Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,375 So what if you’re not willing to give in?

The beauty is like an autumn flower, which cannot be retained when the sun goes away. Once the soul flies away, the fragrant bones are buried in the green tomb. --[Mid-Autumn Festival Excerpt No. 6]

In other words, Avatar can crush Titanic at the box office, but that is a victory for inflation. Even if inflation is removed, it is a victory for industrial technology.

If Avatar did not have the support of 3D technology, it would definitely not be as good as Titanic, and it would not even be considered an average Hollywood movie. The storyline is mediocre and the core content is even more empty. Therefore, Avatar is a victory for industrial technology, but it is definitely not a victory for movies.

Who stars in Avatar? How many people know? But the starring roles of Titanic are Leonardo and Fei Wen. Most movie fans know this.

Therefore, Leonardo, who is called Little Plum by Chinese fans, is the luckiest actor in Hollywood in the past ten years. Vin Diesel is indeed very lucky. Even if he is not as good as Leonardo DiCaprio, he is almost there.

And those who are struggling with this issue are not only Fat Pooh, but also another director Highmore. You know, in the entertainment industry, generally speaking, a director of Hemmer's level will be banned if he As for an actor, at a time like this, few people would take the risk of using this actor. But now, Heimer has also received news that Vin Diesel has been hired by someone, and the person who hired him is the Fast and Furious crew.

This makes Heimer very unhappy. What kind of thing is this? If you use Vin Diesel at this time, isn't it a slap in the face? Where does this put my face? Don’t my colleagues in Hollywood laugh at me?

This made Heimer very confused. He complained to his friend Misu: "I really don't understand, there are so many actors in Hollywood, why does this bastard Rob Cohen have to use Vin Diesel?

To be honest, this guy's acting skills are okay, but his temper is not very good. It is difficult to control if you are not careful. I think an actor like this should go back to farming. "

In the eyes of many Americans, farming is actually a very unpromising profession. Although their boss, HSD, has been a farmer and farmed their own land, this does not prevent them from being discriminatory towards farming. . Therefore, if a person is asked to farm, it basically means that this person is a waste and can do nothing but farm.

This Haimo was able to say such words, which showed that he was very angry. Misu said with a smile: "Do you think it was Rob Cohen's action? It's impossible. I think you should get the news. It was Ye Ming's decision and it had nothing to do with Rob Cohen.

I have also worked with Rob Cohen. He seems to be a very cautious person. Although this kind of director is unlikely to have an impact on the legendary level of directors, no matter what, a director like this is very successful. Among first-class directors, they are definitely the kind whose output and quality are relatively stable.

The foundation of Hollywood was built by these directors. Aren't you also a director like this? "

In a place like Hollywood, the rules are very strange. In fact, when it comes to installation, the real foundation of foundations is first-class directors and first-class actors. This is the most important thing in the entire huge building of Hollywood. One ring.

Of course, the most dazzling ones are the legendary directors at the top and the big names in the 20 million salary club. But no matter how it is said, when it comes to such a thing, some things are actually relatively difficult to do. For example, shooting a classic movie may not necessarily appear in Hollywood in three to five years. Therefore, in fact, the real mainstream of Hollywood is first-class actors and first-class directors.

For example, Spielberg is fine, but Lucas is competing with Star Wars. Although Cameron's Titanic is a classic, after Titanic, Avatar took Cameron ten years to sharpen his sword. . This thing, if you make one movie every ten years, it’s a complete confession that Hollywood expects your support.

Therefore, in terms of self-installation, some problems are actually so simple. No matter how it is, first-class actors and first-class directors, the output and quality are relatively stable film talents. It's the foundation of Hollywood. Although they are not the most dazzling, they are indeed the most important.

Directors like Highmore and Rob Cohen all fall into this category of steady directors.

Misu has worked with both of them, so she has more say in the evaluation of these two people. Haimo thought for a while and realized that what Misu said was really like this. In such a situation, if it were not like this, it would be really difficult to explain this matter clearly.

Therefore, at this time, Haimo immediately said: "That's because Ye Ming is unkind. I have never provoked him. There is no enmity between us, but this guy actually said that he had activated Vin Diesel." As the second male lead, this makes me a little ugly. Ye Ming, this guy, is not a fuel-efficient guy."

Ye Ming is really not a fuel-efficient guy. Mi Su thought for a while and said: "Then what can be done? It doesn't mean that in such a situation, you can't go to Ye Ming to cause trouble." , Besides, even if you deliberately seek trouble for Ye Ming, then in such a process, you have no possibility of victory. Ye Ming's background is much more complicated than you imagined. Ross's Quantum Fund, Murdoch's News Corporation, and many financial oligarchs on Wall Street are all those who have a good relationship with Ye Ming. If you provoke these people, you don't have to hang out in Hollywood, or even say that in this situation Regarding my wife’s matter, you don’t have to hang out in Hollywood anymore.”

Although these words suddenly sounded harsh, they were definitely a conscientious comment. Misu really regarded Haimo as her friend, so she tried to dissuade Haimo at this critical moment. As long as Heimo dares to trouble Ye Ming on an issue like this, then it is not impossible to directly crush Northeast China on an issue like this.

In Hollywood, there are some people who can be offended, but there are some people who cannot be offended. These people definitely have crushing strength. Heimer thought about it carefully, and it really is such a problem. If It means that rashly seeking trouble for Ye Ming is almost the same as seeking death. Haimo himself can see this very clearly now.

Therefore, he finally hesitated before saying: "This really needs to be considered carefully. If there is really any difficulty, then we can talk about it later."

Strength, strength is the basis of everything. On this point, in fact, when you reach a position like Haimo, it is already very clear.

Compassion does not control soldiers, and righteousness does not control wealth. This point should actually be a philosophy of life that everyone in Hollywood should understand.

Highmore is not a passionate and impulsive young man. He has already passed the period of being passionate and impulsive. Now he is a calm director, a director who has finally climbed up. Therefore, at this time, everything he does must be considered. Gain and loss all at once.

If Rob Cohen offended him and hired Vin Diesel, then on such an issue, maybe Heimer would have a fight with Rob Cohen and make a big fuss. You, Robert Cohen, were not kind enough to break my blockade. No matter what, I always stand on the side of truth.

After all, to put it bluntly, Rob Cohen is almost on the same level as him, and there's no telling who can absolutely suppress the other. But if this person were replaced by Ye Ming, then Haimo would not have any possibility of victory, not even a little hope of victory.

When Ye Ming faced him, Haimo knew very well that he was not on the same level, but at an absolutely crushing level. Capital has always been bloody. Now that Ye Ming is willing to join the crew, it is because he wants to be an actor, so he came to Hollywood. Otherwise, he will be a capital tycoon and destroy Huangwang. He was not a good person. He fought a lawsuit with the White House. In the end, the White House compromised and reconciled with Ye Ming. This was definitely not something that Heimo could handle.

Therefore, now Haimer himself is also very helpless. This is a slap in the face, but this slap in the face is the same as having to compromise on such a thing. He is aggrieved. Haimer really feels He was very aggrieved. If he wasn't aggrieved, he would not complain to his friend Misu. Mi Su comforted him and said: "Actually, you don't have to worry about this matter at all. What level is Ye Ming? He is a capital tycoon. There is no shame in losing to such a person.

When Steve Jobs was kicked out of Apple, he also lost to capital. Didn't he make a comeback later? "

This is actually a situation. If you are losing to a heavyweight opponent, then it is not a big deal to be annoyed. But if it is a matter like this, being crushed by an opponent who is too powerful to compete. If you are pressed, you can be aggrieved or unwilling to accept something like this, but if you think about it carefully, there is really nothing to be aggrieved about. This guy Ye Ming is definitely a Hollywood capital tycoon. .

Although he himself is also an actor, and he is a good actor whose status is still not very good, and he does not even have an undefeated golden body, but his background is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary people. Thinking of this, Haimo nodded and said: "What you said is correct. There is really nothing that I can't think about on such a matter. I should keep a clear eye on such a matter and enable it as long as it is enabled, right?" "

Although he is still a little unwilling to give in, but now thinking about Ye Ming's choice of Vin Diesel, what can Heimo do even if he is unwilling to do so at this time? It is impossible to deal with Ye Ming directly, right?

He knew that he was not capable of such a thing, so he was not willing to give in, so he wanted to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Milan encouraged his friend and said: "Actually, you are not completely sad about such an issue. Although Ye Ming is a capital tycoon, he is indeed a newcomer when it comes to investing in movies. Hollywood is not It was so easy for him to think. He and Madoff were both capital tycoons, so what could be done?

Universal's previous road movie was a hit and it was a huge embarrassment. This time, if it doesn't succeed, it won't be the whole Universal family that will be embarrassed, but also Ye Ming and Madoff. Have you seen that even at this time, Universal is not very optimistic about this crew? Otherwise, it would not have involved Ye Ming and Madoff.

This is where Universal is smart. If it involves Ye Ming and Madoff, if Fast and Furious fails, Universal will be embarrassed, but it will definitely not lose much money. These days, which film company doesn't have blockbuster movies? This reputation doesn't have much impact on Universal. What shareholders want is profits. Therefore, I think this movie may not be a big hit or anything. To a large extent, it may not necessarily be because of a rush. "

Looking at this analysis now, it is really possible that this is the case. After all, the people at Universal are not fools. If the script of this movie is very favored by Universal, then in such a matter, Universal should be the majority shareholder, or it should be solely funded by itself to complete the film.

But now it seems that Universal is just a small shareholder, and the real investors are Ye Ming and Madoff. Although everyone does not know the specific investment ratio between Universal and Ye Ming-Madoff, Universal is certainly not the major shareholder.

After all, it means that Ye Ming now has the right to choose roles, which means that even if Ye Ming is not the largest shareholder in this movie, he is at least a larger shareholder than Universal. Otherwise, based on Universal's historically domineering character, there would be no way to leave such a matter of character selection to Ye Ming. On this point, some problems are actually that simple. The more money you get, the greater your rights.

Now it seems that Ye Ming has the right to choose roles, so the investment money must be more than Universal. Otherwise, it is impossible for Ye Ming to exercise the right to choose roles on such a problem.

It is even said that the director must listen to Ye Ming. This means that Ye Ming is now playing the role of investor. It is even said that on such an issue, Alexander, the investor of Fast and Furious, may be just a puppet. That’s all. Universal’s Alexander is just a name. (To be continued)

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