Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1772: Old and cunning


Don't break out in silence, just disappear in silence. Although the silence of entertainment cannot make a person die, no matter what it is, this thing can make a person completely disappear from the audience's sight.

Therefore, how to ensure one's exposure in the entertainment industry is very important.

If we talk about the superstars, it is okay to say that every superstar has works that cannot be erased by time, so their short-term silence is called being ready to go. They have classic works and are not afraid of silence.

But ordinary first- and second-tier stars don't dare to do this.

Just like Li Yapeng, this guy is now a first-line star, and your exposure rate among first-line stars is pretty good.

Because he has a very good girlfriend, whether he is living a soft life or pursuing true love, anyway, Li Yapeng's exposure is pretty good.

But he is not a superstar, and he does not have any classic works that are unforgettable. Therefore, he must ensure his exposure in the entertainment industry.

Counting on the princess is one thing, but as a man, he is always said to be a softie and counting on his girlfriend's increased exposure is something he cannot accept.

Therefore, there is a program like "The Journey of a Star" on Lychee Channel.

Of course, at this time, the celebrity's journey can be broadcast, but Li Yapeng is still suspected of being a soft rice, so he asked the princess and Na Ying to help.

But no matter what it is, Li Yapeng worked hard on such a thing, and he was able to express himself in the show with his acting skills. Of course, if it is said that Crayon Lee also has acting skills.

Anyway, no matter what, Li Yapeng hopes that his performance in the program "Star's Journey" can conquer the audience.

Therefore, Litchi Channel worked very hard to promote Li Yapeng, Lu Yi and other celebrities who participated in the show. Especially when it comes to Li Yapeng, it almost means that he will go all out, and Li Yapeng also puts himself in the position of captain.

Although the entire show is actually a trip without a captain, Flowers and Boys does not have a captain, even though Ye Ming played the role of captain in Flowers and Boys.

But Ye Ming, the captain, is more of a person who serves Hua'er. This is a service-oriented captain.

Therefore, sometimes if Ye Ming is occasionally aggressive in the show, under such a situation, it will directly mean that there will be such a powerful impact that is unacceptable.

This kind of impact is actually the fundamental reason why everyone likes a program like Flowers and Boys. As the captain, Ye Ming regards serving the team members as his mission.

Therefore, the team members, whether it is Zheng Peipei, Xu Qing, or Zhao Wei, all admire Ye Ming very much, and at least they see Ye Ming's dedication in their eyes. Therefore, Hua'er and the boy are actually a united whole.

But in the journey of a star, to be honest, the biggest star is Lu Yi. Although Li Yapeng has a front-line exposure, it is still worse than Lu Yi, but because Li Yapeng has a backer, the princess is the one. Therefore, in such a situation, it is quite tragic that Lu Yi has no backer.

Therefore, in the journey of stardom, Li Yapeng plays the role of a captain.

Although it is said that in such a situation, he is the self-proclaimed captain, and it is hard to say whether others will admit it, but at least Li Yapeng thinks that he is the captain. During the promotion, Li Yapeng also appeared as the captain.

If there is a reporter interviewing him, Li Yapeng will always answer the question as the captain at a time like this.

Even though Lu Yi was not very happy at this time, because of his status in the entertainment industry, Lu Yi knew very well that he was no match for Li Yapeng. Therefore, in such a situation, Lu Yi always responds to his anger with silence.

Li Yapeng, on the other hand, seems to enjoy it a little bit and is very keen to express himself in front of the camera.

Especially at the most recent press conference, the Celebrity Journey program team brought Li Yapeng and Lu Yi to do the final promotion for the program. At this time, a reporter brought up the idea of ​​Ye Ming suing Zhou Qingsheng. question.

A matter like this has actually been exposed a long time ago, and the court has issued a subpoena.

Therefore, in such a situation, even if Zhou Qingsheng wanted to deny it, it would be impossible.

At this moment, Zhou Qingsheng felt a little embarrassed. If you want to answer this question, then it is a direct slap in the face, and it is a slap in the face, and the slap is loud.

But if you don't answer this question, it is obvious that the reporter will not give up. No matter what it is, at this time, the reporter is here for breaking news, and it is impossible to miss such a great opportunity. .

At this moment, the scene suddenly fell into silence because of this topic. At a critical moment like this, Li Yapeng picked up the microphone and said: "As for this question, I can answer you. These things that happened in the first few days of the star's journey are actually the communication between Brilliant Film and Television and our Lychee TV station. Caused by irregularities.

We wanted to contact Huihuang Film and Television to discuss copyright issues, but because Mr. Ye Ming went to the United States to film a program, we could not find Mr. Ye Ming himself. This misunderstanding arose. There was a lawsuit, but that was because we did not communicate in a timely manner.

There was such a news that the court banned from broadcasting.

However, after Mr. Ye Ming came back, we communicated with Huihuang Film and Television in a sincere and direct manner. Therefore, in such a situation, no matter how it is said, on such an issue, everyone directly discussed the issue of cooperation. If the copyright of the program has not been resolved, then as a responsible local satellite TV, we, Lychee Channel, will not broadcast this program.

Now that the program can be broadcast normally, it means that our Lychee Channel and Huihuang Film and Television actually have good cooperation. "

And Li Yapeng's impassioned speech at this moment is really very powerful.

Moreover, there are some things that even director Zhou Qingsheng said are not very appropriate.

But Li Yapeng didn't have any problem. In such a situation, Li Yapeng was able to say something that director Zhou Qingsheng couldn't say.

Is that because he is an actor? If Li Yapeng said something that was too extreme, then Zhou Qingsheng can correct Li Yapeng's mistakes as a director.

However, if at this time, Zhou Qingsheng said it himself and said it wrong, then there is basically no room for relaxation. Therefore, it is appropriate for Li Yapeng to grab the microphone and say something like this this time.

After hearing the news about Lychee Terrace, most reporters finally said they couldn't sit still.

A program like "The Journey of a Celebrity" started as a copycat, and then Ye Ming applied to the court to ban it from being broadcast. In the end, it took a twist and turn and was allowed to be broadcast. It can be said that such a thing has twists and turns. The fact that such a result can occur is actually Many reporters in the entertainment industry are quite interested.

A reporter immediately asked: "Director Zhou, what I want to know is, what kind of cooperation will Litchi Channel and Huihui Network have this time? Will your programs also be placed on Huihuang Network?" Mango Channel is actually the We are the best partners with Ye Ming's Huihuang.com.

Many programs on Mango Channel, including the flagship program Happy Camp, are in cooperation with Huihui Film and Television. Therefore, at this moment, let’s see what kind of cooperation Litchi Channel is talking about with Huihui Network. Moreover, at this time, did the two TV stations say that they would continue to confront each other in this Wangshan chapter?

These are all issues worth looking forward to. Zhou Qingsheng thought for a while and said: "Actually, for our program, cooperation with Ye Ming is an internal matter within the program team. As for other policies within the station, as a director, I just have to do my job well. .

As for whether Litchi Terrace will cooperate with Ye Ming, if it is cooperation, then under such a situation, it is not my decision. What I am sure of is that our programs are cooperating with Huihui Film and Television, and the copyrights on the Internet will also be placed on Huihui.com. "

In fact, Huihuang.com is the video leader. Although there are some video websites in the world, they are all authorized by Huihuang.com. If it were not authorized by Huihuang website, there would be no video website of its own on the Internet.

Moreover, at this time, Ye Ming was very aware of the development potential of video websites, so at this time, he fully supported Huihuang.com. Whether you cooperate with Mango Channel or Lychee Channel, it is all to ensure the smooth development of your website.

Moreover, Huihuang.com is still the dominant video website, occupying more than 90% of the market share.

Therefore, if you cooperate with video websites on the Internet, in such a situation, this is almost the only choice.

The reporter also quickly thought of the essence of this matter from Zhou Qingsheng's words, and immediately asked: "This is to set up a rival for myself. Ye Ming's "Running Brother" will also be broadcast at 8 o'clock this afternoon. What do you think of this matter? Will Ye Ming create a rival for himself?"

Although it is a program about a star's journey, it is finally said to be broadcast, but everyone knows that Ye Ming's Run Brothers will also be broadcast in the same time period, so in this case In one situation, it seemed that Ye Ming had indeed set up an opponent for himself. Why did Ye Ming do this?

Zhou Qingsheng also knew that there was a pit ahead, and it was a very big pit, but he had to jump into it. Knowing that there was a pit ahead, he had to close his eyes and jump in. This matter really made Zhou Qingsheng very helpless.

At this moment, he thought for a while and said: "This is a healthy competition. Variety shows must have a hundred flowers blooming to show that our industry has better development.

Celebrity's Journey is a travel show, while Running Brothers is a puzzle show. Therefore, in such a situation, we actually have different viewing groups, so the competition is not very fierce. of intensity.

Judging from the current number of viewers, competition from one more program will not reach the point of market saturation. We and Ye Ming’s brothers, Run, coexist through trials. "

Since it was said that he was already cooperating with Ye Ming, Zhou Qingsheng naturally said that he wanted to show his good relationship with Ye Ming under the circumstances of Epoxy Auto.

As for Ye Ming once suing him for copying Hua'er and Juvenile, Zhou Qingsheng selectively forgot about this situation. The entertainment industry is like this, there are no eternal friends, no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

If two celebrities are rivals and are on different stages, it does not mean that the stars have their own moral integrity, but that the interests are not enough. If there are enough interests, then everything is possible.

But now, Mango Channel and Lychee Channel, which were supposed to be on the alert, now have a cooperative relationship with Ye Ming, so the atmosphere between the two TV stations is not very strong.

The reporter was not very satisfied with this answer. What they wanted was to fan the flames. If Zhou Qingsheng was firing at Ye Ming at this moment, for example, Ye Ming was relying on his own copyright, video websites, etc. to suppress him, like this That's what reporters want to hear.

But Zhou Qingsheng is not a fool. He knows very well that this press conference is his only chance.

The friendship between Zixing and Ye Ming cannot be repaired, but if they can cooperate in the future, that is what Zhou Qingsheng hopes to see.

Therefore, although the reporter tried his best to sow discord at this time and wanted Zhou Qingsheng to say some hot words, Zhou Qingsheng, who was cunning and cunning, or who was already trembling with fear, was not fooled at all.

Zhou Qingsheng is not an ordinary cunning person. The old people in the circle have seen more things and are older. Therefore, his blood is boiling.

Anyway, it seems to Zhou Qingsheng that he can successfully film this show. At this time, he has already achieved his goal.

As for other things, at times like this, Zhou Qingsheng is also very open-minded.

However, at this moment, although Zhou Qingsheng is more open-minded about the whole thing, some people are not happy. People like Li Yapeng are the kind of people who are passionate and do things without thinking.


Okay, I'm guilty. I apologize. I uploaded it in a daze when I was updating it yesterday, and I didn't read it carefully. As a result, it was uploaded by mistake.

I want to say sorry to everyone, please forgive me. Today, a reader told me that I found out that it was wrong and I corrected it immediately. This, I apologize to the readers who subscribed to yesterday’s chapter 1,772. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future. (To be continued)

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