Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,228 The division of power in the entertainment industry

Playing a big role with strength is called fearlessness, while playing a big role without strength is called indifference, or it is called breaking the jar and falling.

Ye Ming is of course a capable person. The Spring Festival Gala crew can tolerate him not reporting until now because they believe that Ye Ming can bring surprises to the Spring Festival Gala crew.

At this moment, Chen Yulu took two leaders to find a small conference room. The three leaders sat in front, and Ye Mingzai sat across from him. Chen Yulu looked at the time and said: "Ye Ming, this leader is actually quite busy and doesn't have much time to spare. We still believe in your ability, but you have to work hard. Director, do you have any instructions?"

This is the advantage of asking for instructions early. As a subordinate, it never hurts to take the initiative to ask for instructions.

The person who was called the director said with a smile: "I don't have any instructions, and Ye Ming is not an outsider. Just tell me what song you will bring today. If it succeeds, you will directly join the Spring Festival Gala. It will not fit the atmosphere of the scene." If so, the only choice is to change it."

The songs for the Spring Festival Gala naturally have to pay attention to the atmosphere. The Spring Festival is a festive time, so it is impossible for you to create a sad song or something. Anyway, sad songs are not very suitable.

This requires cheerful songs, or songs that the Spring Festival Gala crew needs, such as praising the country and praising the party. Of course, these have royal singers such as Xiao Dong and Xiao Song. They are all beautiful and good at singing, so naturally they are There is no need for Ye Mingchang’s theme song.

The Spring Festival Gala needs Ye Ming's influence to attract many young audiences to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and people in the Spring Festival Gala also believe that Ye Ming has such ability.

Ye Ming nodded and said, "Okay, what I brought today is a song with a more Chinese style called [Chinese Folk Song]."

Yes, what Ye Ming brought this time was Chinese folk songs. In fact, he thought that this song originally existed, but recently when he was abroad, he wanted to listen to this song. He checked it on the website and found that This song actually didn't appear for some reason. Xiaosun became famous with another love song, and this song is his best.

In the entertainment industry, it is actually relatively easy to be a singer. Anyway, as long as you sing well and have a representative work, you can sing for a lifetime. For example, Xiao Sun, who used to sing [Chinese folk songs], is such a person.

This is an example of a lot of good things happening in the entertainment industry. A song is popular all over the country, and you can have food and drink for almost your whole life.

Of course, with the popularity of the Internet, it became increasingly rare for a song to be popular all over the world. But now, this situation is still very common. Ye Ming liked this song very much. When he was in Paris, he missed his hometown, so he directly looked for this song to listen to. Later, he didn't hear it on the website, so he realized that it didn't appear in the music scene at all. Therefore, this time during the Spring Festival Gala, he directly released this song.

Chinese folk songs and New Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies Dream are claimed to be the originators of Chinese-style songs, at least in the history of modern Chinese music. One south and one north, it was bright for a while. Of course, further away is Li Shutong’s large [Outside the Changting Pavilion, beside the ancient road]. But Li Shutong is a genius who almost uses cheats. He is not serious about singing.

Ye Ming took out a Walkman produced by a certain company in Japan. It was very compact and could be put in your pocket. It was about the same size as a dictionary.

[Chinese Folk Songs] Fresh and refined songs flow out instantly, making people feel spiritually intoxicated like orchids in an empty valley. [In the morning and evening, I pick up a glass of wine. I am lonely after the wind and rain. Do you have an intoxicating smile? The chrysanthemums are filled with wild geese flying over the building... 】

A song that is called a classic and will never be erased by time has a very Chinese style. Although there was no such style as Chinese style at that time, it was actually a song of a similar style. It definitely stands out among the many popular songs.

With this song, Xiao Sun has also reached the status of a first-line singer. After singing the song, Ye Ming turned off the music and said, "Three leaders, this is the Chinese folk song I brought today. I hope the three leaders like it."

The fat director took the lead in applauding and said: "Not bad, not bad. I said that Ye Ming will not let us down. Look, look, what do I say? Wait a few days, and you will get such a good work. Chen Director, we need to vigorously cultivate good actors and singers like Ye Ming."

The leader is very satisfied. Chen Yulu naturally has nothing to say. The key is that the leader is satisfied. This is very important to her, the Spring Festival Gala crew, and even Ye Ming.

If the leader is dissatisfied at a time like this, then it would be difficult for Chen Yulu as a director to explain such a matter, and it would also be difficult for Ye Ming to explain it as a person.

Fortunately, it seems that the leader is quite satisfied with Ye Ming.

What's more, the song Ye Ming played is definitely above the level, and it is a pleasure to listen to it.

Another leader also clapped his hands and said: "It's indeed good. I pick up a glass of wine in the morning and evening. I am lonely after the wind and rain. Listen to the lyrics. The artistic conception is far-reaching. It has a flavor of the legacy of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Today's entertainment industry, There is an impetuous atmosphere, and some artists need to step forward to cool down this impetuous atmosphere. I think this song is very good, very good, and worthy of encouragement. Ye Ming, it really did not live up to our expectations.

I suggest that this song should still be used as the opening song. "

Whether it is the opening dance or the opening song, naturally it is the leader who has the final say. The previous few times were because Ye Ming had a crushing level of works and no one could compete with Ye Ming. Therefore, no one could doubt the opening song. But in a situation like this, Ye Ming, He is definitely the kind of artist who can be so busy that he never sees anyone. This time, he didn’t report to the Spring Festival Gala until now.

Therefore, no one can really know what kind of songs he can come up with this time. Therefore, on such a question, whether he will serve as the opening song, this is Hard to say.

This depends on the work. After all, Chen Yulu is also responsible for the Spring Festival Gala, or responsible for the leadership. Of course, the latter point is more critical.

But this time, Ye Ming also lived up to expectations and came up with another high-level song, which made the two leaders very satisfied. This time, it was better. Ye Ming still stood in the opening song with an absolute advantage. Regarding the position, the Spring Festival Gala crew has never decided on this point because they don't know what songs Ye Ming will come up with.

It is certain that Ye Ming will be able to attend the Spring Festival Gala, but it is still difficult to say what position Ye Ming will stand in by attending the Spring Festival Gala.

But this time since the leader said that he had already nodded, he naturally said that there was no room for change on this matter.

Chen Yulu immediately said: "The two leaders are indeed very discerning. Ye Ming, you have to thank the two leaders. It is precisely because of the persistence of the two leaders that you have been allowed to join the crew until now. If it were someone else, , there is no hope for joining the crew two months early. You have to perform well and don't let the leader down. Why don't you go prepare first and wait for notification of the rehearsal at any time."

The Spring Festival Gala crew is actually usually a preparatory team established in the summer. Basically, the program will definitely be finalized three months before the Spring Festival. Of course, it is roughly finalized. The Spring Festival Gala is four and a half hours, not counting the host's nonsense. , including commercial time, it is estimated to be more than three hours of program content.

At this time, the program will be approximately four and a half hours long, and the rest will be finalized until the last rehearsal, the second rehearsal, and the final dress rehearsal, recording and broadcast preparation, etc. What is the show about.

Therefore, if you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala, you need to build relationships early to find a way.

There are only a handful of singers like Ye Ming who can always be invited.

There are several regular guests at the Spring Festival Gala, and Zhao Dahuyou is considered to be the more qualified among the regulars. Of course, Lao Jiang is older and has a deeper background, but now there are less popular ones. The most popular one is Lao Zhao. In this crew, there are actually There is such a circle. Those actors who often participate in the Spring Festival Gala, whether they are doing cross talk, performing skits, singing or dancing, etc., are all members of this circle. This is the folk art circle, the Spring Festival Gala folk art circle. Generally speaking, it is also This circle is the main focus for acupuncture.

When eating, Lao Zhao walked to the canteen deliberately. At this time, some actors in the Spring Festival Gala crew were quite puzzled. Zhao Da was lying. Normally, he ate in his own room. As a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala, Zhao Da Huyou naturally has his own separate dressing room, and it is fixed. Other actors will not appreciate it and occupy Zhao Dahuyou's dressing room. This is a matter of the crew's qualifications.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even when eating, he would stay in his dressing room, but this time, he made an exception and walked out. This was obviously very similar to Lao Zhao's previous habit.

Zhao Da fooled around and found his target. Yu Junjian and Xiao Song, two great singers in the singing world and royal singers, were also eating in a corner. They didn't fight for it, didn't show off, and Zhao Da It's almost like cheating. He looks like a farmer, but in fact, in the Spring Festival Gala crew, he is a character who can walk sideways.

Therefore, when it comes to an issue like this, they are on the same level.

There is no need to express any special status, but in the Spring Festival Gala, no one dares to provoke her. Zhao Dahuang came over, and Xiao Song greeted him: "Teacher Zhao, you are here, sit here, sit here."

After Zhao Dahu sat down, an assistant naturally brought freshly prepared meals. Zhao Dahuo still gets this kind of treatment. Other actors are actually used to it and don't think there is anything wrong with it at all.

Zhao Dahuyou said while eating: "We have just received the news. Director Chen and the two leaders went to review Ye Ming's program. The result has been decided. Ye Ming is still the opening song."

This is reasonable, but also unexpected.

It makes sense that this is because Ye Ming has not been in the opening song position for the first time. It seems that young people nowadays have developed a habit of watching the Spring Festival Gala. Many of them are just waiting to see what Ye Ming will do for everyone this year. What kind of songs does it bring.

Therefore, it makes sense that he would sing the opening song. Unexpectedly, that's because this year, Ye Ming actually spent most of his time busy with movies, variety shows, and everything. Anyway, he was not busy with music-related matters. Therefore, in such a Under such circumstances, some people in the Spring Festival Gala crew are wondering how Ye Ming will appear in the Spring Festival Gala this time, and whether it will still be the opening song.

Don't underestimate the position of the opening song of the Spring Festival Gala. Normally, you wouldn't dare to stand in this position without certain strength. Even if you dare, the director may not be assured.

Therefore, there are very few people who are capable and the Spring Festival Gala crew can rest assured, and Ye Ming is one of them. However, this time he still relies on his works to speak. This time Ye Ming has a song "Running", but it is the theme song of the variety show Running Brothers. Although it is said to be popular all over the country, it is Mango Channel The Spring Festival Gala has always said it disdains the use of such works in its broadcast programs.

Therefore, although the song "Running" is said to be very popular, under such circumstances, on the Spring Festival Gala, at least everyone is not optimistic about it.

It's a pity that it's obviously not the same person who has such an idea, but this time the Spring Festival Gala also chose Ye Ming as the singer of the opening song. This shocked everyone. The only possibility is that Ye Ming took it A work that satisfied Spring Festival Gala director Chen Yulu and also made the leadership very satisfied came out.

Xiao Song said with some disappointment: "Really? Actually, it's nothing. Ye Ming's works have always made everyone feel at ease. If it weren't like this, the director wouldn't have waited until now to call him. Let him report to the crew."

Ye Ming is an anomaly in the Spring Festival Gala crew. He has no backing, but everything speaks for his strength. His works are enough for him to be qualified to participate in the Spring Festival Gala at such a late time.

And if Ye Ming hadn't appeared, the first song after the opening dance would have been Xiao Song's work. Unfortunately, this time, it was Ye Ming who performed the opening song of the Spring Festival Gala.

At this point, Xiao Song was actually a little disappointed. Everyone hopes to be in the top position, but there are only a handful of people who truly have the qualifications and ability to do this. But Ye Ming happens to be one of the few who has the ability to do this. One of the singers. Moreover, what he did was quite successful. (To be continued)

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