Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,201 The Golden Globe Award can also be bought

Finally, the mist and rain from the south of the Yangtze River covered the world. After letting Hua give up, it was only a moment, and the mountains and rivers were silent forever.

When Ye Ming learned about the purpose of these two directors, he finally remembered this classic sentence among classics on the Internet.

Both Zhang Yimouha and Kitano Takeshi are in their respective countries. As a director who has reached the pinnacle, it can be said that he is blessed with glory and absolutely dominates the domestic entertainment industry.

But after all, they still cannot resist the temptation of Hollywood. Hollywood is actually a huge temptation for any director in the entertainment industry, but they also don’t know that the Golden Globe Awards, this Empress Rong Hua, Just one scene, and the mountains and rivers will remain silent forever. To put it in layman's terms, after the excitement, there is nothing but chicken feathers everywhere. No matter what, what's the point of pursuing this? It's just a private award from the Hollywood Reporters Association in the United States.

There is no such thing as a certain award from China. It is definitely a government award and has three correct views.

As for the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers, this thing often has double yolk eggs. You have seen several awards that often have double yolk eggs, or even triple yolk eggs. It’s a scam.

Even if you win an award, don't say that you are a best actress. People in the circle won't recognize it.

But Ye Ming thought about it and realized that as a director, you have to pursue something.

Some people are willing to play with the Golden Globe Awards, and some are willing to watch Hollywood. Most of the audiences in the world also mean this. Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Actually, the Golden Globe Awards are not as good as you think. , or that it is not as dignified and mysterious as you think."

Zhang Yimou said with great certainty: "It's always better than some domestic awards, right? Then it's just a matter of sitting in a row and dividing the results. If you are not a member of the circle, don't even think about winning the award. Feng Xiaogang is such an awesome director, and the box office It’s amazing, but the golden rooster is not a bird at all. Such a thing can only be done in China. Movies cannot be judged solely on the box office, but without the box office, can a movie still be called a movie?

Or is it still a good movie under such circumstances? That's just a way for people within the domestic system to bully mentally retarded viewers. Looking at the award-winning movies, what are those best actors and actresses? Some of them I have never heard of can win awards. Do you think such an award is authoritative? "

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, but finally said: "Of course, Japan should have a similar situation, right?"

At this moment, Takeshi Kitano also complained helplessly: "It's the same in Japan. They are all played by people in the same circle. Our Japan Film Academy Awards are also very cheating. They will take care of their own people. If you are not one of your own people, , at this time the hope of winning the prize is almost zero.

That time in 1999, my "Hanabi" won the Golden Lion Award in Europe, which should be considered quite remarkable. However, that time at the Japan Film Academy Award, it was actually said that I lost to "The Man Who Begs for Love".

I have never seen this movie, but later I learned that this movie was invested by Toho, and many of the judges for the Japan Film Academy Awards are employees of Toho, or one-third of the Japan Academy Awards The above judges are from Japan's four major film and television companies, not from these four major ones. They are destined to accompany the prince to study and become a green leaf. "

At this point, Takeshi Kitano is quite frustrated. He knows very well that in a place like Japan where there are many factions, no one will play with you without a strong backer.

Ye Ming said with an expression that he had known this for a long time: "Yes, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite. In fact, I am also very aware of your experiences with such things. You have always wanted to be in the international community." Winning the award, and the two seniors have actually been doing this, this is really an example for us to learn from. But, do you think the Golden Globe Awards must have no insider information?"

These words also made Zhang Yimou and Takeshi Kitano stunned. Is the Golden Globe Award really without any flaws?

It seems that such an evaluation is not a big deal. After all, it means that the two of them are well prepared for such a problem.

Zhang Yimou and Kitano Takeshi are not children. To say that our awards are fair and just is stinking. Behind fairness and justice is to be as open as possible.

Therefore, at this time, Zhang Yimou and Takeshi Kitano believed that the Golden Globe Awards were also discriminatory to a certain extent, discriminating against Asians and even non-Americans.

These are all possible to save. After all, from the perspective of people in the film industry, people who play movies all over the world, except for those in the United States, are all country people.

Even in European countries such as the UK and Germany, they all seem to be country people. Even in the eyes of some extreme people, if they are not from Hollywood, they are all trash.

Although there are only a few people with such an extreme mentality, it doesn't mean they don't exist.

In fact, the two of us were well prepared. For example, directors from India, Australia and other countries expect that the Golden Autumn Festival and the Oscars will be fair and just, and a bowl of water will be equal. Biao, how can it be like this? Compared with these directors, Zhang Yimou and Takeshi Kitano are also mentally prepared. After all, in China and Japan, there are actually secret operations.

Zhang Yimou immediately said: "It's impossible. These awards are discriminatory against yellow people and even non-Americans. It's impossible to be fair and just."

This is an experience that Lao Zhang has gained from being involved in the international community for many years. Regarding such an issue, no matter what it is, it means that Zhang Yimou has learned to look at it from a Western perspective. Problem.

At this moment, Kitano Takeshi also echoed: "If you believe that the Golden Globes and Oscars are fair and just, then I will not come to you."

This is obvious. Kitano, I don’t believe that the American master will look at him differently. It is precisely because he knows that Americans have this habit of discriminating against yellow people, so he wants to find a solution.

At this moment, Ye Ming nodded and said: "That's pretty much what you understand. Regarding such an issue, in fact, no matter how you say it, Americans don't like us.

Therefore, it is almost difficult to win an award. Let’s not talk about the Oscars for now. Let’s talk about the Golden Globe Award first. In fact, the Golden Globe Award is really not a good thing. It is rated by the Hollywood Press Association. An award for Hollywood's own entertainment. Of course, it can become an award with influence in the world because of the strong national power of the United States. Even if the strong thing comes in second place, it is still good. "

The first place is naturally the Oscar. Although this Oscar also has behind-the-scenes operations, at least it will not be so blatant. Within a reasonable range, it will take care of movies with some tendencies. At least the Oscar will do ****, which is also established. Chastity Arch.

As for scandals, there are relatively few Oscars. This is mainly the Oscars, where two to three thousand judges can all vote. Therefore, it is not easy to operate in secret.

But as the second-placed Golden Globe Awards, there are only ninety judges, which is a ridiculous number. Therefore, when it comes to such an issue, the Golden Globe Awards are the kind of people who do ****, sometimes even the Arch of Chastity. Unwanted awards. But that doesn't stop him from becoming the focus of everyone's attention.

Winning the Golden Globe Award can increase your salary significantly in Hollywood. This is a real benefit.

So whether it’s a **** or a chastity arch, she is now a Golden Globe Award winner and actress.

High pay is the most important thing. This is an important reason why the Golden Globe Award is an award with international influence.

In the entertainment industry, apart from profits, everything else is basically scum.

There is no such thing as thanking the leader, the party, and the country in Hollywood. I won the award for my own efforts, and it has nothing to do with the leader, the party, and the country.

Do I have to thank the President of the United States in the White House for winning the award? I also want to thank the U.S. government. Nonsense, the U.S. government didn’t charge me a penny less in taxes. When I was sleeping on the street, I still collected taxes the same way. Damn my grandma’s legs.

Anyway, the vast majority of celebrities in the United States, or even almost no celebrities, will say anything after winning an award, thanking the leader, thanking the president, thanking the government, etc. If they did, everyone would definitely think that this girl is crazy. .

Why doesn’t Zhang Yimou know that the Golden Globe Award is the second place, but the first place and the Oscar are more difficult to get through the back door? It’s not that it can’t be done, but no matter how it is, it is very difficult and difficult to reach the sky. Therefore, in At this time, let’s get familiar with each other at the Golden Globes first, and then we’ll talk about the Oscars later.

At this time, Zhang Yimou smiled bitterly and said: "The American audience recognizes the Golden Globe Award, and the Chinese audience also recognizes the Golden Globe Award, thinking that it is a matter of bringing glory to the country. For example, Ye Ming, you can win the Oscar for Best A supporting actor must have the same influence as a milestone in the country. Many people or companies who want to deal with you will consider your halo and consider whether the price paid is worth it.

And for me, if I didn't have those honors at the three major film festivals, do you think I would be able to continue making movies in the entertainment industry after the fiasco of Codename Jaguar? There is a deepening aura. "

This is Zhang Yimou's emotion about the entertainment industry. No matter whether such things are really relevant or not, they did happen, and what everyone wants to see is just the results.

Takeshi Kitano was silent for a moment and said: "Japan's self-esteem is also very strong. After I won the Golden Lion Award, some people began to say that I was the successor of Akira Kurosawa.

But I know that those are just flattery, and I still have a long way to go, but honor, no matter what it is, it is necessary to get more honors. "

Takeshi Kitano is known as the new emperor of Japanese movies. Of course, this is the name given to him by the pan-Chinese entertainment industry. It is just like Akira Kurosawa is called the emperor of movies in the Asia-Pacific region. In Japan, the two of them dare to act like this. He claimed that he would definitely be killed by the radicals. The emperor still has a very sacred status in Japan.

Ye Ming thought for a moment and said, "Since you all think so, I won't say anything more.

Regarding the Golden Globe Awards, there are actually only two words: giving gifts.

Such a question, in fact, at this time, you have to grasp a measure yourself. As long as you can grasp such a measure, then the best film, leading actor and actress, maybe these important awards will not have any share for you. , but some awards such as supporting roles, music, lighting, costumes, etc. are still very possible.

The key is to see how you operate this matter. "Gift giving is the core of the Golden Globe Awards. In fact, this is something Ye Ming only learned about after arriving in Hollywood.

If it were in the past, he would have thought that the Golden Globe Awards were all high-end, but in fact, if you learned some of the inside stories about the Golden Globe Awards, you would basically be able to One thing is certain, that is to say, on an issue like this, the Golden Globe Awards cannot withstand sugar-coated bullets. This is completely tearing off the sacred cloak of the Golden Globe Awards.

Zhang Yimou and Kitano Takeshi glanced at each other. In fact, they both believed that the Golden Globe Awards were discriminatory against Asians. This was the limit of their understanding. However, they did not expect that they would only be more corrupt, not the most corrupt, and their feelings , any discrimination or not is all scum, the real benefits are what really need to be paid attention to.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou said with some doubt: "Giving gifts, can you win the Golden Globe Award after giving gifts?"

Does this mean you can buy prizes? Takeshi Kitano said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Buying a prize? Can something like this happen at the Golden Globe Awards?"

It seems that this is an impossible thing, but actually think about it, maybe it is really the same thing. After all, the Golden Globe Awards are sometimes difficult for people to understand, and some relatively poor movies can also be upset.

A result like this doesn't happen once or twice at the Golden Globe Awards.

At this time, if it was about giving gifts or buying prizes, this would be understandable. However, at this moment, Zhang Yimou and Kitano Takeshi found it hard to believe that this Golden Globe Award actually said that they could actually buy the award. This is simply an incredible thing.

At this time, Ye Ming said very definitely: "Why not? We in China and Japan can operate behind the scenes. Why can't Hollywood in the United States? The difference is that in Asia, big Most of them are based on connections, and they are operated behind closed doors. But in the United States, this is Sister Qing’s money. If you have enough money, then it may be very easy to win an award on an issue like this. Don’t take the Golden Globe Awards so seriously. In fact, Hollywood is well aware of this issue, but no one will say it on the table.” (To be continued)

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