Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,248 Feng Xiaogang’s Ambition

What makes people remember is not necessarily just the feelings, or the money. Ye Ming was very quick to block Spielberg's film, waving a big stick and coming directly.

Spielberg sneered and said: "Actually, everyone is concerned about the box office. If I can bring good box office to this movie, then all the rumors will disappear."

This is actually also a question of confidence. Spielberg has such confidence to say such things.

In other words, Spielberg is a very tough guy. Although he knows that Ye Ming's threat will hit him relatively hard, he will never admit it in front of Coppola now.

Yes, Spielberg himself is the number one commercial director. In terms of commercial films, he is the best among the four major directors. Therefore, he was unwilling to admit that he was plotted by Ye Ming alone.

Such a thing is actually quite normal. After all, Coppola is in front of him, right?

It seems that Spielberg also wanted to show off that his idea was right. He immediately turned around and said, "Emmerich, you and Ye Ming have just collaborated. What do you think of such a person?" One person, do you think this kind of threatening tactics can succeed in Hollywood?”

This was for Emmerich to express his position, and Emmerich thought for a moment and said: "If we talk about acting skills, among the current Hollywood actors, Ye Ming is relatively average in the first class, at most He is around level 20, but his explosive power is pretty good. When the plot requires his emotions to explode, he is very good at creating this.

As for his behavior, I think you should think about the relationship between James and Ye Ming.

You should know that James and Elizabeth are fighting over their skills to make a movie, and the driving force behind the scenes is Ye Ming. Ye Ming doesn't care about James's future, Elizabeth's robot, this kind of situation, I think this guy is quite capable. "

Although Spielberg also hoped that Emmerich would stand on his side and belittle Ye Ming, he did not expect that Emmerich would not buy it at all. There is nothing wrong with you being a great director, but I am also a director. Ah, I'm not a new director either. I have my own opinions on my own actors and will not be influenced by you.

Coppola said with a smile: "Steven, you guy, don't do this, if you don't listen to my persuasion, then you will know what a stupid decision this is.

If you are willing to reconcile now, then if I act appropriately at this time, there is probably still hope of success. If you say you are unwilling, then just pretend that I didn't say anything. "

Coppola has a good relationship with Ye Ming, and can also talk to Spielberg, so I want to make peace with the two people. After all, both of them can be regarded as pricing your existence in their respective fields.

Spielberg's movies and Ye Ming's Internet are both geniuses.

Spielberg shook his head and said, "No need for that. He makes it seem like I'm afraid of him. I don't believe that my movies wouldn't be able to sell without the Internet." Emmerich seemed to be saying that he felt like he was here What do you mean? You just used the excuse to find friends and left directly.

Emmerich is the director of Fox, and there is also James, the eldest prince, and the relationship between James and Ye Ming is also quite good. Therefore, when it comes to the issue of Ye Ming, Emmerich does not need to give any advice at all. Spielberg's face. After all, two people are not members of the same company, right?

At this time, Coppola shrugged and said, "Well, you may be right. I hope you won't regret your decision, but I, an old man, am too troubled."

After saying that, Coppola left directly. In fact, at the moment when Coppola left, Spielberg seemed to feel that something was missing. It seemed that he wanted to reconcile with Ye Ming. At such a time Maybe it's a win-win situation.

But considering that the other party was Asian, he was not qualified to bow his head. Therefore, Spielberg thought about it and finally said that he had not thought of how to express it.

At this time, Ye Ming also returned to the capital. At the airport, he also met reporters who came to greet him. In such a situation, it was natural that some reporters would ask this question.

Bai Ming seized the opportunity to interview and said: "Ye Ming, I heard that you blocked Spielberg's new drama Cat and Mouse Game. Why did you do it like this? Why didn't you block Spielberg? It seems more interesting to do it like this. To relieve your anger?"

Ye Ming blocked Spielberg's movie. No matter how it is said, it will feel very satisfying when it comes out. In such a matter, in fact, no matter how it is said, in At this time, it is all a matter of shame for China. After all, when it comes to Hollywood, generally speaking, there are few people in the Chinese entertainment industry who dare to be as tough as Ye Ming.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Banned? No, you understand this matter incorrectly. Huihuang.com will not report this movie because Cat and Mouse Game did not pass the censorship. The ban is only for this movie. As for why I didn’t block Spielberg’s other local films at a time like this, do I need to say this? That’s because the online copyrights of these kiosks are in our hands. At a time like this Under certain circumstances, do you think I would ban his other films?"

Of course this won't happen. However, the online copyright of Spielberg's movie is actually said to have been taken over by Luo Tian. In such a matter, it is really surprising. These movies But it is quite rich. No wonder Ye Ming was so angry, but in the end he did not block Spielberg's other films. Ye Ming himself would not block himself.

At this moment, Ye Ming also revealed a very important news, that is, Ye Ming actually started to buy Hollywood early, and definitely, he bought not only the online copyright of the film directed by Spielberg.

It's just that under such a situation, Ye Ming happened to encounter such a thing and told the news.

A reporter took this opportunity to ask: "Mr. Ye Ming, I heard that there were some misunderstandings between you and Director Spielberg. I wonder how you would explain such a thing."

In other words, why do he and Spielberg have conflicts? This reporter is definitely the kind of guy who watches the excitement and is not afraid of making trouble. He is a key guy who stirs up trouble.

But Ye Ming liked this style of questioning because he had no intention of reconciling with Spielberg this time.

After all, Spielberg is also backed by a powerful force in Hollywood. If Huo gives in this time, how will Ye Ming live in Hollywood in the future?

If you give in once, you will give in again next time. Therefore, he said without any politeness at all: "It's because of the movie. He invited me to audition in Japan. I think such a great director will never take his word for granted." Let’s talk. I went to Japan to audition, and the result was that in the end he chose Tom Cruise to play the role. Do you know what this means?

This means that what he said at the beginning about choosing an Asian to play the second male lead was actually just a gimmick. In this case, it was just a gimmick to deceive people, used to advertise the movie.

If he didn't choose Asian people from the beginning, then I would have deserved to be rejected if I went to the audition, but after he made the promise himself, he ended up breaking his promise.

Can I not be angry about something like this? In fact, it's not just me, Director Takeshi Kitano is also very angry, but I don't care what attitude the Japanese entertainment industry will take towards this matter. Anyway, whoever deceives me must pay a price.

You don’t have to use Asian people. This is your freedom. After all, it’s your movie, but don’t engage in racial discrimination. Otherwise, you will definitely pay the price when things like this happen. "

It can be said that the entire Japanese entertainment industry has been fooled this time, but what Kitano Takeshi said is absolutely correct. Spielberg is not worried about the Japanese entertainment industry boycotting him. After all, he said that Japan would not dare to do so at a time like this. Offend Americans. This is also the reason why he chose to go to Japan instead of going to China to choose people.

Except for some traitors and traitors who kneel down and lick Americans, many people in China still despise the United States. At this time, Yu Guo stood up and said: "Mr. Ye, after this incident, what will you do next? Will you continue to make movies in China, or will you go to Hollywood?"

This is a question that everyone is concerned about, that is, Ye Ming's dynamics. Under such circumstances, will Ye Ming stop going to Hollywood first?

Ye Ming said very calmly: "A rat excrement can't spoil a pot of soup. Hollywood is still good all day long. Therefore, we cannot be hostile to Hollywood. If there are good opportunities in this place, then I I will still go, and judging from the current situation, I will make some moves in the country in the short term. As for what they will be, I will keep it secret for the time being."

This is very clear. I am very unhappy. I will not go to Hollywood for the time being. But if you are talking about what kind of good opportunities there are in Hollywood, I will not exclude cooperation with Hollywood. But now, I will do it. There are some actions in the country. Ye Ming didn't say anything, because in such a situation, Ye Ming himself really didn't know how to do it.

After all, Spielberg's move came too suddenly. He originally thought he was going to Hollywood to film a cat-and-mouse game, but under such circumstances, he actually said that he had been tricked by Spielberg. Therefore, he himself is still unable to determine what kind of development will happen next.

However, what happened next made him realize that he really couldn't have any free time. Feng Xiaogang heard that Ye Ming was back, so he invited Ye Ming out for dinner to discuss the new movie. The meal was not somewhere else, but in Feng Xiaogang's house. Eating at home is relatively simple.

Of course, this is the treatment of old friends. Generally speaking, such a treat can only be considered high-end if you go outside. But please Ye Ming, Feng Xiaogang doesn't think there is any issue of quality, as long as his friends come to eat at home.

Xu Fan was still busy in the kitchen. Under such circumstances, the whole environment seemed relatively warm.

Feng Xiaogang pushed the beer over and said, "Yi Ye, it's okay if you don't go to Hollywood. What else do you have? These people are very discriminatory against us Chinese people, and they even say they are not Americans. I'm filming in the United States. See you there." There are always a lot of troubles.

It can be said that these troubles are rare to occur in China. "

This question is based on Feng Xiaogang’s own experience. When he was filming See You and Be Apart, he also went to the United States to shoot on location, so he also encountered some unnecessary troubles. It was even said that Uncle Ge was in the rented yard at that time. He took out a submachine gun and attracted the police. Because the way it is in the United States, there is no problem if you have a gun, but you should not show off things like submachine guns casually.

There is no problem with hiding this thing at home for self-defense, but if you put it on the street or in the yard, you will probably be complained by your neighbors. Because if you go into the yard with a submachine gun, it is theoretically safe to threaten your neighbors.

Therefore, this matter still gives Feng Xiaogang a big headache. Ye Ming also said with a smile: "Forget it, it's actually not a big deal. Director Feng surprised me. For this type of film, to be honest, I miss you now." If you want to take pictures, it is probably unlikely. Don’t believe it, even if you send it, you will probably be called back, and it is impossible to get a project approved for you.”

When making a movie, you first need to send the script to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, which will be reviewed and approved before the project can be approved. After the filming is completed, the edited film must be sent over for review. Only after it passes the review can you get it. Screening license for screening in the Mainland.

Otherwise, they are all underground movies, such as Jiang Wen's The Devil Is Coming, Fan Ye's Apple, etc., which do not have birth certificates.

The movie Feng Xiaogang took out was later called 1942. It was a movie that Feng Xiaogang had always wanted to shoot. This was not the first time that he and Ye Ming had proposed shooting, but this time Feng Xiaogang seemed to be serious about it. Yes, all the books have been made.

This is to save Ye Ming's opinion. Look at the expectations of this book and predict the box office of the movie. But Ye Ming was more direct, saying directly that even if this book was reviewed, it might not pass, so Feng Xiaogang should give up. (To be continued)

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