Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,373 Professional-level drag racing techniques

Gently follow the wind and swim with the emperor. The galaxy is playing chess together, and the chess of stars is in hand. --[Fourth of the Mid-Autumn Moon]

The racing car at the racing track is not a universal model produced by any car company, but a model customized by the racing track itself. The name of this car is Lightning. You can actually tell from the name what kind of characteristics a racing car like this has.

That's right, speed is speed, the speed of endless imagination. If the average person's speed is 160, it would be considered fast.

It's not impossible that there are two hundred people, either it's an experienced driver, or it's possible that the car is going downhill at high speed at an instantaneous speed. I feel that the speed of 240 is still the speed of a normal person, which is not sustainable for a long time. If you drive at this speed for a long time, most people will just speed up.

As for the experimental speed, the maximum speed of the Budiga Veyron is 400 per hour, but that is the experimental speed. The venue, tires, cars, etc. all have reached the limit. It is not the speed of normal life, but the laboratory. the data obtained. And it is said that this speed does not use a human driver, but an automatic driving device.

F1, basically this is the limit of ordinary cars. But for ordinary racing drivers, the maximum value of 300 per hour is really normal. This time, Ye Ming drove the Lightning. The longest straight lane was 1,320 meters, and the highest speed reached 390. This is basically the maximum speed of the drag racing party.

After seeing the recorder, even Bratt, the owner of the racing track, felt that this thing was so crazy. He shook his head and stared dumbfounded at the car that left like a red lightning, and sighed. : "This is simply unbelievable. In real life, some people can really drive at a speed of 390. This is definitely a surprising thing. If word spreads, it will definitely shock the whole world. From the racing world.”

Generally speaking, even in the F1 Grand Prix, the best speed is 360, but Ye Ming was able to drive 390 at this moment, which definitely set a record. Although the highest experimental speed can exceed 400, that is the experimental speed. It is the maximum speed limit that can only be obtained under absolute conditions.

This is not for reference at all. Therefore, the best speed that Ye Ming created this time can be said to be the highest speed of the drag racing party.

Rob Cohen said without thinking: "Mr. Bright, do you think this is a record-setting speed? If so, wouldn't Ye Ming be the fastest racing driver in the world? Such a result, It will be of great help to our film.”

This thing is definitely a selling point. If we can really grasp the selling point of such a promotion in such a thing, it will definitely be very helpful for the promotion of Fast and Furious.

As a director, you must pay great attention to this.

When Bright thought of this, he immediately said with great regret: "Here's the thing, the instruments at our site are some of the most advanced in the world, so there will be no mistakes in the results.

But the problem is that the speed that Ye Ming drove was not tested during the race. It was just a private action. Therefore, it will not be recognized by the International Automobile Association, and the official will not I admit this speed.

Only results obtained in competitions such as International Rallycross, F1, Honda Cup, etc. will be recognized internationally. This is almost the same as athletes' training results and competition results. "

Brett explained this, and Rob Cohen finally understood. For example, if there are swimmers who may break world records during training, it is impossible to be recognized for such a problem. . Only results obtained in internationally recognized competitions will be truly recognized.

Therefore, at this time, although Ye Ming's results are said to be record-breaking, they will never be recognized. Vin Diesel doesn't have a good feeling. Generally, if the car speed exceeds 280, the body of ordinary people will have some inappropriate reactions. If the speed exceeds 300, then it is not something that ordinary people can endure. That's it.

It's not about whether ordinary people can control the car when the car exceeds the speed of 300. Let's not talk about it. Even a person's body is difficult to adapt to such speed.

Only racing drivers who have undergone long-term training can truly withstand such a speed.

For ordinary people, there is no need to bear the speed of over 300 at this time. But the speed that Ye Ming drove reached the maximum speed of Sanbaijiu in an instant, which was simply not something that ordinary people could bear.

Even Vin Diesel's physical fitness at this time is better than that of ordinary people. Moreover, Vin Diesel also liked drag racing in the past, and he had some profound experience with this kind of extreme speed, but even if this was the case, at this moment Vin Diesel also felt that he was The five chapters and six internal organs felt like they were about to be vomited out, and the whole chest was turbulent, as if the meal he had eaten last night was about to be vomited out.

At this moment, Vin Diesel finally said that he was glad that he didn't have breakfast this morning. He just said that he ate a piece of bread to satisfy his hunger. Otherwise, he would definitely have vomited it all out at this time. It takes an average racing driver three minutes to cross the entire lane. It's not that easy to pass after you know that there are off-road trails here.

But Ye Ming took two minutes and thirteen seconds. This is definitely the championship result. This result means that even in the off-road vehicle field, Ye Ming's speed is not less than 200. What kind of result is this? Let's see. When he saw the records on the recorder, Bright was completely speechless. Ye Ming was a born racing driver. A person of this caliber should go racing no matter what.

But it is said that Ye Ming is a star, a Hollywood star, and the boss of the Hollywood Destroyer King. He is a real rich man. Acting for such a rich man can be regarded as a hobby. For example, President Reagan used to be an actor. It is normal for Schwarzenegger to continue to come back to film movies after becoming governor.

But it is almost impossible for a rich man and an actor to race a car. When racing started, it was called a death sport. Therefore, ordinary people are very comfortable watching racing cars, but if these people are allowed to truly experience the feeling of racing cars, then they will definitely not like racing cars.

Therefore, at this time, Bright was actually Feifeichang's regret. It was impossible for anyone like Ye Ming to become a racing driver.

But even Bright had to admit: "Cohen, congratulations, you have found a very good actor. Mr. Ye's driving skills are absolutely unmatched among Hollywood actors. Even if he is If a stuntman wants to achieve such a speed, it will take a long time of practice. But now, Mr. Ye has no warm-up at all and has directly achieved such a result in my racing track. There is no way to find the second one. Two people will replace Ye Ming."

A rich man's drag racing skills can reach this point, which made Brett feel very surprised, but made Vin Diesel feel very uncomfortable. After getting out of the car, Brett immediately squatted on the ground and vomited. Vomited.

His body is really not adapted to such a speed. If he had a choice, he would never choose to follow Ye Ming in racing. There is nothing wrong with him liking racing, but no matter how you put it, he likes racing, but he is not looking for death.

With Ye Ming's speed and turns like this, Vin Diesel felt that the speed of the car was definitely not less than 200 when turning. If he was not careful, the result would be a car crash and death. This result is a result that Vin Diesel would never have thought of no matter what.

Therefore, after vomiting, Vin Diesel can be regarded as a person with relatively good physical and mental qualities, and he quickly adjusted his condition.

He stood up and said: "Mr. Ye, to be honest, I have never felt so close to the God of Death, especially when turning, the moment when I am about to hit the corner, the breath of the God of Death hits my face. , I can even say that I feel the sharp blade of Death’s scythe on my neck.”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "This is speed and passion, the speed that can drive your adrenaline hormones to peak in an instant. Our movie is to capture the expressions at this speed. Diesel, I think, You should adapt to such a speed as soon as possible. If it means that you cannot adapt to this speed for a long time, then I can only say sorry. Of course, judging from your reaction now, I think it is still It’s relatively qualified, and I’ll probably get used to it after two more rides.”

What this means is basically the news that confirms that Vin Diesel has been admitted.

But at this moment, Rob Cohen hesitated before saying: "Looking at Vin Diesel's reaction, it seems that he is not very adaptable to your speed, Mr. Ye?"

This is to look at this issue from the perspective of ordinary people. I saw that Vin Diesel actually vomited into a mess after getting off the car. In such a good situation, I was not very optimistic about Vin Diesel. Of course Rob Cohen doesn’t mind wearing small shoes for him.

Ye Ming didn't say anything else, but pointed at Lightning and said, "Director, not everyone can adapt to a racing car like this. From what I saw, Vin Diesel's reaction was pretty good.

However, you are not satisfied now? If you are willing to give it a try, let's take a walk now. If you are able to walk and get out of the car, the decision is yours. "

At this speed, Vin Diesel just said that he vomited, which is indeed a relatively good result.

Rob Cohen was just joking. The real decision-maker is Ye Ming. Moreover, at a speed of 390 that exceeds the limit of the human body, Vin Diesel can still stand up without falling down. This is true. This is a good result.

At this moment, Rob Cohen had no intention of causing trouble for himself. He waved his hand quickly and said: "Forget it, I am an old man and I still want to live for two years. This kind of drag racing and competing with the god of death are still yours." It would be better for these young people to do it. As for me, I am a director, and what I am responsible for is how to shoot this movie.

As for stunt scenes like racing cars, they are performed by a professional stunt team, so don’t drag me into it. "

This means that I will not participate, and I will not engage in such things that are difficult for me. This kind of statement actually means that he agreed with Ye Ming's choice on the matter of self-installation. Vin Diesel has truly become an actor in Fast and Furious.

At this moment, Ye Ming nodded and said: "Don't worry, director, my vision is not wrong. Since I chose Vin Diesel, it means that this guy is qualified enough to star in this movie. Although It means that the difficulty may be temporary, but no matter how it is, miracles are also created in the ordinary. Before the miracle really breaks out, who on earth will know that it is a miracle?"

Yes, before the terracotta warriors and horses were unearthed, who would have known that Qin Shihuang would come up with this thing? Therefore, miracles are bound to happen.

For example, The Fast and the Furious is a rare and very good series of movies in Hollywood. If we insist on quality, it may be difficult to challenge the 007 series, but no matter how it is, it is still possible to challenge the Change of Hearts series. It's definitely possible.

Rob Cohen nodded and said: "I also hope there will be such a result. Vin Diesel, congratulations. From now on, you will be an actor in our Fast and Furious crew. Don't forget to sign the contract when you go back." one time.

By the way, if you don't have an agent now, it's best to find a good agency to represent you. In Hollywood, without the help of an agency, it's impossible to get into the front line. Your failure most likely means that you don't have the support of a good agent. "

These are all words of experience, the words of an experienced director. Rob Cohen is not the most famous director, but he is a well-informed director in Hollywood. What kind of thing have I never seen?

A good agent can help a star reach a higher level, but there are many examples of a poorly qualified agent ruining an actor's future. This is something that many newcomers will not do. Please note that this is not a good thing and you are irresponsible to yourself. (To be continued)

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