Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,277 If you don’t seek death, you won’t die.

So don’t ask for whom the bell tolls, the bell tolls for you.

This is somewhat thought-provoking. After Super Girl's ratings came out, Yue Heng knew very clearly that if Super Girl's ratings were in single digits, there was still hope that The Dreamer could surpass them.

If the ratings of Super Girl can reach double digits, then on a question like this, no matter how it is said, if the people in Dream of Red Mansions work hard, they will not be dragged down too far. In this case , then Yue Heng still has room for change on such an issue.

But now the ratings of Super Girl are 28%. In fact, no matter how it is, such a result is enough to make people feel scared when it comes to such a thing. This is A goal that is difficult for variety shows to catch up with.

Except for "Running Brother," it is impossible for any variety show to obtain such a complete sentence in the first episode. This is the gap. Therefore, in such a situation, Yue Heng actually felt a problem very clearly at this time, that is, in such a matter, Jingcheng Station would definitely not let him go. To be precise, The leader of Jingcheng Station will definitely not let him go.

Yue Heng reluctantly put down the soy milk in his hand and said, "Honey, I will have a lot of time to accompany you to the park in the future. I even said that I can learn square dancing from you."

Yue Heng's wife was stunned for a moment, glanced at Yue Heng curiously, and immediately said: "Are you confused by your sleep? You can always tell such a thing, especially when it comes to such a question. , weren’t you the one who was moderated and hosted the program “Dream of Red Mansions”? There have been many people giving us gifts recently. Now when you are so proud of yourself, why do you say you have time to accompany me to dance in the square? Didn’t you say that most Aren’t you happy with me dancing in the square?”

Yue Heng was very unwilling and said: "You think that the result like this is what I want. In fact, this is not the result I want. In such a matter, I hope that I can have a very good result." A good start. If I do well in this program of "Dream of Red Mansions", then at this time, my future will be very broad. It will even be no problem to enter the Radio, Film and Television Bureau.

But things are different now. Super Girl's ratings have come out at a time like this. It's 128%, a rare explosive rating. "

Yue Heng's wife originally thought that Yue Heng would ask some other questions, but now she heard it was Super Girl, so she said disdainfully: "Super Girl, I have heard of it. Young people like this program more. It is said that it is broadcast It was very popular back then, but what does this have to do with you? Isn’t that a program on Mango Channel?”

Yue Heng said harshly: "This Super Girl has nothing to do with me. It is a program of Mango Channel and Brilliant Film and Television. But this program originally did not exist. Originally, Ye Ming of Brilliant Film and Television wanted to work with our Beijing TV station They cooperated to create "Dream of Red Mansions", but in the end Tie Mulan intervened and Beijing Channel drove Ye Ming away, and the method was not very glorious. At this time, Ye Ming turned around and cooperated with Mango Channel to create a program It’s Supergirl.”

Yue Heng's wife still doesn't understand this relationship: "What does this have to do with you? It's not your fault. Even if they have 100% ratings, it's impossible for them to give you a penny?"

Yes, no matter how high the ratings are, it seems that such an issue has nothing to do with Yue Heng.

Therefore, at this point, Yue Heng said helplessly: "Don't you understand this? In fact, our two programs are competing, because our leaders also know that it is impossible for the people in Dream of Red Mansions to exceed the ratings of Super Girl. Even the ratings that Ye Ming's strong appeal can drive alone are surprising enough.

So the order you gave me, our leader, was to bite the Supergirl ratings. There is no requirement that the ratings of My Dream of Red Mansions must be that of Super Girl, because this seems to be a bad reality. But we must stick to it, and the difference cannot be too big, otherwise it will be difficult for Jingcheng Terrace to get through it. Now the ratings of Super Girl have reached 28%, do you know what it means? "

Yue Heng's wife was thoughtful, but she still couldn't figure out what the outcome of such a question was. She hesitated before saying: "Then you said it's not easy to catch up with a ratings of 28%, right?"

My husband works in television, so when it comes to this issue, although Yue Heng’s wife still doesn’t know what the ratings mean, she at least knows that if a variety show It is not an easy task to achieve this rating.

Yue Heng nodded and said: "It's not not easy, it's impossible. No matter how hard we work, it's impossible for us to reach this level of ratings in Dream of Red Mansions. Even double digits are almost impossible." It is a task. Because this variety show has a certain audience, it is a niche variety show.

Therefore, there is no possibility for us to catch up. "

At this time, Yue Heng's wife finally made it clear that it was impossible for her husband's show to surpass Super Girl. Therefore, he was relatively depressed at this time.

But does this have anything to do with retirement? Yue Heng's wife immediately said: "Is it because of this that you are retiring? Does it mean that the boss will not let you be the producer of Red Mansion and Dream Man?"

Yue Heng nodded and said: "If Super Girl's ratings are in single digits, then our chances of winning are still relatively high. Even on a question like this, even if Super Girl's ratings are It has been said that it has exceeded double digits, and we are hopeful that we can stick to it.

But with this 28% ratings, there is basically no possibility of catching up with such a rating. Even if Ye Ming comes back to direct this program again, it is impossible for our "Dream of Red Mansions" Such ratings.

In this case, the leaders of Jingcheng Station will lose face, and the entire Jingcheng Station will be embarrassed in front of their peers. Therefore, in such a situation, they need one person to take on this responsibility. The leader naturally said that it was impossible to take on this responsibility.

But after all, we are looking for a scapegoat. Therefore, looking at it like this, it seems that I, the scapegoat, is a better candidate. Leaders need to give an explanation to the leaders above, to the people in the TV station, and to the audience.

Therefore, for such a matter, there is no more suitable candidate than me. Therefore, there is basically no doubt about my early retirement this time. "

Jingcheng TV was so embarrassed. Originally, it was a collaboration with Ye Ming, so that they could produce a variety show with great success, but it turned out that the whole world knew that it was because they cooperated with Tie Mulan to cater to some people's hobbies. As a result, the people of Jingcheng TV suddenly Kicked Ye Ming away and cooperated with Tie Mulan.

As a result, Ye Ming and Mango collaborated on the show Super Girl. If it is said that the ratings of "Dream of Red Mansions" are higher than that of Super Girl, or even worse than that of Super Girl, as long as the difference is not big, then Beijing TV can give an explanation to all parties at this time. But when it comes to a problem like this, things are not as simple as you think.

On this point, no matter how you say it, the 28% ratings were a slap in the face for Beijing TV.

Therefore, at this time, a scapegoat is needed, and the scapegoat cannot be too low. If it is too low, it will not be able to convince the public, and it cannot be too high. If it is too high, then in For a matter like this, it's not like a doctor would be punished.

As for Yue Heng, he is neither high nor low, and he is above average in terms of level. In fact, Ye Ming, who Yue Heng drove away, worked with Tie Mulan. As the producer of "Dream of Red Mansions", he has He is qualified enough to be the scapegoat.

Therefore, when it comes to things like this, there are actually some things that we can't say whether Yue Heng is unlucky or not.

He also got the benefits he deserved. If he wanted to get enough benefits, he would have to take enough risks. This time Yue Heng said that he went too far, and it was time for him to bear the price for such a problem.

At this time, Yue Heng glanced at his wife, and then said: "Don't be disappointed. Either there is no improvement at all, it's just a little more troublesome."

At this time, Yue Heng's wife woke up from a dream and said: "If you have any idea, please tell me quickly. You can't retire early. This is so shameless. If word spreads, how can I meet people in the community?" "

Yue Heng hesitated and said: "This matter was caused by Tie Mulan. Therefore, if this matter must have a turnaround, then for such a problem, it would be more appropriate for me to go directly to Tie Mulan." , and it means that in this process, no matter what it is, I have done a lot of things for her, so if I open my mouth on this issue, she will not refuse to agree. .”

Thinking of this, Yue Heng also felt that if he was looking for Tie Mulan, then the matter might not be so bad that he would definitely retire. Even if Tie Mulan himself can't handle this matter, then on such a problem, the people Tie Mulan knows above can still do it well.

Therefore, the more Yue Heng thought about this, the more he felt that such a thing was feasible. If you say that you don't work hard, then it can be said that at this time, the TV station will definitely regard it as a scapegoat and throw it out.

There is such an opportunity now, and it is definitely an opportunity worth seizing.

Therefore, regarding such a question, Yue Heng immediately dialed Tie Mulan's phone and said, "Mr. Tie, what are you busy with? Haha, it's nothing. I just want to trouble you about something. The ratings of the Super Girl program." The ratings came out and were 28%. With such a rating, our Red Mansion and Dream Man will definitely not be able to reach it, and it is impossible to even come close.

.... Yes, yes, our variety show is a niche show. If the ratings can reach even figures, it will be God's blessing. It is even more likely to be single digits. Therefore, for the sake of their own face, Taipei will probably regard me as a scapegoat, and they must want me to retire. Yes, you can't ignore this matter. I ended up like this because of you. You have to help me tide over the difficulties. "

Putting down the phone, Yue Heng's face suddenly looked better. At this moment, Yue Heng's wife also said: "Lao Yue, how are you? Are you saying that with Mr. Tie's help, you won't have any problems?"

Yue Heng nodded and said: "It must be dealt with. The position of the producer cannot be saved. The leaders of the TV station also have to give everyone an explanation. Therefore, I must be dealt with. But Mr. Tie has already said Well, if it really needs to be dealt with, it will definitely not be an internal withdrawal, but it is estimated that if I am transferred to a labor union or something to provide for my retirement, then such a thing is very possible.

A trade union is a trade union. If we don’t retreat, everything is possible, right? "

It was Yue Heng who failed at this time. Therefore, he had to bear the price for such a thing. Being transferred to the union this time was a price he could bear easily.

In fact, for Yue Heng, this already means that there is no possibility of promotion at all. His career is dead. It just means that he does not want to disappoint his wife.

The labor union, everyone knows that place is a place for retirement.

At this moment, in the office of the chairman of Huihuang Film and Television, Yue Heng asked Sister Fang Fang: "How are the preparations for the second phase of Super Girl?"

Sister Fang Fang nodded and said, "No problem, everything is ready. Do you want to check it out?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "There is no need to check this matter. There is no need. Moreover, I am going to Hong Kong City today to pay homage to my brother. Last time something happened to him, I didn't go. It feels quite regretful. This No matter what happens, you have to go check it out, so there is no need to check it.

Before the live broadcast, I will definitely come over. Please pay more attention to the company and the crew. Don't be merciful. This is a competition. Super Girl is so cruel. The singer who can stand at the end is the singer we need. "

In the early stages of Super Girl, Ye Ming must be the one to do it in person, so that Hacai can occasionally guarantee enough ratings, but this time it is also imperative to pay homage to his brother, so check the rehearsals and this will do. Cut it off directly. (To be continued)

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