Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,381 Box Office Guarantee

Under the bright moon, all nine states miss their loved ones. Li Ren looks at the full moon, and the full moon shines on Li Ren. --[Mid-Autumn Moon Excerpt] Reid also noticed Ye Ming, this new rich man in China, the youngest billionaire, and a rich man who likes to act in movies.

But he is also an actor in Hollywood, an actor who has begun to develop in Hollywood. According to Ye Ming's current status, there is actually no need to do it like this.

After all, it is about his status. If it is about acting in movies and playing for fun, then there is no problem. For example, this guy Trump has made a guest appearance in some movies such as Home Alone. The eldest brother of Hong Kong City, Xiang Huaqiang, That was also the classic supporting role of Long Wu. Therefore, there are many rich people who act like a ticket, but people like Ye Ming have so much money that they can’t spend it all. But I still regard movies as my main job, which is very surprising.

therefore. In this case of Yanzi, Mr. Reid also noticed Ye Ming at first sight.

This time, the host of the bidding is director Rob Cohen. In fact, if it is replaced by a stage manager, there will be no problem. If it is replaced by Alexander, a producer, then it can be said. of. But because there were some problems with a film crew at Universal in the UK, Alexander was not just a producer of Fast and Furious, he was also a producer of other Universal films. And on this issue, no matter what it is, Fast and Furious has the least investment from Global, and most of it is invested by Ye Ming and Madoff. Therefore, Universal is not that concerned, but The film crew in the UK is the one that Universal really needs to care about at this time. That one is Universal’s biological son. If there are some problems with the son, then in such a matter, the people from Universal are naturally the first choice to occupy the space for the son.

therefore. Alexander basically said that there was no time to come. Therefore, when it comes to an issue like this, as the director, Rob Cohen can only serve as the host himself. If he were the stage manager, then if there is some kind of local problem at such a time, then this Things are going to get really bad.

Therefore, at a time like this, there is only one direct end for Rob Cohen. As the boss, Ye Ming has no possibility of ending up personally. After all, he is not only the leading actor, but also one of the investors. At this time, he should position himself correctly, otherwise, he will be criticized in the future.

Therefore, Rob Cohen stood on the podium and said very excitedly: "Everyone, let me introduce myself first. I am Rob Cohen, the director of the Fast and Furious crew. I guarantee here that this movie will definitely be the best." There is no way it will disappoint you, and I can guarantee it with a Christmas turkey."

This last sentence is a joke. After all, if bidding starts now, everyone will feel quite depressed. Therefore, in such a thing, Rob Cohen is also a master at adjusting the atmosphere. After all, he is a person of the level of a great director. It is very easy for Rob Cohen to control people's emotions. Now Ye Ming feels that under such a situation, Robert Cohen has found the right person to host the bidding. It seems like Rob Cohen has potential as a host.

At this moment, Toyoda Toyoda said very directly: "Director Cohen, I want to ask a question. What will happen if the box office of this movie is not very good? Does the crew have a way to deal with it?" This is the truth, that is to say, if it is said by a guy like Akira Toyoda who looks like an honest person, it will be more lethal. And, the point is, you can't be angry now either.

If you are angry with an honest person, your IQ will be in doubt. However, when asked such a question, in fact, if Rob Cohen said that in such a situation, it would be okay to push back forcefully. After all, Hollywood crews are tough, and most directors are more prickly. .

But after all, he is facing his own God of Wealth. These advertisers are investing money. Therefore, in such a situation, no matter what it is, Rob Cohen is the kind of person who needs to restrain his emotions. . At this time, Ye Ming gave him the principle of being low-key and doing things in a high-key manner. When you are a person, you can be low-key, but when you are doing things, it is better to be high-key.

After all, on an issue like this, the crew has the final say on the amount of advertising fees. Ye Ming has enough confidence, and enough confidence is what Rob Cohen said next: "Mr. Toyota's question is very practical. This is also an issue that our crew emphasizes, that is, it is good to be here. In any situation, no matter what it is, we must insist on serving customers. Everyone who comes to advertise for our crew is our customer, and we will definitely serve the customers of the crew well, so that Customers are satisfied. As for the box office, I think there is no reason for us not to be successful.

We are not an ordinary crew, but a very capable crew. In terms of theaters, we are responsible for Universal. Our movie is a movie that Universal supports. Therefore, as long as the box office on the first day is acceptable, Universal will add more screens. In this case , the box office will be higher and it will enter a virtuous cycle. As for the Internet, I don’t need to mention this. The Internet has the support of Mr. Ye Mingye and Huihuang.com. I think everyone is familiar with it, right?

As long as it is with the help of Huihuang.com, I dare say that there is basically no company that surpasses ours on the Internet.

After all, if you want to surpass us, you need to find a video company that surpasses Huihuang.com. At present, it seems that there is really no such company village on the earth. Therefore, in fact, no one dares to say that it is better than Huihuang.com.

To this point, Toyoda Akira is not very suspicious. After all, Huihuang.com is not only popular in the United States, but also has a very high traffic volume in RB. It is a website that cannot be offended. It is very impossible to offend a boss. Bin Ji offended Ye Ming and was directly banned.

Therefore, under such a situation, everyone actually saw for the first time how powerful Ye Ming was when he exploded. Therefore, there was no problem with the promotion of Huihuang.com on the Internet. From Rob Cohen's point of view, it would be impossible for a movie like this to actually lose money. At this time, Red, the guy from Dodge Company, raised his hand and said: "Director Cohen, what we want is not a slogan, what we want is a real answer. After all, we want real money and white films." Investment. Therefore, in a situation like this, we have the right to know what the result will be when our money is spent."

This is also a normal thing. Everyone will shout slogans and so on. Regarding such a question, in fact, no matter how it is said, at such a time, it is not wrong for advertisers to want to know this. . Reid, this guy, also has a very special status. Invitations to other companies did not receive any response at all, but here at Dodge, Dodge was able to send people to participate, which was already very honorable.

Therefore, Red said that in terms of identity, he is more special than people from Honda and other companies. It was precisely because of this that at this time, Red was able to further question the director without giving face to the crew. At this time, the director was a little hesitant. After all, on such a problem, it is estimated that no one else can truly guarantee the box office.

Even legendary directors such as Cameron and Spielberg cannot guarantee the box office of their films. A director as powerful as Spielberg cannot guarantee every one of his films. Movies can all have a good box office. Even Spielberg's movies are still some blockbusters. It’s just that for a legendary director like Spielberg, the later he gets, the less chance he has of making a splash. But that's definitely not to say there isn't any. Coppola is a legendary director with famous street movies.

Therefore, even if Rob Cohen wanted to accurately predict his box office, it would be impossible for him to do so. Because this is a big lie. You have no basis at all. You can talk about the box office. This is an unrealistic issue. Therefore, at this time, Rob Cohen did not even think about it and wanted to say: "I think the movie has not been filmed about this matter, so I may not be able to give you an accurate answer.

Maybe it means that after the movie comes out, I can give you an estimate of the box office, but now, our movie has not started shooting, and not all the actors have arrived. At this time I haven't seen any finished films, so I can't give you an accurate answer. But I think we will try our best to do our best. "

This is actually a blank check.

On such a question, in fact, this is the director’s official expression. But Reid obviously would not think that such an official answer would satisfy him. He said a little rudely: "At this time, we are actually here for the name of your crew, so we want to Knowing a more specific number, I think this matter is actually not a big deal. But it is a pity that your crew does not have the confidence to give me such an answer."

It can be seen that Reid is actually quite disappointed. After all, it is his chance to prove his credentials. If this opportunity fails, then there is actually no chance to turn around on such a problem. of. Not only was Reid very disappointed at this time, but even Hyundai, Honda and Toyota were relatively disappointed.

If Robert Cohen can give a rough figure this time, even if it is a rough figure that may not be accurate, then this can be considered a consolation for a question like this. But Rob Cohen said nothing like that. Maybe it means that Roboco II is a relatively cautious person, and he will not express his opinions casually on this matter.

Perhaps due to his status, he was unwilling to say anything more on this matter.

But advertisers are different, so the situation seems a bit awkward. Ye Ming felt a little uncomfortable when he saw such a question. This happened, and the bidding for the peer group was very harmful. Therefore, when it came to such a matter, Ye Ming suddenly stood up and said: " In fact, everyone should have confidence in us. I think if you ask a question like this and say that you don't have a high opinion of our crew, then you wouldn't be here.

At this time, I know that many people are not optimistic about our crew, but when it comes to this issue, we have a standard, that is, if the box office of our movie is less than 200 million, Half of the advertising fee will be refunded. If it is less than 100 million, then all the advertising fee will be refunded. But if it is more than 300 million, then you will have to add 20% of the share reward. If everyone agrees to such conditions, then we will have the basis to continue talking. "

Such a condition is a very good condition for everyone sitting here. Not many crews dare to do it like this, but Ye Ming's crew really dares to do it like this.

Regarding this matter, in fact, some questions are so simple. No matter how it is said, this matter makes it more clear, Ye Ming's confidence in this movie.

Of course, this is also a reason for these car dealers to pay. Everyone here is not a fool, so they all know that the money they spend must be worth it. If the advertiser is investing in a blockbuster movie, then they are not willing to do it for 100,000 yuan, but if it is said that at this time, the investment is 200 million, or even 300 million. As for a movie with a good box office, it is definitely a worthwhile investment in something like this.

Therefore, how much money these people invest actually depends on their views on the movie. The more you value speed and passion, the more money you will invest in such a thing. This matter is a condition put forward by Ye Ming who accurately grasped the weakness of human nature. Of course, he has confidence in the movie Fast and Furious. (To be continued)

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