Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1331: Reporter with ulterior motives

Difficulties are not terrible. What is terrible is that in difficulties, you cannot see any hope. Of course, Peng Yu'er was not desperate. She could see hope. Therefore, she did not think there was anything terrible about such a thing.

And isn't it just to deal with Li Yuchun?

There is no psychological burden on this matter. Besides, even if something happened, wouldn't Roland still be there to support it? Even if Ye Ming really discovered this matter and really intervened in this matter, at this point, he would have to deal with Roland first. Therefore, she really had nothing to worry about.

However, this needs to wait. The match between Peng Yuer and Li Yuchun will not be held until the rematch is over. On Super Girl's side, there is a new executive director, and things are much more settled, and there are no longer so many messy things.

Super Girl's momentum is huge, and the ratings are still astonishing. Super Girl is a major topic that has attracted national attention. It is even said that this topic has become famous at home and abroad.

At this time, some foreign media wanted to interview Ye Ming. In this matter, the most familiar foreigner was Ye Ming, and Ye Ming was the founder of this program, so they naturally wanted to interview him.

American national television, Japan's Asahi Shimbun, and the British Reuters and other news media have begun to pay attention to Super Girl.

Sister Fang Fang even said that she had received a phone invitation and hoped to visit Ye Ming.

And this matter has also spread in the entertainment industry. Everyone has to sigh that Ye Ming is really good at playing. He doesn't make movies or sing, but he can still maintain such a strong exposure. In this On this point, it is really impossible for ordinary people to have such a big influence.

Even if other artists are trying their best to get into Hollywood and gain international fame, foreigners don't care at all. From the perspective of foreigners, among Chinese actors, only a few actors can be considered internationally famous. The popularity can be regarded as guaranteed by the international box office. And Ye Ming is the most powerful one recently.

Therefore, an interview that other actors may not even dream of getting, from Ye Ming's point of view, is just an interview invitation. In fact, it is not a big deal.

At least for a star like Ye Ming, it wouldn't be a big deal if these TV stations and media came to interview him. However, talking about this matter is only for Ye Ming himself. Others at Brilliant Film and Television did not have the guts to think like this.

It was even said that Sister Fang could not make a decision. What's more, when it comes to an issue like this, some things cannot be dealt with by simply agreeing or rejecting.

Regardless of whether it is agreement or rejection, Ye Ming is required to nod and tell what to do. In fact, Ye Ming is the most experienced in dealing with these international media.

Therefore, regarding such a matter, Ye Ming was actually quite depressed at this time.

He glanced at these invitations and said, "Super Girl just calmed down for a while, but things over there are actually getting uproar again. What are you doing with interviews?"

Sister Fang Fang said without thinking: "This is an opportunity to promote you. No matter how it is, in a matter like this, we must learn to take advantage of every opportunity, right? This is what you said Yes, you want to promote yourself and improve your reputation, isn’t that what you always think?”

Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's what I said, but some things are better handled coldly. If it's some news that concerns me, then it's not a big deal to be more high-profile at a time like this.

After all, regarding such an issue, I need to maintain my exposure as an artist, and my goal is now Hollywood. Therefore, it is helpful for these foreign media to interview me at this time.

But now this matter is not my business alone. When these reporters came to interview, one of them came for me. This is not wrong. Also, a very important point is that they want to interview Super Girl. This is the reason why I don’t want them to interview. "

Some things do not mean that the bigger the fame, the better. Note that this is the best thing to apply to Super Girl.

At this point, no matter how some issues are explained, Sister Fang Fang may not be very clear about it, but Ye Ming himself is very clear about what kind of mistakes Super Girl made to be banned. Voting by text message.

In fact, this is just a variety show, a variety show that is relatively popular among young people. However, once the matter is taken advantage of by someone with intentions, it gets involved in things that should not be involved.

If it involves the entertainment industry. Then there are some things that Mango TV cannot control. Therefore, the decline of Super Girl is not caused by one or two factors, nor is it a human factor, but a variety of factors involved.

Ye Ming knew what would happen to Super Girl later, but there were some things he didn't want to happen so early. Therefore, Ye Mingcai felt a little troubled when such a matter involved interviews with foreign media.

But Sister Fang Fang doesn’t think so. She thinks that at this time, this is actually an opportunity for Ye Ming, and it is a very powerful opportunity. To promote himself and increase his international reputation, that is definitely what Sister Fang Fang is most happy to do. See things.

On this point, Sister Fang Fang was unusually insistent: "Since this is good for your fame, so what? It can also help Super Girl gain international popularity, so as your Agent, I have to say that I recommend that you accept these interviews, even if you choose a few invitations from more important media at this time.

There are a lot of people in the entertainment industry who are envious of you. If they knew that you were worrying about how to avoid being interviewed, they would definitely hate you till the very end of their teeth. "

This is true. Ye Ming thinks it is nothing to accept an interview from international media, because Ye Ming seems to be used to interviews from domestic and international media.

But when it comes to Yanzi's affairs, there are some issues that other celebrities can't understand. After all, it means that on such an issue, Ye Ming knows some information very well, but Ye Ming will never say it out now, even to the other party, Sister Fang, there are some issues that cannot be said out.

Therefore, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Do you think our Super Girl needs international fame? Can our current players enter the international music scene?"

This question is really not easy for Sister Fang to answer. After all, Super Girl is a Chinese variety show, so she has never thought of such a question as to whether it wants to go international.

As for whether the Super Girl contestants are qualified to enter the international music scene under such circumstances, at least what Ye Ming said is correct. The current Super Girl contestants are still relatively naive, and the timing is wrong. , Therefore, it is almost impossible for Supergirl players to enter the international music scene.

Sister Fang Fang is relatively professional in this aspect, so she shook her head and said: "Even in Hong Kong, which is more closely integrated with international music, there are not many singers who have entered the international market, let alone the mainland.

As for those singers in Hong Kong City, they are said to be on a world tour. If they hold a concert in a foreign Chinatown or something, it is considered a world tour. This is considered to be a relatively well-off and superstar-level singer. Ordinary singers don't get such treatment at all.

If you want to make money in Hong Kong, then going to the mainland to hold a concert is the best choice. Internationally, no need to think about it. Therefore, our mainland singers generally do not want to go international, but you are an exception. Looking at it like this, Supergirl doesn’t need any international fame. "

Speaking of which, it is really not necessary. After all, there is a need only when there is a market. Even if the reputation of Super Girl is spread internationally, not many people will pay attention to such an issue.

Therefore, the more Sister Fang Fang talks, the less confident she becomes. There is really no way to solve this problem. The general trend is to go international, but now is the wrong time.

Ye Ming nodded immediately and said: "That's right, the time is not right, there is no need to be like this at this time.

Those reporters are all very arrogant people. They look down on China deep down. I hate people like this. If I accept their interview now, then I might go back. Of writing. "

With this attitude, Sister Fang Fang actually believed that Ye Ming would never accept the interview. Therefore, she said helplessly: "Since you have made up your mind not to accept the interview, what do you want to do now?" Well, these reporters cannot be dismissed casually.

If you refuse directly without a proper reason, they may stumbling upon you in the future. After all, you will be going to Hollywood by then, and you will spend a lot of time dealing with these media. "

As an agent, no matter what the situation is, you must always consider your own artists. This is what makes you a truly qualified agent. At this time, Sister Fang Fang is obviously a very qualified agent.

Ye Ming thought about it and said, "That means I'm very busy and have to think about the role. I'm going to star in Fast and Furious, so I have to think about one of the characters carefully.

And I want to practice my driving skills. After all, this is a road movie, and the investment is not small, so I can't handle the errands. So, I have to say put my heart and soul into preparation. Now there is no way to go and be interviewed. "

This reason is a very suitable one. In order to play a role well, some big stars in the West go to hospitals, orphanages, sweep the streets, etc. Anyway, these are all ways of experiencing life that are often used by people. Passed.

Therefore, if Ye Ming uses this reason to deal with everyone, it is nothing. After all, if Ye Ming starred in The Fast and the Furious, then almost everyone in the international entertainment circle is aware of such a thing, at least as a reporter in the media, it is impossible not to know about such a thing.

Therefore, this reason is a relatively suitable reason. Sister Fang Fang is relatively satisfied with this explanation, but she nodded and said: "We can fool this matter like this, no matter whether the reporters believe it or not , at least we gave a reasonable reason, and they didn’t dare to be too tough, but if they definitely want to interview you, they will definitely find an opportunity to ask you, and you can’t avoid it.”

If you want to interview a celebrity, especially if you don't have such a famous celebrity, there are many opportunities. Therefore, in this situation, even if Ye Ming escapes this time, there will be a next time, and a next time. Sister Fang Fang must also think clearly about these things for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming nodded and said: "I know, but let's deal with this matter first. What happens in the future will be opportunities. If we film Fast and Furious, we will also face these reporters. It will definitely be There will be reporters asking about Supergirl, but at that time, I will find other ways to deal with these reporters.

Now don’t make Super Girl seem like the whole world knows about it. Super Girl is China’s Super Girl, and it’s not a big deal internationally. "

Super Girl has such good ratings that its peers are jealous of it. If it gains international fame, wouldn't it mean that more people will hate this show?

Therefore, Ye Ming believed that at this time, accepting interviews from foreign reporters would do more good than harm. If it's Chinese reporters, or even Korean reporters, Ye Ming can influence them, but it's not easy for Japanese reporters to influence them. What's more, there are also journalists from the United States and Britain who are celebrating the holidays.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming felt that it would be a better choice for him to ignore these reporters.

Ye Ming will never forget such a thing as shooting the first bird. When you should be humble, sometimes you should be humble for the rest. If you don't seek death, you will not die. Ye Ming confesses this deeply. (To be continued)

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