Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1338: Burning all boats

Watch him build the building, watch it collapse.

The origin of this quote is from Kong Shangren’s Peach Blossom Fan. The original quote is “Seeing him building a Zhulou, watching him entertaining guests, watching his building collapse.” 】These three sentences of Lao Confucius basically explain the rise and fall of an empire.

Seeing him rise from Zhulou basically alludes to Zhu Yuanzhang gaining the whole world. Seeing him banquet guests, this is Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants vying for the throne. Anyway, it's like you fight me for fear that I will overthrow you, the winner is the emperor, and there is amnesty. It’s just the world, and his building collapsed before his eyes.

It is almost certain that the building of the Zhu Ming Dynasty collapsed. Lao Kong still had certain feelings for the Zhu Ming Dynasty. He was the kind of person who would definitely join the Heaven and Earth Society to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty if there was a chance to rebel.

Moreover, Lao Kong lost his official position, and his writing of The Peach Blossom Fan is a metaphor for rebelling against the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty, and yearning for the Zhu Ming Dynasty. Note, it is suspicion. It was this suspicion that made him lose his official position. Of course, if this thing didn't get him in directly, then he was lucky. When he was thrown out of control, Kangxi was not old enough to engage in so many literary inquisitions, and Emperor Qianlong, who liked to play with literary inquisitions, had not yet come out of his mother's womb.

If it had been during the Qianlong year, it is estimated that Lao Kongbie's direct victory might have been very large.

No dynasty lasts long, and changing dynasties is the eternal theme. At this point, Toyoda Akio is very much a member of the Toyota family. Not to mention it is precarious, but he is definitely not the type to completely control the situation in the Toyota Group.

The tragedy of the Honda family clearly warned Akio Toyoda.

Now the Honda family is at the stage of collapse. It is impossible for the Honda family to control the Honda Group now. The second-in-command is Takanobu Ito, not a member of the Honda family, let alone the first-in-command?

But now, the Toyota family can barely control the Toyota Group, but it is still in the stage of entertaining guests. It is not impossible for the building to collapse.

If we talk about such a problem, if Toyoda Akio can't find a way to save the situation, it is not impossible that his wealthy family will be exhausted in three generations. At this stage, Toyoda Akio can barely control the situation, but if it is If he doesn't work hard, what will happen to his children? Will they have to face the same situation as the current Honda family, such as the collapse of the building? Therefore, in fact, at this time, Akio Toyoda He is the one who is most worried about not being able to break the situation.

Zheng Eui-sun, who is also the second generation of rich people, does not have this sense of urgency. At least Zheng Mong-koo can control Hyundai Motor, and no one can challenge Zheng Mong-koo's position. Therefore, with Zheng Mong-koo's cultivation and support, Zheng Eui-sun can succeed more stably, or can he succeed At the stage of watching him entertain guests.

It is still quite far away from the stage where the building collapses. Therefore, Zheng Eixuan doesn't need to worry so much, but at this time, Toyoda Akio is more anxious.

Therefore, although I told the old fox Ito Takanobu that I would unite to deal with Zheng Eui-sun and the others, but at this time I completely believe Ito Takanobu's words, which is no different from seeking death. There are no complete enemies in the shopping mall. , there are no perfect friends, some only care about eternal interests.

Based on the relationship between Japan and South Korea, Akio Toyoda believes that there is little chance of Ito Takanobu and Chung Eui-sun joining forces. However, if it is an issue like this, Ito Takanobu and some automobile industries in the United States will join forces at this time. If so, then this matter is relatively possible.

Throw the Toyota Group aside, and then cooperate with American counterparts. One is able to attack the Toyota Group, and the other is able to hug the big thick legs of the United States. This is definitely what Takanobu Ito can do.

Even on such a matter, Toyoda Akio has once thought about this issue. If there is the right opportunity and the right people, he would not mind cooperating with the Americans to fight against bastards like Honda and Hyundai.

Therefore, in such a situation, Toyoda Akio had to plan carefully. He called his assistant Yuichi Inoue and said: "Inoue-kun, this time you are responsible for contacting Huihuang Film and Television and saying that I want to see you. Ye Ming. Also, remember, there are important things to talk about. Don’t do it in my personal name, use the name of our Toyota family."

This is where the Japanese strictly abide by the rules. Toyoda Akio is Yuichi Inoue’s boss. Therefore, what the boss said, Yuichi Inoue did directly. He will not be like Kang Jae-hoon. If you ask why, you won’t be as worried about being hacked as Yamamoto was. He has followed Akio Toyoda since graduating from college and is considered Akio Toyoda’s right-hand man.

Therefore, when Akio Toyoda asked him to do something, he would never ask why, because if Akio Toyoda could tell him, then in such a matter, Akio Toyoda would directly tell him why. Speak out.

If Akio Toyoda didn't say why, then Yuichi Inoue wouldn't even ask a question like this.

After all, there are many people in the Toyota Group who can help Akio Toyoda, and there is no problem with their loyalty and ability. I can become Akio Toyoda's assistant. One is that we are college classmates, have relatively compatible temperaments, and understand each other relatively well. This is my only advantage.

Therefore, if you want to stay with Akio Toyoda forever, then don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, and don’t go to the lobby if you don’t know what you shouldn’t know. If there is such a rule, then on such a question , which basically guarantees that you won’t make any big mistakes.

People like Toyoda Akio are relatively nostalgic. If it means that you have enough ability and don't do too much, then basically Akio Toyoda won't do it when it comes to such a problem. Are there any plans for substitution?

This time, Toyoda asked him to contact Ye Ming, so he contacted Ye Ming, indicating that Toyoda did not trust the reporter Yamamoto.

Moreover, it was said that when contacting Ye Ming on such an issue, Akio Toyoda would not be contacted in his own name, but in the name of the Toyota Group. This meant that he was afraid that Ye Ming would not pay much attention to such a matter. If it is said that the people on Ye Ming's side do not pay attention to this issue, it is hard to say whether Inoue Yuichi's invitation can be seen by Ye Ming.

Therefore, if you directly visit in the name of Toyota Group, people from Ye Ming Company will definitely pay great attention to such an issue. Toyota Group, even in the world, is also a long-established large group. .

Therefore, the invitations sent out by Toyota Group at this time can be delivered to Ye Ming in a standard manner.

As for whether Ye Ming will definitely meet him after seeing the invitation, this is a question that is difficult to explain clearly.

Or it depends on Ye Ming's own thoughts, whether he wants to see him or not. If he says he wants to see him, then there is no problem in meeting him. But if he doesn't want to meet you, he really doesn't want to meet him. He just wants to think about it. As for the issue of Fast and Furious, there is really some trouble with Yanzi.

But no matter what, the first thing is that this invitation is for Ye Ming's relatives to see. In this case, Toyoda Akio will have an important opportunity to discuss the issue with Ye Ming.

At this time, Akio Toyoda was also a little hesitant. This time was a test for him, or it could be said that this was a test for the Toyota family before he reached the top.

See if Toyoda Akio has the ability to handle big things and stay calm in times of crisis. This is a necessary condition for being a helmsman.

If Akio Toyoda can complete the task well this time, then in such a matter, he may be able to top the Toyota Group and become the boss of the Toyota Group.

In fact, he is now the default candidate for the boss in the Toyota family.

But this time, if he fails, it will almost mean that he will lose the opportunity to become the helm of Toyota Group.

The Toyota family is a big family. It is impossible for a big family to have only one candidate for the helm. There can only be one helmsman. But when it comes to candidates, then an ordinary big family will never have only one candidate. .

Therefore, Akio Toyoda is not the only candidate for the Toyota family. He is just saying that he is the one most likely to become the helm of the Toyota family, not the only one.

Therefore, when doing this, he always has to be careful. If he is not careful, he will bet his fortune, life, and future on this matter.

Because the main rivals of the Toyota family are Honda and Hyundai. If we change to global rivals, there are also some automobile companies in the United States and Europe, but the most important ones in Asia are Honda and Hyundai.

Honda Hyundai has come this time. I don’t know how many European and American countries will come, but I can say for sure that there will be people coming.

Therefore, this is an exercise for future heirs. Not only the Toyota family, but also the Hyundai Zheng family and the Honda Group's board of directors all have such a plan.

The difference is that everyone only understands it tacitly, but although everyone is doing it in secret, there are always moments when the bayonet is seen.

The key now is to see who loses composure first and who is exposed first.

Therefore, Toyoda Akio has to be careful. If he is not careful, he will be overtaken by others.

Therefore, at this moment, Toyoda Akio made a call: "Father, tell me, what should I do?"

A low voice came from the other side of the phone and said: "Where there is a will, things can come true. If you break the cauldron or sink the boat, one hundred and two Qin Pass will eventually belong to Chu; if you work hard, God will not let you down; if you work hard and taste courage, three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu."

The reason why Akio Toyoda said that he wanted to get rid of Takanobu Ito was because he didn't believe in Takanobu Ito very much, and he also didn't believe in the reporter's words very much.

After all, it is said that on a problem like this, the most powerful effect Yamamoto can have is to contact Ye Ming.

Whether it can be successful or not, no one dares to stand up and say this on their own. Ye Ming's temper is not easy to figure out.

And if it comes to a matter like this, it is not impossible for Ye Ming to think about the script or something.

The key now is to see what Ye Ming thinks and what he wants to do.

Ye Ming said to the outside world that he was preparing for Fast and Furious. In fact, this is not entirely an excuse. There is a certain truth in doing what you love and loving what you do.

Since you have chosen to be an actor, you must be dedicated. No actor succeeds by chance. Even Nicolas Cage, the Hollywood Oscar winner who is said to be a parallel actor, but before he became an actor, he had that perseverance His spirit is also incomparable to that of ordinary actors.

Any success is not a fluke, it requires ten times a hundred times of hard work and sweat.

You may not succeed if you work hard, but if you don't work hard, you will definitely not succeed.

Therefore, Ye Ming naturally understood this very well and chose Fast and Furious. This driving skill is very important. It is not an ordinary driving, but a professional driver, at least the kind of driver who can enter the F1 lane. . Therefore, Ye Ming rarely opened the ******** system this time. He had not used the ******** system for a long time.

But this time, he had to use it. Road movies have basically always been regarded as the exclusive domain of Western movies. It is like saying that the exclusive domain of Chinese movies in world movies is kung fu movies.

No matter how Hollywood shoots it, it is impossible to surpass our Chinese kung fu movies. This has nothing to do with the film industry and film technology.

Even if there are later 3D movies, the Kung Fu style shot in China is still far behind the Hollywood streets.

Therefore, Hollywood has an undisputed exclusive position in road movies.

Therefore, even though a Chinese star, such as the current Ye Ming, has been recognized by Hollywood, if he wants to perform well in a real road movie, it is not an easy task at this time. .

After all, it is about an issue like this: Westerners see white people, or even black people, playing major roles in Western road movies.

But if a Chinese, a yellow race, plays the leading role in a real Western road movie, then this is an unprecedented first time.

Bruce Lee swept through Hollywood. Ten, twenty, or even thirty years after his death, he still has a great influence on Western movies. It is believed that he found the right genre and made Kung Fu movies exclusive to China.

Therefore, now that Ye Ming said that he chose a road movie, when it comes to a question like this, he must have a belief in winning and must achieve a hundred and twenty points for this role. If Ye Ming achieves 100%, he may not be as popular as a white star who achieves 80%.

This movie can be said to be a failure.

Ye Ming must be said to have achieved 120 points, or even higher, so high that Westerners can't catch up. He used his own strength to make those media who saw Chinese people filming Western road movies shout that Chinese people are not good enough. Film critics and audiences have shut up. This is Ye Ming's real success. Otherwise, even if he gets a hundred percent score, from the perspective that he wants to use this series of movies to establish a reputation in Hollywood, then It was also a failure.

Therefore, Ye Ming knows this best. It is impossible for him to complete this task by himself.

Opening the ******** system, Ye Ming directly put forward his request [I want a movie prop, the type dedicated to car gods. I want my car driving skills to reach the level of car gods. Do you have any good props? 】

Yes, Ye Ming can't do it himself, but Ye Ming has a ********* system. Although he is suspected of cheating, if he has a backer and doesn't use it, he is a fool. With the ******** system, Ye Ming can sweep any racing driver, as long as the system has this prop.

As expected, the system quickly gave its answer. [The system provides two prop options, one is the Super Driver Card and the other is the Undefeated Throne Card. 】

This time, the system rarely provided two kinds of props. This made Ye Ming feel very surprised. The system has never been very generous. This time, it actually said that it provided two kinds of props. It was an unprecedented first time. ah.

Ye Ming immediately asked "What's the difference between these two props?" 】

There must be something different. Whether it's from the name of the prop or from the system's selfless character, Ye Ming believes that the difference between the two props should not be that big.

Sure enough, the system immediately said [Super Driver Card, which does not require any conditions and directly uses props, allowing the host to achieve driving skills at the level of a car god. However, in the actual driving process, super drivers may also make mistakes. There will be a certain chance of failure.

The Invincible Driver Card is a movie prop with zero failure probability produced in the future. Its use requires certain conditions. If the host wants to use the Invincible Driver Card, he needs to participate in the hell training mode provided by the system to activate the Invincible Driver Card.

After activation, the host can possess the skills of the Invincible Driver. No matter what the circumstances, the Invincible Driver Card will not fail and there is no chance of failure. Note that there is a certain probability of failure when participating in the Hell Training Mode to activate the Invincible Driver Card. After failure, the host permanently loses the chance of using the Invincible Driver Card. 】

Hearing this, Ye Ming immediately understood one thing. Good products are not cheap. In other words, they are cheap but not good. The super driver card is cheap and can directly become a super driver, but there is still a certain chance of failure when driving. .

But if it is possible to activate the undefeated car god card, then there is absolutely no chance of failure.

God's grace is like the sea, and God's power is like prison. God cannot fail and is perfect. Therefore, the undefeated God of Cars has no chance of failure. (To be continued)

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