Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1111: Games are like battlefields

Behind every smile is loneliness made up of countless tears.

It's like saying that Guo Degang's eloquent words are not born, but are made after countless hard training. Therefore, even though Guo Degang performs so cheerfully on the stage, in fact, few people work hard in private. can see.

Of course, this is the case for any successful actor. One minute on stage and ten years of hard work off stage. Everyone's success is not a fluke.

Therefore, when Guo Degang saw everyone rushing towards the rice fields, he smiled happily. Do you think things are that simple? The crew will not let you go so easily.

In fact, it also proves that the crew of Running Brothers is indeed quite capable of calculating people. In such a situation, Wang Baoqiang was actually the first to rush forward, so naturally he had to find Ma Su first.

If we can win this time, it may mean that Ma Su's anger is extinguished a little. Otherwise, no one can tell what the result will be when it comes to the final stage of tearing off the famous brand. .

Therefore, Wang Baoqiang is very hardworking on such an issue. When Wang Baoqiang was the first to rush up and lift one of the big bamboo hats, what was hidden in the jar was not Ma Su, but a villager he didn't even know, an ordinary villager in Wuzhen. If he is just an ordinary villager, then maybe there is nothing wrong with such a thing.

But the crew would not arrange it like this. Do you think that if you find someone wrong, it will be in vain? Since you made a mistake, you have to accept punishment in such a situation. Reward and punishment are clear, which is fully reflected in this game.

But Wang Baoqiang didn't know that if they did something wrong, they would be punished severely. Therefore, in such a matter, Wang Baoqiang saw that he had found the wrong person, an ordinary villager in Wuzhen. Therefore, Wang Baoqiang was stunned for a moment.

In fact, if it were another person, he would be stunned in the same situation. It would be strange if he wasn't surprised that he was not the person he was looking for, but an ordinary villager whom he didn't know.

But at this moment, when Wang Baoqiang was stunned, the villager poured a ladle of water directly onto Wang Baoqiang's face, covering his face with water.

Needless to say, this is the punishment for finding the wrong person. Only then did Wang Baoqiang stupidly understand that if he found the wrong person, he would actually suffer a lot in a matter like this.

In fact, no matter how you say it, this is an unexpected surprise.

Not only Wang Baoqiang, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, Ye Ming, and Deng Chao, they found the wrong person in the process of looking for them. There was only one result, that is, they were directly splashed with water. At least among the first people who made the mistake, they didn't have any explosion protection and were directly hit by the splash.

Of course, if we are talking about the second and third, then in such a situation, at this time, it will become like this, which means that Ye Ming and the others will be prepared, Anyway, no matter what happens, it won't be splashed directly on the face.

Of course, those villagers are not good at making trouble. Although they cannot directly splash it on their faces, no matter what the situation is, it is quite safe to splash it on them if they find the wrong person.

At this time, the five male guests began to attack the program crew one after another. Anyway, while searching, they avoided the attacks of Wuzhen villagers, and they did not delay in attacking the program crew in front of the camera.

I don’t know if it’s because of the panic in my heart, but everyone looked for two or three, but found nothing. Wang Baoqiang is a real human being. Therefore, they don’t care about your water-splashing attacks. They don’t dodge them anyway. It’s not flying bullets. What are you dodging? It’s a waste of time. Just leave. You love it. Splash water as much as you like.

To be honest, in such a situation, Wang Baoqiang's method was quite efficient. Soon Wang Baoqiang found Ma Su, who was the first among the five groups. The next step was to take Ma Su. If Su memorized it to the program team and verified it directly, it would be considered a victory.

Therefore, in order to win, Wang Baoqiang directly carried Ma Su on his back without hesitation.

Ma Su's weight is about one hundred kilograms, but it doesn't feel like it exceeds one hundred kilograms anyway. Therefore, this weight is not a big deal at all to Wang Baoqiang. Quite a few years ago, no matter what, Wang Baoqiang was also born in Beidiao. As a successful Beidiao, physical work is very necessary.

I think back then, when Wang Baoqiang was not acting in movies, he also did work like moving bricks on construction sites for living expenses. Anyway, doing small jobs required a lot of strength.

For those who practice martial arts, this little strength is nothing. Therefore, Wang Baoqiang was not only a martial arts practitioner, but also a construction site worker. His body definitely burst out with great energy, and he directly carried Ma Su on his back and rushed out.

At this time, Ye Ming also found Xu Qing. He carried Xu Qing on his back without hesitation and rushed forward. However, Ye Ming is relatively far away from the show team, and he doesn’t know which stage manager of the show team is assigned to him. He doesn’t know if he doesn’t want to be involved in the show team anymore. On such a matter, he actually said direct Arrange Xu Qing so far away.

Wang Baoqiang was the first to carry Ma Su out and rushed to Guo Degang's side. Now we need to verify it with the program team. Guo Degang glanced at Wang Baoqiang and was very surprised. This guy moved very quickly.

Guo Degang said with great satisfaction: "Yes, there is progress in keeping strong. Stop talking nonsense and verify it. Did you see the horizontal bar in front? There is a wheat circle on the horizontal bar. You are carrying Ma Su, and Ma Su directly controls the line. If you put the Cheerios tied on the top into your mouth, it will be considered a victory. You can take your time and start."

Time waits for no one. At this time, Wang Baoqiang did not dare to delay at all, because Ye Ming was already following behind and was about to rush out of the rice field.

This is something everyone is eyeing. Ye Ming and Xu Qing are also strong contenders for victory. At this time, no matter how you say it, you are actually quite nervous.

Wang Baoqiang directly picked up Ma Su, and then said very seriously: "Sister Ma Su, I will do the hard work, and I will leave the rest to you."

At this time, Ma Su was not willing to lag behind and worked very hard to eat the Cheerios hanging from the horizontal bar. Moreover, Ma Su continued to direct Wang Baoqiang to advance and retreat.

When it comes to a matter like this, Ma Su is still very capable of controlling it. He can solve the problem in a few clicks and get to the bottom of the Cheerios.

At this moment, Guo Degang immediately said: "Very good, the game is over, and the yellow team won."

This is a one-time explanation of the game. No matter what it looks like, everyone once again saw the unexpected aspects of the program team in the process of creating the game.

Who would have thought that there were not only five female guests hidden in these thirty large tanks, but also local villagers in Wuzhen. Moreover, the local villagers in Wuzhen also had weapons in their hands and could attack male guests. This was something else. This is something that has never happened before in the show.

Therefore, under such a situation, no matter what it is, the brothers and sisters of the running team who have been baptized by the game are a little unwilling. This is how the crew fooled me.

This is simply bullying. Therefore, at this time, Huang Bo had already found Tang Wei and was halfway carrying Tang Wei on his back when he heard that the game was over. This was difficult for Huang Bo to accept for a while. After walking over, Huang Bu clearly had the word "unhappiness" written on his face.

Walking to the crew, Huang Bo directly denounced Guo Degang and said: "Director Guo, you have gone too far. Although we were a little dissatisfied with you just now, you didn't mean to take revenge and plot against us in the game again. , do you think it’s interesting what you’re doing?”

At this time, Guo Degang quit.

In fact, if this matter was really thought up by Guo Degang, then such a matter would actually not be a big problem. Dare to act, at least this is what Guo Degang can do.

But this matter was not Guo Degang's idea at all. Therefore, at this moment, Guo Degang immediately defended himself and said: "Huang Bo, it makes no sense for you to talk like this. Don't the brothers know what kind of person I am, Guo Degang? Besides, am I such a stingy person?

This game was not something I came up with at all, but it was already in the script. The game settings of Running Brothers have a game like this, so I am just the executor. If you don't believe it, you can read the script.

Also, if you people say you don’t believe it, then come directly and read the script about something like this, I will never hide it.”

In fact, as a script, it is the director's core secret and will not be shown to guests under normal circumstances.

But because Guo Degang was eager to distance himself, and in such a situation, since the game was actually said to have been played, if they read the script, then such a thing would not be a big deal.

Therefore, in such a matter, no matter what it is, if Guo Degang wants to clear his innocence, it is best for everyone to read the script.

At this moment, Guo Degang actually said it so openly and openly that everyone should read the script, and he said it so confidently, which surprised Huang Bo. This means.

If Guo Degang is so sure that everyone should read the script, then there is actually only one possibility for such a thing, that is, under such a situation, this thing is true.

This game was not played by Guo Degang first to plot against everyone, but a game designed by the program team. In fact, in a film crew or a program crew, generally, the director has the greatest power and status.

Although the producer is said to have more power than the director, no matter what he says, it is impossible for the producer to keep an eye on the crew and not leave, right? Therefore, the director's authority is generally unchallenged.

As for Huang Bo and the others, they just challenged Director Guo Degang's status, which was already a bit too much. Of course, because the relationship between Huang Bo, Guo Degang and others is relatively close, we are from the same company, and if we have free time, we will go out to drink together.

Therefore, precisely because of such a relationship, if Tomorrow Buy and director Guo Degang were to argue, there would be nothing to discuss about this matter.

Anyway, they have to decide this standard themselves. But if they dare to read the script, this script is the core of the entire show. Ordinarily, in a situation like this, only a few people including the director know the script.

After all, this is related to the direction of variety shows. General guests have no right to watch. If a guest dares to ask to read the script, he or she is provoking the director's authority and has truly crossed the line.

There are unspoken rules in the entertainment industry. You have not provoked the director. If you are not afraid of the director's retaliation, then you can provoke the director.

The three of them, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo, Wang Baoqiang, just said they were provoking the director. However, this is within the controllable range after all. Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang provoked the director, but they were not afraid of the director's revenge.

In fact, Guo De did not hesitate at all when he took revenge. It's just that Xu Zheng and the three of them don't care about Guo Degang's revenge on such a matter.

But if they really read the script, then they really crossed the line. Guo Degang was able to suggest that if you have any doubts, you can read the script, but they cannot really do it like this.

Huang Bo also saw that what Guo Degang said was reasonable, and he was a little hesitant at the moment.

At this moment, Xu Zheng also saw the situation clearly. Huang Bo actually wanted to back down. No matter how he said it, on a question like this, what Huang Bo actually needs now is just a reason to retreat.

Therefore, Xu Zheng was unwilling to stalemate the relationship. After all, it means that Ye Ming is still there. If the relationship is really at loggerheads, none of them can run away and they can deal with it together.

Therefore, Xu Zheng didn't want something like this to happen. Therefore, no matter how it is said, the successful filming of this show is the result that everyone wants. (To be continued)

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