Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,406 Super second-hand player

[The cold moon is like a hook, and the bright stars lock the sky. All the remaining red has fallen, and the frosty moon fills the sky and the road to the end of the world. The fishing fire is cold, and the river water is surrounded by the cold wind. A sigh, more times of cold and heat. --Frost sky and moonlit night]

In fact, at this time, some reporters were busy interviewing other crews in Hollywood. After all, in Hollywood, there is news about the crew every day. In Hollywood, there is not only the Fast and Furious crew, but also many other crews. , all kinds of news, these are all things that need attention.

Of course, today the Fast and Furious crew started shooting, and there were more reporters here. But in other crews, there were big-name stars, so there were also a lot of paparazzi paying attention.

But when they heard that the two superstars Schwarzenegger and Jackson were coming to the Fast and Furious crew at this time, all the reporters outside could not sit still and rushed to the scene directly, thinking Want to interview.

It’s not that the crew of Fast and Furious didn’t invite them before, but these reporters think that the biggest actor in the crew of Fast and Furious is just Ye Ming, who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, which is relatively famous. As for the other people, some paparazzi reporters at this time looked like they were just newcomers.

Whether it is Vin Diesel, Michelle, or Jordana, they are all newcomers. Only by breaking through the newcomer wall can it be possible to be truly recognized by Hollywood at this time. For these three actors, the opportunity to break through the newcomer wall is actually the movie Fast and Furious.

Therefore, many reporters did not pay attention to Fast and Furious at all. This is also the reason why people in Hollywood are generally not optimistic about the Fast and Furious crew.

One is that there are no big-name directors, and the other is that there are no big-name actors. The only one, Ye Ming, is not yet a front-line actor. Now Ye Ming cannot support a big Hollywood production. At least many Hollywood reporters now think that Ye Ming is not. It might support a major Hollywood production.

Moreover, although the investor in this movie is an investment and distribution name listed by Universal, at this time, it is to fool the fans and the public. These paparazzi in the entertainment industry are actually very clear in their hearts. The film has two laypersons, Madoff and Ye Ming, as the main investors.

Therefore, this is a layman, a newcomer, and Universal's last road movie failed. Naturally, no one will like this movie.

At this time, the movie "Fast and Furious" was able to attract so many reporters. In fact, many of them were because Ye Ming was from China. Didn't you see that about half of the reporters on the scene were from China?

Some of the remaining reporters are from all over the world, and some of the remaining reporters are American reporters. Even reporters from Playboy are here. You can imagine how high the level of this movie conference can be. .

Therefore, there are actually many reporters who are in other places in Hollywood. Even if they have received invitations, they have no intention of going to the Fast and Furious press conference. But after hearing that two superstars, Jackson and Schwarzenegger, had arrived at the press conference of the Fast and Furious crew, the remaining reporters rushed to the China Grand Theater as if they had been given blood.

Because the press conference of the Fast and Furious crew was held in that place. At the press conference, in fact, the press conference has just begun, and the reporter from Huihuang.com has just asked his first question.

Now this question, if Ye Ming comes to answer it, the answer is very accurate. After all, this matter is handled by Ye Ming, not just Schwarzenegger and Jackson; it is Ye Ming who handles it. In fact, at this time, please Two superstars here came to participate in the movie, which was also organized by Ye Ming.

But this question should be answered by the director. This is a convention in the entertainment industry, because after all, the director is the head of the family on the surface, and the one who speaks the truth on the set. Although people in Hollywood are actually very aware that there is not only one person on the crew who can suppress the director, and even if it stars a big name, it is not impossible to suppress the director.

Therefore, on an issue like this, it would be difficult for Ye Ming to steal the limelight from Robert Cohen.

Rob Cohen said calmly: "This question is actually something we will announce at the press conference of this opening ceremony. Mr. Schwarzenegger will play a cameo role in our movie. This is Definitely, but for the specific role, I think it would be better for Mr. Schwarzenegger himself to introduce it."

This is the brilliance of Rob Cohen. In fact, it would be normal for him to announce the role of Schwarzenegger himself. This is the right of a director. Under normal circumstances, no one will compete with the director for this right. Yes, even superstars will respect the director at this time. This is respect for the rules of the entertainment industry.

You can suppress the director on the set, but when it comes to a press conference, this is a public place, so you must give the director enough respect. No matter what kind of person you are, you must abide by this. , otherwise it will give people a feeling of frivolity and unruliness. But if the director himself asks the actors to introduce their characters, then this matter will not matter.

Moreover, Schwarzenegger is a superstar. If he were to introduce his role in person, he would be using Schwarzenegger's fame to promote his movie. This is where Rob Cohen is brilliant. He not only gives Schwarzenegger face, but also promotes his own movies, killing two birds with one stone.

If you can get to the point of being like Rob Cohen in Hollywood, then this person must not be a simple person.

Schwarzenegger took the microphone and said with a smile: "Actually, I really don't plan to participate in any movies now. As everyone knows, I will participate in this year's election for the governor of California. Therefore, during this period of time, , I will temporarily withdraw from the film industry and serve you in another way.

However, this guy Ye Ming actually threatened me, saying that if I didn't make a guest appearance, all my news would be blocked directly on the brilliant website at this time. You must know that I am now at a critical moment in the election campaign. As my friend Ye Ming, he actually has a hand in this. It really makes me very sad.

In a word, I will play a role in this movie, a small guest role, but I am forced to do so, and this is not my own wish. Of course, because this brilliant website will fully support my election, even Ye Ming said that it will use forced pop-ups to help me when necessary.

I think this is interesting enough. As for my role in the movie, Ye Ming said it right, I will give it to everyone in the form of a Christmas egg, and it will give everyone a surprise. The last word, this is the last film that I will temporarily retire from the film industry, but I will come back. "

Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for the position of governor of California this year. This fact is actually very clear to the reporters at the scene. In fact, it is precisely because the reporters at the scene are very clear about this. Therefore, Schwarzenegger is now I feel very curious to support the crew of Fast and Furious. And hearing Arnold's words like this, many reporters indeed felt it was a pity. Arnold is one of the top action stars in Hollywood. If the film industry does not have such a strong man, it will definitely be very lonely. And Stallone will probably be very lonely.

Of course, Arnold's last words really gave everyone confidence. The last words, I will come back.

This is a classic line from The Terminator. This line has become a Hollywood classic along with The Terminator. Now that Arnold Schwarzenegger said something like this at a press conference, it means that he will return to the film industry at some point, rather than actually quitting the film industry.

Although Schwarzenegger still hasn't said what kind of role he will play, in such a matter, as long as it is known that Schwarzenegger will appear in the movie, the result of such persistence is already said. It is worthy of a lot of reasons for die-hard fans of movies such as The Terminator, The Vampire, and Mouse and Dragon to go to the cinema to watch it.

This is actually the powerful appeal of a superstar. Even if it is said that this superstar only has one scene in the movie, then such a question will definitely attract his die-hard fans to go to the cinema. Ye Ming said with a smile: "That's a bit watery, I'm just trying to reason with Schwarzenegger, I don't mean any threat at all.

Maybe when we see Mr. Schwarzenegger in the future, we will call him the Governor. Let's thank the Governor for supporting our little crew. "

Ye Ming is also trying to lower the presence of his own crew. Anyway, no one in Hollywood would think highly of his crew. Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, he lowers his presence. When it comes time to explode, It will be like the volcano in Yellowstone Park, erupting with powerful force. Once such power erupts, it will be earth-shatteringly powerful.

At this time, Rob Cohen continued to introduce: "Thank you, Mr. Governor, for supporting us. Next we will introduce Jackson. Mr. Jackson will compose the theme song for our crew. As for what role Mr. Jackson will play in the movie , this is still under discussion, and everyone should listen to Mr. Jackson himself."

Let Schwarzenegger say it instead of Jackson, then this is obviously offending people. Therefore, Rob Cohen will not do such a thing. After all, it is about such an issue. , at this time, he has to achieve balance.

At this moment, Jackson also took the microphone and said: "I'm not saying that I was threatened, but I am saying that I have been too leisurely recently, because I am adjusting my body and trying to restore my body to its best condition, and then what? , sometime next year, I will hold a world tour, and all proceeds from the concert will be donated to help poor children in Africa and Latin American countries."

After saying this, there was a burst of applause. This matter is really in line with Jackson's character. After doing this, Jackson is satisfied that he has fallen behind again. He maintains the highest record of personal support for charitable foundations. This This is the historical responsibility of a superstar. At least this is what Jackson and other stars do.

He is a bigger star than Captain Deng of China, but he is very stingy. Speaking of participating in charity galas, he is indeed very enthusiastic, but when it comes to actually donating money, he is almost stingy. Of course, Captain Deng's wife may have been injured while doing charity work. This is also a reason. The queen once sponsored college students, but later caused a storm in the city. This news may be remembered by some fans.

After Jackson applauded, he looked around the scene and continued: "As for this movie, Ye Ming gave me the book first. I have also read the book. It is very good. I like it very much. It inspired me to create. , therefore, under such a situation, I agreed to compose a theme song for this movie.

As for what kind of role I will play in the movie, I really haven’t thought about this well. There are two or three roles that I am currently choosing. I strive to give everyone a satisfactory explanation. Don’t worry, I won’t be a scarecrow or an alien this time. I will play the role of an earthling. "

This thing also tells everyone that the theme song of Fast and Furious was not only composed by Jackson, but also that at this time, the movie also had a role of Jackson, although it may be that he was a part-timer like Schwarzenegger. But no matter how you say it, at this time, as long as you can see Jackson appear in the movie and hear Jackson's singing, for some people, it is already worth the money. price.

This press conference was indeed a big surprise for the reporters present. This was just the beginning of the press conference. The crew had already released two breaking news. Therefore, not only were there reporters People were coming from outside one after another, and some reporters on the scene were also looking forward to it at this time. They were looking forward to what kind of surprise Ye Ming would give everyone at this time.

Ye Ming, this guy, has really never disappointed anyone. From this moment on, everyone also has a feeling, maybe it means that at this time, the movie Fast and Furious is not as bad as everyone imagined, and maybe there is something to watch.

No matter what, even if it is for Schwarzenegger and Jackson, if you go to the cinema to watch it, it may be a very worthwhile thing. (To be continued)

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