Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,324 SMS Voting

The goggles are long and the rain is gone all night long. The flowers are falling and the rain is sighing at night. The ruthless flowers are about to fall away. There is no one who wants to drink.

On the streets now, many people are holding their mobile phones, sending text messages, directly following the progress of Supergirl, and supporting their favorite players.

And in the streets and alleys, the singing voice flowing out is Ye Ming's "I Believe". I believe that I am me, I believe in tomorrow, I believe that youth has no horizon...

Super Girl’s beliefs are actually contained in this song. Originally this song was very popular, but after the promotion of Super Girl, this song once again returned to everyone's attention.

The classic has never been far away again, and it is this type of situation. On the Mango Terrace, in the office of President Ou Yang, sitting across from him was Ye Ming. At this moment, President Ou Yang looked at the report in his hand and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm very happy to congratulate you. I didn't expect that there would be such good results. , regarding a matter like this, I personally thought that my estimate of this program was already high enough, but I didn’t expect that Super Girl would give us too many surprises.”

Ye Ming said with a smile: "If there are no problems in the middle, and the station cooperates well with our company, then at this time, the legend of Super Girl will still continue. By the way, let's talk about SMS voting. How's it going?"

On this issue, I actually initially thought about finding a company to vote for, transfer or linkage, etc. Anyway, one company succeeded.

But Ye Ming did not agree. If there is only one company, then in such a situation, it will be an absolute monopoly. If it is an absolute monopoly on such a thing, it is possible that it will escape Ye Ming's control. , Ye Ming will never agree to such a thing.

What's more, Yitong and Lianyong are both domineering state-owned enterprises, especially Yitong, which is absolutely arrogant. Therefore, in such a situation, if Mango Channel is only one of their companies, You may not be able to make money by participating.

That's right, voting by text message can also make money. Even though one vote only costs one dollar, the number of votes is too much. Now each player can send basically two to three hundred thousand text messages per issue without any problem. This is still the amount of one player. If you think about it cumulatively, this is a pretty impressive number.

Therefore, at this time, it is inevitable to make money on text messages.

Director Ouyang Yang nodded and said: "Your reminder is correct. Originally, we wanted to sign a strategic cooperation agreement with Yitong or Lianyungang, but these two companies, especially our main target, Yitong Tong, they definitely didn’t take us seriously. The share they gave us was only three cents per text message.

Later, we changed our strategy and invited all these companies to come over and discuss a result acceptable to both parties. At this point our split was nine to one. With this result, the people inside the station are already very satisfied. "

Nine to one, that is to say, under such a situation, companies like Shift and others make one yuan in text message fees, and at this time, Mango Channel will be paid a ten cent share. This is almost free money, and, from what it looks like now, it will be quite considerable in the finals.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Increase the share. Ten cents is too little, thirty cents. If it succeeds, we will re-sign the contract. If you are not willing to cooperate, just leave directly. You don't want to have people who are willing to sign a contract with us."

This is definitely a rhythm that offends people, and it is a rhythm that offends people to the point of death.

Sure enough, Mr. Ouyang's face changed, and he immediately gave a bitter smile and said, "Mr. Ye, can we not play like this? Sancheng, last time we went to Liangcheng, no one agreed. They may have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. How about Anyway, I only agreed to 10% under difficult circumstances, and I guess 30% is impossible."

30%, if we can get those companies to agree, then the people at Mango Station will not dislike those with less money. Therefore, 10% is negotiated very hard, and 30% is almost impossible. In particular, Director Ouyang Ya was the main force in this negotiation, and he also found out how the 10% result was negotiated. If this were not the case, at this time, these companies would still want to give 50%. points.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Don't worry. At this time, everyone is still looking at the ratings of Super Girl. If there are ratings, then I don't believe that any offensive and defensive alliance will be truly indestructible. Don't worry, there will always be someone to negotiate." I will promise you."

Ouyang did not object to this, but he immediately said: "I have thought about this issue, but the biggest one is Yitong. No matter what it is, we hope to have more Yitong. They won’t agree at all at this time, and it’s unrealistic to expect cooperation with Lianfeng.”

Absolute monopoly will naturally make Yitong become arrogant and arrogant, and the overlord clause will definitely be leveraged when signed.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to solve this problem.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, even if it is Yitong, there is still a way at this time. If they don't agree, find Lianfeng to cooperate. Although Lianfeng says it is not as good as Yitong, no matter what, it will be ten thousand years." The second child.

Therefore, on a question like this. I think the second child always wants to be the boss one day, right? As long as the influence of our Super Girl continues to develop like this, there will always be times when the linkage is tempted. Even if we cannot help the linkage overtake this time, step by step, the linkage will always surpass Shift. day. I don't believe that the boss of Lianlian always wants to be the second child for ten thousand years. "

Lianfeng naturally wants to surpass Yitong, even dreaming of it. Therefore, as long as there is a slight chance, Lianfeng will definitely be the first person to stab Yitong in the back. After all, the head of Ou Yangtang is an old fox. He can achieve this position. He is not the kind of young man who can agree to Ye Ming's instigation just because he is hot-headed.

He thought for a while and said: "To do this is to offend people. It may offend everyone except the linkage. We are just like saying that we will make a one-time deal. Next time, if we say that we will continue It's simply impossible to do this. And it offends them all. What should we do with the second season of Super Girl? We can't cancel the SMS voting, right?"

This is something that Director Ouyang Yang has always been worried about. Therefore, he will not take such a risk with Ye Ming. As long as it is of sufficient benefit to Mango Terrace in the long run, then on such an issue , he can persist, but if it is a one-time transaction, he will not agree casually.

Ye Ming smiled bitterly at this moment. He had nothing to say. What could he say? On such a question, there was no SMS voting for the second season of Super Girl. Due to various reasons, Supergirl season 2 text message voting canceled?

Ye Ming naturally knew that if things like this were to continue smoothly, that would be the best choice. Even though it was only a dime, there was still the next year, and the year after that. Anyway, he could always make money, so this This is where TV stations take a long-term view.

If thirty cents is mentioned this time, what if China Mobile privately joins forces with several other communication companies next year to block Mango Channel?

This is not to say that it is impossible to happen. After all, with regard to such an issue, it does not mean that this kind of thing has never happened before. For example, if you are in arrears, you will be shut down, but Yitong will not do this.

There is no lower limit for arrears. As long as you dare to owe money, they dare to collect money. This kind of shameless thing has actually been done by Yitong more than once.

As for other hidden fee-based projects, it does not mean that such a thing has never been done before, and it was not just once.

This is an important reason why Yitong is so powerful. After all, on this issue, China Mobile is the largest communications company in China.

Ye Ming said helplessly: "Director Ouyang Yang, there are some things that I won't tell you personally, but you are right to listen to me. This show is not just about you Mango TV station having the strength to do it. For such a matter, we at Brilliant Film and Television also put in a lot of effort.

Therefore, in such a thing, we are a community of interests. You make money and ratings, and we also make money and reputation. We all benefit from each other. I don’t know the benefits of long-term flow, but sometimes, no matter it is In other words, things are not as simple as you think. You just do what I say. Regarding a matter like this, I wouldn't say that I was joking about my own program, right? "

Mr. Ouyang believed this. After all, it was about an issue like this. No matter how it was, such a matter would be a win-win situation for everyone. The TV station would make money, and so would Brilliant Film and Television. Make money, but if the TV station doesn't make money, then Huihuang Film and Television will definitely not get much benefit. Everyone's interests are the same, so Mr. Ouyang Yang has no doubts about this issue.

But there is no doubt about the matter. However, in such a matter, there are some issues that Director Ou Yangyang himself cannot decide. After all, Director Ou Yangyang is not the main director. In fact, even if he is the main director, , then when it comes to such a matter, it is not so simple that such a question can be easily denied.

Therefore, when it came to such a matter, he thought for a while and said: "I have no doubt about what you said, everyone's interests are the same.

But on an issue like this, I need to have a sufficient reason to convince other people on the stage. After all, the TV station is different from your company. In your company, you alone have the final say on what to do, and no one dares to question your decision. But in the TV station, let alone me, even our chief director , I dare not act arbitrarily on a matter like this.

Therefore, I need a reason to convince them. Why do you say that this matter cannot be done smoothly? "

This is what Director Ouyang needs to know. Otherwise, there is no way he can convince other people at the TV station on a matter posted like this.

If Ye Ming doesn't give a reasonable explanation for such an issue, then it is obvious that Mr. Ouyang will not take the risk and take the initiative to increase the share to 30%. After all, it seems that in the European balcony, on such an issue, it is really a waste of time.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, and then said: "It's hard to explain this matter clearly, but one thing I can tell you is that I got a little bit of information from above and outside. Based on the information I got, I After analyzing some things, a matter like SMS voting is indispensable.

Don't ask me where I got the news, and don't ask me why I got such a result. Anyway, everyone knows some things well. For some of the above things, it’s better for us to pretend we don’t know anything. "

The above matter is something that Mr. Ouyang is very afraid of. Regarding such a problem, no matter how it is said, at this time, Mr. Ouyang always has a kind of despair, such as the leadership Some secrets should be known as little as possible.

This is good for him. He can achieve a position like deputy director. It does not mean that he can do this just because he has strong business ability. Cunning scheming is also an indispensable and necessary condition.

Therefore, at this time, what Ye Ming said was a bit simple, but Mr. Ouyang Yang himself could think very clearly about such a problem.

Therefore, although Director Ouyang Yang said that he did not understand what he heard, he finally realized it and said, "So that's what it is. Is the news accurate?"

Ordinarily, Mr. Ouyang Yang should not be suspicious of the news about Ye Ming, but on an issue like this, no matter what it is, the matter is too involved. He can't help but think that Mr. Ouyang is not careful in this matter. thing.

Ye Ming said very energetically at this moment: "There is absolutely no problem with the news, but on such an issue, I can't say too much, and I said that if you listen or not, then I don't care. ." Ye Ming said he doesn't care, which means he absolutely doesn't care. (To be continued)

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