Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,138: Gain wisdom from every experience

People cannot stand without faith.

American Fat John is an old cunning guy in the circle, and he has never seen any scene before, so he said without caring at all: "This matter, doesn't it mean that it hasn't been decided yet.

Director Wu Yusen's "Wind Whisperer" has indeed had some contact with us, saying that there is a role suitable for Li Lianjie to perform, but we have not yet decided on what it is. If it is said that there is more sincerity here If so, it does not rule out that we will participate in the program [Heroes] at this time. "

This is actually very clear, that is to say, on an issue like this, if you make concessions on the remuneration, we can cooperate. If not, then on an issue like this Above, we can only say sorry. This is the simplest forced model in Hollywood.

But in China, it is very useful.

Because Zhang Weiping actually really hoped that Li Lianjie could participate in his movie, so he was held in check.

But this time, Li Lianjie has a better choice. If the crew of "Hero" cannot give enough remuneration, then all we can do is say sorry.

And when it comes to a question like this, no matter how it is said, the question that everyone really thinks about is who can't hold on first.

Zhang Weiping said unhappily: "Mr. John, what you are doing is a bit unkind. You obviously agreed to sign a contract with us, but now you can't decide, what about our press conference?" ?”

Morally speaking, this is indeed somewhat unkind.

Therefore, on such an issue, no matter how you say it, Li Lianjie is indeed morally untenable. But Zhang Weiping seemed to have used it in the wrong place. If he said that the other party was China's agent, then in this case, he might be able to restrain the other party with morality or something.

After all, they are all people cultivated by Chinese culture. You know what the consequences of not abiding by morality will be in the entertainment industry.

But John is not Chinese, he is American, and he has no understanding of morality at all. From the time of the gunshots in Lexington to now, which is about two hundred years ago, it is of little use to tell them about culture. Maybe it means that interests are more useful.

Therefore, at this time, John said without any burden: "If you look at this matter like this, it is wrong. Doesn't it mean that there is no contract? Therefore, we still have other options.

This is actually the case in Hollywood. Before signing a contract, everyone has a choice. But if you sign a contract, then in Hollywood you have to act in accordance with the contract.

Therefore, we can't give you any guarantee now, and Mr. Li Lianjie can't give you any guarantee either. As for the press conference, if it doesn't happen, it can be canceled. It hasn't started yet anyway. Well, I'm very busy, and there are a lot of things waiting for me in Hollywood. goodbye. "

After saying this, he hung up directly. When dealing with such a matter, John did not give Zhang Weiping any face. He made Zhang Weiping angry to death, and made Zhang Weiping throw away his favorite purple sand tea cup. He was shattered to pieces: "Americans are amazing, Hollywood is amazing, they are trying to suppress me with Hollywood's rules, what are they? Americans are so unkind, they can go back on their promises."

It seems that Zhang Yimou didn't feel strange at all about such a thing. After all, what he really thought of was actually this kind of thing. Li Lianjie chose a big Hollywood production for his future. Such a thing was It is human nature, in fact, Zhang Yimou also knows what choice to make.

Of course, if [Hero] paid enough for the film, then such a thing might not be a big deal.

At this moment, Zhang Yimou said without thinking: "This is reasonable. For Li Lianjie, our movie is not mandatory to shoot, but Wu Yusen's "Wind Talker" is different.

Therefore, what we have to do now is how to think about the press conference. The reporters are very clear that we are going to sign a contract with Li Lianjie, and Li Lianjie will star in our movie. Now Li Lianjie has already I am hesitant. How should we respond to the press conference, or should we simply not hold it? "

If this is not done, it will not be a very good decision for Xinhuamian Film and Television Company. Moreover, on such an issue, no matter how you say it, it is a shameful thing.

Zhang Weiping hesitated and said, "If you agree, that's impossible. Our investment won't allow us to give Li Lianjie that much remuneration. If it doesn't work, I think we should just go find Ye Ming. Although Ye Ming is not as good as Li Lianjie, He has international influence, but he is still young and has a certain appeal internationally. It is also a good choice to find him to perform, just to see if he is willing to save the show."

Zhang Weiping himself didn't have much confidence in this statement.

If they didn't ask Ye Ming to audition before this, then it shouldn't be a big problem to ask Ye Ming to come to the rescue at this time.

But the key point is that at this time, they asked Ye Ming to audition, and finally announced that they would cooperate with Li Lianjie, and Li Lianjie's performance was not as good as Ye Ming during the audition. At this time, they asked Ye Ming to come, even if Zhang Weiping was so thick-skinned, They all think that the possibility is not too great.

But this choice seems to be the only one. Therefore, at such a time, Zhang Yimou also hesitated and said: "In our circle, all we need is face. Well, now we need to find Ye Ming to save the situation. I think there is only one way to give him enough remuneration. We It was decided to give Li Lianjie three million US dollars. At this time, it is also a salary for Ye Ming. If it is like this, Ye Ming will also have face, and it is probably not a big problem. Otherwise, I don’t know what will happen to this matter. It’s good to cooperate.”

As Ye Ming's friend, the two of us have cooperated not once or twice. My father and mother have worked together, and they also worked together on the Olympic bid. Therefore, the two of them know each other relatively well. A person like Ye Ming People are not easy to suffer losses. Now that they are begging others, it is impossible to cooperate without giving them enough benefits.

Therefore, Zhang Weiping also hesitated on such a question: "If I give him three million, it seems to be a bit more. This is the price of inviting an international star. Although Ye Ming is also an international star, in terms of fame, it seems Is it a little worse? I’m afraid it won’t be easy to explain to the superiors?”

Zhang Weiping hesitated for a moment. Three million dollars was still US dollars. This was not a small sum. Ye Ming had never received such a salary in Hollywood.

Of course, Ye Ming made more than this in Hollywood. The licensing of Harry Potter made him a lot of money.

But that was not due to his acting skills. His acting skills were not completely recognized in Hollywood. Therefore, the salary of three million is indeed relatively high for an actor of Ye Ming's level in Hollywood.

Zhang Yimou said without politeness: "Don't always think like that. Think about it. Regarding a problem like this, Ye Ming only acted in a few movies and got to this point?

This is a person with great potential. He is not qualified to get three million now, but it is not far away. If he is famous enough, do you think three million can still invite Ye Ming? ?

After he wins the Oscar, three million is no problem, but for three million, it's hard to say whether he will come. Li Lianjie is not yet an Oscar-winning actor, yet he dares to ask for 6 million at this time. Now you say, if Ye Ming is suitable for the price of 3 million, can he be hired for 3 million? "

Zhang Weiping really couldn't answer this question, so he could only shake his head helplessly, and finally nodded and said: "It doesn't matter if you look like this, you can contact Ye Ming. If he agrees to this, we can give him three million." , I will make it clear to the people above."

At this time, Xinhua Media was able to obtain this proposition composition. One was that there was a great international director like Zhang Yimou, a national master, and the other was that at this time, Zhang Weiping had a way. Neither of these two conditions was missing. It might get done.

The news in the entertainment industry is always so unpredictable. It was said that Xinhua Face was working with Li Lianjie, but it turned out that Li Lianjie switched to Wu Yusen's Hollywood big production "Wind Talker".

Whether this is a betrayal or a divorce plan, Xinhua Mian and Li Lianjie may be falling apart. As a result, all the reporters were waiting for the press conference to be held.

At this time, some news came out from Xinhua, that is, on such an issue, Ye Ming will participate in the performance of "Hero" and will become the protagonist of "Hero".

And the salary unexpectedly reached 3 million US dollars. For the sake of publicity, Xinhua Noodles also went all out at this time and directly gave 26 million yuan. This was regarded as a round number for Ye Ming, and it was also convenient for publicity and hype.

Twenty-six million, if Zijin invests in a movie in China, it will be a huge investment, but the final result is that this is just Ye Ming's salary alone.

At this time, a reporter also went to Huihuang Film and Television for an interview. Naturally, it was impossible to interview Ye Ming himself. Even Sister Fang Fang said ambiguously that the two parties were discussing cooperation issues, and Mr. Ye Ming was very interested in this role. Also very interested.

It did not directly say that it would definitely cooperate with Xinhua Noodles, or that it would not cooperate with Xinhua Noodles.

It seems that both parties have shown more restraint this time and have learned the lessons from the Li Lianjie incident. Before the press conference was held, there was no real statement whether the two parties would definitely cooperate. The news coming from Xinhua Mian is just an expression of intention to cooperate.

Therefore, this matter has become a confusing and unsolved case. Moreover, a reporter wanted to interview Li Lianjie, one of the parties involved, but it was naturally more difficult to interview Li Lianjie. It was even said that under such a situation, it was not known where Li Lianjie had gone.

At this time, interviewing Ye Ming seemed to be relatively easy, because everyone at least knew where Ye Ming would appear. It’s really hard to say whether he and [Hero] will really cooperate, but Ye Ming will definitely appear at the latest press conference of Running Brothers.

This matter is definitely a topic that Mango Channel attaches great importance to. Apart from Mango Channel's ace variety show "Happy Camp", the only one that can sweep many satellite TVs is "Brothers of Ben Pai", so this variety show is also a high priority. High hopes.

Before the latest episode was broadcast, Mango Channel even said that it had found members of Running Man and conducted a general mobilization. In fact, it was to invite everyone to watch "Running Man". This time, Taiwanese beauty Lin Zhiling also appeared. Therefore, this latest issue of Running Brothers has indeed attracted a lot of people's attention.

Of course, the one who attracts reporters the most is actually Ye Ming. Ye Ming was not interviewed at Huihuang Film and Television, but it was easy to interview Ye Ming at the Mango Channel.

Moreover, at this time, it seems that Mango Channel has no intention of refusing everyone's interview. During the live broadcast, a reporter asked whether Ye Minglai was confirmed to star in Zhang Yimou's "Hero" movie.

This question is actually different from today’s topic. Normally, it would be reasonable for Ye Ming to refuse to answer. However, Mango Channel did not interrupt the reporter’s question, apparently allowing Ye Ming to answer this question. of.

In fact, there are two reasons for Mango Terrace to be like this. One is that at this time, Ye Ming is a big bowl and an international superstar. Therefore, where the coffee position is placed, Mango TV has to consider it even if it wants to refuse.

Another point is that at this time, Running Man actually needs topics to hype up.

As the captain of the running men's team, it is indeed a good publicity topic to make such a big news about such an incident. Therefore, Mango Channel will turn a blind eye to reporters' questions about topics that have nothing to do with the program. Close one eye and act as if nothing happened.

Ye Ming, however, picked up the microphone in a familiar manner and said: "What I can tell you about this issue is that we already have an intention to cooperate and are discussing the details. If nothing unexpected happens, then maybe you will be able to work with Director Zhang." I can be seen in the new film.”

This answer is a little bit informative, but it is also a snake oil answer. After all, Ye Ming admitted the cooperation and discussed the details. The general direction should be settled, but in the end, whether it is really a cooperation, Ye Ming He was very cunning and did not give a definite answer. (To be continued)

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