Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,274 I want to fly higher

I want to fly higher, fly higher, dance like the strong wind and break free from my arms. I want to fly higher, fly higher. The wings whip up the storm and the heart roars.

Everyone has their own dreams. Seize the opportunity and work hard. I succeed or fail. I have worked hard and have no regrets. Even if I lose everything, I can still leave with peace of mind.

Because I can say with a clear conscience that I have tried hard. , Super Girl has opened a door to success for many grassroots singers who like music.

The stage has been prepared for you, your seat is waiting, and the curtain is about to rise.

Chunchun signed the contract without hesitation, because only by signing the contract can Chunchun be guaranteed a fair and just chance to compete on such a stage.

Although Xiao Ai struggled for a while, he still signed the contract. Because Xiao Ai himself didn't want to give up an opportunity like this. The preliminary round is completed and the semi-finals begin. This is when the real excitement begins.

Because Mango Channel has already announced something. The rematch will be broadcast live on the TV station. On May 7th, the live broadcast of Super Girl will officially begin. This decision caught Jingcheng Station off guard because it was not what they expected.

Because Super Girl was originally going to be broadcast live on May 14th.

In fact, Mango Channel had always thought like this at the beginning, but on this issue, the thing is that it was different from what Jingcheng Channel thought.

If the two TV stations aired their programs in the same time period and on the same day, then at this time Beijing TV station is also holding its breath and thinking about defeating Super Girl with "Dream of Red Mansions".

Although judging from the momentum at this time, if it is said that the people in Dream of Red Mansions want to defeat Super Girl, then on such a problem, no matter how it is said, at this time, it is a bit self-deceiving, Super Girl The configuration of celebrity mentors is definitely a bargain. Na Ying, a pop music diva, is one of the few mainland female singers who are influential in the Hong Kong city.

Xiao Song, needless to say, is the queen of folk songs and a frequent guest at the Spring Festival Gala. The other ones are Professor Cui from the Vocal Music Department of the Film School and Teacher Cui Chengyu. Many singers in the Chinese music scene are students of Teacher Cui, and they are big names in the industry. There are three of them, one is popular, one is ethnic, and one is professional. Three big names in the industry are sitting in the review. Basically, no one will doubt the fairness of the review.

Of course, these three are representative figures. This time, seven judges were invited, but these three are representative. The remaining four teachers are all big names in the industry, but they are definitely not singers. .

Therefore, it can be seen from the lineup of judges like Super Girl. In this regard, the judges of Dream of Red Mansions have no appeal or freshness to young people.

How to compete with others at this time, but Jingchengtai will naturally not admit defeat. If there is no comparison, how can we know whether this matter is right?

The key to this point is that Jingchengtai feels that it cannot afford to deal with such a matter in terms of face.

At this moment, Yue Heng was called over by his leader and scolded him like crazy. The leader cursed angrily for a while and said: "Is this the guarantee you gave me? Didn't you say that Super Girl will start on May 40th, the same as us?

But now it’s May 7th, which is one week ahead of us. Do you know what such a thing means to us? This is a wrong step, wrong step after step. We are not prepared at all for a question like this. What do you want to eat? "

In fact, although Beijing TV is unwilling to admit it, it also knows very well in its heart that the plan of the Dreamer in Red Mansions is to bite the ratings of Super Girl. As long as the difference is not too big, there will be an explanation for both top and bottom teams in Beijing.

But this time Super Girl actually said it would be broadcast a week in advance, and the news was only announced on May 4th.

This makes Beijing TV a little depressed. If we were to be slow, everyone would be paying attention to Super Girl. How many people would think of taking a look at Super Girl starting next week at this time.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, no matter what it is, if it happens more than once, everyone will have inertia in the future. They will not pay attention to the characters in Dream of Red Mansions at all, but will pay attention to Super Girl. In this case , the ratings of "Dream of Red Mansions" will definitely be very low, and it is right to say that the low is very pitiful. Therefore, at times like this, one can imagine the anger of the leader.

At this time, Yue Heng was also very aggrieved and said: "Director, you can't blame me for this. Ye Ming is too cunning. In fact, he and Mango Channel have been preparing for the live broadcast on May 7th. I just said It’s just being said now. We don’t understand the situation at all.”

In fact, no matter how you put it, the problem is that Yue Heng is incompetent, but now the most important thing is to find a reason for himself to shirk it. If there is a reason why we cannot resist in this situation, it is to tell the leaders that it is not that we are incompetent, but that the enemy is too cunning.

At this time, the leader knocked on the table and said: "I don't care about other things in this matter, but there is one thing I want to ask you. If it is said that on such a problem, we also do it in this way, then it will be like this At that time, do we have the opportunity to start the live broadcast on May 7th? If we can adjust the time with them to broadcast, then there is still room for redemption. Therefore, like this If so, then it will be easier for us to get through this hurdle."

As a producer, Yue Heng is very clear about his program. What if he said it in advance on a question like this?

He shook his head and said: "This matter is almost impossible. At this point, we in the Red Dream are all preparing for the broadcast on May 14th. Therefore, if it is said that let If we were to advance, it would be almost impossible to solve a problem like this.

Therefore, at this time, we can only wait for the broadcast on May 14th. "It's not that Yue Heng doesn't want to advance, but this, it seems, is really impossible to do. Yue Heng has always thought like this, but the leader doesn't think like this. On such a problem, the leader What you care about is your own face.

If Huihuang Film and Television and Mango Channel were directly criticized this time, then in such a matter, it means that there are some problems that are very embarrassing if it is spread in the industry.

Therefore, the leader hesitated and said: "If, I mean if, our Dream of Red Mansions is also broadcast in advance on May 7th, is it possible?"

This problem is that it is difficult to be great. Yue Heng hesitated and said: "This is very difficult, almost impossible. Our plan is to say May 14th. The live broadcast is not so easy to change. It needs to be done." There are too many preparations.

Therefore, at this time, I did not say that it was a week in advance temporarily, but there are still three days. Even if the actors are preparing for this, I guess it is impossible to prepare it.

Therefore, if we directly address such a problem in advance, it will not be a very possible problem at all. "

After hearing what Yue Hengdu said about this matter, the leader actually understood very well that such a question was almost impossible.

Therefore, he estimated that if he deliberately planned to advance a week in advance at this moment, then his people would not be sure.

Therefore, when it comes to a question like this, some of the questions are actually so simple.

At this time, the leader hesitated for a moment and then said: "To be honest, if we follow our original arrangement on such a matter, we still want to broadcast the program on May 14th, then in this case I asked a question about whether you can achieve the same ratings as Super Girl in terms of ratings. I don’t require it to be higher than Super Girl, but at a time like this, I actually hope that it will be at a time like this. On this point, our program cannot be too different from Super Girl.

After all, this guy Ye Ming came from our side. He wanted to be in Dream of Red Mansions, but we didn’t cooperate with him. Now we are cooperating with Tie Mulan. This in itself means that many people want to see our jokes. Therefore, On such a thing, I want a similar result.

In fact, our program is relatively niche. Therefore, I don’t ask for higher ratings than Super Girl. This is difficult for others to do. But I hope that the ratings of our Dream of Red Mansions will be as good as this for something like this. To have a decent ratings, it can't be higher than Super Girl, there's almost always no problem, right? "

This is actually a goal that the leader very much hopes to achieve. One is that people in Dream of Red Mansions are not short of money, and the money given by Tie Mulan is still very sufficient. Therefore, for something like this, we are not short of money, and we are not short of broadcasting platform. Our Beijing Satellite TV is also a satellite TV station, so I want a good ratings. Is there anything wrong with this? "

There is actually not much difference between what the leader says and what he thinks. When it comes to such a situation, in fact, more generally speaking, when it comes to such an issue, some things are just the leader's wishful thinking. After all, it means that the ratings are not calculated according to this method.

If the leader’s method of calculating ratings is feasible, then on such a question, CCTV’s ratings should be the highest, and the ratings of any CCTV program should also be The highest in the industry.

After all, if it is said that money is not needed, then when it comes to such an issue, no media is more money-saving than CCTV.

When it comes to a question like this, when it comes to broadcasting platforms, there are a few that can compare to CCTV.

Therefore, according to the leader's method of calculating ratings, CCTV's ratings will naturally be the absolute first for such an event.

Yue Heng wanted to roll his eyes, but in the end he held back and said: "Director, you can't think of things like this. Ratings are the goal we pursue, but in a situation like this, if We have some ways to do it better when it comes to things like this. I will do it this way too.

But to be honest, the ratings of any of Ye Ming's programs will definitely be very high. Therefore, at this time, our program has become a little more niche. At this time, our starting point is different from a program like Super Girl, which focuses on celebrity cards to attract audiences.

Therefore, when it comes to ratings, it is impossible for us to be higher than Super Girl, or even close to it, that is impossible. In front of you, I just can't explain some issues like this very well.

I admit that I can't beat Ye Ming. Ye Ming is too cunning. "At this time, there is actually one thing that Yue Heng did not say, that is, regarding a matter like this, this question actually means that if the man in Dream of Red Mansions is in the hands of Ye Ming, then the ratings should be ours at this time. The least suspenseful.

But now that Ye Ming has been driven away, what is the use of worrying about ratings on an issue like this?

However, this problem is rotten in his stomach, so it is impossible to talk about it, unless he is a short-sighted person. And Yue Heng's words actually sounded the alarm to the leaders.

Anyway, I always said that I didn't have the ability to kill Ye Ming's ratings. Therefore, on such a question, I took the initiative to give in.

The leader was actually a little unhappy. How could the leader give Yue Heng such a chance to retreat at this moment?

When faced with such a question, the leader immediately said: "You are the producer of this program, and you have always been responsible for this program. Therefore, at such a time, if you quit and let others come, then what will happen to you?" It's impossible to do something like this. You still have to let me continue to produce a program like this. If you lose people, you won't lose."

This is something that the leader can't keep secret. Anyway, it's just Tang Yue Heng who takes the lead. (To be continued)

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