Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,184 The person responsible for Bruce Lee’s death

Only those who know how to keep their heads down can stand out. Remember, it is possible, not absolute.

Jack and Dick did a very good job, and Ye Ming did not deliberately embarrass them. During the subsequent filming process, he did not suppress them at all times.

After all, everyone is making a movie, a crew, and if Ye Ming directly uses his acting skills to suppress the lead actor and another supporting actor, then the shots will not be interesting.

Therefore, there is no need for Emmerich to say anything at this time. At this moment, he just said that he would restrain his momentum. Therefore, the filming went very smoothly, and the necessary shots were shot in less than a week.

Pack your things and go back to Hollywood. Don’t look at the place where you want to shoot. It’s New York, and it’s literally frozen. In fact, there aren’t many scenes that were actually shot in New York, and most of the scenes were shot in New York. , for example, in a library or something, it was all shot in Hollywood, so just set up an outdoor scene.

Of course, when you arrive in Hollywood, there is one more thing you need to do, and that is to report on the filming situation. After receiving the five million, how much did it cost, where did it go, and how much is left. During the next filming , how much is needed, these need to be reported to James, the executor.

Although James is not the producer of this movie, he is the executor. He does not have any title on the movie, but every penny spent by the crew must be supervised by James. Once it is said that James thinks If the fee is unreasonable and the director does not give a reasonable explanation, then at this time, the director himself will have to pay for the loss.

Therefore, although I saw that the crew was lavish when filming, it was necessary. Emmerich would not waste a penny more. Even if it was a lunch box, it would be according to Hollywood's standard lunch boxes in cold weather. .

This is the rule of Hollywood. A lunch box must be divided into various states. Needless to say, breakfast, lunch and evening, there are also snacks, and more importantly, what to eat throughout the year. The crew is in a cold area , in the hot tropics, the standards of this lunch box are different.

Strictly speaking, lunch boxes like this must be separated. Therefore, the Hollywood crew can only calculate the budget they need before filming.

In Hollywood, a crew can even calculate how many screws to use and how many screws to prepare. In a place like Hollywood, once a plan is made, it is rarely modified and is usually implemented according to the original plan.

Of course, if we encounter force majeure, for example, Coppola's Apocalypse Now encountered various problems and accidents such as weather, disease, etc., resulting in high final costs. As for this kind of thing, ordinary directors will try their best to avoid it. They will report the consumption results to the executor regularly. This method is also an important factor in urging themselves to budget carefully for shooting.

And this time, in the villa, Emmerich not only met James, but also Elizabeth. It was quite rare for the two siblings to be in the villa at the same time.

After all, it is about this villa. Under normal circumstances, Murdoch rarely comes, let alone James drinking Elizabeth, but this time for his own crew, the two of them were able to appear in the villa at the same time. Naturally, they were The people in the villa waited carefully.

Seeing Emmerich coming over, at this moment, Elizabeth didn't even look at her. She snorted and looked at her brother and said, "James, I heard that your crew has spent a lot of money recently. One location actually said If you want to go to Duluth, why don't you go to Alaska, where it's even colder."

This was a strategy of Elizabeth. She was very unhappy with her father for giving her brother more money but not giving herself that much. Therefore, she would always be sarcastic when she found an opportunity.

At this time, James said nonchalantly: "Don't tell me, I originally wanted to go to Alaska, but considering that it was a waste of time to go back and forth, I was too lazy to let the crew go. Originally, I wanted the crew to go to the Arctic Circle. We have to shoot some scenes in the Arctic Circle. Now we only have to buy some Arctic Circle lenses. The director told me that if we shoot in the Arctic Circle, it will be too late in terms of time."

This purchase of copyright is also very normal. It may not be a popular practice in the domestic entertainment industry, but overseas, even if it is a photo, let alone a piece of footage, the copyright is strictly enforced. protected.

For example, buying the copyright for some empty shots of movies is also a popular method at this time. For example, some movies need to be filmed in Australia, Hawaii, or some scenic spots such as China and Asan. They have been filmed in the past, and some Small crews don't have enough money, so they can only buy the copyright. Some people in these places will shoot some blank footage and upload it to the Internet. If anyone needs it, they can just pay for it.

This is a very common thing in some Hollywood movies, especially low-cost movies.

And Elizabeth is obviously unwilling to accept this explanation: "Waste, it can be filmed in Hollywood, but at this time, you have to go to Duluth. What a waste, the money your father gave you is not for you to waste." .”

James said with a smile: "Elizabeth, I can tell at a glance that you are a layman. What is this called? Ye Ming, what did you just say it was called?"

Ye Ming is not willing to get involved in this kind of feud between wealthy families. Even though Elizabeth is not liked by Murdoch and is not considered a candidate for heir, at this time, after all, the love between father and daughter is deep. Maybe one day the old man would think of his daughter, and it would be normal for him to directly use Elizabeth.

But at this time, James and himself were also waiting on the same front. Therefore, Ye Ming, who was sitting aside, squinted his eyes and said with a deep look: "The sense of the camera, this is what I mean. It has a lens feel. Although the shots taken indoors can be close to the real feeling under the current high-tech situation, there is a gap between them and real shots after all, especially the weather-related shots. This kind of shot It's very special. Artificial and natural can basically be distinguished by an expert at a glance.

If it's an indoor shot, there won't be that big of a difference. "

James immediately laughed and said as if he had won: "Elizabeth, my dear eldest sister, you know, it's the sense of the camera, the sense of the camera. If you don't know, just study more and don't always care about mental patients. "

This is an irony. Matthew Freud is a psychiatrist, not a mental patient. But obviously, what James wants to achieve is also very obvious. That is to say, in such a situation, directly Replace Matthew Freud with a psychopath.

This is actually a kind of irony towards his eldest sister's mistress.

Elizabeth was immediately furious: "James, are you looking for death?"

This is the eldest sister’s fault. Whether it’s because Elizabeth is stubborn or because she was carried away by love, siblings are not like this. Even if they want to take revenge on James, in a place like this Under such circumstances, it would be normal to use other means to stumbling James.

Directly threatening her younger brother on this matter, and a younger brother who has a very high position in News Corporation. Obviously, this does not help Elizabeth at all, but it leaves people with the impression that she has no scheming.

But that's what she did, directly threatening her brother. Obviously, James doesn't take the threat from his sister at all. This is why James always thinks that his eldest sister is like a younger sister. Sometimes when a woman is unreasonable, it means being unreasonable and there is nothing to say.

It seemed that this was obviously not the first time that James had been threatened by this kind of life. Therefore, he said with a smile: "Sister, please, now is not the time to threaten me, but what level your movie has reached.

The big star was invited, Will Smith, but if the filming progress is not enough, it will also affect the scheduled schedule. Do you think your father will change your schedule casually? "

Although the prediction of this schedule cannot be very accurate, no matter what it is, there is always a rough time. Generally, the schedule prediction of a movie in Hollywood is plus or minus ten days, and science fiction movies, because of technology, There is uncertainty in production. Generally, the schedule error is about one month, but it will definitely not differ by one quarter.

Therefore, it is estimated when the film will be released and when it will be released. Is it during the summer vacation or the Christmas season? These will have a huge impact on the box office of the film.

Therefore, if the schedule is revised, it will be relatively difficult.

Speaking of movies, Elizabeth's professional mind immediately sobered up. I have to say that Murdoch's inheritance is quite powerful. Even an emotional woman like Elizabeth will become very powerful once she talks about business matters.

Therefore, at this time, Elizabeth immediately said: "Of course there is no problem with the movie. I invited Alex, a master in this field, who has directed "Soul of the Air", "The Crow", "Aurora Chase", etc. He is a director who is quite skilled in movies, and his grasp of details is also quite good. As an independent director, I think he will calculate the time very accurately."

Alex, this director may sound relatively unfamiliar to domestic audiences. In fact, unless he is a few big-name directors in Hollywood, he will sound relatively unfamiliar to domestic audiences. But this Alex should be an exception, because he filmed "The Crow", starring Li Guohao, and Li Guohao's father is a monument in the history of world cinema.

Because this person is not Bruce Lee, whom both Chinese and Westerners respectfully call kung fu superstar. Li Guohao was accidentally killed by a prop gun when there were only eight days left before the filming of the movie "The Crow" was completed.

Some people say it was a coincidence, some people said it was a curse. No matter how it is said, it just happened. Later, Alex used some high-tech means to complete the [Crow] Post-production work.

Alex, at least when it comes to making science fiction films, is a relatively capable director.

Elizabeth said enthusiastically: "After the filming of our movie is completed, it will definitely cause a sensation."

Just when Elizabeth wanted to continue talking, Alex, a fat man, walked in. This guy actually came to report the work in the same way as Emmerich. Even a director would have to deal with such a capitalist executor. Sometimes, you have to keep your head down, otherwise you won't be able to survive in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, when it comes to such a matter, whether it is Emmerich or Alex, they are both the kind of people who can bend and stretch.

Elizabeth greeted Alex with a smile and said, "You're here just in time. My younger brother wants to know about the progress of our movie shooting. You should also give him a class and let him study."

Elizabeth can directly satirize James like this because of her identity. No matter what, she is James' eldest sister. Whether it is sarcasm or attack, James has no better way. With his eldest sister, then There is no temper.

But others, such as Alex, did not have the courage to talk nonsense here. Therefore, Alex said respectfully: "Miss Elizabeth, what I brought is the progress document this time. I hope You can see it."

Anyway, I’m here to report on my work. Don’t try to involve me in the grievances between the two of you. Otherwise, in the future, if this guy James involves me because of this, he will be here every minute. Hollywood will kill me.

Therefore, Alex was not a fool and would not be fooled. He directly sent the documents he brought over. This was a document for Elizabeth to review and approve. Only if Elizabeth approves and signs, can Alex get the next money.

Of course, the same is true for Emmerich. If he wants to get the next part of the investment, he needs James to sign and approve it. Otherwise, there is no way he can take a penny from it.

This is also a rule in Hollywood. Everyone follows the rules. Anyone who violates the rules will be punished severely in this case.

Elizabeth did not look at the document first, but glanced at Alex and said: "I didn't expect it, Alex, you are a loyal and honest guy, and you are also a cunning guy. It's done, I won't embarrass you anymore. ” (To be continued)

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