Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1411: Are there no good people in the entertainment industry?

[Spring passes and autumn comes, cicadas are silent, and the remaining lotuses in the small courtyard are silhouetted against the shadow of the moon.

The frost chrysanthemums are moved here, covered with frost, and I raise my cup to drink, but I am not in the mood.

There is no spring color on the bluestone path, only one year old scenery can be seen.

The cold wind was not like last night. Fallen leaves all over the ground are full of farewell sentiments. --Autumn Moon Farewell】

When Schwarzenegger heard Ye Ming's answer, he was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Originally, I was worried about whether I would be suitable to work in Hollywood. After all, some of the culture in Hollywood is different from China's etiquette country. It's completely different. We don't pay attention to any interests here, as long as we pay attention to one thing, performance, performance, performance. If you want to gain a foothold in Hollywood, then you only need to pay attention to one thing, that is, you must abide by the contract. If you are not allowed If it doesn't violate the contract, then as long as you don't let anyone know about it at this time, then it's not a big deal. After all, on this point, the United States speaks with evidence. People are humble. Invincible, I admire your current style very much. By the way, I will run for governor soon. Don’t forget to help me stand up later. I also count on you to help me win some Chinese votes."

Schwarzenegger was able to say something like this before getting in the car, which shows that he admires Ye Ming very much. Otherwise, he would not have said these words so sincerely. It is not that there are no good people in the entertainment industry, but to be a good person in the entertainment industry, you must have sufficient status. If you want to be a good person without the status of a pig or a dog, the only possibility is to be stepped on by others.

Therefore, if you want to be a good person in Hollywood, there is no problem. You must be a top star. It is best to be in the 20 million salary club. Only those who have at least three immortal works at the bottom are qualified to say Go be a good person in Hollywood. Otherwise, these people will just become shooting stars among the many stars in Hollywood.

Ye Ming is obviously not one of those pedantic celebrities who just say they have learned Chinese etiquette. He has also learned the Chinese thick and black learning to a very profound level. The relationship between any people, let alone a relationship of interest, is not a relationship of interest, but people who are not of the same level cannot become true friends.

Rob Cohen stood there, looking at Schwarzenegger who was walking away in shock, and said with emotion: "I really didn't expect you to invite this guy Schwarzenegger over. I thought you were just talking, but I didn’t expect you to actually go this far. Even if you are looking for Universal, Schwarzenegger may not give you face at this critical time."

This is almost certain. Schwarzenegger's focus now is to run for California governor. Therefore, if Universal wants Schwarzenegger to play some role at this time, it will not be possible unless it offers an outrageous salary. I want to invite Schwarzenegger over. Even if it's a cameo, it's worth tens of millions. For Schwarzenegger, a mere tens of millions of dollars is more attractive. Or in a matter like this, the position of governor of California is even more attractive. It doesn't matter. Choice, Schwarzenegger knows how to choose.

Ye Ming didn't answer anything but just laughed and looked incomprehensible. But at this moment, Morgan took over and said: "Director, I think this is just because Ye Ming can help Schwarzenegger campaign. If it weren't for this relationship, then it would be possible for Schwarzenegger to come to our crew as a guest star." Sex is less than one ten thousandth. To put it bluntly, Schwarzenegger’s visit to our crew, I think, is a huge publicity and a great support for our crew.

But for her to convene, it may not be a very good help. I don’t believe you don’t know the promotional efforts of Huihuang.com, especially the use of forced pop-ups. "

Why did Schwarzenegger give Ye Ming face to help Ye Ming stand up, and also agreed to make a guest appearance in The Fast and the Furious? The main reason is that Ye Ming can help him run for California governor, and there is a better way to promote it online than Huihuang.com ?

The answer is no, so this is actually more of an exchange of interests.

Schwarzenegger was able to become friends with Ye Ming only because Ye Ming could help him run for governor. But this time, he has the support of the Kennedy family. If coupled with the publicity of Huihuang.com, the chance of winning is still very high. Coupled with Ye Ming's status among Chinese voters, there is absolutely no problem in winning over some Chinese in California.

This is a key reason why Schwarzenegger came.

As the co-ordinating screenwriter of Fast and Furious, Morgan actually has to take care of all aspects of the relationship. Therefore, he is very clear about how outrageous the mandatory pop-ups that Brilliance.com has done to help promote Fast and Furious. Recently, Because of the popularity of Fast and Furious, some fast food giants such as KFC, McDonald's, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi also have the habit of placing advertisements related to Fast and Furious. Although it is not five to six million, the number is large. Add up It’s also a pretty big number.

After all, these drinks and food are not cars, and they cannot always be photographed. Therefore, the advertising fees are relatively small. Of course, these giants are not fools. They know that they may lose money if they do this. After all, no one is optimistic about Fast and Furious.

But because on such an issue, the giant's plan is not to win something from Fast and Furious, but to build a good relationship with the other company. Ye Ming is not only the star of this movie, but also one of the investors. Therefore, if the Fast and Furious advertising fee is paid, it means supporting Ye Ming's work.

In the future, when giants like them come to Huihui.com to talk about things like pop-up advertisements and promotions, at least they have a relationship, not friends, but because they have worked together on the Fast and Furious crew, they have a certain cooperative relationship. In this case , then it is possible to be more careful during negotiations. Many giants value this forced pop-up advertisement.

Some websites in the United States have even accused Huihuang.com of forcing pop-up windows to be a monopoly overbearing clause and unreasonable and malicious competition. Whether this competition is malicious or not, in fact, people can tell at a glance. It is not harmful, but it is indeed a fact that it is forced to pop up.

However, at this time, Huihuang.com's powerful team of lawyers played a role. The team of Wall Street lawyers and Huihuang.com's advertising department also provided strong technical support to prove that they were just using their technological advantages for publicity. Technical advantages are not a monopoly. . The United States does not say that its technological advantages count as a monopoly.

Because the forced pop-up advertisements of Huihuang.com can be easily closed, it is because of this that Huihuang.com easily won the lawsuit.

This matter is completely insignificant to Ye Ming, since he is supported by a team of lawyers anyway. But this incident really proves that the pop-up advertisement of Huihuang.com is still a mandatory pop-up advertisement, and what a domineering means of publicity it is.

As the co-ordinating screenwriter of Fast and Furious, I am naturally very aware of the publicity effect of this kind.

The exchange of interests, although it sounds a bit silly, is actually very normal. If there is not enough interest support, why did Schwarzenegger come? Maybe Jackson came to help for the sake of his friends, but like If someone like Schwarzenegger doesn't have enough interests, it would be difficult for him to come.

This is also a key condition for becoming a superstar, especially a superstar.

In fact, Schwarzenegger was very worried at first whether Ye Ming would become a pedantic actor like most Chinese actors and didn't know how to work around it. But after hearing Ye Ming's theory that everyone should be finished together, he was Completely relieved.

If you are not shameless enough, it is impossible to gain a foothold in Hollywood. Of course, these have nothing to do with Vin Diesel and others. Maybe it was during the speed shot three that they reflected on what happened to Diesel and others, but now they don't have to consider this issue at all.

At such a time, Rob Cohen clapped his hands and called everyone together and said: "Very good, the press conference is now over. Now we have entered the shooting stage. I hope everyone will go all out to do their work." Okay. So, I’m going to shoot a few relatively simple shots today, and I hope everyone can get into the role of the call as soon as possible.”

This is actually a routine practice of the crew, so that everyone can integrate into a big family like the crew as soon as possible. It is actually wrong to say that there is no emotion when making movies and TV series. Sometimes, if a person spends enough time on the set of Premonition, he can be moved. For example, when Ye Ming was on the set of Huanzhugege, it was a relationship that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

Therefore, having filmed a movie together, in fact, there is a great chance for them to become good friends over something like this.

Among them, the most desirable thing about filming is the state of being in the play. Any actor, no matter what his performance style is, but when it comes to filming at this time, only the state of being in the play is very important. Amazingly consistent.

Actors of any type and performance style actually hope that the camera will enter the state of being in the scene when filming. However, as an actor, the last thing you want is to get into a state of drama.

This is difficult for laymen to understand. Isn’t it said that the shots taken during the filming are the best? That's right. Generally speaking, if an actor is in the scene, then the shot taken at this time will definitely be a very high-quality shot. Any shot of a scenic spot will definitely be in the scene. .

But for an actor, not all acting is a good thing, there are also some not so good things. For example, if you are involved in a problem like this, the footage will naturally be good, but after the shooting is completed, if you continue to be involved, then there may be some problems. questionable.

It is said, of course it is said, that when my brother Zhang Guorong was filming in [Alternate Space], he was a little bit into the drama. Some media in Hong Kong City suspected that my brother was into the drama and bumped into some unclean things, so he became depressed. He committed suicide by jumping off a building due to illness.

Although this matter is said to have no basis from the Association for Science and Technology, if this speculation is viewed by people in the industry, it may not be groundless. In fact, it is not just my brother who is depressed because of being involved in the drama, such as Chen Baolian, for example Speaking of Qiao Renliang, one of the later Allure Four Young Masters, the suicides of these people were suspected to be closely related to depression.

Xiao Cui also suffered from depression, but he was in a stable position. When he discovered the problem, he took sick leave from work and recuperated at home. He was treated by a professional doctor, and the danger was averted.

In such a high-intensity working environment like the entertainment industry, it would not be surprising at all if an actor suffers from depression. And if you can't get out in time after entering the play, problems will arise and it will not be an example of profit.

Therefore, entering the scene is a double-edged sword for actors. Some Yanyan enters the scene quickly and comes out quickly, but some actors enter the scene slowly and come out more difficult. These people are in the entertainment industry. If you don't prove it's suitable, it might be difficult to reach the top level.

Even a superstar like my brother may suffer from depression, let alone other ordinary actors.

Therefore, how to enter a play and how to emerge from a plot is very important to an actor in such a matter.

One of the things an actor has to do is actually very simple, that is, to get the actors in his crew into the play as soon as possible. As for how the actors come out after entering the play, this is not the director's concern. What the director wants is to capture the shots he needs as quickly as possible. As for the aftermath, it has nothing to do with the director.

Some things like this need to be solved by the actors themselves. In fact, such a thing will happen in the entertainment industry in the future, but in the entertainment industry in the future, such a thing that makes it difficult to get into and out of the show will not happen at all.

Because in a period of time in the future, people in the entertainment industry have already invented a way to easily get out of the drama. How an actor gets into the role requires talent and certain skills. Therefore, it is a matter of nature and nurture. In the future, the entertainment industry will not be able to help an actor get into the role as quickly as possible. He has to rely on himself. The ability comes into play.

But how an actor walks out of the plot of a play, such a method has been invented in the future. (To be continued)

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