Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,221 Winning may not necessarily be victory

Relics are empty images of all dharmas. Therefore, emptiness is not color, and color is not emptiness. Emptiness is color, and color is emptiness.

This statement corresponds to Taoist culture, which means that mountains are mountains, water is water, mountains are not mountains, and water is not water. Looking at mountains is still a mountain, looking at water is still water.

If there is a more popular explanation, I can't figure it out, and you can't figure it out either, just like Monet's paintings.

If ordinary people can't understand it, they will immediately feel that Monet's paintings are very high-end.

In the fashion industry, it is almost the same example. Only things that you cannot understand can become popular. If even a farmer can see the meaning of the clothing at a glance, why is it popular?

Therefore, like Armani, Terra, and Jacobs, they are thinking about how to make ordinary consumers unable to understand and follow their feelings, rather than making consumers understand it at a glance and discard it as tasteless. kind of.

Ye Ming, a layman, directly became the winner of the Cleon Ball. This application really shocked people in the fashion industry. After the ball, a lot of media immediately gathered around. This is the world's first The media have all followed, and those who can stand here to interview are all industry leaders in this country.

CNN in the United States, of course, as well as Star TV in the United States, BBC in the United Kingdom, and NHK in Japan. Korean KBS and other related reporters are paying attention to this fashion event, and everyone knows the results.

Ye Ming was able to defeat many opponents, break out of the siege like a dark horse, and become the final winner. I believe that not only one person is surprised, but many people are also surprised.

Of course, the first person to be interviewed was the French Fashion TV station. There was no way. This was the most professional TV station, a landlord, and a partner of the Clion Ball. With such a favorable time, place and people, it was hard to imagine whether we would be able to get the first prize. It is impossible to interview anyone, but the first person to come out is Tyra, the queen of Versace, who is graceful and gorgeous.

That kind of temperament cannot be imitated.

This was not the first time Mary, a reporter from French Fashion TV, interviewed Tyra. When she saw Tyra coming out, she immediately rushed forward and said, "Miss Tyra, please tell me what you think of this Cleon Ball." Such a feeling, is it beyond your expectation that Ye Ming won the first place? What do you think of this?"

In fact, these are two questions, but Tyra also said easily: "Well, today's feeling is amazing. I didn't expect to see so many newcomers in the fashion industry emerging at this party. This pair The fashion industry is a good thing.

We need fresh blood. We cannot support the fashion industry with just a few of us. This is impossible. Therefore, we need more people to participate in such creations. This was demonstrated very well today. As for Ye Ming, this guy did not disappoint me at all. He is our designer at Versace. Therefore, today's achievements are something worthy of celebration for us at Versace. We will hold a celebratory cocktail party later. "

The second question raised by Mary was: "I heard that Mr. Armani and Mr. Ye Ming made a bet. I don't know if there is such a thing, or if it is just a rumor."

At this time, Tyra said with great certainty: "Of course this is not a rumor, but a real thing. On such a question, Ye Ming actually exceeded my expectations. Mr. Armani's The pattern used once was based on the cuneiform writing of ancient Egypt, which has a very historical and heavy feel.

It can be said that this time Mr. Armani is infinitely close to the first place. Jacob and I are resigned to this kind of clothing by Mr. Armani. But Armani used ancient Egyptian characters. Now, Ye Ming uses Chinese culture. The magical clothes he made can produce the ancient Chinese pattern of the Qingming River Scene under the light.

Therefore, this time is a collision between two civilizations, and it is obvious that Chinese culture is superior. We at Versace will also increase your research in this area and strive to show traces of Chinese culture in more clothing. "

At this time, a reporter asked two questions. This is an unspoken rule. Even the French fashion TV station can only abide by this unspoken rule.

Jacob came out, and Robin from Star TV came forward for an interview. He saw that Jacob's face didn't seem to be very good-looking, so he paid great attention during the interview: "Mr. Jacob, what do you think about this?" Do you have any personal thoughts on the outcome of the Tsiklion Ball?”

Jacob pondered for a moment, and then said with a cold face: "If the opponents are Terra and Armani, then I will be very careful about living like this, because they are old rivals, and there is no possibility of negligence. .

But this time, I didn’t treat my opponents well. Not only Terra Armani, but also Luotian from China. This is very surprising. Therefore, in such a situation, this dance gave What I bring is surprise.

However, Ye Ming won the first place. This is recognized. As a newcomer, he was able to achieve such results. I am Chinese and I will do better than him.

Of course, Ye Ming is already looking very good now. To be honest, I don't feel jealous of this guy. "

This Jacob is the kind of person who dares to offend anyone. Anyway, when he spoke, he showed a kind of disdain for Ye Ming, thinking that Ye Ming's victory was just opportunistic. Anyway, it was just a bit pleasing to the eye that Ye Ming was not very good.

Because Ye Ming won first place at this time, it was a recognized thing.

Therefore, in such a situation, even if Jacob is unwilling to admit it, he can only face reality.

But admit it, admit it. Isn’t Louis Vuitton’s struggle for the first place this time? But Ye Ming won the first place at the scene, which put Jacob's face in a bad way.

Therefore, it seems to be a normal thing for him to be unhappy and unhappy. In fact, I really thought that the person who should be troubled by this wonderful question is Armani.

After Jacob left, Armani came out. This seems to be a convention at the Cleon Ball. Designers from the fashion industry appeared, and Terra, Jacob and Armani, as big names in the fashion industry, Ka, naturally came out first.

Of course, who comes out first and who comes out later depends on their mood at the time. It was obvious that Tai La was in a very good mood. He was the first to come out, and Jacob was a little unhappy, but he still had to admit that he lost this time.

The last one to come out was the biggest loser this time, Mr. Armani. Moreover, this old man made a bet with Ye Ming and lost the game. Many people did not understand this. After all, it was said that in this situation One question that should be faced at this time is actually the attitude of the many media themselves.

After thinking about it for a while, Tyra and Jacob had already left. Therefore, Armani had to come out at this time. Reporters on the scene immediately gathered around. This old man was the focus this time. This time the fashion collision between East and West, It actually ended in Armani's failure. Such a result made the reporters at the scene stunned.

Aren't Chinese people the kind of country that is closed and backward in terms of price comparison? Why is there a person like Ye Ming? No matter how reporters look down on China, at this time, Ye Ming did get the first place. At this point Above, any reporter must face reality. They came to interview the Cleon Ball, and naturally they wanted to dig out the inside story of the ball.

In such a situation, it is obviously a very good way to find Mr. Armani to ask a few questions. The first person to seize the opportunity to interview Mr. Armani was Marie, Tyra and Jacob from French Fashion TV. After they came out, they were also surrounded by other reporters for interviews, and Xianza Marie had the opportunity to rush forward.

Finding Armani directly, Mary said without hesitation: "Mr. Armani, are you satisfied with the performance of Armani's clothes at this ball?"

This question is a little heart-wrenching. Armani is the Lafayette of the fashion industry. He has always regarded himself as the number one. Of course, there are still many opportunities for Armani to get the number one.

In such a matter, Armani unexpectedly lost to Ye Ming, a newcomer from the East. This is an issue that reporters at the scene need to know. To be honest, Armani always has a cold face when facing reporters. Of course, he usually also has a cold face when facing people other than the boss, otherwise he would not be like this. A nickname.

Therefore, at such a time, he himself did not smile at all, as if Mary owed him millions. Of course, reporters are very used to Armani looking like this. It seems that there is also such a rumor in the entertainment industry. Will Armani laugh? This question seems to be difficult to answer.

Therefore, in such a situation, Armani's expression is not important to you. What is important is that in such a situation, Armani said with a cold face: "What's the point? Victory and defeat are common things for soldiers, and Napoleon also has them." For Waterloo, let alone me, I would just go back and find this place. As a designer, you can't care about winning or losing in the moment.

We must pay attention to the market and market share. This is what a designer needs to pay attention to. Ye Ming did go to this dance to win, but what the hell, his clothes were so classy.

It is destined to be enjoyed by only a few people and cannot be the style of the masses.

Ye Ming's clothes are destined not to be popular. Therefore, in such a situation, no matter what it is, Ye Ming's appearance may give me an extra idea in creation. As for It will not have any impact on our fashion industry at all. Armani is still Armani, and we will still have a huge market.

This is what I gained today. "

Armani actually just understood that the shock brought by Ye Ming is indeed very shocking, but it is useless. Whether it is Armani, Versace, Louis Vuitton, etc., they all follow the popular route. Although The price is a bit high, but if you bite the bullet, ordinary people can still afford it.

However, Ye Ming's qualified clothes are definitely not affordable for ordinary people. Even among rich people, there are not many who can afford Ye Ming's clothes.

Therefore, Armani just wanted to understand this point, and then said something like this, you get the first dime of use, there is no way to popularize it.

Therefore, although Armani was very unhappy that Ye Ming won the first place, under such a situation, at this time, he knew that Ye Ming could not become a big trend, at least not in the fashion industry, and could not threaten him. of his status.

In this case, Armani would not take Ye Mingjie's first place seriously at all. If he understood this, he would naturally look at such a problem with a condescending attitude.

After Ye Ming came out, Robin, a reporter from Star TV, rushed forward. This is a good friend of Prince James. This is the key point of Star TV's coming to France. This is an object that needs careful publicity. of.

Therefore, Robin came here with almost two tasks, one was to interview Cleon Ball, and the other was to interview Ye Ming. Of course, interviewing Ye Ming was the key point.

Therefore, after Ye Ming appeared, Robin faced such a thing directly. At this time, Robin said enthusiastically: "Mr. Ye Ming, congratulations on winning the first place in the Cleon Ball. I believe you will have a pleasant evening. Now in front of the vast fashion industry audience, what do you have to say to everyone?"

This is almost like asking Ye Ming to announce an acceptance speech.

Reporters from almost all TV stations rushed over. After all, Luo Tiantian is the number one, the real number one. Therefore, in a situation like this, in fact, more importantly, it is to express the reporter's importance to the first secret gun. .

Even though Armani was dismissive of Ye Ming's victory, and Jacob's victory over Ye Ming was seven disobedient and eight obedient, it is undeniable that Ye Ming did win first place. This is China's victory. , and is even said to be the first person in Asia to win first place in this fashionable and top-notch dance. An achievement like this is already worth reporting. (To be continued)

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