Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,553 The Test of Life and Death

Happiness, what is happiness, happiness is the happiness that comes from comparison. If there is no contrast, then what you feel is ordinary, ordinary day after day, this kind of ordinary will kill a person's enthusiasm.

At this moment, the people in the South Tower of the World Trade Center are actually happy.

Because the North Tower was close to collapse, and the people above the impact almost had only one outcome, death, real death, while the people in the South Tower retreated nervously and orderly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that someone in the south building is trying to save the suffering compatriots in the north building. Maybe it is a simple zipline. God knows why there is a zipline in the World Trade Center. It is said that the girlfriend of a company employee is On the opposite side, he hopes to communicate with his girlfriend.

Therefore, this zipline was built, but now this zipline has become a life-saving tool. The zipline is used to send fire pipes over, so that people can climb along the fire pipes. How many people can climb over is considered a few people.

What they didn't expect was that under such a situation, the plane that was supposed to hit their south tower was already preparing to make an emergency landing.

Two people who didn't know how to fly a plane directly drove the passenger plane to land at the New York Airport. God knows what would happen. Cohen used his best efforts to simulate various data on the No. 11 plane and directed Ye Ming to adjust the plane to land. status.

At this moment, people at the airport have entered a state of emergency. Fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, etc. are all waiting for the moment when the No. 11 passenger plane lands.

Ye Ming was sitting on the plane, staring at the various instruments and entertainment empire systems meticulously, transmitting various data, and directly letting Ye Ming use super-fast techniques on the passenger plane.

At this moment, Cohen's face finally showed a smile of satisfaction. He said very calmly: "Mr. Ye, you are already a qualified theoretical aircraft pilot. I think American Airlines will hire you as a pilot in the future." The pilot's.

Next, prepare to land, lower the landing gear, and be careful to maintain the angle of the nose. "

Cohen didn't say what he wanted to say next. He would do everything he could to obey fate. He hoped that Ye Ming could land safely. However, it was hard to say whether two people who didn't know how to fly a plane could complete this arduous task.

At this moment, Cohen was staring at the screen. The plane started to land, but at the moment of landing, Cohen stood up suddenly. With his experience, he could already tell that the plane landed too late.

No one can say whether the plane will have enough buffer time to land at this distance. If it fails to decelerate even when it reaches the end of the runway, the result will be very tragic.

The plane was getting closer and closer to the end of the runway, fifty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters, ten meters. Finally, the nose of the plane finally rushed out of the runway. But at this critical moment, the plane suddenly drew a In an arc, the entire aircraft rushed to the adjacent runway in an instant, and huge smoke suddenly appeared. It can be seen that two of the three landing gears of the aircraft have been broken. Fortunately, the entire aircraft is considered intact. of.

At this moment, the waiting fire trucks rushed over as quickly as possible to cool down the aircraft. If the aircraft did not cool down in the shortest time, I would know what the result would be.

At this time, the airport's emergency landing slide was connected to the door of the passenger plane. Ye Ming opened the door of the passenger plane. First, several women came down with their children.

At this moment, the plane has landed safely. Of course, there were some problems in the middle, but everyone knows that it is safe. Therefore, at this moment, everyone maintained a gentlemanly manner and got off the plane in an orderly manner.

However, the four of them, Ye Ming and Thomson, were waiting for the police to arrive. When everyone else got off, the airport sent a formal hanging ladder with guns and live ammunition. The heavily armed special police rushed onto the plane and took Ibrahim and others away. The bodies of the two robbers and Atta and the other three robbers were brought down, and then Ye Ming and the four others were surrounded like heroes.

More than thirty media outlets are waiting for the hero's return. At this moment, many people already know the true meaning of this matter, especially reporters who are well-informed. The North Tower of the World Trade Center was hit. The Pentagon was also hit at this moment, and a passenger plane crashed. This is a terrorist attack. An absolutely insane attack.

But amidst this depressing news, there is an exciting bright spot. American Airlines Flight 11 was also hijacked, but because the people on the plane, led by Ye Ming, resisted the robbers, in the end, With the joint efforts of everyone, not only the plane was saved, but also it landed safely.

Although the landing was a bit thrilling, and even the runway greening at the airport was damaged, needless to say, the mayor of New York was very willing to allocate funds to repair the greening for this damage.

Ye Ming is not an ordinary Chinese. He is an ambassador for the Beijing Olympics bid, a movie star, a kung fu master, and a mysterious oriental identity. All these make Ye Ming even more legendary. However, the reporter did not get the chance to interview Ye Ming after taking simple photos. In fact, if the incident had not been so big, they would not have even had the chance to take photos.

The police station has already said: "There will be a press conference in the afternoon to focus on this incident. As for the remaining four heroes, the heroes need to rest and undergo psychological intervention. Therefore, everyone should wait for the afternoon press conference." The convening of a press conference.

At this time, in fact, no matter what it is, in such a situation, the reporter also understands the difficulty of the police.

If such a big thing happens, the entire United States will be mobilized to ensure that there will be no news to write about.

At the airport, Carl, John, and pilot Cohen hugged Ye Ming very excitedly. Although they were not familiar with each other, after this life and death rescue, it is conceivable that in such a situation, , how things will look like a change.

At times like this, they seemed like old friends they hadn't seen for many years.

Carl happily patted Ye Ming on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Ye, thank you for your contribution to this hijacking incident. I think the entire American people should be grateful for stepping forward at a critical moment."

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, it's not my fault alone. As a former Marine, Thomson also helped me a lot. This is the result of everyone's efforts."

This matter was led by Ye Ming, and the video can prove it. Therefore, there is no need for Ye Ming to continue to grab credit. The U.S. government also needs a real American to be elected as a hero. Therefore, Thomson is a very good person. spokesperson.

This means that American soldiers can still stand up and defend the dignity of the federal government when they are in danger.

Therefore, in such a situation, Thomson will actually be introduced emphatically.

Of course, the U.S. government will definitely commend Ye Ming for defeating the main hero, but that is different from being his own hero. Therefore, Ye Ming very cooperatively introduced Thomson and others.

At this moment, Karl held Thomson's hand and said: "The American military will be proud of you. And you two, Mr. Bush will meet you at the White House tonight and give you a Presidential Medal."

In fact, at this time, the White House is already in chaos, and the Pentagon has been hit. This is simply a slap in the face of the US government. The United States has always been known as the world's policeman and the defender of world order. Who dares to do this? Challenge Uncle Sam's dignity.

But this time, someone actually did it. The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed completely, and the damage to the South Tower is difficult to estimate. So far, more than a thousand people have died, and the specific numbers are still being counted. , but it is certain that as time goes by, the number of victims will become larger and larger.

Therefore, at this moment, the US government needs a hero to stand up. The government is embarrassed, but a hero must stand up. Thomson is one, but he is a soldier, or at least once was a soldier. Therefore, soldiers should stand up in times of danger.

George W. Bush looked at his schedule and said, "Have all such things been arranged?"

Presidential Secretary Edward said: "Mr. President, everything is arranged. A press conference will be held in the afternoon, and a commendation conference will be held in the evening to award Ye Ming and others the Presidential Medal, and Ye Ming will be awarded the title of Honorary American Citizen."

Bush thought for a while and said: "At this critical moment, we need a civilian-born hero to stand up. Therefore, the commendation should be held together with the press conference. We want more people to know that as long as it is you If you fight for the benefit of the United States, you will be commended by the government."

At this time, Edward hesitated and said: "The people on the advisory board think that Ye Ming is not an American, but a Chinese. Is it appropriate to commend him with such fanfare at this time?"

It seems to ordinary people that the United States needs a hero of its own.

Therefore, there is a natural resistance to Ye Ming and the others.

But as the President of the United States, he said with extraordinary momentum: "Do I need to talk about this matter? There is no need to talk about it at all. No matter which country you are from, as long as you are a hero, we must reward him. We must make the whole world See, the respect of our team’s heroes. Idiot, those idiots, haven’t the U.S. government been embarrassed enough this time? Heroes of China, this is a good opportunity to divert everyone’s attention. That’s it.”

Tolerance and inclusiveness are an important reason for the rapid development of the United States. At this time, Edward naturally informed Ye Ming and others of the changes.

The afternoon press conference began with a three-minute silence for the victims. Then, the spokesperson introduced the general process of the whole incident, which lasted only two minutes. He introduced the situation grasped by the government. The final focus was to introduce Ye Ming and the others. How to catch two robbers and kill three of them. President George W. Bush personally attended the ceremony and awarded the Presidential Medal to Ye Ming and others, and awarded Ye Ming the title of Honorary American Citizen.

Of course, not everyone can get this title. Ye Ming's identity is easy to verify. He is the president of Huihuang.com and a movie star. In short, he is very clean.

A partner of Quantum Fund, therefore for these reasons, Ye Ming has become the focus of recognition.

Moreover, after the press conference, Soros even said that he arranged his own private jet to send Ye Ming and others away directly.

On the plane, Fan Binbin was still a little shocked and said: "Hijacking, I didn't expect that we would actually encounter the things in this movie. Moreover, I also saw the scene of the World Trade Center being hit on TV. If it's a movie, If the analysis is correct, then the passenger plane we were traveling on might have hit the South Tower. This time, it can be said that we narrowly escaped death."

Xu Qing was even more shocked and said: "It's a fluke. It can only be said to be a fluke. Ye Ming, when did you learn to fly a plane? Why don't I know any news?" Now everyone naturally knows that on the plane at that time The driver was killed.

The gasoline was almost all leaked, and it was Ye Ming who piloted the plane to land.

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said: "I have never flown a plane. In fact, I just learned some theoretical knowledge. If I didn't stand up at that time, everyone on the plane would be ruined. I was just chasing a duck to get on the plane. You asked me If I do it again, I may not do better.

Before this, I had never even flown a small plane, let alone a large passenger plane like this. It was just a few days of theoretical courses. "

Xu Qing rolled her eyes at Ye Ming and said: "We almost couldn't get back our relationship. However, fortunately everyone is very lucky. This filming of the program will be an experience I will never forget."

In fact, when filming Flowers and Boys, it was also an unforgettable journey for Xu Qing, but this time, it was different. This time it was a close encounter between life and death. It was almost like walking around the gate of hell and then coming back directly. This feeling, this is a test of life and death, will definitely be unforgettable for the rest of my life.

Especially since they were living in the World Trade Center two days ago, but now that one building has collapsed, it's unclear whether the other one can continue to be used. Therefore, under such a situation, it can be said that the World Trade Center is completely finished.

This memory will definitely be unforgettable for a lifetime. Wang Baoqiang said with his own eyes: "I didn't expect to be received by the President of the United States this time, George W. Bush, is the President of the United States called George W. Bush? He looks like a very kind man."

In Wang Baoqiang's opinion, the President of the United States was a person he would rarely see in his life, but he did not expect that this time, he would be able to actually see this person.

One of the most powerful men in the world. (To be continued)

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