Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,387 Propaganda Methods

The desolate autumn wind is lonely in autumn, and the autumn leaves are rolled up with much sadness. Inside the silver lantern screen window and the red curtain, a sigh startled the geese to leave. --Excerpt from "Autumn Dream Song".

Ye Ming joined Fast and Furious, and the conditions given by others were quite good. Why did Universal give Ye Ming a chance? One reason is that Ye Ming's acting skills and skills are both comparable to the needs of the composite starring. His acting skills are top-notch, at least in Hollywood. It can even be said that he has reached the level of Hollywood's 20 million salary club.

What Ye Ming needs now is to use a movie to prove himself and create an invincible golden body for himself. In fact, Ye Ming's acting skills have reached the important level of 1,200 yuan now. What he lacks is that he has used one movie to prove that he is the kind of actor who is qualified to hit the 20 million salary club.

In Hollywood, first-class actors actually have a relatively fixed routine to hit the 20 million salary club. For example, if a first-class actor stars in a blockbuster movie, then his salary for the blockbuster movie may be 200 to 300 million. Ten thousand. But once it is a big hit at the box office and a sequel to a big-selling movie is made, the salary of this first-class actor will be less than 10 million, usually around 7 to 8 million, and will never exceed 10 million. But if the sequel continues to be a hit, then at this time, this actor is qualified to hit the 20 million salary club.

In the third movie, the salary of this first-class actor will be around 15 million. This is the rhythm of becoming a god.

If this third movie can still be a hit at the box office, then the actor's salary has a chance to reach 20 million. Cheng Long will give an example. He has already proven his worth. Therefore, the first Rush Hour, The box office was 8 million U.S. dollars. Because of the success of the first film, his second film salary was 18 million U.S. dollars. But because the second film was indeed lower than expected, it’s not that it was unsuccessful, but it was better than everyone thought. was slightly worse, so the box office of the third film was only 15 million.

Of course, these are not counting his 15% share of the global box office.

This is Cheng Long. Cheng Long has already proven himself in Hollywood. He has laid the foundation for dozens of classic action films, so his second film can be priced at 18 million. If Rush Hour 2 can exceed Hollywood's expectations, the test is that the third Cheng Long will be able to cross the ranks of the 20 million box office club in one step.

But in the end, Cheng Long still didn't earn more than 20 million in salary. It can be seen that the 20 million salary club in Hollywood is not so easy to enter. As for Ye Ming, who is the fastest, he will have to watch the third installment of The Fast and the Furious to qualify for the 20 million salary club, and even the fourth installment is not impossible.

Status, this is a matter of status. Before Cheng Long starred in Rush Hour, there were already some Hollywood movies such as Cannonball Speed ​​released in Hollywood, and he was at the bottom of dozens of action movies. Therefore, Cheng Long is said to be the most popular after Bruce Lee. There is nothing wrong with this successful Eastern Kung Fu superstar.

He has the status to ask for eight million.

As for Ye Ming, there is Huihuang.com, which is also Ye Ming's status. For online promotion, he naturally relies on Ye Ming.

Why did Universal and Madoff agree to cooperate with Ye Ming so readily? The key is publicity other than acting. Ye Ming has used movies such as The Day After Tomorrow to prove that his acting skills are no problem, and with the publicity on Huihuang.com, the crew It can save at least three to five million in publicity costs, which is still a calculable cost, not to mention the intangible costs.

If Ye Ming stars in The Fast and the Furious, then Huihui.com will definitely work hard to support this movie. This is something that money can't buy. If you dare not promote a movie starring your own boss well, whose salary will you get? Do you still want to hang out on Huihuang.com?

Therefore, at this time, Alexander was absolutely sincere when he asked Ye Ming to help with publicity.

At this time, Ye Ming said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already thought of a way to promote the movie Fast and Furious. It is definitely a way of publicity that you have not thought of, and it will definitely be effective." Unexpected effect.”

This is the first movie that Ye Ming has starred in. Whether it can be successful, or whether it can be a huge success, is related to whether Ye Ming can successfully create his own invincible golden body. .

Therefore, Ye Ming is actually more concerned about whether this movie will be successful than others.

When Alexander heard this, he suddenly became interested. In fact, not only Alexander, but also Rob Cohen are very curious about this matter.

If it is talking about movies, it may mean that Ye Ming is not the most professional in it, but if it is talking about a technical issue like a website, especially a video website, then it means that Alexander and Rob Cohen If the two of them were put together, they would not be Ye Ming's opponent.

Ye Ming is definitely ahead of the world in terms of technology, otherwise it would be impossible to support a powerful video empire like Huihuang.com.

Alexander said happily: "I'm glad you can do it like this, but can you tell me what method Mr. Ye used? Internet publicity is a new method in the United States. , it still can’t keep up with traditional publicity.”

At this time, Rob Cohen also nodded and said: "That's right. Regarding this matter, in fact, a considerable part of the movie's promotion still depends on offline promotion. The proportion of online promotion cannot exceed offline promotion. .The whole of Hollywood is very aware of this."

This is of course for sure, and Ye Ming also knows that even in the United States, where the Internet is the most developed, under such a situation, Internet promotion of movies is actually just a local phenomenon. Therefore, when it comes to an issue like this, there is no problem in saying that online publicity cannot keep up with offline publicity.

Even Ye Ming had to admit this, so he nodded and said, "Of course, but online publicity is imperative. In the future, the importance of online publicity will reach a level you can't imagine. I heard The Fruit Company has already begun to develop smartphones, which are disruptive smartphones. I have seen their experimental mobile phone models, which are quite good and have disruptive designs. Steve Jobs is a genius in this regard, a super genius. Therefore, in the future, everyone A mobile phone can directly access the Internet. This proves that online promotion is becoming more and more important.

And now the propaganda that I think of is actually a kind of mandatory pop-up window. As long as you watch videos on Huihuang.com, there will be pop-ups promoting Fast and Furious movies. Users can close the pop-up window, but the next time they watch the video, the pop-up window will still be forced to appear. "

Pop-up promotion, a tactic that has since become popular, is a favorite method used by a certain Penguin company in China. But in the early 2000s, this was the early stage and development stage of the Internet's blowout era. Therefore, problems such as video pop-ups were still relatively rare, and they were not even mainstream.

Rob Cohen thought for a while and said: "Forced pop-up, it seems that this is a virus program. I forgot what the virus is called on the Internet. Anyway, I got caught once, and I kept getting pop-ups that didn't exist. Necessary pop-ups.

It seems to be a guided virus. Can this be used to promote our movie? "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "You have only a partial understanding of this matter. In fact, viruses also have two sides on such an issue. If the technology of some viruses is improved, it can be used for legitimate propaganda. Used. And the virus you keep popping up in the Northeast is not a boot virus, but a type of worm virus. There are now more than two hundred known worm viruses. It is difficult to say without knowing. In fact, boot viruses The earliest viruses were [Small Ball] and [Stone] written by the Pakistani brothers Basit and Amjit.

Well, to be precise, our current forced pop-ups are actually a type of boot virus. It is a castrated version of the boot virus. It basically does not take up much memory and is usually included in the software. And it will not be contagious, but it must be forced to pop up, which is considered a state consistent with the virus.

Therefore, strictly speaking, a pop-up window is actually a specific program that occurs under specific conditions. This is consistent with the characteristics of a virus. But as long as you make good use of it, forced pop-ups can also bring huge benefits to such a problem, and it means that for such a problem, pop-up windows will become more and more prosperous in the future. developed. "

In fact, it’s not just about prosperity. Pop-up windows are no longer considered a virus. There are several websites that have not used pop-up windows. If you say you don’t use pop-up windows when building a website, then you will be embarrassed to say hello to your colleagues about such a thing. Of course, this only appeared after the Internet developed to a certain stage. As for now, except for some nasty viruses, using pop-up windows to promote movies has definitely never happened before.

It can be said that Ye Ming adopted such a method for the first time.

However, Alexander and Rob Cohen still have not been able to truly feel the power of such a method. If they can truly feel the power of forced pop-up windows, then in such a matter, they will definitely be surprised how this small pop-up window can explode with such powerful power.

This is actually the advantage of technology. With the advantage of technology, in the hands of Ye Ming, Huihuang.com can continue to form crushing encounters, and Huihuang.com will always be the leader of video websites.

Alexander is a businessman. The essence of a businessman is to pursue the greatest interests. In fact, what is a virus or not? On such a question, Alexander will not care about this at all. What he cares about is the video network How to promote Fast and Furious to maximize the benefits of this movie. This is actually the most consistent goal among Ye Ming, Universal, and Madoff.

Therefore, Alexander immediately said: "It's useless for you to tell me if this virus is not a virus. Even if I have a virus on my computer, this is also the company's business. The company arranges the best anti-virus software to ensure some of our company's secrets." The files will not be stolen or infected with viruses." Any company will give top priority to ensuring its confidential documents, such as contracts, financial statements, etc.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "The most powerful anti-virus software in the world is not necessarily safe. The most powerful ones must be viruses. Viruses appear first, and then corresponding anti-virus software appears. Otherwise, those anti-virus software How do software companies make money?

Well, in fact, in this world, the most powerful software to prevent computer viruses is to not connect to the Internet, use unknown disks, etc. As long as it does not have any contact with the outside world, then this computer is the safest, otherwise everyone will There is no absolute guarantee that your computer will not be invaded by viruses. To be precise, as long as you are connected to the Internet, at such a time, there is actually a risk of being infected by viruses. Such a risk Anti-virus software can only reduce it, but it will never eliminate it. "

If anti-virus software is omnipotent, then how should anti-virus software companies make money? This is the most basic common sense question. Therefore, Alexander absolutely believes in the truth behind what Ye Ming said. The best way to prevent computer viruses is to physically isolate yourself from the Internet and avoid contact with unknown disks. In this way, the files on your computer are the safest.

Alexander shook his head and said: "This is not something I worry about. Universal has dedicated people responsible for such issues. In fact, what I think about most is how to promote Fast and Furious well. Since it is about this matter, Ye Sir, you already have a good solution, so I will wait for the effect of such a solution."

At this time, Ye Ming said with great confidence: "Don't worry, I still believe in the technology of Huihuang.com. Regarding this matter, I will give the Fast and Furious crew an unprecedented publicity method, so that everyone can maximize their Remember this movie. Regardless of whether you want to watch a movie or not, you will know that a movie like this exists.

This is one of the functions of Internet publicity. It is mandatory for you to know that as long as you surf the Internet and watch videos, you will definitely know the movie Fast and Furious. "

Mandatory, this is one of the biggest characteristics of computer viruses. Whether you like it or not, anyway, at this time, I am forced to pop up the promotional window of Fast and Furious. There is no reason to explain. (To be continued)

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