Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,268 Supergirl’s Judgment Method

The years have dyed your long hair white, the wind and snow have aged your years, and have overturned the wind and clouds in the sky. I will tell you a picturesque poem about the country.

This is said to be a word for love, how amazing is it?

Regardless of any time, any age, any literary works, novels, operas, poems, movies, etc., the most touching thing is the word love.

Why is Super Girl so popular? It’s better to say that it’s because of Super Girl’s popularity than it is about the youthful years that make people sigh. What we chase is not necessarily spring, not necessarily BiBi, but the kind of ignorance we have. We use that kind of madness to remember our lost youth, or our youth that will soon be lost.

Maybe Super Girl has some shortcomings. The biggest shortcoming is why it is a Super Girl and not a Super Boy, or a Super Singing Voice. Only God knows this. Anyway, regarding this matter, Ye Ming allowed himself to complain about Supergirl, and allowed his friends and fans to complain that only girls can stand on the stage. What should boys do? Ye Ming’s fans are not only girls. , there are also many boys.

Therefore, many boys complained in the post about why he was not a super male voice. Later, they were forcefully suppressed by three people, Wa Miaomiao and the small landowner of the village. The three stalls in this thing are all girls. If you guys dare to come over and chatter, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable? Therefore, in such a situation, it is normal to be suppressed. Of course, Ye Ming did not take these episodes as the same thing.

But if people outside want Super Girl to be bad, then Ye Ming will never give up.

Therefore, after this voice just appeared in the circle, it was directly called to hold a press conference, and people from CCTV and Beijing TV really gave face and sent people directly.

Anyway, everyone knows why these two media are here. It just depends on how Ye Ming deals with these two media.

In fact, the first person to stand up and ask questions is naturally the person from CCTV. No matter what, CCTV is the boss. There is no media in China that dares to say that it stands in front of CCTV.

Therefore, at a time like this, it is reasonable that people from their TV station would be the first to ask questions.

Moreover, the reporter from CCTV was worthy of occupying the space for his younger brother. He asked directly: "Manager Ye, many viewers are saying that this expensive program that you spent a lot of money to organize may be a loss. There is no such thing in the world." People are willing to do business that loses money. Unless you have other ideas, do you want to use this method to cultivate the artists of your own company?"

The artists of Brilliant Film and Television are obvious to all. In the domestic entertainment industry, the artists of Brilliant Film and Television cannot say that they can always go sideways. But anyway, if you want to bully the artists of Brilliant Film and Television, then on such a problem You must think about whether you will be retaliated against.

So at a time like this, everyone is wondering if Ye Ming is doing it to praise his own artist?

It is not impossible in this entertainment industry. For example, Shengyi, Tiantian, for example, these are all actors who are unlikely to become famous no matter how much they are praised. And if Huihuang Film and Television praises its own artists on such an issue, it is also a very normal thing.

The key is to see how Ye Ming answers the first question. If you cannot give a good answer to the first question, your press conference will be meaningless.

The reporters who came here knew very well that this time it was Ye Ming's counterattack, a counterattack against Beijing TV's smear campaign against Super Girl. Even CCTV and Beijing TV are actually very clear about this.

Therefore, everyone came here to see how Ye Ming would fight back. If it means that it is not done well enough, then it means that it is relatively difficult to do something like this.

Therefore, the eyes of the entire hall are now focused on Ye Ming. Even He Jiong, the representative of Mango TV, was a little embarrassed. He Jiong is a teacher at the Beijing Foreign Languages ​​Institute, so he is often in the capital. This time, the press conference held by Ye Ming was relatively hasty.

Therefore, it would be more difficult for Mango Station to send someone over. Therefore, for such a problem, it is better to ask He Jiong who is in the capital to come. Moreover, He Jiong is relatively stable in doing things, which is the best thing for him as a representative.

Therefore, when He Jiong heard the CCTV reporter's question on such a question, he naturally had his own little calculation in mind.

He considered this issue from the standpoint of Mango TV.

If this is really confirmed by CCTV reporters, and this guy Ye Ming holds Super Girl to cultivate his own people from Brilliant Film and Television, then is Mango Channel making a wedding dress for himself at this time?

Ye Ming didn't seem to care about such a heated question at all, but said very relaxedly: "This question puts the cart before the horse. I know that many people on the Internet will doubt whether this time's Super Girl will be cultivated by Brilliant Film and Television But I can solemnly tell you now that we will not do this in such a matter. The key is that at such a time, our own actors are all first-class actors. Well, it would be a bit bullying for a top-notch actor to come and participate in Super Girl.

Besides, most of our company are actors, and there is a difference between actors and singers. They may be top-notch, but if you ask them to sing. Others don’t know, but as a boss and a singer, their singing level is inversely proportional to their fame. You can rest assured about this, no one of the actors signed by our brilliant film and television would do this.

Jay Chou and other people from Baodao can sing well, but they are boys, and Super Girl is not needed.

Therefore, you can rest assured that we, Huihuang Film and Television, will not use this opportunity to cultivate our own company's Yanyan. However, we and Mango Channel will organize a new entertainment company. The name has not yet been decided. The contestants participating in the finals must sign with our favorite entertainment company. When the time comes, we, Brilliant Film and Television and Mango Channel, will definitely We will do our best to cultivate these singers.

Therefore, anyone who likes to sing can participate. As long as you have real ability, you can stand on the stage of Super Girl. "

Ye Ming's answer made all the reporters speechless. They really had nothing to say. Even the reporters from Beijing TV Station who were always looking for trouble, on such a question, then There is nothing left to say. Do you think Huihuang Film and Television cultivates its own people?

Ye Ming said in front of so many reporters that actors signed by Brilliant Film and Television will not participate in Super Girl. This is a promise to the media, indicating that Ye Ming will never let his actors participate in this variety show. programme.

In fact, if you think about it, what Ye Ming said is very reasonable. Why did you participate in a variety show? In fact, isn’t it to improve your reputation?

And those actors in Huihuang Film and Television, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, Sun Li, Ma Su, Wang Baoqiang, etc. are all first-line actors. Therefore, on this issue, these people's reputations are already relatively strong in the entertainment industry. Okay, it's not cost-effective to participate in an elective program like Super Girl based on a problem like this.

Moreover, Ye Ming also made a fool of himself by saying that his actors have no singing talent. This question was ruthlessly crushed by Ye Ming. Ye Ming came here to clarify the slander of Super Girl. This time he did it very neatly.

Didn’t you say that I am selfish and will cultivate artists from my own company? Then I simply promise that the artists signed by my company will not participate in Super Girl.

The reporter from CCTV obviously felt a bit embarrassed. After all, he said that he was the first to ask the question, and the question was asked in such a way that it was a relatively intense question. But such a question, in Ye Ming's eyes, It was obviously vulnerable to the strong crushing force.

Therefore, the reporter from CCTV sat down obediently. He was a complete loser. No one expected that Ye Ming would be so amazing. Actors from his company were not allowed to participate in Super Girl at all.

At this moment, the reporter from CCTV directly gave the reporter from Beijing Channel a look, which means that it is very obvious that you should be the one to take action on such an issue. If it means that you cannot take action on such a matter, If Ye Ming's arrogance is suppressed, Jingcheng Station will obviously be disgraced.

Therefore, at this time, reporters from Beijing TV Station stood up.

In fact, at a press conference like this, the reporter from CCTV was the first to stand up and no one said anything. Big Brother, in fact, no matter what kind of question it is, it has certain advantages. Sexually, no one will say anything.

But if we talk about reporters on the scene, the status of reporters from Beijing Channel is not high enough. CCTV belongs to CCTV, but according to the status of Beijing Channel reporters, according to the established rules in the circle, even Mango Channel cannot actually do it.

It is precisely because of this situation that, in fact, the second person to stand up this time should not be a reporter from Beijing TV. But because this time it was actually a grudge between Ye Ming and Jingcheng TV, everyone knew it very well this time. No matter what the situation was, it was understandable that he would stand up.

And this time we are in the capital, and Jingchengtai is also considered a landlord. Therefore, it is not a big deal for reporters from Beijing Channel to stand up this time. It is considered that everyone has acquiesced that this time reporters from Beijing Channel have taken the lead. At this time, the reporter from Beijing Channel didn't care about everyone's reaction.

CCTV reporter, his big brother came to support him, but he didn't expect to get such an answer. Ye Ming is such an amazing guy. But this time, the reporters from Beijing Channel were obviously well prepared and had no intention of letting Ye Ming and Mango Channel go.

At this moment, the reporter from Beijing Channel stood up and said: "Manager Ye, I am Jingjing, the entertainment news reporter from Beijing Channel. Recently, the Super Girl incident has become a hot topic among everyone. Many viewers also called us to ask about Beijing Channel. Since Super Girl is a singing program, how can you ensure that the judges of this program are fair, open and transparent, and that there will be no secret operations?

You know, the teachers who serve as judges are all people invited by your brilliant film and television and Mango TV. Does this mean that if you are optimistic about which contestant you are optimistic about at this time, which contestant will definitely advance? "

This issue is definitely a nuclear weapons level issue.

It is also a common problem in domestic singing competition programs.

In fact, this is just Shantouism. This kind of thing is not only a singing competition, but also calligraphy competitions, photography competitions, etc., all of which have very serious Shantouism. Anyway, it is very easy to win an award if you have a strong backer in the industry. If you don't have a backer, then getting the third prize, let alone the first prize, is a matter of smoke rising from your ancestor's grave.

Therefore, at this time, Beijing TV reporter Jingjing asked Ye Ming such a question with ulterior motives. It is almost impossible to solve such a problem. .

After all, it is about a matter like this. It is difficult for anyone to solve this problem at this time. This is an unspoken rule in the industry.

Ye Ming saw that the reporter from Beijing TV came prepared and said with a smile: "I knew someone would ask such a question today. In fact, I have been thinking about this matter for a long time.

Speaking of absolute fairness, I dare not say this. No one dares to say that any competition is absolutely fair. Even cheating in the ancient imperial examinations occurred. Tang Bohu was punished because of this, so if he had not been Being implicated in the case of scientific examination fraud, there is absolutely no problem with Tang Bohu’s title on the gold medal list. Jieyuan will definitely be named on the gold list. This is an unspoken rule in ancient imperial examinations.

When it comes to things like this, all I can do is try to be as fair as possible. Our score after entering the preliminary round this time is composed of three parts. One part is the score of the expert judges and teachers, which accounts for 30%. The other 20% will be judged by the public jury we invited. These public judging panels will be composed of the contestants who were eliminated during the Super Girl auditions. We will keep it secret for the time being, but in the future, we Super Girl will give it to everyone. Comes with a huge surprise. ” (To be continued)

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