Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,186 Crazy Elizabeth

I have never cultivated good deeds in my life, I only like to kill people and set fires. Suddenly I opened the golden rope and broke the jade lock here. Hey, the tide came from the Qiantang River. Today I know who I am. This is a description of the great monk Lu Zhishen in the Water Margin when he passed away. If we take this description literally, then the flower monk Lu Zhishen is just a robber who kills people and sells goods.

In fact, the flower monk Lu Zhishen is not just a simple robber. In Water Margin, he is a chivalrous and compassionate hero. Lu Tixia defeated Guanxi with his fists, and the wild boar forest rescued Lin Chong. He is talking about Lu Zhishen With such a character, why does Lu Zhishen, who only loves killing people and setting fires, have this kind of image? It's because he has a heart of awe. He is compassionate towards good people and weak people, and he is angry with bad people. .

Killing one bad person is equivalent to saving a hundred good people.

Therefore, the flower monk Lu Zhishen is an admired hero of the Water Margin.

With a heart of awe, you must have a new heart of awe in everything you do. Elizabeth created a thriller movie tone. It is not uncommon for a movie to have two themes, but one is responsibility and the other is horror. Well, Alex is going crazy. He thinks it is possible to write a script after returning. Crazy, it's almost impossible to blend these two tones together.

Alex hesitated and said: "Putting responsibility and thriller as the tone of this two-seater movie?"

Elizabeth glanced at Alex in confusion and said: "What? You can't do this? Or maybe the screenwriter can't do it. If anyone can't do it, just say it and just replace it. What I need is People who can successfully complete the filming of the movie, if they don’t have this ability, don’t join my crew.”

Domineering, Elizabeth also has a domineering side. Alex immediately said: "No problem, no problem, I just didn't expect there to be two tones. Generally, movies have one main tone. Even if there are two, one is the main one and the other is the auxiliary one. "

Elizabeth waved her hand and said: "Don't tell me about this. You can solve professional issues by yourselves. You can decide on one thing and one thing on your own. What I want is the result. Can you do it?"

Elizabeth's words also made Alex relax a little. Well, if one master and one master, then there might be a way to solve such a problem.

If he just left, if he stayed any longer, Alex himself wouldn't know if he could persevere. At this time, Elizabeth actually took the initiative and asked: "James, has your movie set a certain tone?"

At this time, Ye Ming was sure that before, Elizabeth didn't know what tone was. Tone is the core of a movie, and all stories, characters, etc. are centered around this tone. Elizabeth was just busy teasing James.

James was very cheerful. He looked at Emmerich and said, "Director, tell me, what is the tone of our movie?"

Emmerich was well prepared and came here just to repay his work. Therefore, he said very happily: "The keynote here is responsibility, responsibility to the country and the people. When facing difficulties, from the poor to the The rich, from the rich to the president, they all have their own responsibilities. So responsibility is the tone here."

When the documents were handed over, James looked at them and said, "You are a bit of a flatterer to the government. We don't need such a thing. Therefore, in such a situation, I think you should redefine it." A tone.”

Obviously, James does not approve of this tone. Is the Murdoch family trying to flatter the US government? There was no need to do this at all, so James was very dissatisfied.

In fact, James was still more dissatisfied. At this time, Elizabeth laughed and said, "James, what if you don't have the ability to write a script? Why do you have to copy our tone? If you don't have money to hire a screenwriter, , Sister, it’s no problem for me to support you a few times.”

This is one of the reasons why James is very upset. Elizabeth has already set such a tone. As a director, you have also set such a tone for me. Elizabeth will naturally not let go of such a thing to hit James. It will be.

James glanced at Ye Ming and said, "Ye, what do you think of such a thing?"

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "There is nothing wrong with responsibility. In fact, there are many kinds of responsibilities. I have not read the overall script, so it is not very clear, but I can tell from your words that this is indeed the case. There are suspicions of flattering the government. Therefore, we can modify it. The responsibility is to the individual, not to the government. Americans are loyal to the United States, but they will never be loyal to the government.

Just like the second amendment to the most familiar Constitution in the United States, wearing and possessing personal weapons is a sacrosanct right of citizens. I am loyal to the United States, so when disaster strikes, it is my responsibility to catch up. It is my responsibility for my family, my children, and even the United States, but it is not for the White House or the government.

If the movie uses this as its tone, I think it will be more attractive. "

Americans have different views on guns. They believe that wearing and owning personal weapons is the sacred and inviolable right of citizens. Therefore, Americans are loyal to the United States, but will not be loyal to the White House. This is the most important thing for Americans. know.

Therefore, if it has such a tone, the movie can indeed be attractive.

James's eyes lit up and he nodded and said: "Interesting, this is interesting. From a spiritual point of view, this is indeed in line with the needs of the American people. That's right. We just want to be loyal to the United States, but we will not be loyal to the government. Those in the White House This guy only knows how to collect taxes and what else can he do? Emmerich, do you understand?

This is the tone of the movie. Don’t flatter the White House at every turn. In the end, let the president sacrifice himself. Only in this way can no one say that we are flattering the White House. "

It is somewhat inappropriate to write the president to death, but James has already said that it is finalized, so it cannot be changed. After all, he is the executor, and he has the final say on how to shoot.

Therefore, the tone of this movie has been set, and the president has only one outcome in the end, which is to die in a snowstorm. This is also the final outcome the day after tomorrow.

Emmerich also left directly. The pressure he felt here was still very high. Therefore, no matter how he said it, he did not want to stay here anymore at this time. If he stayed for even one second, he would feel like he might be swallowed by this erupting volcano.

Anyway, the atmosphere at the scene was not very good, especially the look in Elizabeth's eyes, which looked very unhappy. She didn't know who had made her angry.

Ye Ming, who was also a discerning person, immediately understood that the two people on the ground were going to be fighting. It was probably not him, an outsider, who would probably fight.

So Ye Ming stood up and said, "James, Director Emmerich and I have some movie matters to discuss. Let's take the first step. I'll meet you for coffee later."

Regardless of whether James agreed or not, Ye Ming greeted Emmerich and followed him.

At this time, James said unhappily: "Elizabeth, my dear eldest sister, have you made enough trouble? You actually said that you are helping outsiders to calculate our family's money. If you let father know, you will be finished."

At this time, Elizabeth was very unhappy and said: "Am I wrong to do this? Don't think that my father doesn't know that I am like this. In fact, he has known it for a long time, but he just didn't say it out loud. Do you think that I don't know about my family?" What is the purpose of investing in movies? Is it to make money?

Don't think of me as a three-year-old child. Some of the capital behind Hollywood invests in movies for the sake of box office. Don't think that I don't know the unspoken rules of Hollywood. I just get back some of my living expenses. "

What are the unspoken rules of Hollywood? Making money is one of them, but they are not unspoken rules, but rules on the surface. In fact, many of the unspoken rules are for money laundering. That’s right, they are money laundering. I don’t mean that they are all for money laundering. At least a third of the films were made to launder money.

Therefore, under such circumstances, it is really difficult to tell whether the movies invested by the Murdoch family are for this purpose. Although Elizabeth is not very good at managing things in the family, no matter how you say it, I have grown up watching this, so I am quite familiar with these things.

Therefore, on such a problem, she dared to collude with her lover Matthew to set up a company, and took money from the family openly. This is really not what ordinary people would think of. It is weird. I can only say It's a weird idea.

But Elizabeth has such courage, as she said herself, if she doesn't take the money, will she become the heir of the family?

This seems impossible. After all, Murdoch is still a bit patriarchal. It is almost certain that his daughter is not the heir of the family. Therefore, Elizabeth is so disappointed. Apart from the disappointment, she is naturally It's time to get something back that you deserve.

Make money from the crew of [My Robot].

James frowned and said: "Sister, please, if my father doesn't give you a chance, will he let you operate [my robot]? It's simply impossible for him to do it like this. Therefore, in such a situation, you This approach made the father even more sad.

Also, our News Corporation is not laundering money, but just avoiding taxes reasonably. You must understand this, otherwise, if the paparazzi find out, it will be very detrimental to us. "

News Corporation is a formal large company, so it naturally does not need to launder money, but tax avoidance and other things are sometimes necessary.

For example, investing in movies can create employment opportunities under American law. Therefore, after some operation by a team of lawyers, a lot of costs will be saved.

Therefore, many large companies actually use this method to avoid taxes. In addition, donations are the most commonly used method by Western wealthy people to avoid taxes. Donated funds can offset taxes.

Another point is that wealthy Westerners like to donate money to foundations, so they can avoid inheritance taxes. In fact, their children are the beneficiaries of the fund. The only difference between this and passing it on to their children is that the name is different.

Therefore, don’t look at the Western rich who always make donations and think how great they are. Capital is always bloody. Mr. Ma had already seen through this many years ago and wrote [Das Kapital]. Elizabeth snorted and said: "One is using legal means to pay less taxes, the other is using legal loopholes to pay less taxes, laundering money and avoiding taxes. One is a legal prostitute and the other is an illegal prostitute. Don't tell anyone."

At this time, James finally understood why his father was unwilling to see Elizabeth. The eldest sister had a very deep view of the family. In such a situation, in fact, no matter what the situation was, Elizabeth should not be like this. She said it, but that’s how she said it.

James said helplessly: "Sister, if you are honest and do things according to your father's wishes, then you must have a position in News Corporation, but if you are disobedient, then the result will be It’s hard to say.”

Elizabeth snorted and said, "Stop being hypocritical. You make me sick just like the boss. Aren't I just a daughter? If I were a son, would you kill both of you little bastards? Do you believe it or not?"

James still believed in his eldest sister's methods, so he had no choice but to shut up.

Elizabeth seemed to be a little obsessed. At this moment, Elizabeth was still a little unconvinced and said: "What's more, are you sure that I will lose this time?"

This, it seems, is also an issue discussed between Emmerich and Ye Ming. When it comes to heroes at the box office, this is Hollywood. How much benefit you can bring to capitalists is the key. If you succeed, you are a hero. , each of the four legendary directors has a brilliant resume, and it is useless to say anything else.

Therefore, Emmerich said with some worry: "Ye, tell me, does our movie have a chance to surpass Alex's [I Robot]? If it is a question like this, I If you fail, you will probably miss out on top productions in this life?" This involves the issue of Hollywood's right to fail. Emmerich is not a legendary director. He does not have the right to come back after failure. If he fails, he will definitely If you withdraw from the mainstream, there will be no chance of turning around.

Ye Ming looked at Alex walking away very confidently and said, "If Elizabeth hadn't been there to disrupt the situation, then maybe our movie would have lost, but this time, we still have a good chance of winning." (To be continued)

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