Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1774: Xu Qing is a sweetheart

The most painful and happiest memories are often memories that people will never forget.

Therefore, at this moment, Xu Qing thought for a while and said: "It's terrible. I can only describe this thing as terrible. After all, it is the first time for me to participate in such a game show. This is It is indeed a very physically demanding program.

In fact, I am also a person who likes to travel very much. The reason why I participated in Huaer and Boy is that one is Ye Ming’s invitation, and the other is that at this time, I like traveling very much, so I went .

This time, I also think that since we are going to record programs all over the country and around the world, it will be a good journey no matter what. But I'm just like Zixia Fairy. I guessed the beginning of the story, but I definitely didn't guess the end of the story.

This is indeed a very wasteful program of my own energy, and I almost couldn’t hold on. In fact, I thought about giving up halfway through, but when I wanted to give up, I told myself to stick with it and see. Now it seems that maybe I will stick with it for two more episodes. "

If you were talking about a scheming actor, you wouldn't say that at this time, saying that you want to give up midway.

In fact, the standard answer to a question like this is that although the program is said to be difficult, no matter what it is, at this time, I have never thought of giving up.

The successful filming of the show was the result of the joint efforts of our entire crew. As for quitting, I never thought about quitting.

But Xu Qing is Xu Qing. She thinks what she thinks and says what she says. She has no intention of hiding anything.

The question asked by Lao Bai is what everyone wants to know. Xu Qing's answer actually seems normal to many reporters. Reporters who are familiar with Xu Qing all know that Xu Qing This is the kind of person Qing is.

Therefore, Lao Bai believed that he knew what Xu Qing would say without even asking. Sure enough, Xu Qing really said what he wanted to say.

The question Lao Bai asked was a direct question like this: "Mr. Ye, what do you think of the ratings of this program? Will you watch the Star's Journey on Lychee Channel again if it is broadcast? What do you think of yourself?" What do you think of this opponent?"

A program, no matter what celebrities are invited, or how the stars feel, actually has only one ultimate goal, which is ratings. Why does Mango Channel dare to cooperate with Ye Ming?

Moreover, Ye Ming is given such great rights. He can produce his own show, choose actors, choose shooting locations, and even choose the content of shooting. Mango Channel supports Ye Ming.

They spared no effort to support Ye Ming in filming the program. It can be said that most of the directors of Mango Channel cannot have such powerful rights as Ye Ming.

You know, under such a situation, in fact, no matter how it is, Mango Channel is the largest local TV station. Now it is still the boss of local satellite TV. Apart from Tianchao Channel, Mango Channel is the best in China. Taiwan.

So it's a big platform. But they supported Ye Ming very much. This is because they have cooperated with Ye Ming. The popularity of Hua'er and the boy is a bit surprising.

It is precisely because of the beginning of such a good cooperation and under such a situation that Ye Ming has such great rights. The basis of all this is the ratings, and the ratings are the king of everything. Therefore, All the reporters, including the director of Ouyang Terrace who was sitting on the stage at the moment, were very concerned about this issue.

Ye Ming confidently looked at everyone and said: "I think, in fact, it is not just one person who cares about such an issue. Many people will care about the quality of our programs and the ratings. In this way, what I can tell you is that this is related to the journey of the stars of Lychee Terrace.

As we all know, the journey of a star is to copy our Flowers and Boys. We had some unpleasant experiences over this issue. Why did I reconcile with Lychee TV? One question is that Lychee TV has agreed to cooperate with our Huihuang Film and Television and Huihui.com. Since we are in a cooperative relationship, under such circumstances, I will authorize them to broadcast, which is also an important reason why they can broadcast today.

There is one more thing, I need to ask Mr. Ouyang Yang to talk about this. "

After all, there is a leader here now. Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming has to take care of Tie Tie's emotions. He must pull up the leader of Ouyang Yang for this matter.

Sure enough, Ou Balcony took a look and found that Ye Ming was indeed a person who did great things. At this moment, he could still think of letting himself, the leader, show his face.

He said with a smile: "Actually, this question is very simple. We are in competition with Lychee TV, but after all, we are all brother TV stations. Under normal circumstances, we are in competition, but, We believe in our program. When I saw the first episode of Running Brothers, I knew that this was a very good program. This is a program that is not afraid of any opponents.

Therefore, we will allow Lychee Channel’s programs to be broadcast as scheduled. We have confidence in our programs. We need an opponent. If the journey of celebrities cannot be broadcast, then our programs will also be broadcast as scheduled. Qi Juechen, but if we have this program from Lychee Channel as our opponent, then if our Running Brothers can create a good ratings, then such a rating will be very valuable. of ratings.

Therefore, we will discuss this issue with Huihuang Film and Television and let them broadcast it. It is not a big deal. "

Domineering, Mango Taiwan's domineering power can be seen at a glance. It can be said that as long as it is not against a giant like Tianchao Taiwan that has a natural advantage, then in such a situation, no matter how it is said, Mango Terrace has its own psychological advantages over Lychee Terrace.

And it means that in such a situation, no matter how it is said, at this time, Ye Ming has already agreed to such a thing with Lychee Terrace. If Mango Terrace is too pretentious, then this Sometimes it seems that Mango TV is not grand enough.

Therefore, after discussing with Ye Ming, we came up with the current answer.

At this time, the reporters on the scene were excited. This is how they are cultivating opponents for themselves. What does this move of Mango Channel mean? It means that in a place like variety shows, Mango Channel has already talked about being lonely and seeking defeat. It’s a stage.

In fact, Zhou Qingsheng also paid attention to the press conference of Mango Channel. When the leader of Lychee Channel asked, Zhou Qingsheng naturally said that there was no problem with his program.

Although he dare not say that it can surpass Hua'er and Boy, no matter what, at a time like this, he himself guarantees that there will be a very good ratings. With such a guarantee, the leaders of Lychee Terrace felt a little more relieved.

But this matter was something Zhou Qingsheng encouraged himself to do. Faced with the leadership brought by Lychee Terrace, Zhou Qingsheng had no choice but to say this. If he said otherwise, then he would have no place in Lychee Terrace.

Therefore, he must have remained very strong, so strong that when people think of such a question, they feel that Zhou Qingsheng is very confident.

But that was in front of the leader. Even if he was just pretending, Zhou Qingsheng still had to pretend to be very confident.

However, at this time, when we came to the press conference, in fact, it was already said that it had nothing to do with him. The filming of the program had been completed and the post-production had been completed long ago. In fact, all that was left now was to say that it would be broadcast after the evening broadcast. What kind of ratings are there?

At this point, things are actually beyond Zhou Qingsheng's control.

But he was still watching the TV station, and he wanted to know what the ratings of his program were.

If it is said that without Ye Ming, does Zhou Qingsheng think he can film a good variety show? This point is very important to Zhou Qingsheng.

When facing his deputy Yu Heng, Zhou Qingsheng no longer needs to keep pretending. Because Yu Heng also understands this matter very well.

Zhou Qingsheng glanced at the TV and then said: "Yu Heng, tell me, do we have any hope of victory this time?

If Ye Ming is talking about filming the second season of Flowers and Boys, then I may not have much confidence. After all, he is saying that this is a program he created, and he knows the essence of some programs best.

But at this time, he himself ruined his own brand and did not want to film the second season of Flowers and Boys. Instead, he filmed a new program format. A time like this is an opportunity for us to win. "

And it is said to be a very good opportunity to fly, at least from Zhou Qingsheng's point of view, it is a very good opportunity at this time.

Under such a situation, Ye Ming not only challenged himself, but also challenged a brand new program format.

Anyone who makes variety shows knows that if you challenge a brand new program format, there will only be two results, one will soar to the sky, and the other will fail miserably. Under normal circumstances, the chance of complete failure is still very high.

Lychee Channel has a star's journey, which is a copycat of Ye Ming, which means that Ye Ming has to face the challenges of the program format he created.

Another point is that under such a situation, Ye Ming actually said to create a new program format. Regarding such a problem, no one can say whether it will be liked by everyone.

, judging from the trailer played by Ye Ming, under such circumstances, Ye Ming's own film is still very enjoyable, but the taste of the audience is very fickle. Is it really possible? It was affirmed by the audience. No one can answer such a question clearly.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming was taking an eccentric approach, and those who produce programs know very well that if it is a variety show, it is best to play it safe and steady.

, such as Zhou Qingsheng's copycat of some successful program formats, if it were not for meeting a person like Ye Ming who does not play according to common sense, then at such a time, Zhou Qingsheng would actually feel no pressure at all. No.

Therefore, taking it slow and steady is the best way for variety shows.

After Yu Heng heard a question like this from his boss, he thought for a while and said: "I dare not say this question. If it were a question like Huo if it were someone else, then in a situation like this, I would It can be said that there is something wrong with this person's brain.

But this person is Ye Ming after all, and Ye Ming has created miracles not once or twice. Let's not talk about anything else, let's just say that it is a travel variety show like this. Before Ye Ming, what kind of people would have thought that going out for a trip would also be able to film a very popular variety show? ah.

Therefore, under such circumstances, I dare not say what the ratings of Ye Ming's new program will be.

But our ratings, I think, are because they are copycats, so the ratings are unlikely to exceed those of Flowers and Boys. In such a situation, there is only one thing we can do, and that is to talk about Ye Ye Ming's Running Brothers won't have higher ratings than Flowers and Boys.

Otherwise, in such a situation, we actually mean that there is no chance of success at all. "

Yu Heng looked at such a question, which is actually very pertinent. This confrontation is to see what kind of situation Ye Ming is. If Ye Ming succeeds, the star's journey will be a complete failure. If it is Ye Ming's If a show like "Running Brothers" cannot become popular, then the star's journey will skyrocket. It may not be more popular than "Flowers and Boys", as long as it can slightly extend the popularity of "Flowers and Boys" Hot, this is enough.

At this moment, Zhou Qingsheng nodded and said thoughtfully: "That's right, this guy Ye Ming is indeed an elusive person. The longer I work with him, the harder it is to think of such a person. The question is, how does he think about variety shows, and why did he produce such a refreshing program?"

At this time, Zhou Qingsheng was thinking like this because he had no confidence in his heart. He was very worried about Ye Ming's strength and thought that he would be defeated by Ye Ming. . (To be continued)

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