Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,209 The Problem with Cinema Lines

Life is not only about mediocre life, but also poetry and distant fields. Poetry does not romanticize the suffering life or idealize the mediocre life, but gives people the courage to look into the distance and the fields in the midst of inaction.

As for whether you have the courage to look up, that's a matter of opinion. Ye Ming finally settled the matter in Hollywood. He originally returned to China early, but as a result, he was delayed for a week because of all the big and small things, and then he returned to the capital.

The first person he met in Beijing was not someone from his company or an acquaintance in China, but James. It was said that he was here to attend some kind of summit. It seemed to be a party thrown by a few wealthy people. Anyway, Ye Ming had no intention of participating. This was just a party idea thought up by those rich people.

James, on the other hand, was very excited to meet Ye Ming in the capital. He invited him to drink coffee. Of course, Ye Ming would not agree. In his own territory, he asked others to treat him. If word spread, how would Ye Ming be in the world in the future? Mix it up.

Therefore, Ye Ming drove James directly to the VIP box of the roast duck restaurant, saying that when he arrived in the capital, he must try the roast duck here.

The huge roast duck was cut into thin slices and placed on the plate like rice paper.

At this time, James said a little strangely: "Can this duck be eaten?"

Ye Ming said categorically: "It's natural. Our Chinese food culture is different from other streets in the world. If we say it is edible, then it must be edible. If we say it is inedible, then it must be. It’s inedible. This Chinese delicacy will be something you will never forget. The roast duck restaurant in Beijing is one of the best in the world, and the roast duck restaurant here is a century-old restaurant.”

James didn't realize what was so good about the roast duck, which made Ye Ming laugh for a while. After finishing the roast duck, he served dumplings. Ye Ming immediately introduced: "One of China's greatest dietary inventions, dumplings, the combination of meat and vegetables is very good." Reasonable."

James complained: "Isn't this about a roast duck restaurant? Why are there dumplings in a roast duck restaurant? This is unprofessional. Shouldn't a professional roast duck restaurant only serve roast duck?"

Ye Ming said rudely: "Don't pretend to be an expert if you're not an expert. Isn't your fast food also a drink, hamburger and fried chicken? Don't talk so much nonsense. Tell me what you have to say. You are fighting with your sister in the United States. You can't Come to China for no reason, don’t tell me about a meeting, there are so many meetings all over the world, and I haven’t seen you there.”

Zhan Su said with a smile: "I can't hide this from you. In fact, I came to investigate the market with this question."

Inspecting the market? Ye Ming was a little confused at this time. James must have had ulterior motives when he came, but he really couldn’t figure out what this guy was here to do. But I heard that he was here to inspect the market. This is quite surprising. Unexpected. At this time, Ye Ming thought about it and said, "You, News Group, are here to inspect the market. Tell us what you should pay attention to."

James said with great confidence: "This time I am here to inspect the cinema chain. Cinema chain, we plan to build a cinema chain in your country, build a large-scale, world-class cinema chain, and even build it in first-tier cities. Digital cinema, didn’t you and Cameron talk about studying this thing?”

Ye Ming nodded without denying it and said, "It's almost like this. Under such circumstances, we also invited Chief Hussein and others from the Middle East to participate. Are you also interested?"

James said ambitiously: "Of course, China is a huge market. No one in this industry in the world can ignore a big market like China. Therefore, we at News Group want to What do you think of being able to directly launch this theater chain under such a situation?"

Ye Ming shook his head firmly and said resolutely: "This is not a good idea. Anyone who wants to establish a theater chain in China will not be able to succeed."

James was stunned for a moment. This was different from what he knew. What he learned was almost opposite to what Ye Ming said. Therefore, James immediately said: "Why, at this time I also learned about the market and thought it could be invested. Hasn't China always welcomed foreign capital to invest in China's economy?"

Ye Ming nodded, and there was no difference at all. Instead, he said earnestly: "You are right. In our reform and opening up, we welcome foreign capital to enter, but this is also divided into industries, such as service industry and manufacturing industry." There is no problem in waiting for these industries, which can stimulate the economy and invigorate the market.

But what kind of industry is the cinema chain? It involves the field of ***. Therefore, this is a channel for publicity. Do you think we will allow such a channel to allow foreign capital to enter? "

James said with some disbelief: "This is impossible. I have asked some people in the relevant departments and they also welcome our investment in cinema lines."

At this time, it was obvious that James had done some preliminary research. Therefore, under such a situation, he did not agree with Ye Ming's proposal.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "You believe this too, it's just a word game. China has five thousand years of civilization. Word games can make you think about it for half a year, but you may not be able to figure out the meaning." James immediately looked at it and said: "There are written records of more than three thousand years,"

Ye Ming did not say much on this matter, but said: "Yes, it has been more than three thousand years, but our writing came out of thin air, or fell from the sky, and did not evolve slowly. Therefore, five It has been like this for thousands of years. You can easily see this cultural accumulation by playing word games. It says that you are welcome to invest, but you are welcome to invest.

But I understand your temper. If you invest, you should hold a controlling stake, right? "

This issue is the most critical issue. It involves who can take responsibility. No one can be careless about this.

News Corporation's temperament has always been that it is best to control it by itself. Therefore, James wants to invest in the theater chain this time and specifies that he wants to control it. There is nothing wrong with this.

James said with certainty: "This is natural. Under such a situation, it is best for us to be a sole proprietor of this issue. If we cannot be a sole proprietor, then on such an issue, holding a shareholding is also very good. Selected.

Therefore, I came here to investigate and see what such a market is like and how we will operate it. If we can break the market structure of China, it will also be very beneficial to our News Group. It's beneficial. On this point, I myself am very confident. "

Ye Ming smiled and patted James on the shoulder and said: "Man, it's good to have confidence, but such a thing is impossible. You can't succeed. Don't talk about you. Your father is here, and this matter is all gone." It is impossible to succeed, at least in China, it is impossible for you to succeed in this matter."

Seeing Ye Ming's categorical expression, James said with some suspicion: "Why? I inspected the market and saw that it went relatively smoothly?"

Yes, he used the name of a meeting to inspect China's cinema lines and found that this is a market that has just begun to emerge. When any market is just emerging, this is the easiest time to enter. of. Therefore, he definitely has reason to be excited about such an issue. China is a big cake.

Ye Ming looked at someone who was drowning and said, "You are simply too naive. It is impossible for you to succeed in China. You know that I also controlled Brilliant Cinema before. You should know this, right?"

As a partner, James was naturally aware of some of Ye Ming's actions. He nodded and said: "Yes, I know that. Later, you seemed to transfer the Huihuang Cinema due to problems with the Huihuang Network. I don't understand why you transferred it. This cinema chain is very profitable, and It seems that Quantum Fund also invests in theater chains, so I don’t understand why they would be willing to transfer it to you. Also, Quantum Fund doesn’t say it can invest in theater chains, so why can’t we News Corporation?”

This is a question. James finally found out what Ye Ming said wrongly. Yes, Quantum Fund can be a theater chain. Why did Ye Ming say that News Corporation cannot be a theater chain?

Ye Ming explained very seriously: "I am exchanging the theater chain for the license of Huihuang.com. It can be seen at this time that my investment is relatively fruitful. The theater chain has a large investment and the cycle of returns is It is relatively long, so it is not suitable for me to invest in, but it is a website. Now in the world, who wants to make videos that can circumvent our Huihuang.com?"

On the contrary, Huihuang.com is now the leader of video websites, and it is the well-deserved leader. Anyone who wants to build a video website cannot avoid Huihuang.com.

Then Ye Ming said: "As for the investment issue you mentioned, Quantum Fund invested in theaters and cooperated with me, but they only invest. When the time comes, they will pay dividends. If they lose money, they will invest money. If they don't invest, they will pay dividends." The money was kicked out directly, so I was the boss of Brilliant Cinema at that time, and I had the final say. I controlled Brilliant Cinema. You understand, I am the actual controller of Brilliant Cinema.

Therefore, our country thinks that there is nothing wrong with such a matter. After all, we, China Heat Control Cinemas. This is the bottom line of our country. Cinema lines can allow foreign investment, but if foreign capital wants to hold a controlling stake, or even a sole proprietorship, this is simply impossible. "

James finally understood what Ye Ming meant by his words. He was silent for a moment, feeling that his brain might not be strong enough.

At a time like this, he thought for a long time and racked his brains before saying: "You mean, I have the right to take money and make money, but I don't have the right to speak. Is this true?"

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "It's not wrong. Your stocks have no voting rights. This is a prerequisite for your foreign capital to invest in our theater chain. If you say you can't do this, If you understand, then stop playing.

Domestic theater chains must be controlled by domestic capital. This is called meat rotting, and it also rots in the pot. If it means that you are not suitable for such an investment, forget it. I think you should stop playing. Is News Corporation willing to invest in a theater chain that it cannot control? "

This matter is really difficult to say. James at least couldn't answer Ye Ming. Therefore, he said with some frustration: "This matter seems to be impossible. I think, right, my father is here, maybe it is I can give you an answer. If we can’t hold a controlling stake, then I’m not sure whether the board of directors will agree to approve the issue of epoxy automation.”

James is just a market researcher and a pioneer. The rest of the decision-making should belong to the Board of Directors of News Corporation. Therefore, in such a situation, he has no right to make decisions. Ye Ming also has no right to make decisions. The boss said: "That's fine. If you can think about it like this, that's the best. Let's go back and talk about it. In fact, if you don't hold a controlling stake, there's no problem. Just wait and make money." This is not much different from holding a shareholding.”

Is there not much of a difference? James is very clear about this. There is of course a difference, and the difference is very big. News Corporation's investments all have their own purposes, and sole proprietorship is the best. , but holding a shareholding is another option. If you can't hold a shareholding, then if you still want to invest at this time, you need to think about it carefully.

Therefore, under such a situation, James was a little disinterested.

At this time, he was ambitious to open up his own market in China, but he didn't know what was going on. At such a time, he actually said that Ye Ming gave such an answer.

Now it seems that if News Corporation loses Idol to invest in China, it will definitely not be a sole proprietorship or a controlling shareholder. But without these two conditions, then on such a question, is News Corporation’s board of directors? James himself was very confused about agreeing to such an investment in China.

He himself could not have imagined that in China, investing in a theater chain actually meant having so much knowledge. Investment was investment. Why did it involve so many things? James may be saying that it is impossible to understand how to understand some things in China in a lifetime. Foreigners, when they come to China, it is difficult to quickly adapt to some of the environment here. No matter how rich they are, they have to take their time. (To be continued)

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