Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,341 I decide my territory

The setting sun shines slantingly, the river flows long, and the fireworks surround the green willows. The scenery remains the same as before. After parting ways back then, now I am traveling to my old place. Seeing things makes me sad, and tears flow down my face. Two rows of spring swallows are flowing in the spring rain on the early branches. The bright moon is sighing in the sky, but the youth is sad. --The words are sent home.

Ye Ming's words are very obvious, three million US dollars, are you kidding me?

These words surprised Akio Toyoda. Although Fast and Furious is a top-notch production in Hollywood, at this time, it doesn't mean that just because you say it is a top-notch production, it must have top-notch box office results.

Although in Asia now, whether it is Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, or Daewoo who doesn't know how to use tricks, or even China's new kid Bididi, they are all thinking about how to use speed and speed. Passionate collaboration.

That’s because Asian cars really need to appear in Hollywood movies. If top-level movies are guaranteed to have top box office scores, then the cars in such movies won’t be able to feature their Asian products. of.

For example, the most famous one is Transformers. In the West, no matter who acted or filmed this movie, everyone seems to be indifferent. Anyway, most people watch Transformers to see the Autobots. Transformation starts, not to watch the performances of the actors inside.

Therefore, this is a top-notch production and a top-notch box office guarantee. As long as the special effects can keep up, then on such a problem, the box office of Transformers will definitely not be bad.

But for a car like this, it is simply impossible to use a Honda, Toyota, Bididi, etc. Even if you use it, it will only flash by for a few seconds at most.

Because Transformers is a big IP in the West. It can be said that it is a household name and is known to everyone of all ages. Naturally, an Asian car cannot play the leading role in a movie like this.

Therefore, only people in Hollywood are not very optimistic about the Fast and Furious investment made by Ye Ming. Universal is too lazy to invest. The evaluation given by the Screenwriters Guild is also wait and see. What wait and see means is that the box office of this movie can be as high as I can't guarantee the degree of appearance.

Maybe you can make money, maybe you are more likely to lose money. It is precisely because Hollywood is not very optimistic about this movie. Top Western cars like Rolls-Royce simply don't like this movie, but Asian cars need it. Asian cars need a top-notch Hollywood production to promote their brands.

In other words, brushing your face in Hollywood can make you more famous.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is precisely for this reason that although this is a top-notch production that no one in Hollywood is very optimistic about, Honda and Toyota will still flock to this movie.

But it was precisely because this movie was not favored by everyone. Therefore, at this time, Akio Toyoda thought that he was quite sincere in giving three million U.S. dollars, but when he saw Ye Ming's expression on his hands, , it seems to mean that he is not very satisfied with such a thing, and it is not a general dissatisfaction, but a rather dissatisfied expression when it comes to such a problem.

At this moment, Toyoda Akio has also regained the essence of a businessman, cunning and calm. He must ensure that he has a clear head when negotiating.

In order to control his emotions, he didn't even eat breakfast today. He just wanted to remind himself that he must stay calm during negotiations, especially when facing a cunning and powerful businessman like Ye Ming.

At this moment, Akio Toyoda immediately said: "Mr. Ye, we are very sincere on such a condition. We have also learned about the movie Fast and Furious. Our colleagues in Hollywood seem to be very interested in such a movie. It’s not very promising, so for something like this, we have no way to guarantee the box office or anything like that. Three million US dollars has already shown our Toyota’s sincerity.”

This is what Akio Toyoda said in his heart. To be honest, giving three million is just for Ye Ming's sake. Ye Ming seems to have never failed since he started filming. It is precisely because of this Toyota Group He only gave three million, just to bet that Ye Ming would be right this time, but if he said that he would give more, then it seemed a bit impossible at this time.

In business, what matters is profit. If it is said that Transformers will become a partner of Toyota, let alone three million, ten million is no problem. But the problem is that for a top-notch movie like Transformers, people simply don’t care. I will seek cooperation with the Toyota Group.

Therefore, on a question like this, Fast and Furious has become a substitute choice. Since it is said that he has become a substitute, then on this issue, the price of a substitute, three million, is really not that small.

When Ye Ming heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. He was not optimistic about Fast and Furious. In fact, this is not the fault of the Toyota Group. In fact, not many people in Hollywood can be optimistic about Fast and Furious, even in Hollywood. Before Fast and Furious, Universal made a terrible road movie, which cast a shadow over whether Fast and Furious could succeed.

Ye Ming confidently said: "Box office, are you worried about the box office problem? You don't have to worry about this. Of course, if you are talking about cooperation, I will not hide it from you. I will not use any big-name stars for this movie. Although our funds are sufficient, neither I nor Madoff will have any problem guaranteeing an investment of 50 million.

But we won’t spend money to hire big stars, just hire a few second-tier stars. This time, I have chosen the four leading actors in the movie. This is already a condition that I and the people at Universal have agreed on.

When it comes to box office, what I can say is that once I take control of this movie, the box office of 200 million will be the minimum. This is a guarantee I give to my partners.

you say. I can guarantee that my movie will have a global box office of 200 million. You have three million, and you just want to cooperate with me. Do you think it’s possible?

Are you kidding me? What are you doing? "

Two hundred million, this box office is a huge shock to Toyoda Akio, four times the profit, although the producer should only have about one hundred million, but the doubled profit, This is also quite high.

Movies, if they are movies that can make money, then when it comes to a problem like this, investors just wait and count their money at home. So when he heard the box office of 200 million yuan, Toyoda Akio had to say that he was shocked.

He stammered: "Jun Ye, two, two hundred million, this, this matter is not something to be joked about. Do you think this movie that is not favored by Hollywood colleagues can have a box office of 200 million?" "

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said categorically: "Two hundred million, this is just a guaranteed box office. If we talk about such an issue, if the publicity and other aspects can keep up, then maybe It’s not certain that it will be higher. There is also a huge market in China. Do you think that with my appeal in China, it should not be difficult for a top Hollywood movie to have a box office of three to five billion? ?

If we talk about US dollars, it is not impossible to get 100 million in China. Including the box office of other countries in the world, 200 million is already a relatively conservative estimate. Otherwise, do you think that my money is too much to invest in other places, but it must be invested in movies? "

Yes, investing is meant to make money. No one would think of investing to lose money. Ye Ming naturally wanted to get a good return when he invested so much money. But the 200 million box office that Ye Ming mentioned still surprised Toyoda. Akio Toyoda immediately said: "Of course I don't mean this. According to Ye Jun's appeal, this matter is still very possible.

But you have to know that this matter must be approved by the board of directors. Although our Toyota family claims to control the board of directors, it does not mean that we alone have the final say. Even if we do advertising, we must give other directors a explained.

I can't guarantee whether they will believe this. "

This is also where Toyoda is shrewd. I won’t tell you that I don’t believe you. In fact, Toyoda still believes in Ye Ming’s appeal. After all, he is a superstar in the Asia-Pacific region. If the script is suitable and the cast is good, With a box office of three to five billion, this should not be difficult to achieve.

But for such a thing, the actual situation is whether the people on the board of directors will believe it, or whether other directors on Toyota's board of directors will believe it. This time's advertising is actually a gamble, betting that Ye Ming's movie will be a hit, but what if we lose money? No one can guarantee that their movie will make 100% money, right?

Ye Ming nodded very definitely and said: "Since I dare to say this, then naturally I will believe that this matter can really be achieved when it comes to such a question.

Are you worried about the box office issue? As for this matter, our cooperation is for a win-win situation. It is impossible for you to make Toyota a company like my uncle. I have asked the company to send invitation letters to several large automobile companies in the world. They came to the negotiation meeting to talk about cooperation. Since this movie is a road movie, it is impossible for one brand of car to appear.

Therefore, my idea is that there will be three to five car brands, each with a value of at least five million. This depends on what price your company will offer, and then your products will be treated according to the contract.

Of course, I also know that the outside world will not be optimistic about this movie, but since I dare to say this cooperation condition, I naturally have my own bargaining chip. I can write the box office guarantee into the contract. If I say that it cannot be achieved If the box office is 200 million, then at this time, we will be responsible for refunding 2 million. If the box office exceeds 200 million, you will have to pay a certain amount of additional bonus according to the proportion of the excess.

Of course, the cars inside will also be sponsored by companies like you. This must also be written in the contract. At least three cars of a brand must be sponsored, one for filming and two for backup. "

Akio Toyoda doesn't care about the latter conditions at all. Since he wants his car to appear in front of the camera, then in such a question, he must say that he will sponsor the car. This is a rule in the entertainment industry, Transformers Those prop cars are even said to be specially made by the company.

What Akio Toyoda cares about is what Ye Ming said before, the guaranteed box office. Can this be written in the contract? Akio Toyoda couldn't keep up with his thinking, so he immediately blurted out: "Can it really be written into the contract?"

If the guaranteed box office can really be written into the contract, then I believe the board of directors will not mind approving this advertising investment.

Ye Ming nodded and said confidently: "Of course there is no problem, but the price of five million is the bottom line. If your company is lower than this minimum price, then there is no need to attend my negotiation meeting here.

Well, I believe that people from your company will receive my invitation today. At that time, there will be a negotiation meeting in Hollywood. Not only you, but also big companies such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Rolls-Royce, etc. will be invited. But I will write about the guaranteed box office in the application letter. As for whether they will believe this guaranteed box office, you are beyond my control.

Only my true partners will enjoy the glory of Fast and Furious. At least that's the case for now. "Well, you can't waste much money on an invitation letter anyway. There's nothing wrong with sending one. Anyway, it's to say whether love will come or not. I've already sent it to you, so the opportunity is for you. Whether we cooperate or not is up to you. chosen.

As for whether anyone will believe Ye Ming's guaranteed box office performance, it's hard to say. Movies don’t have as much box office as you say.

Rather, it depends on a combination of factors. By writing this, whether others believe it or not, I also want those car companies to make a choice to see if they really support their movie.

After all, they will not be tempted by a tall and luxurious car like a BMW Rolls-Royce without certain conditions. In fact, even if such conditions are met, it is hard to say whether they will be tempted. It's hard to say whether they even sent someone to attend Ye Ming's negotiation meeting.

Akio Toyoda immediately vowed: "If this is the case, then I believe that our Toyota's sincerity is the greatest. Don't worry, Mr. Ye, I will attend your negotiation meeting on time. Thank you Mr. Ye for telling me in advance." I have this confidence, otherwise, I think Toyota will lose a good publicity opportunity." (To be continued)

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