Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,190 Money is not important

Love is like poison. The smarter the person, the deeper the poison, the more difficult it is to extricate himself, and finally sink into the abyss of love.

Elizabeth is such a person. This woman has inherited Murdoch's brains in business, but once she is carried away by love, she is not as cheerful as before when doing things.

A customized stretch Cadillac, parked outside. Emmerich sent Ye Ming out. When he saw such a domineering car, he couldn't help but admired it: "This is an extended version of Cadillac, with a total weight of 4.5 tons and a 6.5-liter engine. The anti-explosion device is the best in the world. Even the President of the United States has it." This type of vehicle is used and is called Army One.

What a cool car. I found that I fell in love with this car at first sight. If I use this car to shoot a movie in the future, I think it would be very interesting. "

As a director, you always need to look for inspiration and pay attention to the details in life at all times. This is one of the secrets of success. And Ye Ming knew very well that Emmerich really didn't lie. In 2012, he also filmed a movie "Shocking Crisis", and the presidential car on it was this kind of Cadillac.

When Ye Ming came to shoot the day after tomorrow, he was an actor from the crew. It didn't matter what kind of car he used to pick him up. It didn't even matter to Ye Ming himself.

But now that Ye Ming has finished filming on the set the day after tomorrow, he is a guest of the Murdoch family. He is picked up and dropped off in an extended Cadillac. It is a matter of the Murdoch family's face.

On such an issue, James would not let others gossip.

Ye Ming said with a smile; "Americans always like to make fun of their president. If you really want to make a similar movie, then I think there should be no problem at the box office.

You can ask Mr. James to lend you this car for the shoot. "

Later, during the filming, it’s hard to say whether Emmerich borrowed Murdoch’s car, but the filming of “Danger” was indeed remarkable.

Director Emmerich and Anna gave Ye Ming a big hug and then said goodbye. The filming of Ye Ming's The Day After Tomorrow crew officially ended.

In the villa in Beverly Hills, James was very angry and was drinking red wine alone. At this time, after seeing Ye Ming, James took out a crystal cup and poured it on it and said: "Try the 1982 Lafite." , quite good, and the cup quality is definitely world-class.”

When appreciating a red wine, the glass degree is one of the most important signs. At this time, Ye Ming didn't care at all. He drank red wine without any particularity. He took the wine glass and shook it. The charming red color was reflected in the bright light. There was a different kind of light shining underneath, like an elf dancing in the darkness.

Ye Ming took a sip with a smile and said, "This stuff is so abundant in China. Every bar in a big city has Lafite from 1982." James said with certainty, "It's impossible, until now. , the real Lafite of 1982 is numbered all over the world. There are 1,382 bottles in total, 800 of which are still sealed in the winery, and every bottle of the rest is on the market. It can be verified.

It is impossible for China to have so many Lafite. Although I admit that China is not inferior to the United States in terms of luxury goods consumption, it is impossible for so many wines to be in China. "

Ye Ming said without being polite at all: "What do you know about this? No matter it is true or not, but people always call Lafite from 1982. The better ones are indeed red wine from 1982, not a high-end bar. Being able to give you French red wine is considered a conscientious price. Anyway, we have a lot of people willing to spend money."

Just like Master Blue Mountain Coffee, China consumes twice the output of the entire Blue Mountain region every year. This number is obviously problematic at first glance, but many people in the country still enjoy it.

Just like the 1982 Lafite, what's so good about it? But more people want this face issue. Therefore, the 1982 Lafite seems to be the symbol of the rich. There are a lot of these things in China, and of course most of them are copycats.

James shrugged and said, "Bill Gates has nothing you can do with him. He has a set of three to four hundred programs, and China is said to be able to get it for just a few dozen yuan."

If Bill Gates can open up the Chinese market, maybe the market can kill Coca-Cola. "

Ye Ming said without any hurry: "What's the point of this?

Note, it’s not dozens of yuan, but about ten yuan. If converted into US dollars, it’s two or three US dollars. Who asked you to produce computers in the United States? Now they are all produced in China. You deserve to be blamed for polluting the environment. .

Stop talking nonsense. What's important? Don't tell me you invited me to drink? "

Later, Gang Leader Qiao’s mobile phones were actually produced in China, so I didn’t want them to be copied, and I deserved them. Although some of China's knock-off mobile phones are not branded by Qiao Bangzhu, they are superior to Qiao Gangzhu's products in terms of performance and cost one to two hundred yuan. It doesn't hurt if they are stolen.

James was actually drinking. It could be seen from his mood that he was drinking alcohol at this time. Therefore, regarding such an issue, he actually felt that he was the most aggrieved.

At this moment, James thought for a while and said: "I discovered something today. I don't know if I should tell the old man. Therefore, please come and give it to the staff. There are some issues that I, as an authority figure, may not be able to see clearly. ."

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, frowned and said: "You are not the kind of indecisive person. In Hong Kong City, your character is still very decisive. Don't say it is your sister's problem?"

If we talk about business issues, then at this time, I really haven’t seen James feel embarrassed. If he can be embarrassed like this, then there seems to be only one possibility at this time, that is, his sister Elizabeth's question.

James expected Ye Ming to be able to guess it, so he nodded and said: "That's right, it's my sister's matter. Tell me, if it wasn't like this, would I be so embarrassed?

In fact, my father asked my sister and I to execute these two films, and there was a relationship of mutual supervision and competition. In terms of supervision, I really found some problems. Elizabeth's [I Robot] crew recently had a large amount of capital flow, and just 20 million US dollars was paid out. This kind of thing is very abnormal.

You must know that the total budget of this movie is only 100 million or 20 million, which is not the salary given to Will Smith, and the salary is not given all at once. But it just happened that at this time, the crew of [My Robot] had 20 million paid out directly.

All this money was generated from transactions with the German film and television company, but I didn’t find out that the crew received anything from the German company. I'm very troubled by this issue. What should I do? Should I expose this problem? "

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, shook the red wine, and said calmly: "You mean, your sister used those years to deal with the accounts of that company in Germany? I heard that it was [ If my robot hairstyling company has accounting transactions, wouldn’t it be surprising?”

James said helplessly: "If this issue is just a deal with the distribution company, then I have nothing to say, but now is not the time for the distribution company to get involved. You are also making movies yourself. , a movie is even said to have a distribution company involved in post-production, but now [I Robot] has not officially started filming. As a result, the 20 million has been spent. This was taken from News Corporation in an aboveboard way. Money.

The president of that company was Matthew Floyd. "

This person is Elizabeth's mistress. Of course, Elizabeth is also her mistress. Who told these two to have their own marriages and families now?

At this moment, Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "In terms of taxes, especially taxes on film and television, which one is heavier, the United States or Germany?"

Why do you ask such a question? In fact, at this time, Ye Ming wants to know what Elizabeth wants to do. If the relevant taxes in Germany are relatively low, and transferring money there is equivalent to money laundering, then in this case It's normal when you're a child. Some large international companies often play this trick. Cayman, the Virgin Islands, etc. are all good tax havens.

James said with certainty: "Our News Corporation also has business in Germany. Therefore, on such an issue, I am very familiar with German taxes, which are much higher than those in the United States. So even if In order to avoid taxes, you just have to go to Viking. It doesn't mean that we at News Corporation don't have an office.

This is obviously just to defraud people in the family of their money. This is where I am depressed. My sister has unusual opinions about my father and News Corporation. "

Ye Ming nodded and said with great certainty: "This is almost certain. After all, it means that your father has also disappointed him on such a problem. This is not a one-sided reason. You are afraid that you will report it." Later, it will arouse your father's dissatisfaction and think that you are a heartless person who does not care about the family relationship between siblings.

But if you say not to report it, your father may think you are irresponsible in the future. Therefore, you are embarrassed whether you will file a report? "

James immediately nodded like a chicken eating rice and said: "Yes, yes, it is a situation like this. In fact, I don't want to do it like this in my heart. But if I don't do it, I am afraid that it will be my father's fault." It’s a test to see if Wu is tolerant enough for my sister. Anyway, I’m confused now.”

Ye Ming nodded and said: "If it was you who did this and your sister Elizabeth was the one who reported it, then maybe your father would be more likely to hear it.

That's because you are a man, and your father's requirements for you are naturally high. You may inherit the position of chairman of News Corporation in the future. Your father may test whether you are broad-minded enough to tolerate you. elder sister. "

If we talk strictly about this issue, then at this time, it is really difficult to talk about the affairs of wealthy families. If Murdoch can become a billionaire, he is naturally a very cunning person.

James immediately said: "If I don't report it, then as my sister's supervision in this regard, I will also be responsible."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "What responsibility do you have? Do you know this is family affection? This is family affection. Why did your father let you two siblings supervise each other instead of letting the company's financial department supervise each other?"

This is very important. In fact, your father doesn't care much about the money. Of course, it would be better if you make money, but if you lose some money, it is not the most important thing to your father. What matters to him is the affection between your siblings.

Therefore, your sister transferred 20 million, does your father really not know? In fact, maybe it means that your father is watching how you handle this matter. Don't be impulsive, your father doesn't want you to report it. "

"Why?" James said very incomprehensively: "Isn't my sister wrong? And as a supervisor, I have the responsibility to report it to my father."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "This is the clever thing about your father. If you are tolerant of your sister now, then in the future, assuming that after your father meets God, you will also have a tolerant attitude towards your sister. I I think a result like this is what your father needs most. As for the question of whether there is money or not, do you think your father is short of money? "

Of course this is not bad money. There are very few people in the world who dare to say that they are richer than Murdoch.

After hearing these words, James said thoughtfully: "Yes, things can really be understood in this way. No wonder my father is watching The Romance of the Three Kingdoms recently. All the methods of emotion are learned from it. This move is really very cunning. If it is said that I reported on my sister, my father will probably be very unhappy?"

This is what scared James into a cold sweat. Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "How much is the distribution fee for the movie [I Robot]?"

Matthew Floyd's company is a distribution company. Although it is an empty shell, it is a film and television distribution company after all. It has all the things that should be there on the surface. Twenty million is not so easy to get.

James thought about it for a while and then said: "Hollywood has almost the same rules about this matter. It used to be two-tenths, but now it's two-three-tenths. This is more normal, but when it comes to paying, it's not The one-time payment depends on the progress of the publicity. Even if it is 20 million, it is a publicity fee. There is no example of paying it all in one time." (To be continued)

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