Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,235 Insider Party

No one does not cherish his life, but few people cherish time.

In fact, time is the most precious thing to a person, and this is often wasted by countless people for various reasons. Ye Ming is obviously the kind of person who likes to calculate time. He is very strict about time.

Therefore, even for something like the Running Brothers movie, he made a very good plan.

Ye Ming didn't care about this matter at all and said: "Everyone here knows better than me what kind of shooting a movie needs. They are all my seniors and have a lot of experience that I can learn from. But if it is How is the filming of the variety show? Everyone here, I think basically no one dares to stand up and say that they are better than me, right?"

There is nothing to say about this. The directors here are all Ye Ming’s seniors. This is a fact. The skills of these people are also worth learning from Ye Ming. Of course, Ye Ming has a ******** system , he learns very quickly.

At this moment, Ye Ming said that he is the best in variety shows. No one can refute this. Even the most cynical Jiang Wen actually has nothing to say on such a question. After all, The absolute ratings of Ye Ming's Running Brothers, a phenomenon-level TV program, are a rare example in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Film directors have always considered themselves to be upright and would not shoot any variety shows at all. Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming said that his variety shows are the best. Naturally, no one can argue with this.

At this time, Jiang Wen relaxed a little and said, "The program you filmed, Brother Run, is pretty good, but that doesn't mean it violates the objective laws of movies. You haven't established a crew now, right? You establish a crew and select actors." , and then shooting, this all takes time, do you have so much time to do this?"

Ye Ming also shrugged his shoulders with certainty and said: "You also said that this is not an ordinary movie, it is actually just a variety show. Making a movie requires very professional knowledge, but if you are talking about shooting a variety show, then You can relax appropriately.

Therefore, in terms of time, if you do not count the time of the convener, it takes two days, or at most three days, to produce a program like this. Our program is actually basically two days of shooting for one episode. Three more days, sometimes even one issue can be shot in one day, which is not something that movies can compare with. When the time comes, it will be edited according to the techniques of variety shows, and it will be ready for release. "

At this time, Jiang Wen also said with some confusion: "Then can a program like yours be called a movie?" Is this obviously a variety show? "

Professional director Jiang Wen can tell at first glance that Ye Ming maintains a strong and confident attitude towards such an issue.

But why Ye Ming is so confident, few people know.

At this moment, Ye Ming also said very calmly: "This can be called a variety show movie. I did not invent this kind of thing alone. This kind of thing also happened in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea in the early days. Especially in Japan, Several of the more famous cartoon characters will basically produce a big movie every year.

If this were replaced by our variety show, then why wouldn’t we be able to do it? What’s more, at this time, I didn’t have such a plan for a day or two.

In fact, regarding the issue of film materials, during the break between filming the program "Running Brothers", we have already completed the filming. All that is left is to edit and then arrange for release.

Third Master, we will deliver the film in two days, but you have to keep a close eye on our company. "

This amazing turn of events by Ye Ming surprised everyone present. They were all film directors, so at a time like this, they knew very well how long it takes to successfully shoot a movie, even in Hong Kong. Fast shooter Wang Jing didn't dare to say that the filming was completed in two or three days.

But Ye Ming dared to have the confidence to say it directly, under such a situation, he was filming a variety show at the same speed. Even Han Shanping found this a bit incredible. What surprised him was the film format.

Han Shanping said very seriously: "Ye Ming, there is no problem for you to send movies, but you have to figure one thing out. You said you can shoot a movie in two or three days. Is this true? It can't be true." Fooling the audience?

Besides, when it comes to making a movie, you are somewhat subverting everyone’s ideas. "

Yes, although most of the people present are fifth-generation directors, in a place like China, these people in the entertainment industry who really have the say in the film market will obviously not believe this easily.

If what Ye Ming said is true and a movie is shot in two or three days, then under such circumstances, in fact, there is still one movie a day.

Who will be the director from now on?

Therefore, what Ye Ming said about these situations is actually some bad rules.

Ye Ming only took the trouble to explain: "There is still a difference between variety shows and movies. Movies strive for excellence, but variety shows are about attracting audiences. No matter how it is, it is difficult to approach it with the attitude of making a movie." Doing variety shows.

But this is how Ye Ming did it, and he said that on a question like this, some things must be explained in detail. Although Variety Movie is called a big movie, in essence, at a time like this, it is still a variety show.

Therefore, all we have to do is make the audience like it, and the rest is up to you.

Educating people, persuading them to be good, etc., these are all your responsibilities. This time's variety show movie, even if I don't take any tricks, it will only last two or three days, so it's not a big deal. "

This is Ye Ming's explanation, but when it comes to such an issue, he himself is not very good at using beautiful women to worry about the audience's feelings. Audiences go to see variety movies just to be funny.

This is actually Ye Ming's positioning for the Running Brothers, just for fun. By the way, if it means that you can make some private money, then when Ye Ming does this, you people can't control it. .

Zhang Yimou said helplessly: "This is up to you. If you really carry out this task in two or three days, will you be able to do it? Ye Zi, this is not a joke."

In fact, the national master also expressed doubts about Ye Ming from a distance.

At least at this moment, Zhang Yimou doesn't think Ye Ming will cause him much trouble. Regarding this point, Ye Ming actually said with great confidence: "We don't do this once or twice anymore. Basically, we do everything like this when shooting the Running Brothers. Two days or even one day is normal. Ah, at this time our company may be finishing the rough cutting now.”

At this time, Jiang Wen said with some envy: "If your so-called variety show is all true, then your movie is basically zero cost. You are giving some people who are not very well-funded The director has one direction.

Everyone will regard your big variety show as a benchmark. "

Han Shanping knocked on the table and said: "Don't talk about this yet. We are considering our problems. Ye Ming's problem is not universal at present. We have to have our discussion now. If you have anything, please bring it up yourself. Otherwise, , then change someone."

This is the last thing Han Shanping doesn't want to see. He hopes that he can control this situation, but in fact, even the powerful Han Shanping has little experience in this aspect.

Jiang Wen suggested: "I was wondering if it was interesting to talk so much nonsense. Now I finally thought of a reason for this. A few of us are here to discuss the domestic film market next year. But does it really work?

These are all metaphysical issues. In fact, they are not a big deal in nature. Whether it can solve a practical problem is difficult to say clearly. "Jiang Wen couldn't stand it. There was really nothing worthy of praise in this party.

Sure enough, just like what Jiang Wen said, no specific things were discussed at the final gathering. They just said that there was a relatively unified topic, which was supporting heroes. Zhang Yimou's hero has directly become the focus of everyone's attention.

Moreover, Han Shanping also took advantage of this opportunity and did something that surprised everyone, that is, he directly announced an issue at the meeting.

Han Shanping thought for a moment before he said seriously: "Everyone, we still have a question, that is, under such circumstances, what attitude should we maintain towards Hollywood movies? . Nowadays, the competition for the international film market is quite fierce, and our country has the largest audience in the world. Therefore, it is impossible for our film market to remain closed like this. Sometimes, we should do some appropriate of adjustment.”

Zhang Yimou immediately understood the hidden meaning of this question. He hesitated and said, "Now let me shoot heroes and set a benchmark for the Chinese entertainment industry. Is this the purpose?"

Han Shanping nodded and said with certainty: "This is natural, and this is also a test of the water. Therefore, on this issue, although we will not fully open the market, we have already begun to try to integrate with international standards. ”

This is the difference between planned films and market films. And Ye Ming is actually very clear that even the future film market, which has been open for more than ten years, has been talking about it, but has not taken any practical actions.

This matter has not been truly determined. After all, movies are not ordinary commodities, they are a relatively special kind, and they are a kind of subtle propaganda.

Therefore, this matter cannot be opened casually. In other words, in fact, a party like this does seem to have a slightly sad meaning. It is a party thrown by people who are too busy. But if you don't do it, it's impossible. It must express that the leader attaches great importance to such a matter. Otherwise, there may be some unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Ye Ming asked Han Shanping after the meeting: "Third Master, I myself find such a question very boring. Jiang Wen also said something fair. Doing it like this is basically It's just a waste of time. But why is it always held?

This thing has no specific effect? "Such a gathering is not something that ordinary people can convene. Therefore, regarding such an incident, Han Shanping also felt a little aggrieved and said: "You think I am not willing to stop such a gathering.

However, on a question like this, can’t I succeed? Some things are not initiated by me, so I can’t just say I won’t do them. In fact, this party is still very useful, at least it has a great influence in the director circle.

At this time, there must be some waste. Han Shanping immediately went on to say: "Actually, this arrangement is not useless at all. At least, it prevents everyone from repeating some works. Although this is more likely in form, this form is It is necessary. This proves that someone is paying attention to the movie. This thing is a signal sent by the General Administration to everyone.

I just want to say, Ye Ming, you are a newcomer and it is your first time to attend such a gathering. Therefore, regarding such a question, some things are not as simple as you said. We also need to have a gathering like this. "

Some gatherings seem to be a waste of time, but I have to say that they are indeed necessary. There is no such problem. The entertainment industry has done a good job and confidentiality is relatively good, at least speaking of it. , Ye Ming had never attended such a gathering before.

And at this time, Ye Ming was not very adaptable.

That's because Ye Ming was not at a high level before. If he was not at a high level, it would naturally mean that he was not qualified to know about this party. After all, this is an internal professional gathering, so it is impossible for a layman to attend such a gathering.

However, now that Ye Ming's fame has reached this level, he is qualified to know and come to participate. (To be continued)

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