Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1390: Everyone is very anxious

[I dreamed again of the happy events of the past, and the chrysanthemums matched the poetry with elegance. A poem that many people commented on, an unforgettable preface by another name. --Excerpts from Autumn Meng Yin]

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a relationship now or not. Even if there was a relationship before, she just terminated her contract with the company. At this time, the company will suppress her for at least half a year. This is also an unspoken rule in the entertainment industry. If the contract is not terminated peacefully, then in this case Regarding a question, at least the film and television company will secretly suppress the person who terminates the contract for half a year. If the relationship is too tense, then direct banning is not impossible.

Therefore, although Michelle and the company are not at too much of a quarrel at this time, it is impossible to terminate the contract peacefully. In addition, her former agent also complained about Michelle and wanted to suppress Michelle. Sher, that's normal.

Therefore, it is not easy for Michelle to get a role now. Many people from the Screen Actors Guild choose the remaining bit parts. Although the income is not too bad, it is basically precarious. For someone like her, For a slightly famous bit player, it is relatively rare for such a thing to happen.

After all, there are some famous extras. Generally speaking, in Hollywood there are anxious circles with relatively fixed incomes. These people are the reserve army of first- and second-tier actors. If there is a good role, then in For a problem like this, there is no problem at least entering the second line. And just like Michelle, in fact, it is not unreasonable to say that she is a third-tier actress, but her reputation has been suppressed to a very low level now.

Her income was precarious, which made her start to have doubts about her future. This was suppressed by the previous company, but now she understands it very well.

But Michelle had no choice. She came to the Avenue of Stars today just to relax. There was no work or any announcements today, and this also meant that Michelle had no income today. of.

If it were a matter like this, if she hadn't had some savings before, it would be hard for Michelle to think where she would end up.

In this regard, Michelle's experience is actually somewhat better than that of Vin Diesel. After all, at this time Michelle was only suppressed, not banned. The company suppressed Michelle at this time. In fact, It was also a warning to the monkeys, lest the company's actors would easily terminate their contracts with the company in the future. The company used to suppress Michelle to tell its actors that if they wanted to terminate their contracts, there would be no problem, but they would have to bear the company's wrath. But this suppression is just a suppression, not a ban. Michelle can still receive some notices such as supporting roles or magazine covers. With this income, there is no problem in maintaining a normal life.

Another point is that regarding a question like this, in fact, no matter how it is said, Michelle has the characteristic of a woman who is thoughtful and prepared for a rainy day. This is a common problem of ordinary women. Therefore, Michelle When Xie Er became famous, she also began to know how to save, which gave her some savings in her hands.

Therefore, even if Michelle does not have a job now, in such a matter, she will not be like Vin Diesel, unable to pay rent, unable to eat, and have to return to the farm to farm. Just when Michelle stood in front of the Mickey Mouse star and wanted to take a photo with her childhood Ouyang, the phone suddenly rang Jackson's classic song, Thriller.

A very classic song, the best-selling song in the world. This is also Jackson's most successful album.

Michelle actually likes Jackson's songs, especially this song. This is the kind of song that can see the light in the dark. This kind of tune is the kind of song that makes people happy after hearing it. A song with an uplifting feeling.

Although the MTV version of Jackson's song is that of a horror movie, the core of the song actually makes people work hard and not give up on themselves in the face of adversity. Therefore, this song is very similar to Michelle's current life experience.

Her cell phone has a ringtone like this. This mobile phone is owned by everyone in Hollywood. As long as you are in the entertainment industry, it is simply unimaginable to not have a mobile phone now. After all, in the entertainment industry, this is a place where you need to stay in touch at all times. If someone from the crew wanted to contact you for a performance, but couldn't contact you, then it would be a tragedy in such a situation.

After doing this once or twice, people will simply say they don’t want to play with you anymore. Therefore, it is very important to keep the phone open.

At this time, Michelle answered the phone, and a loud voice came from the other side of the phone and said: "Is this Miss Michelle?"

After receiving a positive reply, the voice immediately said: "Ms. Michelle, if I want to contact you, it is really not an easy task. I have already called you for no less than six times. I called ten times and didn’t get through once.”

Michelle immediately said: "I'm very sorry, sir. I went to a mountainous area two days ago to follow a film crew. When I got there, it was said that there was no signal at all. Therefore, if you want to find me, That simply means there is no possibility of contacting me. And now, I just came back from that crew and rushed to Hollywood."

The mobile phone signal in the United States is not available everywhere. If the place is too remote, then in such a matter, it means that there is no signal at all. This is not impossible.

The person on the phone seemed to agree with this explanation. The actor went to the mountainous area to film and there was no signal. This is not the first time that such a thing has happened in Hollywood, so it is normal for such a thing to happen. In addition, Michelle's current situation is not very good, so she will never not answer the phone on purpose.

Therefore, on the other side of the phone, he immediately changed the subject and said: "Let's not talk about it for now, Miss Michelle, I am Chris Morgan, the co-ordinating writer of the Fast and Furious series.

We have a role here, and the director thinks you are quite suitable. I hope, Miss Michelle, you can come and audition. "

In fact, there is no problem if the co-ordinating screenwriter is a screenwriter, but if he is not a screenwriter, there is not much of a problem. This is a very special thing. Generally, the production team has a chief screenwriter, which is similar to this. A role, and the co-ordinating screenwriter must naturally be someone from the screenwriting industry, but he has already said that he is not considering the details of the crew's plot, but that he is considering the overall framework of the movie, which means that he has control over the film. The whole direction. Some production crews do not have the role of co-ordinating screenwriter. In fact, it is not that there is no role, but the director has assumed the role of co-ordinating screenwriter, so there is no need for someone with this role.

Of course, Fast and Furious still needs such a character to exist. After all, the director cannot pay more attention to the plot. What the director needs to pay more attention to is the actors and the special effects shots in road movies. How to shoot these? This is a very effective way to attract audiences. Therefore, Chris Morgan is the screenwriter, but he is the coordinating screenwriter and is responsible for the plot issues of the entire crew.

Michelle was ecstatic. Now she had no choice. As long as there was a movie, it would be better than nothing. Fast and Furious, although Universal was not very optimistic about a movie like this. But that's a matter for Hollywood executives. As for actors, it's not a big deal.

When I appear in a movie, I will definitely get paid. Even if the movie is not released, the actors will be paid a certain amount. In this regard, Hollywood has done a very good job.

The Screen Actors Guild fully guarantees that every actor will receive sufficient pay on time. Otherwise, why should other actors join the Screen Actors Guild? Actors at different levels have to pay certain fees to the Screen Actors Guild every year.

For example, on this issue, no matter how you say it, actors are a vulnerable group to the crew, but if you are a member of the Screen Actors Guild, then Keen will not I'm worried that something will happen where I won't be paid for my role.

As long as you perform the role, you will definitely be able to get the salary as agreed in the contract. If a crew refuses to pay, no matter what the reason is for refusing to pay, the Screen Actors Guild will definitely take the crew to court. Yes, even if the crew is disbanded, there are still investors and film companies, anyway, the Screen Actors Guild can always find a suitable defendant.

Therefore, there is a very good phenomenon in Hollywood, that is, in such a matter, no matter what the situation is, generally no crew dares to deduct an actor's salary.

This is the benefit of being a ruthless actor. Of course, if it is stipulated in the contract, it is difficult to say. It would be better to say that if the movie is not released, it is impossible to receive full remuneration, or that the movie does not require remuneration, but does require box office dividends and so on. These are all based on the contract.

In the Actors Guild, the more famous an actor is, the higher the membership dues he has to pay. For example, it is normal for DiCaprio to have annual membership dues of hundreds of thousands. Because of the need to protect the rights and interests of these superstars, the cost of the Actors Guild is actually very high.

Of course, if you are a bit actor like Michelle, then at this time, the membership fee is only a few hundred dollars a year. To put it in perspective, the Screen Actors Guild is very understanding of such a thing. Those who rob the rich and give to the poor.

Yes, in fact, the maintenance cost of superstars is high. If you help a superstar fight a lawsuit, it is not impossible to say that it is more than ten times more difficult than an ordinary star. If a third-rate actor like Michelle has almost been reduced to a supporting role, then such a matter can basically be settled with a letter from a lawyer from the Screen Actors Guild, or even a phone call. matter. The crew didn't have a very strong background, and they basically said they didn't want to provoke the people from the Screen Actors Guild.

Therefore, Michelle is not worried about her remuneration at all. As long as she pays attention when signing the contract and doesn't fall into the trap, it won't be a big problem.

And speaking of something like this, the crew of Fast and Furious is also famous in Hollywood. After all, it invested 50 million in a major production, and this is also an A-level movie in Hollywood.

Therefore, at this time, Michelle had heard about a movie like Universal's more than once. As a producer, Alexander was also very famous in the industry. Investors Ye Ming and Madoff were not ordinary investors. of money.

Although everyone is not very optimistic about the prospects of this movie. But no matter how it is said, because of the endorsement of Ye Ming, Madoff, and Universal, at least this movie is very clear on one thing, that is, it is about such a thing. The crew of The Fast and the Furious is not short of money, and not just any money.

Michelle immediately said: "There is no problem, Mr. Morgan. I am honored to have the opportunity to join your crew. There is no problem when we audition. There has been no problem in the past two days."

As long as she has a job, it will be very helpful for Michelle in such a matter, and it will help her get out of this low point in her life. Therefore, at this time, if the crew of Fast and Furious actually extended an olive branch, Michelle would naturally not refuse it at this point.

Chris Morgan nodded and said: "Okay, if you have time, Miss Michelle, then you can come to our crew to audition this afternoon."

Now the crew of Fast and Furious needs time. As long as the actors are found, they can start shooting at any time. This is also an important reason why Chris Morgan and I are so anxious. In fact, it is not just about Morgan. This guy is anxious. Ye Ming is very anxious about such a thing. As the director, Rob Cohen is even more anxious.

After all, it is an actor like Michelle, an actor chosen by Ye Ming himself. Although at this time, Rob Cohen is more in favor of such a move, but if it can be said earlier, If you start shooting in a day, then at such a time, it is still something worth knowing. Therefore, Morgan said that the time was relatively tight. He had just found the role and invited the crew to audition in the afternoon. (To be continued)

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