Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1148: Fooling Jackson

I used to think that the distance was beautiful, but only when I got there did I realize that maybe you would gradually lose yourself.

Hollywood is actually a place like this. No matter what it is, most people in the entertainment industry think that Hollywood is the holy land of movies. But according to Ye Ming's understanding of Hollywood, a place like this doesn't seem to be. It's as simple as everyone thinks.

In such a process, in fact, no matter how it came to be, Hollywood is a more realistic place, and its relationship is only with interests. Of course, it may be inheritance in the name of art, and making money is covered up. In the slogan of art, but in Hollywood, profit is actually the ultimate goal.

In fact, no matter how he said it, on a question like this, it is really doubtful that this guy Emmerich said that he would give himself 200,000.

Of course, two hundred thousand is nothing to a director of Emmerich's level, but this kind of thing is worthy of others' suspicion. Therefore, Emmerich seemed to be able to hear Ye Ming's skeptical attitude from the other end of the phone.

Therefore, he immediately explained: "Well, I know you are a little skeptical, but I didn't pay the money, right? The investors of [The Day After Hou] need to have a spokesperson in China to promote the day after tomorrow for them, so they selected I asked you, and you did not regard the money as advertising fees, responsible for advertising [the day after tomorrow].

Therefore, you don’t have any obligation to take this kind of money, but it is just to help them hype up. Maybe they will use your fame to hype up, but it is not necessarily publicity. If you take this money, it doesn't actually prevent you from being used by them for speculation at this time. "

These words made Ye Ming's heart beat for a while, thinking that he would be involved no matter what. Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming himself said very simply: "Then OK, please send me the money. Does this prove that I will be selected?"

Since I have to do the promotion myself, it is said that the possibility of choosing to play this role myself is very high.

However, Ye Ming's wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. No matter how he said it, Emmerich did not give him any face on such a problem, but directly said : "What are you thinking about, man, is there such a good thing?

This is just a reward for your publicity. You can also think of it as your red envelope, or our consumption. How do you put it in your words? One code equals one code. This matter is different from the choice of roles in the show. Yes, therefore, auditions are actually necessary. This is a Hollywood rule. Although this rule may be a decoration, it is a rule after all. Auditions are still necessary. I will call you when you come to audition. "

Ye Ming knew that things would not be that simple. Giving money was one thing, but choosing who to play a role was indeed a little different in Hollywood. Therefore, on such an issue, Ye Ming did not have too much entanglement in the choice of this role.

Hearing the question about the audition, Ye Ming said without politeness at this time: "The time for the audition has not been determined yet. I also have my own things to be busy with. Please, can't you be more professional and set a time?" What? What if it happens to be that I have time? You have to know that I am not only an actor, but also a company and a website. There are so many things to do. You can’t just say that I will come over if you call me. Bar?"

It seems that these words have worked after all. When Emmerich heard this, he may have realized that Ye Ming was different from other Chinese actors. Therefore, on such a question, he hesitated and said : "In this case, if I call you a week in advance, there should be no problem. You know, God created the world in less than a week."

Seven days in advance, this is already very sincere. Therefore, on such an issue, Ye Ming did not bother much. He nodded and said happily: "There is definitely no problem in this way. Tell me in advance. I There is also a preparation time, don’t worry, I will definitely take care of things and go to the audition on time. Remember to deposit the 200,000 into my personal account."

These words surprised Emmerich. He said in surprise: "Ye, are you confused about this matter? If you use a personal account, the personal income tax will be very high. If you use a company's account, the personal income tax will be very high. If you have an account, the fee is relatively low. I suggest you use your own company’s account.”

Who knew that on such a matter, Ye Ming was very reasonable and said: "Of course I am very clear about this matter, but as the CEO of the company, my personal income tax is paid by the company, and the Quantum Fund Donations of several hundred million per year can be used to offset taxes and fees. Therefore, you said, I don’t need to take a penny from it. It’s so troublesome to use a company account. Use a personal account.”

When he met Ye Ming, a cunning guy, Emmerich actually felt helpless for a while. In such a matter, no matter how it was, Ye Ming's approach seemed to Emmerich, They are all most appropriate. In the United States, this is called reasonable tax avoidance. If it is within the scope of the law, these are very normal.

The lawyers at Quantum Fund earn millions in fees every year, and they do nothing else but think about this kind of thing.

It's just that Emmerich didn't expect that Ye Ming, a Chinese person, was so proficient in this method.

Therefore, at this time, Emmerich smiled awkwardly and said: "As an American, I feel very ashamed that you, a Chinese, are familiar with using American tax laws. I also want my lawyer to do a good job." After thinking about it, I personally think that what kind of avoidance is better. Okay, I will let someone clear your account, see you later."

This was a relatively unexpected phone call, and Ye Ming felt that the money was very unexpected, but he received it with great peace of mind. After all, he said that he deserved such a thing.

However, he did not expect that this call was actually a relatively reasonable call. After all, Emmerich had contacted him and asked him to audition, so the call was not a big surprise.

But then, Ye Ming received a call. This call was quite strange, because the person on the call was named Michael Jackson.

Nowadays, Jackson is prosperous, and his status as a super superstar is as stable as Mount Tai. In the era of love records, Jackson is the undisputed king of pop music, sitting at the top of pop music.

If we are talking about the Emperor Superstar and there are others who share this title, then if we are talking about the King of Pop Music, this one belongs exclusively to Jackson. Moreover, with the rise of the Internet era today, Jackson is also the first person to try to sell his music works online, and the food is quite delicious.

In fact, Ye Ming helped Jackson sell his music works online, helping Jackson get out of the debt crisis. This made Sony very unhappy. Jackson owned the copyright of the Beatles' music, so Sony had to give half of every penny it earned to Jackson. , Therefore, Sony is very unhappy about such an issue. Regarding the child case, who is the mastermind behind it? Obviously, it is just that some people are more covert. But this incident did not trip up Jackson in the end, but made Jackson and Ye Ming work more closely together.

Therefore, the people at Sony were very unhappy about such a matter. They just said that they had no way to deal with Ye Ming, so they have stopped temporarily. At this time, it can be said that the most proud person in the entertainment industry is Jackson.

He called Ye Ming and said: "Ye, I haven't had much to do recently. I want to hear your opinion. Do you think I should make a movie, take on a few commercials for fun, or go on a trip for a while. But, if When you go on a trip, don’t be as unlucky as you, just because you encounter some horrible incident.”

Ye Ming went to the United States to film Running Brothers, and this time it involved a big thing. Therefore, at this time, even Jackson, who said he was not very concerned about current political news, could not know about 911, nor did he know about 911. Maybe you don’t know that Ye Ming acted like a hero in this terrorist incident. Of course, Jackson didn't want to encounter this kind of thing. He thought he didn't have Ye Ming's ability.

Among his friends, there are not many who can listen to opinions casually, and Ye Ming happens to be one of them. Therefore, regarding such a problem, he called Ye Ming directly to inquire about the situation.

Ye Ming thought about it and suddenly thought of a question. If it was to bring Jackson into Running Man, even if it was just a guest role, it would be very exciting. This time, Jackson was himself He came up against the gun. If he didn't come to ask for his opinion, maybe he didn't have this intention. After all, Jackson's character was not willing to participate in this kind of game show.

But now, Ye Ming thought of such an idea, and immediately realized that if such a thing was true, it would definitely be a sensational thing, not only for the Chinese entertainment industry, but also for the Asia-Pacific, and even It means that it will have a sensational effect on the entertainment industry around the world. The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, participated in this party, bro, it’s incredible to think about it.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Well, if you really don't have anything special to be sure of, then I have a suggestion. I am doing a show here called Run Brothers. It is a very determined program. program, I hope you can come and play it if you have time, this is a game show, not an interview type, but a game type."

Jackson hesitated for a moment. He did not expect that Ye Ming would give such an answer. This surprised him. Therefore, on such a question, Jackson hesitated and said: "Run, brother, the game Can you explain it to me in detail? You know, I am relatively unfamiliar with your Chinese programs, and I am relatively unfamiliar with even American programs."

This is a fact. For a king of kings like Jackson to participate in a game show, it would be a complete loss of status. To be able to invite the king of pop music here is definitely a task of dinosaur level difficulty.

Ye Ming looked over and said: "If you want to explain, you can think of it as a game version of a novel like "Send a Letter to Garcia", in which you get the final result by completing some tasks. Victory is about running, being healthy, and improving. Of course, if you come, the form of participation can be adjusted according to your requirements."

Jackson, as the King of Pop Music, actually has such rights. If he can come, it will be a huge publicity for the Running Brothers.

I have to say that Ye Ming's explanation is actually quite wonderful. "Send a Letter to Garcia" is a very popular novel in Europe and the United States. Of course, this novel is based on real history. Anyway, there are very few people in Europe and America who don't know this novel. It can be said that as long as they can read, they all know this novel. This is a very ambitious novel.

Therefore, if we use this form to explain the program format of Running Brothers, although it is a bit general, it cannot be said to be incorrect. Such an explanation is actually relatively new to Jackson.

Therefore, Jackson thought about it carefully and pondered for a while. Anyway, there was nothing going on with the album recently. If you want to go to China to play, it is also a good choice. China is a very charming place. Of course, the people of China , are also very mysterious people, such as Ye Ming.

Therefore, Jackson finally said: "Okay, I will go there in three days, is there no problem?"

Three days is of course Jackson's preparation time, and of course it is also the preparation time for Ye Ming. Jackson, who is so willful, said he was participating in a game show and immediately decided to participate.

Of course, this has a lot to do with his belief in Ye Ming. It can be said that if it were not Ye Ming's invitation, it would be impossible for Jackson to agree to such a thing.

Ye Ming closed the phone and snapped his fingers. He was such a genius that he was able to trick Jackson into entering. (To be continued)

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