Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1175: The Cheating Media Princess Elizabeth

If you are not crazy at the age of twenty, you have no ambition. If you are still crazy at the age of thirty, you have no ability.

James' sister Elizabeth is in her thirties, but she is not the kind of person with brains. Sometimes she does things without thinking about them. This is a very strange thing. And she is the kind of person who has great ambitions. Therefore, in such a situation, she seems to be a bit sharp in doing things.

She is obviously more interested in using offensive methods to deal with her second brother. When presiding over the preparations for the movie "I Robot", Elizabeth even said openly in front of the camera and on TV: "The cost of this movie is 100 million. I hope it will become a movie in the future." A classic, I believe, will be much better than my second brother's movie. I hired a big-name star, and Will Smith has almost agreed to star in this movie.

I believe it will become a classic science fiction movie like Men in Black. "

This is full of her own self-confidence, and also full of sarcasm towards her brother. Anyway, it’s not very satisfying to see James. She directly declares war on her second brother. This is Elizabeth, a sharp-edged person who can’t help but feel confident. A rich girl who knows the sky is the limit.

When he saw the news, Ye Ming was drinking coffee with James in a villa in Beverly Hills. He glanced at James and said, "It seems that Elizabeth looks older than you. She should be your sister." Right?"

Ye Ming has never seen Elizabeth Murdoch in person, and James has always said that Elizabeth is his sister, but it seems that this guy lied.

James immediately shrugged his shoulders and said: "Yes, Elizabeth is indeed my sister, older than me and my eldest brother, but Elizabeth has always regarded herself as the youngest daughter, and always competes with our two brothers for things, and she also thinks that we two She should be left to him, so Lachlan and I both believe that she should play the role of younger sister, and it seems that my father also thinks so."

There is really enough confusion here. Ye Ming shrugged and said, "Maybe Westerners think differently from me. God, what is this all about? Elizabeth is actually your eldest sister. Well, I can't help but Needless to say, your eldest sister is a good politician, at least she is very aggressive when giving speeches."

James said with great certainty: "I think so too. Therefore, in such a situation, I need to focus on him. This is more than acting like his eldest sister, which is actually demeaning in front of reporters." My younger brother, so I think she is my sister."

Ye Ming looked at Elizabeth in front of the camera. She was already in her thirties. She seemed to still be so aggressive when she spoke, especially when she said that although her words were an attack on James, it could also be seen that she was against him. My father was not very satisfied and was full of hostility.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "It seems that your sister is not very satisfied with the arrangement of this matter. I wonder if you are not very satisfied with your father's arrangement?"

James took a sip of coffee and said, "Why don't you tell me about this? I was just going to ask you about the situation. In fact, my father arranged for us to plan these two movies, so naturally he wouldn't give us all the money at once?" "

Ye Ming nodded and said in agreement: "This is natural. Under such a situation, if I give you all the money, then at such a time, anyone can do it. As long as you are not a prodigal, have money, and have a script, it is not difficult to coordinate a movie. What is difficult is to integrate all aspects of the relationship. It seems that your father is quite satisfied with your performance in Hong Kong City. Therefore, in this situation, This is a situation that gives you a chance to show yourself."

Ye Ming's words were also recognized by James. He said with a wry smile: "That's right, my father actually meant this. On such a question, he gave each of us two-thirds. money.

The budget of my movie was between 130 million and 160 million. Therefore, my father gave me a relatively small amount of two-thirds of 140 million. Of course, the five million yuan will not be given to me all at once, but will be given to me in batches according to the progress of the film.

And my sister, well, my sister, got 70 million, and her budget was almost 100 million. This is what she was dissatisfied with. My father gave me more money and gave her less money. Therefore, she expressed some dissatisfaction on TV. This is also normal. "

The preference for boys over girls is not only found in the East, but also in the West. In fact, it has always been in this state. If Elizabeth, as the eldest daughter, is the eldest son, then there is no surprise that he is Murdoch's. The heir.

But because she is a daughter, it is almost impossible for her to inherit Murdoch's News Corporation.

At this moment, Ye Ming was speechless. There were some things that he could just listen to and couldn't interfere in. This was Murdoch's housework. It was impossible for him to want outsiders to interfere in his housework casually.

And James thought for a while and then said: "Actually, there is a reason why my eldest sister behaves like this. She wants to show her tough side to the public because she wants to divorce and marry another married man. This matter is something my father She was very unhappy and almost told her to withdraw her project."

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I remember hearing someone discussing similar news on the plane. It seems that your cheap brother-in-law is Freud's great-grandson, right?"

Matthew Freud is a master of psychoanalysis, and his great-grandfather is Freud, a famous celebrity in the West. [Interpretation of Dreams] is the work of Freud. Known as the greatest psychologist in the West.

But the problem is that both Elizabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud have families. It can be said that both of them are engaging in extramarital affairs. This is something Murdoch does not want to see and has always opposed his daughter. of this relationship.

Of course, now that he is giving Elizabeth such a project, Murdoch might as well ask Elizabeth to calm down and think about the emotional issues first.

Of course, Murdoch's approach is destined to fail. Thinking of this, Ye Ming was a little speechless. Murdoch had mastered astonishing wealth and established a powerful news empire, but it must be said that he was not very successful in managing his children.

Both his eldest daughter Elizabeth and his eldest son Lachlan tended to fall out with him.

Although James was unwilling to admit it, he still nodded and said: "That's right, it's Matthew Floyd. This guy is also a married man. My sister is also a married woman. This matter has already caused a lot of noise. My father was very dissatisfied. But Elizabeth didn't care about this. I think Elizabeth would win in the end.

She is such a person, she must try her best to get what she wants. "

James knew his eldest sister very well. Although his father was against it and although this relationship was not favored by others, in the end the eldest sister would definitely stick to her own point of view and marry Matthew Floyd.

This is an inevitable thing, which is why both James and Lachlan think Elizabeth is like a younger sister. How many adults can do such a thing?

Ye Ming said with a smile: "These are not your worries, your father should be worried. Of course, you are not a child when you rob, you are an adult. You know what you are doing. Maybe she will win emotionally. But in your father's eyes, she will be a symbol of disobedience. Such a move is actually not a good thing for Elizabeth.

After all, she disobeyed your father, which was enough to leave a bad impression on Elizabeth in your father's eyes. This is also of great benefit to you. You must fully grasp this. "

In fact, the feud between wealthy families has always been very cruel, and those who lose are destined to leave in despair. For example, Lachlan is the same. Now that he can compete for control of News Corporation, most people think that the person who will succeed Murdoch and Ben is James.

I think Elizabeth has a chance, but this is a very small part. At this moment, Elizabeth was also a little depressed. Although she appeared to be very energetic in front of the camera, in fact, her life was not easy now.

Just like what her brother James said, her father Murdoch was actually not very optimistic about such a thing.

Therefore, in addition to facing pressure from media reporters, she also has to face pressure from her father. If it means that she wants to give up her feelings and go all out to fight for the inheritance of News Corporation, then this kind of thing may mean that she has a little hope of becoming her father's successor.

But now Elizabeth obviously won't see it like this. This matter is a very helpless result. Elizabeth is worried about such a thing.

The secretary came over and said: "There is news from the company that Will Smith has decided to take over the filming of this movie, but he has one requirement, which is that he must become the producer of the movie."

It is very common in Hollywood for directors or superstar-level actors to become film producers. For example, Emmerich is like this. As a director of disaster movies, he will always become a producer. One of the people.

Because in the West, the film system is actually somewhat different from that in the East. In China, it is generally a director-centered system, with the director taking the lead in filming, but in the West, the producer is the most important position, and the producer has the power of life and death over the entire crew.

Therefore, powerful directors and famous actors usually use the identity of producer to protect themselves.

After all, if you become a producer, then when shooting a movie, a real producer will not feel any restraint about his film creation. Otherwise, if a movie has two people in charge, one is the director, who controls the shooting, and the other is the producer, who controls the financial power, then the crew will appear to be quite chaotic. So, on a question like this, things might be a little worse than Elizabeth thought, Will Smith becoming a producer? Elizabeth hesitated for a moment. She really likes to use beautiful women and big names, and Elizabeth must do well in another project to prove that she is also qualified to control News Corporation. Otherwise, she will completely fail in such a matter, and she will be completely cut off from the future power of News Corporation.

Therefore, Elizabeth thought for a while and said: "Okay, there is no problem with this, but we have the right to supervise and terminate the good decision of the producer and director if the movie is not good."

Elizabeth herself doesn't know how to shoot movies, so in such a situation, she would naturally hope to delegate her power.

But as an actual investor, she has to be responsible for her investment. After all, losing to Ou Zhe affects whether she can defeat James and become the successor of News Corporation.

The secretary was not surprised at all by Elizabeth's decision. This method is actually quite popular in Hollywood. At this moment, Elizabeth hesitated and said, "Don't decide on the production company so quickly. I have my own plans."

At this time, the secretary didn't know much about Elizabeth's plans, but according to custom, it was quite unexpected for Elizabeth to do this. The film production company should have confirmed it first.

And there is almost no doubt that the production company should be Fox, but the results don't seem to be what it seems.

At this moment, after the secretary left, Elizabeth made a phone call: "Dear Matthew, how did you do what I asked you to do? Register a film and television company in Germany as soon as possible. This matter cannot be delayed any longer. "

Elizabeth and Matthew Freud's relationship has been very hot recently, so some things they do are not very authentic.

For this project, if Fox is the production company, it will not only be fair, but it will also give herself extra points in front of her father. However, Elizabeth actually did not do this at all for Matthew. She had some decisions to make. It's exactly what James said, she is more like a sister than an older sister. (To be continued)

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