, Xie Dongna said without thinking: "Then I would like to thank Brother Hei. By the way, Brother Xiao Hei is filming with Ye Ming in the United States. Can Mr. Ye help me write two sentences for my new book and preface it?" I don’t dare to say it anymore, so I might as well ask him to write a couple of words of recommendation.” If you ask someone to write a preface to your book, it’s also very difficult to do something like this, and you don’t have a certain amount of friendship. , this is also difficult to do. Therefore, Xie Dongna did not think of asking Ye Ming to help write a preface for her new book. After all, given the quality of this book, it is estimated that Ye Ming would find it difficult to read. Since it is not pleasing to the eye, asking Ye Ming to write a preface would be asking for it. No fun anymore.

But if you ask Ye Ming to help write two sentences of recommendation on such a problem, then such a thing is still possible. Ke Shouliang was the kind of person who was very heroic. He really had nothing to say to his friends. Therefore, he patted his chest and said, "As for this matter, please pass the book to me first. I will ask Mr. Ye for help later." Let’s see if he can help you write a few sentences, but I can’t say that he will be able to help you.”

Fortunately, Ke Shouliang also knew that his relationship with Ye Ming was not that of a very familiar friend. Therefore, on such a question, he could not guarantee that he would be able to ask Ye Ming to help him write something, but he could bring Ye Ming, there must be no problem with this. In fact, Xie Dongna did not expect this result, so she was overjoyed.

She knows very well where her weaknesses are. This book of hers is basically written for her fans. Unless they are young people who are following the trend, it is difficult for others to calm down and read it. A book written by a model.

There is nothing wrong with a model saying that she is a vase and she is arrogant on the stage, but if she is writing a book, there seems to be a certain distance between her and the model. In other words, it is a trend now for models and celebrities to publish books. Otherwise, when it comes to such an issue, Xie Dongna would not hold meetings to publish books at all.

And even if it is this book, it was not written by herself. Instead, she dictated some things herself and asked others to edit and polish it. It can be regarded as her own autobiography.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether it would be able to capture Ye Ming's discernment by asking Ye Ming to write a few sentences for a book like this. Ye Ming is not just a star. In other words, he is also a best-selling author on such a thing. Just talking about the book "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty", Basically, it is enough for a writer to last a lifetime, not to mention, this is just a side job for Ye Ming, he is mainly an actor.

Therefore, it is really not that simple to ask him to write something. If Ke Shouliang can agree to help bring the book, then this is already a quite remarkable promise for such a problem.

Therefore, Xie Dongna is also very happy. If Ye Ming writes two sentences of recommendation for herself, then this book really has the potential to become a bestseller. Xie Dongna immediately heard: "Then there are more little black brothers. Come to Shanghai later and I will treat you to dinner."

Xie Dongna was also impatient and quickly sent the electronic version to the hotel's Internet address given by Ke Shouliang. At this moment, Sister Fang Fang walked in, followed by a young man, a very familiar face in the Asia-Pacific region, Ye Ming.

Ye Ming actually had to come. After all, this was China's stunt team, and it was invited by Ye Ming himself. At a time like this, Ye Ming himself had to say that he paid enough attention to Brother Xiaohei's team. Come. Otherwise, those Hollywood crew members would not take the people of Little Black Brother's team into their hearts.

When Ke Shouliang saw Ye Ming walking in, he immediately stood up and walked over. He said very politely: "Mr. Ye, Manager Fang, I didn't expect that you two are so busy that you would come over in person." Ke Shouliang himself is in the circle. People, therefore, understand very well how busy Ye Ming is at this time.

The Fast and the Furious has started shooting today, so Ye Ming, as the leading actor, will definitely be very busy at this time. Moreover, regarding such an issue, Ye Ming is also one of the investors of this movie, so there will be a lot of things for Ye Ming to be busy with. Even under such a situation, Ye Ming actually said that he would take time out to come with Sister Fang Fang, which was already quite a face-saving thing.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "It's great to have friends from far away. Brother Hei, you have traveled thousands of miles to come to Hollywood, so I naturally want to come and visit you. If you say you have encountered any difficulties in the future, If you can't find me with your neck ring, you can contact Sister Fang directly. We at Huihuang.com still have a certain status in Hollywood, so don't be afraid of trouble."

When Chinese people come to the United States, in fact, they basically live with the mentality that many people live with the mentality that it is better to do less than to do more.

But Ye Ming knows that in Hollywood. It is simply not suitable to live with such a mentality. If Xiao Hei Ge's stunt team really thinks like this, then it is difficult to say that it is possible to gain a foothold in Hollywood based on such a thing.

Brother Xiao Hei naturally knows the status of Huihui.com in Hollywood, or to be precise, he knows the status of Huihui.com in the entertainment industry.

This is the third media, after newspapers, movies and television, the real king of the third media exists. Therefore, Ye Ming is actually qualified to say such things. Brother Xiao Hei immediately said: "Thank you, Mr. Ye. If there is need, we will definitely ask Mr. Ye to help. Shouldn't Mr. Ye be filming at this time? We heard that today is the first day of filming for Fast and Furious. Why? How can you come to our place if you have time?"

This is also a strange thing for Ke Shouliang's other team members. After all, today is the opening ceremony of Fast and Furious, and a lot of media have been invited. At this time, Ye Ming should be busy filming on the crew. Whether it is as the protagonist of Fast and Furious, or as an investor in this movie at this time, Ye Ming should actually be on the set.

But looking at Ye Ming now, he is quite relaxed.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Originally, we were going to shoot some simple scenes to let everyone get familiar with each other and get used to our crew. But when the director saw the shooting at this time, the resulting shots did not have the charm of Fast and Furious. Watching The camera wasn't very suitable for his needs, so we stopped for half a day, and tomorrow we will find the Bizarro team and your team, so that we actors can truly experience the exciting feeling of speed and passion.

In fact, it just wants us to experience life and strive to be able to truly enter the drama. After all, our movie is a road movie. If you can't find this feeling at this time, then you won't be able to impress the audience in the film you shoot. Therefore, Xiao Hei, you guys have to show your unique skills tomorrow and don't let your colleagues in Hollywood look down on us Chinese people. "

What this said is actually to ask the people in Brother Xiao Hei’s team to work harder and not hide their secrets. This is actually a rule in Hollywood. If you are capable, you will naturally win the respect of others for doing such a thing.

Bruce Lee is an example. I dare not say how good Brother Long’s acting skills are, but Brother Long’s real kung fu is definitely sweeping across the West. He is a grandmaster-level existence in the sect. In ancient times, he was almost like Shaolin Bodhidharma. , a master of Wudang Zhang Sanfeng’s level.

No matter how good Brother Long's acting skills are, Brother Long defeated the Westerners first, and this is his real ability. Therefore, even though Brother Long has been trending for thirty or forty years now, in the West, when it comes to Chinese Kung Fu, The first thing that everyone thinks of is almost always Bruce Lee. Ke Shouliang was invited here. Although it was due to Ye Ming's factors, his own skills were also one-sided. If Ke Shouliang's team did not have the ability, even if Ye Ming invited the director to not use it, then Ye Ming would not be able to direct because of this skill. Replace it.

The key is that director Rob Cohen has seen some stunt shots of Ke Shouliang's team and knows that this team is a capable team, so he stayed as a substitute.

Otherwise, Ke Shouliang's team would probably not be qualified as a substitute. In Hollywood, don't think that it's so easy to be a substitute. If you don't have the points and real ability, it will be very difficult even if you want to be a substitute.

Ke Shouliang was an actor who started out as a dragon-tiger-lion dancer. Naturally, he knew what it felt like to be looked down upon if he had no ability. He immediately patted his chest and said, "Mr. Ye, don't worry, we will definitely show our full ability to let you People in Hollywood are really taking a look at what our team is capable of."

Ye Ming's actions like this are actually telling everyone that in a place like Hollywood, you must take it seriously and stop slacking off, otherwise, the opportunity you finally got may slip away. Hearing Ke Shouliang's assurance, he said that his goal had been achieved, so at this moment, he immediately nodded and said, "Just remember this, I hope to see your wonderful performance in the movie. As for this, you just have to know it in your own mind. You are all professionals. Therefore, I will not say anything else in this regard. This time, I am here to see if you have any questions. , I will definitely solve it if I can. If I can’t solve it, I will discuss it with the crew and try to find the best of both worlds. In addition, my second purpose this time is to have something to do with everyone’s physical examination yesterday. The physical examination is not for Everyone, whether it is you or the Bizarro Stunt Team, as long as you sign a contract with the crew, you must first go to a designated hospital for a comprehensive physical examination. This is an unspoken rule in Hollywood. Everyone It must be followed. Sister Fang Fang, please send the physical examination report to everyone."

This time the team came and was taken directly for a physical examination. Ye Ming also wanted to explain that this is not against you, but that all teams that cooperate with the crew are required to have a physical examination, so as to avoid any barriers among everyone, because this It's always bad if a little thing creates a barrier. Sister Fang Fang quickly took out the physical examination report and distributed it to everyone one by one. Only Ke Shouliang's share was in the hands of others.

These are naturally in English, and the test reports in the United States are naturally in English. However, there are not many people in Ke Shouliang's team who know English. The culture of these people is inherently limited. If they are highly educated people, At a time like this, it's probably hard to make a living in a stunt team.

Therefore, after this operation, the knowledge of other people in Ke Shouliang's team is actually limited. There is no problem in knowing Chinese characters, but if it is to know English, even speaking English is more difficult. At this time, If they are asked to read and understand those professional English hospital physical examination reports, then in such a matter, it is actually somewhat masculine. When it comes to driving and performing stunts, these team members are all experts, but when it comes to academic qualifications, it is indeed one of their shortcomings (to be continued)

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