Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1314: Lunar New Year Issues

The sound of the flute is still there, the moonlight is like water, crossing the ancient stone bridge, flowing a lonely love song, taking advantage of the spring breeze intoxicated in the south of the Yangtze River, slowly entering my dreamland.

Under normal circumstances, Han Shanping would not call Ye Ming, especially Ye Ming's office.

Whether Ye Ming is in his office, let alone Han Shanping himself, is unlikely to know, and even people from Huihuang Film and Television may not know that in such a situation, at this time, his Will the boss be in the office? Anyway, he will be away for a long time. Under normal circumstances, Ye Ming is out of town and rarely in the capital. In fact, even if he is in the capital, at such a time, this is not enough. I'm rarely in my own office.

Therefore, even if Han Shanping had something to do with him, he would call Ye Ming's cell phone more often. Therefore, calling the office on a question like this means that Han Shanping knew that Ye Ming was in the office.

After Ye Ming answered the phone, he immediately said: "Third Master, what are your instructions?"

Han Shanping said with a smile: "You kid, don't give me a bad look. I have something to ask you. Did Dong Ping from Poly Huayi send you an invitation to go to the party for the first time tonight?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. Han Shanping knew about this matter too quickly. Is the General Administration in charge of movies and television, or is it in charge of Jinyiwei? This news came a little too fast, didn’t it?

Ye Ming immediately said: "Third Master, please stop. You have insiders in my company. How can you know this news? I just received an invitation from my old director."

Han Shanping immediately said: "What the hell? What am I doing as an insider in your company? How much of your company deserves my attention? Dong Ping said that he would summon the bosses of several of your film and television companies to discuss a I think this is a good suggestion, so I support his suggestion. Dong Ping was also afraid that you guys wouldn't go, so he asked me to give you a call."

Ye Ming was a little stunned now. This time Dong Ping was looking for someone, and he actually said that there was a shadow of Han Shanping behind him. Then one thing about Yanzi became very interesting.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Third Master, you are supporting Lao Dong behind the scenes regarding love. I told you earlier, I told you earlier that you would summon the big guys to go. Who dares not to go? Third Master, please ask a few of us If anything happened in the past, just say it.”

Yes, if Dong Ping had already said what Han Shanping meant, then the question simply means that no one would refuse. Who would be stupid enough to go against Han Shanping? That is because he cannot find it for himself. Feel free.

Han Shanping immediately said: "I support this matter, but I will not go, and the General Administration will not go either. This is an internal matter of your film and television company, and it is a matter for you to solve among the people.

It has no major relationship with the General Administration. But I read Dong Ping's suggestion and it is quite good. Therefore, I think it is better for you to unite and discuss this matter. Dong Ping invites you to come over. I guess you may not go, but I am asking for a favor. Can you go today? "

Han Shanping had already talked about this, what's the difference between going there by himself, so Ye Ming immediately said with confidence: "Don't worry, Third Master, I will definitely go on time, but what exactly is he saying?" What kind of thing does this guy, Old Dong, propose to you? At a time like this, do you still want to endorse him on this matter?"

Yes, Ye Ming is very depressed. It is not the intention of the General Administration. At times like this, Han Shanping will not easily come forward. At times like this, Han Shanping himself is also very clear about what he represents. of.

It can be said that if Dong Ping's suggestion was not very good, he would not have allowed Ye Ming to do this on such a matter.

Only then did Han Shanping explain: "It's an issue with the Lunar New Year stalls. Dong Ping raised it. At this time, our domestic Lunar New Year stalls cannot be such a mess. Everyone is doing their own thing. This is also detrimental to our box office. of influence.

There are so many movie theaters. If they were all available during the Lunar New Year period, it would cause a lot of confusion at this time.

Therefore, he suggested that you several film and television companies discuss a common method to see how you can cooperate during this Lunar New Year period. And he also put forward several plans, which I think are good. You guys from the film and television company will decide the specifics yourself, but I will take a look at the final results.

Don't be perfunctory. I know you kid likes to do things like this. Listen carefully to me. When things like this happen, you must come up with a plan. "

Han Shanping has talked about this, and Ye Ming is also very clear that the chaos in the Lunar New Year period is a headache for the General Administration. Last year's Lunar New Year period actually said that there were 20 movies. This result was unexpected by the General Administration.

As a result, out of the more than 20 movies, 18 lost money. What kind of concept is this? It seems to the General Administration that it is a waste of money.

Therefore, in fact, the General Administration was quite unhappy with such a thing. Just at this time, Dong Ping also proposed a better way to solve the problem. So on such a problem, the General Administration naturally It's relatively supportive.

Therefore, some leaders said that this proposal is good and we should support it. It was precisely because of the leadership's affirmation that at this time, Han Shanping rarely came forward to support Dong Ping in calling everyone to discuss this issue.

Otherwise, what kind of person is Han Shanping when it comes to such a matter? He can be regarded as a person from the General Administration and a representative. It can be said that he is an official representative in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, his meaning can basically express the meaning of the General Administration.

Therefore, at this time, Han Shanping actually knew very well that he should be more cautious with his words. On such a question day, in fact, no matter what he said, he could not speak nonsense.

This time I say I support Dong Ping, it’s because the leaders above have nodded. If I support him, I won’t make a mistake. But Han Shanping can support it, but he will never go.

Supporting oneself is support, but if after supporting, one also goes there in person, then the nature of such a thing has changed.

This is something Han Shanping himself doesn't want to see.

In fact, as long as Han Shanping himself said that he supported Dong Ping, it was already a very remarkable expression. He said that he supported Dong Ping. This time, Ye Ming and others said that no one dared to say that they would not go. This is still a powerful one of Han Shanping.

If Dong Ping is the only one, it's hard to say who he can summon.

At this time, Han Shanping had spoken, and Ye Ming naturally said that he could not agree, and he nodded happily and agreed to the matter. Then he complimented me twice and then put down the phone.

Although according to Ye Ming's current wealth, there is no problem if he unfairly compliments Han Shanping, but in a society like China, multiple relationships are always good, and Han Shanping is a righteous person. At that time, he did not become a big trend. , they also helped me a lot.

Now that I have some money and some skills, I cannot forget what reverence means. You can't not understand what gratitude is. In a word, in the entertainment industry, you have to be a good person.

You can have poor acting skills, such as Fan Ye. Fan Ye's acting skills have been consistent for more than ten years, but in the end it does not prevent Fan Ye from becoming a top superstar. Later, he became the most profitable star among Chinese actresses. You cannot say that Fan Ye has poor acting skills. No matter how good my acting skills are, that's just deceiving people, but Fan Ye knows how to be a good person, this is definitely recognized by everyone.

If you love charity and know how to be a good person, you can survive in the entertainment industry. At least in the entertainment industry, you will never starve to death.

If you mean you don't know how to be a good person, for example, Zhou Jie has a classic "Huanzhugege" in his hand, plus the young man Bao Qingtian, he will have no worries about food and drink all his life, but he commits suicide, no wonder others, although he has some money in his hand, no matter it is Anyway, as an actor, Zhou Jie is relatively a failure.

Therefore, Ye Ming will not let himself become such a person.

At this moment, Ye Ming was a little depressed. This guy Dong Ping was causing trouble for himself. When he heard Han Shanping say these things, Ye Ming knew that this guy Dong Ping was causing trouble for himself.

Sister Fang Fang said curiously: "Mr. Han called. Could it be that Mr. Han initiated this matter himself?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "It wasn't the third master who did it, it was Old Dong who suggested it himself. But Old Dong, a guy who was full and full, made a very stupid decision. His decision was... Does it mean that the leader nodded in support, and the third master is supporting him?

If it hadn't been for Third Master's call, I wouldn't have gone. I don't think the Wang brothers, Li Ming and others would have gone either. But now it seems that on a matter like this, even if I dare not say no, do you think other people dare to say no? "

It seems that such a thing is impossible. Regarding such a problem, Sister Fang Fang is relatively open-minded: "Just go, what is there, even if you just go and see what things are like." Only when something happens can we find a way to deal with it."

This is the truth. Ye Ming nodded and said: "We must go. The third master has already mentioned this, so on such a question, if we dare to say not to go, then This is definitely making yourself uncomfortable.

I just want to say that I don’t want to be troublesome about something like this. At this critical moment, I want to keep Super Girl going smoothly and then go to film Fast and Furious. This result is what I want. A hoped-for result, but now, not only the listing of Huayi Brothers has implicated me, but even the guy like Lao Dong, who wants to plot the Lunar New Year issue, has also implicated me. Coming inside.

In fact, I really don't want to get involved in such nonsense. "

Ye Ming is actually very helpless sometimes. Some things are not what he wants to happen, nor are they what he wants to see happen. At such a time, there are some things that he cannot avoid even if he wants to avoid them. Yes.

Sister Fang Fang immediately said curiously: "Didn't it say that the Huayi Brothers matter has been resolved, and Sister Hua has temporarily stopped changing jobs?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Sister Fang Fang, don't think that such a thing is too simple. In fact, on such a problem, I don't think the matter will be settled like this. At that time, Sister Hua just saw that if she didn't agree to the matter, everyone would probably attack her, so she agreed temporarily.

But things will never be settled easily like this. Neither the Wang brothers nor Sister Hua are fuel-efficient lamps. The Wang brothers will never let Sister Hua off easily. Sister Hua played a trick on Huayi Brothers at this critical moment, causing Huayi Brothers to almost fail to go public. This is a deep hatred.

As for Sister Hua, she is not a woman who admits defeat. Although she has temporarily promised that she will not make any other moves before Huayi Brothers goes public, I will not believe it if others believe it. Huayi Brothers The internal fighting is just the beginning, or a pause, but once it finally breaks out, the result will definitely exceed your imagination.

Therefore, at this time, as the parties involved, the reclamation land will be involved to some extent.

At this time, do you still think this matter will be explained? "It seems, it seems, according to Ye Ming's expression at this time, then such a matter cannot be ended in a few words. Also, this guy Dong Ping is thinking about the Lunar New Year issue, then this The problem is even more troublesome.

Sister Fang Fang couldn't help much at this time. She said very freely: "Since you are in this circle, you will naturally have to bear the hardships. Don't think about escaping and going abroad. In fact, this matter, Even if you evade and go abroad, you will definitely be found in such a matter. You cannot avoid it. After all, the foundation of Brilliant Film and Television is in China."

Ye Ming has no way to answer this question. Yes, Huihuang Film and Television is in China, and he still has a group of people to support here. (To be continued)

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