Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,219 Shock

As big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is.

Whether it is Tyra, Jacob, or Armani, it must be said that they are all top geniuses in the fashion industry, but their eyes are only in the fashion industry.

Therefore, their results have actually been fixed.

After all, it means that no matter how they approach an issue like this, at this time, their eyes will not go beyond the understanding of the fashion industry.

But Ye Ming is different. Ye Ming's vision is farther. At this time, the fashion world is just a game to him.

In a real game, he has a **** system. Therefore, his vision is not just focused on the fashion industry. He stands higher and sees further.

Although Ye Ming has not activated the ********* system for a long time, it is not that he does not want to use it, but that he wants to use it. He does not have a strong enough opponent, so it is not worth activating the *** system at all. *****systematic.

It's different now. He activated the ******** system and directly turned his ideas into reality through the functions of the props inside.

The day after tomorrow is the Cleon Ball. If you want to design and make costumes by yourself, when will it be successful? Even if you say you are successful, will it be better than top talents like Armani, Terra and Jacob? ?

But Ye Ming is not saying that he has no advantages at all. The props in the ******** system can make all kinds of costumes for you. There are only things you can't think of. There are no props that can't be made. This is the future. ********The system is powerful.

At this moment, Ye Ming made two sets of clothes with the name [Black, Temptation, Phantom], one to wear for himself and one to keep for Chen Xi. The Cleon Ball was held, and the Cleon Hotel suddenly became very lively. Celebrities from all over the world gathered together, journalists, people from the fashion industry, and some audiences. Most of these audiences were parents, relatives and friends of celebrities, and some European celebrities. , philanthropist or something.

During the ball, the first person to appear in costume was the Swedish princess. The Swedish princess was in her prime. She wore a black starry evening dress designed by Queen Terra of Versace, showing an extremely noble style. This style, It makes people encounter a kind of light in the dark night, showing the mystery of the infinite starry sky. Immediately, there was a round of applause.

And Jacob also appeared as the daughter of a Middle Eastern sheikh wearing silver-gray clothing, with the theme of starlight, reflecting a noble atmosphere.

At this time, Tyra took a look and said: "Jacob, I didn't expect it. You are trying to be tricky. We ordered black and you used silver gray. If it is about a matter like this, you are said to have deviated." There is nothing wrong with asking questions.”

Jacob didn't care at all and said: "Gray is also a kind of black. Do you find it interesting to argue about this? Besides, the focus now is not the issue that you and I are afraid of. This is what Armani and your spokesperson will do. What kind of work is it? To become a shareholder means that if there is a result in our competition, then we can start competing now. The focus of this dance is not at all on you and me, I believe you must know this. "

Of course Tyra knew this, and what she said herself was just a joke. Besides, Jacob’s gray clothes had a black collar. This means that black is the main color. Saying it must be all black is like saying Terra's costume also has stars.

Therefore, this really cannot be regarded as a reason, so Tyra did not continue to speak on such a question, but nodded and expressed silence, because she herself was actually quite clear that on such a question, in fact, Some things are not as simple as you think.

The audience, reporters, people in the fashion industry, and the ladies who attended the Clion Ball all want to know about this inappropriate competition between Armani and Ye Ming, a little-known Versace designer. What are the results?

Tyra herself was actually quite worried. Although she was relatively confident that Ye Ming had created so many miracles, she believed that since Ye Ming dared to challenge Armani, he was not unprepared at all.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, some problems are actually so simple. Everyone just wants a result.

Whether Armani encountered Waterloo, or whether Ye Mingnenggu became a dark horse, this is the focus of everyone's attention.

Therefore, in fact, Tyra and Jacob's costumes did not cause much excitement after they appeared.

The third socialite to appear is the daughter of a British rock star. She is wearing a dress designed by Armani. This dress is said to be the finale. It has black dazzling patterns and lace edges, giving it a mysterious and noble atmosphere. .

When Tyra and Jacob saw it, they immediately knew that this was something special. Egyptian cuneiform. This was a Rubik's cube of Egyptian cuneiform. The dazzling pattern was cuneiform. A variant of exists.

There was no other way. After the two of them saw Armani's dazzling pattern clothing, they knew they had lost this time.

Although it may be that ordinary guests do not take such a thing into their hearts, when it comes to such a problem, both Tyra and Jacob are designers. They are both talented designers. They can see it at a glance. Just look at the gap in the processor. It is a cultural gap that cannot be bridged by design.

Jacob sighed and said: "This old guy Armani is really well-informed. He can do all these things. He caught me off guard. I never thought of such a thing." He will come up with this. This time, 80% of the time he will be able to take the first place."

Tyra was a little reluctant, but at a time like this, she had no choice but to say: "Yes, Armani's cultural accumulation can indeed be reflected. I heard that he will be a guest host this time. He is very likely to get the first place, so he must have gone on stage to show off again.

You don't know this guy's virtue yet. If he can win, he will never let go of making fun of his opponent in a matter like this.

This is what makes him happy. I think this guy has started this mocking pattern again. Ye Ming, I don’t know if Ye Ming is willing to give in like this. "

In fact, it is okay for the two of them to lose this time. After all, they are young people, and they will have a chance to come back if they lose. And although Tyra and Jacob said they didn't win many times against Armani, they did win sometimes.

But now, Ye Ming is the key. Ye Ming made a bet with Armani. Therefore, in such a matter, some issues are not as simple as they appear.

Ye Ming has no capital to lose. If he said he lost, it would definitely arouse everyone's ridicule. And Armani will not let go of an opportunity like this.

As expected, Armani walked out on his own and said very excitedly: "Gentlemen, ladies, distinguished guests, on this pleasant evening, welcome everyone to Cleon to attend this gathering of ladies. This time, there are some It's a special place. Before everyone enjoys this wonderful evening, please allow me to take a few minutes of your time.

You know, every time at the Cleon Ball, the first place will be selected for the King's Fashion Award. This time, the color chosen by me, Tyra and Jacob is black. Well, during the discussion When asked this question, Mr. Ye Ming from China seemed to express some dissatisfaction with our fashion. Therefore, I made a bet with him, saying whether he is better than me when it comes to fashion issues.

This time, Mr. Ye Ming and I both brought our own works. Everyone has seen the works I brought, so next, Mr. Ye Ming should bring his own works. Mr. Ye Ming, I wonder if you are ready to watch? "

This is not a provocation. If it is a step beyond the level, then everyone will call it a provocation. But Armani has a higher level than Ye Ming in the fashion circle. Therefore, when Armani says this, it is not a provocation, but a matter of course. At least that's what most people at the scene looked like.

Ye Ming knew that this matter must have a result, so he stood up very readily on such a question and said: "Yes, I am ready, but what I didn't expect was that Armani Mr. actually used the form of cuneiform to express fashion symbols. But today, I will also give you a surprise. I think everyone will like the work I brought.

Now, I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend, my future wife, Miss Chen Xi. She is one of the ladies at the Cleon Ball. I told her that one day, I will stand on top of the world. , let people all over the world witness our love. Please, Chen Xi. "

Chen Xi, Chen Xi from Asia, at this time, Chen Xi was wearing a long black dress with Chinese characteristics. In this case, it seemed that the dark Chinese dress did not appear to be anything special. place.

Armani said with a smile: "Mr. Ye Ming, are you kidding? Is this the costume you mentioned that is designed more powerfully than mine? I can't tell at all that such a costume has Something different.

It's not much better than the goods on the street stalls. No matter in terms of color, appearance, or materials, there is nothing commendable about it. This time, the people at the party are all experts in the fashion industry and people from the aristocratic class. You won't dress us up with ordinary clothes, will you? I know that you Chinese are a country of etiquette, and humility is your virtue, but you won't be humble at a time like this, right? "

It seems, it seems, there is indeed such a thing. Chinese people, many Chinese people, seem to be overly modest.

This point is actually very serious in the West. Chinese Americans are generally the kind of people who rarely cause trouble.

Therefore, Armani started to poke fun at such a problem. Ye Ming said with a smile: "Maybe I am an outlier among Chinese people. In fact, the modesty of us Chinese people is generally only expressed in one situation, that is after victory. Lighting engineer, please excuse me. , focus the brightest light on my girlfriend, and turn off all the lights around her."

In the entire hall, the only light left on Chen Xi was, and at this time, under the illumination of the light, a mysterious pattern like the Scene on the River During the Qingming Festival appeared around Chen Xi.

At this moment, Ye Ming walked up, also wearing the same costume, holding Chen Xi's hand, standing on the stage while walking, waving to everyone.

While Ye Ming and Chen Xi were leaving, the patterns on the Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival were changing unpredictably in the light.

Shocked, this shocked everyone present. Ye Ming and Chen Xi stood in the center of the stage. At this moment, the world's attention gathered on them. The light returned to brightness again. At this moment, Tyra was stunned and said: "Ye, how did you do such a thing?"

Ye Ming held Chen Xi's hand and explained to everyone with a smile: "The effect of light, Chen Xi's and I's clothes are all made of silk. We are made of Chinese silk, and special techniques are used during production, so , when an optical fiber is illuminated from a specific angle, the pattern of the Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival will appear on the clothing. This is my design, [Black, Temptation, Phantom]."

After Ye Ming's explanation, the people at the scene finally accepted this reality. China's history is the most complete and oldest civilized country in the world. Many things in this country are not understood by everyone. Take silk for example, how are those beautiful silks made?

Light, yes, Ye Ming said that the current situation can be achieved through the action of light. Although some people may doubt this, this is what they saw at the scene. Seeing is believing. Therefore, they have to accept this reality.

Ye Ming really used silk to create an amazing costume [black, temptation, phantom]. This is an unprecedented costume. At this moment, Armani knew very well that he had already lost.

With so many people at the scene, it would be very clear that Ye Ming's clothing, in terms of cultural accumulation, directly crushes Armani's cuneiform pattern clothing. (To be continued)

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