Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,334 Don’t ask about things you shouldn’t know

Outside the city, there is a ten-mile pavilion with smoked willows, and the silhouette of Tu Su is reflected in the cup. It is the easiest time to say goodbye in the spring of March. Who will drift together in the east wind?

Everyone outside has their own compelling reasons. It is an inherent concept of Chinese people to leave their hometown and be humble. If there is no compelling reason, who would leave their hometown to work in a strange city.

One reason may be to get ahead and strive for a better future, or there may be a more sad reason why one has no choice but to leave his hometown and wander abroad.

Therefore, a group of people like this most need a spiritual sustenance, and such sustenance is very difficult to find. Maybe it is a movie, a TV series, or even an old song. Congratulations on everyone's homesickness.

And if a movie, a TV series, or even an old song can touch everyone's nerves, then a popular classic will be produced.

But if there is an idol for the whole people, and the idol is created, or even chosen by yourself, then would you like such an opportunity? The answer is yes, Super Girl gives everyone such an opportunity.

Now, when John was interviewing, he felt like he had met Satan. These people had different reasons for expressing their love for Supergirl. Some of them did not need any reason, such as the one who just borrowed Some of the female college students on his cell phone do so because their girlfriends like them, so they also like them.

Some people say that everyone likes you, and if you don't like it, you will appear to be out of the group. You need to have someone to talk to when you are with everyone.

For people like this, it doesn’t matter which Supergirl player you like. What’s important is that you have a Supergirl player you like. In this case, you can have something to talk about with everyone, otherwise you will be criticized by everyone. Isolated, for example, everyone is talking about Supergirl, and you are the only one talking about the war between the United States and Iraq, right? There is nothing to talk about, isn't it because the Americans see Saddam being disobedient and want to destroy this thing? My former little brother?

Supergirl has nothing to do with the Iraq War. This is what John doesn't understand the most. Therefore, the more interviews he did, the more John felt like he was confused. In such a matter, there are actually some problems that are quite troublesome. The reporter must get the answers from numerous interviews. Find the materials you need.

Almost every reporter will have a small notebook, which is necessary for interviews. You must comprehensively refine the interview data and turn it into the news materials you need.

The problem is that John is walking on Wangfujing Street and can't find any entry point at all. He feels that if he wants to continue the interview, he may have more questions about such a matter. Terrible things happen to you. Therefore, he decisively decided to stop this kind of interview that caused him to fall into misunderstandings.

But this interview does not mean that there is no reason at all. No matter what it is, from such an incident, he knows that Super Girl's influence in China is much greater than he imagined. , this is enough.

As a reporter, what you want is breaking news, and there is really no big need for anything else.

The New York Times reporter was lost on the streets of Beijing, and the Korean reporter Jiang Zaixun who came to interview Ye Ming at this time also seemed a little frightened.

When it comes to facing Director Guo Zaiyong, Jiang Zaiyun is not that nervous. Although Director Guo Zaiyong is also a first-class director in South Korea and is very famous, no matter what, Jiang Zaiyun is also a reporter for KBS TV station. When facing Guo Zaiyong, At that time, he had enough confidence.

Even if you are a famous director, no matter what, you still have to be interviewed by the TV station, and you expect the TV station to promote you, right? Therefore, when facing Guo Zairong, he had no psychological burden.

However, the person who came with Guo Zairong made Jiang Zaixun feel a little psychological burden, and it was not just as simple as saying that he had a psychological burden. At a time like this, he simply said that he didn't know how to deal with it in a dream. The situation in front of him was because the person in front of him was none other than Hyundai Motor's young boss, Zheng Eui-sun.

Chung Eui-sun is a true son of a wealthy family. I am Chung Mong-koo, the chairman of Hyundai Motor, and his grandfather is Chung Ju-young, who is known as a Korean legend. Jung Joo-young is a legend in the Korean business community.

How could Jiang Zaixun not be surprised when the grandson of such a person appeared in front of Jiang Zaixun.

Moreover, at such a time, Zheng Yixuan's arrival was so sudden. If there was some disclosure in advance, Jiang Zaixun could still be mentally prepared at this time. But now, this sudden arrival is indeed Jiang Zaixun was surprised.

Guo Zairong saw Jiang Zaixun's expression and said with a smile: "Reporter Jiang, are you shocked by this matter? Mr. Zheng actually has a last resort and must keep this trip a secret."

Zheng Yixuan said very politely: "Comparison. Reporter Jiang, things happened suddenly and caused trouble for you. I have to see Ye Ming as quickly as possible, and it's best not to let anyone outside People know that I want to see Ye Ming."

Jiang Zaixun naturally had nothing to say at this time. Guo Zairong was easy to talk to, but Zheng Yixuan was someone he couldn't afford to offend. In such a matter, if Jung Eui-sun can apologize to himself, it means that the other party has done his best. According to Jung Eui-sun's status in South Korea, if he does not apologize to himself, then no one will say anything.

But Zheng Eui-sun is very impeccable in his work. He knows that it is unnecessary for him to apologize to a reporter, and he has lost his identity. However, on such an issue, he still has to count on Jiang Jae-xun to handle things for him. Therefore, it is best not to It caused Jiang Zaixun some psychological burden. This time I come, but I can't make any mistakes.

Therefore, in order to let Jiang Zaixun do his best for him, Zheng Yixuan felt that it was very necessary to apologize at this time. It is very normal for a child from a rich family to speak human words when meeting people and tell ghosts when meeting ghosts.

Therefore, at this point, Zheng Yixuan apologized without hesitation. Jiang Zaixun looked a little flattered, and immediately said politely: "Mr. Zheng, you are joking. If you need me to do anything, I will do my best to do it.

Promise to do your best. But I have to say something first. This time I am here to interview Ye Ming, and this interview is not just for me. Journalists from Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, etc. are all here. .

However, the news we got is that Ye Ming is preparing for the next movie Fast and Furious, so there is no time to be interviewed by us now.

I just received a press release from Brilliant Film and Television. The remaining resources I have are not very many. Therefore, I am not sure whether I can help you with a matter like this. "

It is his duty to help Zheng Yixuan, and if he dares not to help, the leaders of the TV station will teach him how to behave in minutes after he returns.

Modern Korea is the pride of Korea. If its own people don’t help their own people, how can they succeed? Therefore, Jiang Zaixun actually agreed to such a thing without any hesitation.

At this time, Zheng Yixuan said immediately: "I also got the news. It is indeed not easy to see Ye Ming. If I were to visit him head-on, it would be easier to see Ye Ming. But at this time, If I really visit Ye Ming publicly, it will cause uproar in the city. In this case, it will have a very adverse impact on our Korean Hyundai. Once this matter is known to our opponents, Then when it comes to a problem like this, it’s quite troublesome.”

At this time, Jiang Zaixun felt a sudden realization. Yes, according to Zheng Yixuan's status, if he wanted to see Ye Ming, there would be absolutely no problem. Zheng Yixuan was not a reporter, but a rich man. And he is the kind of person who can inherit the family's automobile empire in the future.

Therefore, if a person like this wants to visit Ye Ming, there is absolutely no big problem. But why I recommended it through myself? It turned out to be because I didn’t want others to know and couldn’t make a big show of it.

After understanding the key, Jiang Zaixun finally felt a lot more comfortable at this moment. He nodded and said, "I can't guarantee that Mr. Zheng will be able to see Ye Ming, because after a few of us came, there was no one at all." I have met Ye Ming in person, let alone any interviews.

Therefore, I can only say that I will try again and I will try my best. I cannot guarantee whether I will succeed. "

At this time, Zheng Yixuan said that he just wanted to see Ye Ming as soon as possible, so he immediately said: "Reporter Jiang, just do your best. The rest is just to do your best and follow fate. But I think I still have a chance to visit Mr. Ye Ming went."

After Zheng Yixuan finished speaking, he exuded strong confidence. It is a kind of self-confidence of a person in a high position. If you have been in a high position for a long time, you must have such a strong self-confidence. This is a kind of mastery of the overall situation.

Having said that, Jiang Zaixun naturally has nothing to say. As for what Zheng Yi Xuan is looking for Ye Minghua, although Jiang Zaixun himself is also very curious, but as someone who has been in the entertainment industry for so many years Reporters understand one thing very well, that is, you can know some things if you should know them, and don’t ask a single word about things you shouldn’t know.

Journalists must abide by the journalistic self. Those who do not abide by the rules often end up very tragic.

Regarding such a matter, Zheng Yixuan just said that he wanted to contact Ye Ming and visit Ye Ming. As for why, since Zheng Yixuan didn't say it, Jiang Zaixun didn't ask, because it was not something he should know.

Thinking about this matter, if it is true that he can know this matter, then why did Zheng Yixuan come to China so mysteriously and contact Ye Ming through himself instead of visiting openly? Ye Ming.

Jiang Zaixun left very respectfully. There was no way to be disrespectful. In South Korea, even the president has to be very polite when facing the Zheng family, let alone a small reporter like him, even at this time Jiang Zaixun felt that he was lucky enough to have the opportunity to help Zheng Yi Xuan. Telling such a thing would definitely make other colleagues in the TV station envious. Such a good opportunity, That is definitely not something that can be encountered easily.

Although it is impossible to become Zheng Yixuan's friend by helping Zheng Yixuan this time, it is not bad to be able to be registered in front of Zheng Yixuan. This at least forges a friendship with Zheng Yixuan, right?

With this kind of relationship in the future, if the TV station sends someone to interview the Zheng family, then my chances will be much greater than that of ordinary reporters.

Being able to interview the Zheng family specifically is almost as good as being able to walk sideways among TV reporters.

If a person like this wants to be promoted or something, it will be done very quickly. In South Korea, there are basically two relatively popular correspondent majors. One is a reporter who interviews the Cheong Wa Dae, and the other is a reporter who interviews the Zheng family. issued.

These two types of reporters are also the ones who get promoted fastest in their units. It is even said that reporters who interview the Zheng family are more popular than those who interview the Blue House.

Therefore, Jiang Zaixun was very excited that he could do Zheng Yixuan a small favor at this time. Once this person's luck comes, it can be said that there is really no way to stop him.

Thinking about it carefully, this luck of mine also comes from Ye Ming. Last time I interviewed Ye Ming, Ye Ming almost offended the Korean Editors Association with his blabbering. Originally, he was sent this time. I resisted the idea of ​​interviewing Ye Ming, but the editor-in-chief mentioned him by name, saying that he had interviewed Ye Ming last time, and it was familiar to him every time.

Unexpectedly, although the interview with Ye Ming did not go smoothly, it turned out to be such a good benefit. This is more comfortable than winning a lottery ticket.

Anyway, Jiang Zaixun's heart is very nourishing now, and his resentment for not interviewing Ye Ming has been completely wiped away. (To be continued)

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