Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,319 Are you dumbfounded?

Not every love will have a sweet result, maybe sometimes it will be more bitter, just like not every frog will become a prince, maybe the toads are the majority. But you have to think about whether you are that swan.

Dong Ping saw that most people were against him, and even now no one supported him, so he was naturally very angry.

This time it was not easy to find such an opportunity, to be able to use chicken feathers as an arrow. If it is said that things were not done well this time, then on such a problem, Dong Ping would immediately Said: "What we are talking about now is the Lunar New Year holiday in our country. When it comes to Hollywood, that is a bit far away. This is relatively far away from us. I think the issue that should be discussed now is the Lunar New Year holiday. "

This can be regarded as indicating that Dong Ping is a little unhappy and thinks that everyone is deliberately going off topic. Wang Zhongjun said rudely: "We are just discussing the issue of the Lunar New Year holiday. Although everyone does not agree with your proposal, don't we still agree with half of it?

I think this is a pretty good result. "

At this time, Dong Ping was originally targeting Wang Zhongjun's Huayi Brothers and Ye Ming's Brilliant Film and Television. Therefore, at this moment, Wang Zhongjun didn't have any face left.

Therefore, when faced with such a question, Dong Ping's face suddenly darkened and became even more ugly. In his opinion, since his proposal had the support of the leader, then in such a question Time is easily passed.

But he didn't expect that he actually said that no one supported him. Wang Zhongjun was even more sarcastic, as if he didn't take his proposal seriously at all.

At this moment, Dong Ping actually thought wrong. Although this proposal was supported by the leader, no one from the leader came. If Han Shanping came, it would represent the real support of the official. But the problem is Han Shanping just made a phone call and expressed his support for Dong Ping's proposal, but he asked everyone to discuss the results among themselves. This means that the official is not very supportive of Dong Ping.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is normal for everyone to be unconvinced. After all, regarding an issue like this, you, Dong Ping, are acting unkindly and putting the cart before the horse.

It would be more appropriate if Dong Ping first called everyone together to discuss, come up with a result, and then report it to the superiors.

Even if Dong Ping couldn't summon everyone, he would not be so passive if he made a phone call to communicate with everyone when writing suggestions to the leadership. But it just happened that we lost on such a problem.

Dong Ping wanted to show off his strength and reported the suggestions directly to the leader. Then who do you think Ye Ming, Wang Zhongjun, Li Ming and other colleagues are?

Could it be that you, Dong Ping, are the leader and can help everyone make decisions?

Or do you really want to be a leader and want to disregard the interests of the film and television company as the same thing?

This question is actually really difficult to explain clearly. The key is that Dong Ping was very helpless at this time. No matter what it is, Dong Ping is actually destined to be passive when it comes to such an issue.

Ye Ming followed suit and said: "You can use stones from other mountains to attack jade. I believe Mr. Dong should understand this. Sometimes you just need to learn some details of Hollywood.

Hollywood also has a Christmas schedule, which is almost the same as our Lunar New Year schedule. But in Hollywood, even the eight major film companies would not be too busy to devise a rule that only one movie from each company can be released during the Christmas period.

As long as you have money, there is no problem in saying what you want to do with a problem like this. Even if you want to make ten films, there is no problem. As long as you are not afraid of losing money, that's it. .

Hollywood is a place where the market determines everything and capital determines the starting point.

In a place like this, there is a Middle Eastern oil tycoon who invests tens of millions by himself. He makes movies not for release and distribution, nor for making money, but for his own viewing. It is a private movie, and there is only one copy in the world. If you want to see it, you can get it from me. Come to your private cinema. This is where capital determines the starting point.

Hollywood movies are chosen by the market. If you are not afraid of losing money, you can make artistic films as much as you want. If you want to make money, it is safer to make commercial films. Therefore, under such a situation, some of Hollywood's rules are actually more suitable for us to use. "

What Ye Ming said left Dong Ping speechless. Yes, there are many things in Hollywood that we can learn from, but that’s not right. In Hollywood, even if we say we want to learn, then in Hollywood For a question like this, it’s hard to say what a good outcome will be. After all, Hollywood is Hollywood, and China is China.

Therefore, Dong Ping immediately said: "Is our country the same as Hollywood in the United States? There are some things that cannot just be said to be learned from foreign countries."

At this time, the only thing Dong Ping could do was to take the moral high ground on such a good issue.

And to this extent, Dong Ping also has to stand on the moral high ground. This time he directly passed over everyone and told the leader the suggestion. This was considered to offend everyone present. Therefore, in this situation, Regarding an issue, no matter what it is, at this time, if he cannot occupy the moral commanding heights, then what awaits him is a complete defeat.

As for this hand, Ye Ming also nodded at this moment: "Some places are a little different, but everyone is in the entertainment industry. There is such a rule in the entertainment industry regardless of national boundaries. The market determines everything. If it is If your movie can have a big layout and the quality is very good, then at this time, you can make money, otherwise you will lose money. And if a company plans to produce two Lunar New Year movies and prepare to release them together, then in this case When Zi Di mentioned a question, he did not mean that it was impossible.

The market price determines success or failure. If it means he failed at the box office this time, he lost money. Then tell me, what kind of things cannot be solved on a problem like this? But if Mr. Dong wants to establish rules, then at this time. I think most people don't support it. "

This opportunity is certain. It's not that most of your branches support Dong Ping, but that no one supports Dong Ping until now.

Especially what Ye Ming said is that the market decides what is best. If he loses money this time, let’s see if he still has the guts to continue shooting Lunar New Year movies next time.

Why are everyone rushing to shoot Lunar New Year movies? Isn’t it said that making this kind of movie can make money?

If you can make money, there will be more companies waiting for filming. But if the result shows that filming a Lunar New Year movie may not necessarily make money, then naturally no one would be stupid enough to invest in a movie that is bound to lose money.

Unless the company intends to launder money or something, only illegal companies will not care about whether it is an opportunity to make money.

Li Ming was also beating the drum behind his back and said: "Yes, it is all market choice now, why must there be restrictions? For the Lunar New Year period, if it is to say two more movies, wouldn't it be great? Although our pony is not very good This way I can participate in the Lunar New Year stalls, but maybe sometimes, if the opportunity is more suitable, then it is not impossible that I will participate in the Lunar New Year stalls.

Therefore, I think what Mr. Ye said is correct. Market selection, of course, supervision and other things are still needed. Some unsuitable films in the Lunar New Year period will be directly transferred to other schedules. I think this is a good thing to pay attention to. "

At this time, everyone expressed their opinions. At this time, Dong Ping finally realized what it means to be separated from one's relatives.

In such a situation, even Wang Changtian, who he invited, did not support him in every aspect. Therefore, it can be seen that his idea is very annoying.

Therefore, Dong Ping was also very helpless at this moment. He shrugged and said: "At this time, how should I report it? Everyone disagrees if this matter is not done. In this case, what should the leader do? Look at us.

You must know that the leaders are not willing to see the market in the Lunar New Year period being so chaotic. This year's eleven movies are only temporary, and there may be some that have not been declared yet. At this time, the market is chaotic but the leaders are not willing to see it. Now let us find ways to solve this problem ourselves. It is the leaders who give us face.

If we are unable to solve such a problem well on our own, then for such a matter, this matter means letting the leaders make their own rules. If it is the rules set by the leaders themselves, then I think they must be stricter than the current ones. When the time comes, what should we do? Do we have the guts not to listen? "

These words made the people at the scene confused for a while. Yes, why are you here? This is not because the third master Han Shanping called. If it is that the third master didn't call, the devil would be willing to come to this party.

Therefore, since it is said that the third master supports it, it also expresses one thing at this time, that is, on such an issue, the leader is supportive. In case everyone fails to resolve this matter, the leader will look at it and say, no, the Lunar New Year holiday cannot be such a mess, and if you can make your own rules, I will introduce a rule.

Maybe it's what Dong Ping said, and the regulations put in place by the leaders are even more stringent than the current ones.

Ye Ming, on the other hand, said calmly: "Don't worry, our film market is beginning to recover now. The leaders are very concerned about our industry. What does the film represent? It is a pure cultural export.

If we are to say that we can make the film market bigger and stronger, let alone compared to Hollywood, because our starting point is a little lower and our movements are slower, but as long as we are not left behind and can compete with Hollywood, we, China The sound of movies can let people all over the world know about our long-standing Chinese culture. I think this is enough.

Therefore, I think the people above are very supportive of the film market. Unless there are special reasons, I personally think that the country is very tolerant of our film market and it is impossible to impose harsh conditions. introduced. Mr. Dong, although your condition for one company to produce a New Year's film seems to be a good idea, have you noticed it at all? If I said that I would go back and register a film company immediately, or even mean that I would register three films in a row. company.

So, if a film company makes one film a year, I still have four New Year's film quotas. You probably haven't thought of this, right? "

These words made Dong Ping dumbfounded, and Wang Zhongjun and the others' eyes lit up. Yes, Ye Ming, this kid, has so many ideas. One company and one New Year's film. What's this? I'll go back and register a few companies. That’s it.

Dong Ping was very helpless. He finally thought of the weakness of his plan. The time was wrong. If it were in the first two years, maybe there would be no problem with this plan, because it was very difficult to register a film company in the past. For example, it had to be affiliated with the name of the film studio, and you had to get a license from the film studio when filming. Proof or something.

But now there are basically no such restrictions. If you want to register a film company, there are basically only two requirements. One is that you have a certain amount of start-up capital, about five million, and the other is that you have a As long as these two conditions are met for a fixed office space, it should not be difficult to apply for a film company at this time.

Well, in other words, for ordinary people, these two conditions are relatively difficult, but in such a situation, for several people here, these two conditions are not a problem at all. , five million, a fixed site. Now there are several bosses on site, and the value of their cars is not just five million. Is it so difficult to rent an office with a fixed site or something?

Therefore, for the people here, if you apply for a film company again, just treat it as a bag company. It is of no use at ordinary times and can only be used during the Lunar New Year holiday.

This shouldn't be too easy. There are even specialized companies that are responsible for applying for this kind of movie bag companies, and the fees are not very high. (To be continued)

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