Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,287 The acting was bad, right?

A silent love song flows on the strings of brocade strings. In the allusion, you lose weight inch by inch. The sound of the flute in the south of the Yangtze River remains the same, recalling the beauty by the bridge.

Every generation has a legend. Among those born in the 1980s, Chunchun is considered an idol, and Hanhan is considered a representative of conscience, who at least dares to tell the truth. Does Si Niang count? If collecting money is considered a legend, then Siniang is indeed one.

No matter how you say it, Super Girl is an allusion in memory, flowing a silent love song. In the allusion, you lose weight inch by inch. It is destined to become a memory of youth for a generation.

The second episode of Super Girl started in full swing. At this time, Roland took the stage and sang "Is there a song that can remind you of me" by Brother Hua Jian.

At this time, Na Ying regained some energy and said, "Not bad, this is finally an interesting song. It would be meaningless to always choose Ye Ming's songs to sing.

Don't they know I'm a judge? If you want to sing, you should sing "Looking at Flowers in the Smoke" or "Hot Girl". Xiao Song, do you think this is true? "

This is considered a joke, and Ye Ming is directly used to tease him, but because the relationship between Na Ying and Ye Ming is very good, even if he teases Ye Ming in front of the camera, it is not a big deal. This can also be said to be the need of the program.

Of course, if you are not very familiar with Ye Ming, then teasing like this is a bit dangerous. Superstars are not easy to be teased.

Xiao Song has a very indifferent character, and he cannot offend anyone. He is talking about a kind of person like Xiao Song, with aloof status and kind personality. In fact, Xiao Song is not good-looking and suitable for variety shows, but I don't know how he was fooled by Ye Ming.

This is just a taste of something new, and I started working as a judge teacher in Super Girl. But with Xiao Song's personality, it was impossible for her to cooperate with Na Ying, so Xiao Song immediately said: "It doesn't matter which song you choose, what matters is how well you sing it. This song [Is there a song , can remind you of me] is not that easy to sing. If your rap skills are average, then choosing this song is probably not much different from seeking death."

If Xiao Song doesn't cooperate, then Na Ying can continue to tease Ye Ming, but Xiao Song doesn't cooperate and doesn't know how to play variety shows.

Of course, Na Ying was also very clear about it. In fact, when it came to such an issue, no matter how he said it, when it came to such a matter, Xiao Song always had a calm and indifferent character.

Therefore, she did not expect Xiao Song to really cooperate with her in teasing Ye Ming. He immediately rolled his eyes and said, "You, don't be so serious. We are doing a variety show and this is not the Spring Festival Gala. Don't keep a straight face. You have to learn to enjoy everything and the music."

Everyone has their own personality, and Xiao Song’s personality is like this. At least in the beginning, Xiao Song is not very suitable for variety shows. Maybe later, Xiao Song can cooperate with Na Ying’s teasing But this is the second period, just the beginning, so Xiao Song's performance is not very good.

On the other hand, in terms of answering calls, he is quite qualified.

Xiao Song immediately said: "Enjoy life every day."

Of course, this is a bit of humor.

Enjoy every day of life. This is a classic line from the Titanic. It was said by Jack during a dinner in a high society.

Therefore, no matter how you say it, it is rare for Xiao Song to say such a humorous word about such a matter. Everyone started paying attention to Roland's singing.

In such a situation, the judges and teachers can indeed tease each other, or there is no problem in teasing the contestants.

But more importantly, when it comes to a matter like this, what they have to pay attention to at this time is the contestants' singing. This is their official job. You know, it is a live broadcast at this time. If it is like this If on a question, the judges and teachers are not very conscientious, then it is not good.

Therefore, since it was said that Roland was now singing, Ying also restrained her out-of-the-box personality and began to pay very serious attention to Roland's singing live.

[Is there a song that can remind you of me?] This is a classic. Although it is not a classic, the real classic is that the whole song is a classic and the lyrics are familiar.

For example, Uncle Zhan's "A Smile from the Sea", Brother Hua Jian's "No Rain or Shine", Hua Tsai's "Forgetful Water", etc. These are all songs that make people sing along after hearing the first line. The sentence is a palace-level classic.

Another kind of classic is that there are a few sentences that are classics. For example, the first part of this song "Is there a song that can remind you of me?" is not meant to be familiar to everyone, but when it reaches the climax Department, for example, [Is there such a song that will make you sing along gently and touch our past, and the memory will not be silent.

Is there such a song that can remind you of me, make you happy and sad? 】

Anyway, these lines should be regarded as the climax of the whole song, and they are basically familiar.

There is no problem with these lines. Basically, it is relatively easy for every singer to sing them.

But in the beginning. For example, Roland started singing now [The lights are out, the moon is a lonely eye, watching quietly, who can't sleep alone, that familiar song comes from the distance, why are those heartfelt voices so weak, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I still feel... Okay? You once said that you don’t want to be alone. We all live in this city, but why don’t we meet again, but only rub shoulders with strangers?]

This part of the song is the most difficult to figure out.

Because there is a relatively established rule among singers, which is to brew emotions. The previous lyrics are actually about brewing emotions and waiting for them to explode.

When I arrived, I could only rub shoulders with strangers. What follows is the climax of the whole song, those two lines. Is there a song that will make you gently follow along... This is the real explosion, and this is the real difficulty, because when singing, if the whole song is not a classic, there are always low and high points.

The singer's emotions always like to burst out heartily during the climax.

Therefore, when singing, when singing a classic song with just one or two lines, many singers will be affected by the latter when they are preparing their emotions. In this case, it is easy to cause problems. It is easy to think about how the emotions will explode later during the climax.

At this point, he must be a very skilled singer who can control his emotions when brewing them. Therefore, this song is very difficult to control.

Roland obviously did not have the skills to control this song, and she had misjudged her own strength.

In fact, Roland can still control this song if he is at home or in a karaoke bar. After all, at home or in a karaoke bar, it is a private space, and singing karaoke and the like is considered private. Space, you can sing whatever you want. Anyway, even if you sing wrong, it’s not a big deal. No matter if you sing out of tune or something, no one will laugh at you. After all, you are the one who listens to it, or is the one who talks about you. Just listen.

But if you are talking about facing the camera, facing hundreds of thousands of viewers, especially facing the pressure of live broadcast, in such a situation, if you are not a master, a very skilled master, you want to relax It is also very difficult to control this song.

And Roland is such a singer who has high ambitions but low ambitions. Although her singing skills are pretty good, in such a situation, no matter what it is, at this time, she misestimated the kind of powerful person she faced during the live broadcast. pressurized.

Therefore, she was a little nervous during the chorus, but she was finally able to suppress it.

As a result, I started singing only a few words, and barely persisted until the last line where my emotions were brewing, but I only passed by strangers. After this sentence, there is an explosion of emotions, and the song reaches the climax.

But Roland finally had a problem with one of her hands like this. It should be said that she burst out her spirit, her strength, and her singing voice at this moment.

But when asked about a question like this, she was a little nervous. She originally said she should explode, but she didn't. The same emotions at the same height just passed away.

In fact, whether it is the judges or teachers, the public judges or the audience without any professional appreciation.

In other words, the audience in front of the TV can all hear that Roland is relatively cultured in a song like this.

At a time like this, if it actually breaks out, it will be considered a success. But the key point is that Roland didn't break out, which was a bit disappointing at a time like this.

In professional competitions, elimination is basically a foregone conclusion. But Roland, the person involved, obviously didn't realize this and kept singing.

At this time, Na Ying couldn't stand it anymore. It's not your fault that you chose to drop a song like this. You want to challenge the difficulty and challenge the judges' opinions on such a thing. These are all There is no problem.

If you have the ability, you can choose Celine Dion or Jackson’s songs without any problem.

But the key point is that the songs you choose for a question like this are for competition, so you have to choose according to your own ability.

If you feel that you can't control this song, then on a question like this, you have to consider whether you want to use this song to participate in the competition.

If you really don't have this ability, but still want to challenge difficult songs, then you must bear a certain price for such a thing. For example, if Roland failed in her singing, no matter whether she realized it or not, Na Ying, as the judge teacher, did not give any face to her, so she immediately pressed the button and the alarm sounded.

At this time, Roland suddenly woke up to the sound of the alarm. She stood on the stage blankly, looking at the judges and teachers in disbelief.

At this moment, Roland didn't even realize what kind of problem had occurred and why the judge teacher pressed the alarm.

Na Ying glanced at Roland, and seemed to know that Roland was asking her, and immediately said: "Are you saying that you are not aware of this? When you sang just now, the part that needed to explode did not explode at all? Is that true? An explosion after brewing emotions. If you burst out, then this song is complete, but after you only rub shoulders with strangers.

When singing a song, your emotions should burst out at this moment, but when it comes to a question like this, you don't do it like this. Therefore, this time, there is no need for you to sing in full. "

At this time, after Na Ying's reminder, Roland suddenly thought of something, that is, on such a problem, she herself was indeed unable to explode when she needed to. This was a fatal mistake. In a singing competition, if a contestant makes a mistake like this, there is basically no need to compete. Direct elimination is the most likely result.

When it came to a question like this, Roland finally said that he realized what it was like to pay attention to something that needed to be paid attention to in such a situation.

She failed. Even if she didn't perform very well, as long as she sang the song completely, it goes without saying that the judges and teachers will give her a few points, but the public judges have already Someone said hello, and there was nothing wrong with voting outside the venue. In such a matter, voting outside the venue is completely fine.

There are people behind Roland, so at times like this, even if it comes to off-site voting or something, there are people who will operate it. Therefore, as long as her performance is stable, there is absolutely no problem in passing the preliminary round at such a time.

This means there is a gap between those with background and those without background. But this time, Roland himself failed to sing. Basically, he couldn't even sing a complete song. So on such a problem, Roland finally realized that what he had to face was a professional one. A situation has arisen.

She was breaking out in cold sweat at this moment. (To be continued)

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