Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,203 Choice of Partners

The young man knows no worries, and is full of romance. There is no way that the rivers and lakes are far away, and the world is far away from home.

What this said is that everything is good in one's own family. Even if there is trouble, it is easy to solve the trouble if there are connections and familiar people in one's own family.

But if we talk about leaving home, even if we take one step, it is still a journey to the end of the world.

The end of the world is not far away, it seems so far away that it seems to be on the edge of the horizon. But the end of the world is also very close. When you leave home, you are in the world.

What's more, this time Ye Ming is in Hollywood, which is thousands of miles away. In a place like this, it is obvious that you need to be careful when doing things.

After sending away Zhang Yimou and Kitano Takeshi, these two directors each had their own thoughts. Kitano Takeshi was probably thinking about finding a way out.

As for Zhang Yimou, whether he is willing to do this is a matter of debate. What he said is not wrong. Although he is the director of the hero, on this issue, if it is about publicity or something, this is still open to debate. It really wasn't Zhang Yimou who had the final say.

As for buying prizes or something, let alone that. The next day, Ye Ming was taken to Cameron's studio. This was because Hussein wanted to visit and see if he could take down these tycoons in the Middle East. In such a matter, Still really have to watch this visit.

Cameron wanted to pull Ye Ming over. That was because Ye Ming was not stage frightened and was a good talker. Sai Yin was stunned as if nothing had happened, and he didn't take Ye Ming's protest to heart at all.

One is because Hussein is rich and will not take this loss to heart at all. The other is that Ye Ming is really a capable person. At this time, facing a capable person, even Hussein It is also a place to make some concessions.

A capable person is entitled to be proud. Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming was invited over. Cameron's studio is really quite advanced. The theme part is a large screening room. After all, it is intended to make digital movies. Therefore, at a time like this, it must be done well. It is a plan to sharpen your tools first.

Moreover, this guy Cameron, to be honest, is definitely a cheater. He spends money like water.

Not to mention anything else, the value of this theater alone is about three million US dollars. It is estimated that this is still a conservative price. If we calculate it carefully, then on such a problem, three million can only A little more, not less.

Therefore, on such an issue, there are some things that cannot be discussed with people like Cameron. Geniuses always have genius ideas, but this genius is a waste of money.

No wonder no one has invested in Cameron until now. I don’t know when a project like this will make money, or even whether it will make money at all.

Although both Cameron and Ye Ming believe that the world of digital movies will be dominated by digital movies in the future, at least judging from the current situation, this is not actually the case. Therefore, if there is no confidence, then there is no way to invest in Cameron on such a problem.

Fortunately, Ye Ming is very clear that the spring of digital movies is actually coming soon.

Therefore, investing in such technology is very profitable. At this moment, Hussein actually came here just to see what this digital movie was like, and whether it was similar to digital photos, such as the digital apple he saw yesterday.

If that thing could be made into a movie, it would be quite interesting.

There should be no problem in making money. Although Hussein doesn't know much about art or high technology, he knows that rare things can always attract everyone's attention.

Digital movies may indeed have a future in such a thing. Cameron's studio has prepared the best digital short film this time. Although it is said to be used for experiments, no matter how it is said, in such a situation, it also shows a shocking effect. .

It was an experience that he had never experienced before. After watching the short film, Hussein was full of praise: "Director Cameron is really great. The film he made will definitely shock the world. If we can cooperate, then I I think there will be a bright future. By the way. What about technology investment?"

At this time, Hussein had already decided to invest in digital cinema. After seeing a movie like this, it would be a fool to not think of investing in digital cinema under such circumstances.

It is even said that he once again thought of technical issues on such a problem.

Cameron shook his head and said: "As for technical matters, we have already begun cooperation with Huihuang.com, so there is no need for a third company to enter. What we need now is digital cinema and digital movie technology. If we talk about cooperation, If everything goes well, the first digital movie should be released tomorrow or the year after tomorrow."

At this time, after seeing the technology of Huihuang.com, Cameron naturally would not cooperate with a rich man. If he wanted to cooperate with Cameron, it would not be enough to just have money. Cameron is a technology master. , if you want to convince Cameron, it must have special skills.

Upstarts like Hussein were not in Cameron's eyes at all. It's said that it's a collaborative digital film, but that's because I really can't get any money.

Ye Ming also followed behind and said: "Mr. Chief, in fact, it is not just one person who wants to invest in this cinema. Mr. Soros and I are cooperating with Mr. Murdoch. Therefore, if I ask them to cooperate, If so, then I don’t think they will refuse.”

Yes, there may not be many others in the United States, but there are many rich people. Even if the Middle East is rich, it is impossible to compete with the United States.

At this time, Ye Ming's statement is already quite obvious. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then we will just find others to cooperate directly.

On this point, Ye Ming is very confident. He believes that if he throws out a theater concept like digital cinema, there won't be too many people cooperating with him.

Hussein said thoughtfully: "I know the advanced nature of this theater chain. It's good. It's very good. It's true that it's the same as what you said. In such a situation, if it's about you and others, Cooperation, there is no problem, I believe this, but in such a situation, why didn't you find Soros or Rupert Murdoch to cooperate?"

This is actually something that Hussein really wants to know. On such a problem, if you go to Soros or Murdoch, you will get more help than if you go to Hussein.

Why is it that Hussein is the kind of rich man who wants to wear gold and silver, and behaves very vulgarly? In fact, this is also a kind of protection. Faced with such a country bumpkin who has little cultivation, Americans will not be so defensive.

Therefore, this is also a kind of protection for Hussein himself. In Hussein's view, as long as he makes money, it will be a very good result on such a problem. As for how Americans view themselves, is this important?

But Ye Ming was different. Hussein couldn't see through Ye Ming. He said he was vulgar and a country bumpkin. Like himself, he was looked down upon by Americans. This was probably possible. But Ye Ming is the one who can create Brilliant Network and Brilliant Film and Television.

Therefore, on such a question, how to talk about it, and on such a matter, it all shows that Ye Ming is capable.

And the people who can be valued by Cameron and cooperate directly are not ordinary people. At least technically, they can be said to cooperate with Cameron. Therefore, he hopes to be able to ask clearly. Even if he cooperates with Ye Ming and Cameron, he must at least cooperate with someone who understands.

In fact, no matter what it is, there are some things that Ye Ming will never tell unless Hussein asks. After all, there are some things that cannot be said. But this time, since Hussein asked, Cameron seemed to be more suspicious of this.

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "Cooperation is possible, but if I mean cooperation with Soros or Murdoch, then we are at an absolute disadvantage at this time. Even if I, Huihuang.com, have the support of China, and I dare not say how to take advantage of Soros's cooperation, not to mention that the digital theater chain is now established in the United States. This place is the territory of Murdoch and Soros.

But if you and I are cooperating with you, Mr. Hussein, then such a thing is not a big problem.

Everyone around the world knows that Mr. Hussein is rich, but in terms of influence in the United States, Mr. Hussein may not be as good as Director Cameron and I. Therefore, we Only through cooperation can we be considered equal. You provide the money, and director Cameron and I provide the technology. At this time, cooperation is a match made in heaven. "

Although Hussein is rich and unlucky, Cameron is an American and Ye Ming is Chinese. Hussein needs to consider these two backgrounds carefully. Therefore, on such an issue, Ye Ming's calculations can be said to be very far-reaching.

No matter what Hussein thinks, he will find that Ye Ming's actions at this moment will show that cunning characteristic. The Chinese are cunning. This is a saying Hussein heard in the Middle East. He didn't believe it at first, but now it seems that this is true.

Hussein thought for a while and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It's really like this. I think Mr. Ye can get along like a fish in water even in a place like Hollywood.

As you said yourself, Huihuang.com and Huihuang Film and Television are both very profitable. If Mr. Ye invests in this digital cinema chain himself, then I think there will be almost no problem, right? "

Ye Ming said very definitely: "One is that I don't have that kind of cash flow. We still need to study this digital technology and let it enter commercial operation as soon as possible. And whether it is Huihuang.com or Huihuang Film and Television, in this situation In any case, a certain amount of liquidity is required.

These are not the key points. The most important point is that under such a situation, if I invest in a digital cinema chain and it is a sole proprietorship, then the US government will definitely not be happy to see this kind of monopoly behavior. appeared.

Although I am happy with the US government, under such a situation, it is meaningless to say that I am always required to litigate with the White House. Therefore, Director Cameron and I chose you, Chief Hussein, to cooperate, and I believe that such cooperation will be very pleasant.

Of course, if Chief Hussein is unwilling to cooperate, it is not impossible for me to find someone else to cooperate. You are the best choice, but not the only choice. "

Yes, these are the fundamental reasons for cooperation. Hussein also believed this at this time. In such a situation, no matter how it is, this matter fully illustrates one point, that is It is said that when it comes to such a problem, don't put your eggs in one basket.

Hussein said very readily: "Very good, thank you Mr. Ye for your confession, then we can discuss the details of cooperation."

This means that there is already a preliminary intention. On an issue like this, the result makes everyone happy.

Cameron also did not expect that things would go so smoothly. He thought that Hussein would have to investigate carefully no matter what happened. He even said that at this time, Hussein would give it a little thought. So for such a matter, I happily agreed.

You know, this is not a cooperation of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, but a cooperation of tens of millions. Therefore, this speed really surprised Cameron.

But he himself understands very well that this is because Ye Ming said harshly, if you don't cooperate, I will find someone else to cooperate. Although you are the best partner, you are not the only one.

This is enough. Of course, what businessmen want is to make money. Chief Hussein is a very smart businessman. Since he has seen the prospects of digital cinema, he will not let this matter go casually.

Therefore, it is very normal to immediately say that it is about the specific details of negotiation and cooperation. He was also worried that if it was really what he said to Ye Ming, then at this time, Ye Ming would directly find someone else to cooperate, and there would be nothing like Hussein in the future. At this point, everything seemed so smooth, which made the Camerons think that it would be a good choice to cooperate with Ye Ming. (To be continued)

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