Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,026 Jackson’s shocking decision

After Ye Ming arrived in Los Angeles, he did not follow everyone there, but secretly met with Jackson because Jackson wanted him to be the guest singer for the finale of his concert. Moreover, when he heard that Ye Ming had arrived in the United States, Jackson also called He said he wanted everyone to get together.

The two people met at a private villa in Jackson's Los Angeles. At this moment, Jackson's mental state was very good, and he became much more cheerful.

Because now Jackson doesn't have to worry about his debts at all. Even if he doesn't use Sony Records' shares as collateral, banks are still looking for him eagerly, hoping that he can get a loan.

Everyone knows that Jackson and Huihui.com are strategic partners. He is the first top star to establish such a strategic partnership with Huihui.com. With such a relationship, Jackson will naturally receive special attention.

Therefore, even if Jackson stays at home and does nothing, he will still make a large amount of income every year.

What's more, he wrote a new song by himself, and there was no need to go to any record company to release the record or promote it. As long as there was Huihuang.com, everything would be fine. Of course, there would be people online. Download his songs, this way, he will have his own income at home.

Of course, Jackson did not give up his recording profession because of this. He also took the opportunity of holding a concert to launch his new album "This Is It".

In his previous life, Jackson actually wanted to release another album, and even said that the songs were almost ready. However, the child molestation case ruined his reputation and his image plummeted. Therefore, the matter of this new album was It slowly dragged on, but at this time, he was completely sweeping the entertainment industry with the return of the king attitude.

The album "This Is It" was released. This name was chosen by Ye Ming with help. As for why it was like this, Ye Ming's answer was that this would be the last glory of the record industry.

Ever since Apple launched the MP3, Ye Ming has been reminding Jackson that the record industry will slowly decline and become an abandoned industry.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming told Jackson that this may be Jackson's last glory. Even if he wants to release an album in the future, including superstars such as Madonna and Whitney, they will still fail and sink. Sales of tens of millions will be almost impossible in the future.

In the future, almost everything will be dominated by the Internet.

The recording profession is frighteningly fragile. This is not to say that the recording profession will disappear completely, but that this form will gradually fade away.

Jackson may still release new records in the future, but it will be almost impossible to achieve miraculous sales. Therefore, this album should be Jackson's last brilliant record.

If he would have said this before cooperating with Ye Ming, then it is really impossible for Jackson to believe it when it comes to epoxy automation.

But at this time, it was because after he cooperated with Ye Ming, he really tasted the sweetness of the Internet. At this time, Ye Ming said these words to him, then such a thing became more logical.

Jackson's new album has sold 10 million copies.

Miracle, this is a miracle created by God.

When Jackson saw Ye Ming, he asked him very seriously. The first thing he said was: "Ye, you said that the record industry will be in decline, but the sales volume of my record is also very objective. Yes, it’s time to open the champagne. Ten million is a pretty incredible number.

Why do you say the record industry will decline in the future? "Because his records are very popular now, he also has a certain suspicion about Ye Ming's words. Is this really what Ye Ming said? The traditional record industry will decline to a Shockingly?

Ye Ming said very definitely: "Mike, you don't have to question this matter. I said, this will be the final glory of your record. It doesn't mean that your results will not be very good. Don't forget who you are, pop King of music fingers, your sales volume of "Thriller" is hundreds of millions. You are at the top of popular music. It would be doubtful if your records did not achieve such a sales volume. .

But there is no doubt that this is indeed your last recorded miracle. Moreover, I dare say that no one will surpass the sales volume of your "Thriller" album in the future.

You see, the rate of increase in your record sales has dropped very significantly now. It is very different from the previous blowout sales. That is to say, people will rarely buy records in the future.

Even if you release new records in the future, what will you do if everyone plays online music? Therefore, the record industry will decline sooner or later. "

Jackson pondered for a moment and said: "I want to create a miracle. Is there any way you can do it? If it is really the final glory, then I hope that this time I can get a perfect answer."

Since things are inevitable, then Jackson hopes to do his best on this matter. He is a perfectionist. Therefore, in such a matter, no matter how it is, he himself will not allow himself to do it. What's the flaw?

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "Yes, yes, but this matter is also a difficult decision for you to make. If you say that this will be your last album, you will have new ones in the future." All the works can be downloaded directly from the Internet. I think this album will definitely trigger another rush to buy it. Jackson's last album, this is indeed a big enough gimmick.

Therefore, this incident made Jackson stunned. If there was no retreat as the Internet, then Jackson would not give up the record industry at this time, but now he has Huihuang.com and Huihui Film and Television, which has such a retreat.

Therefore, in such a situation, he pondered for a long time before saying: "Okay, I will announce this news at the press conference. This will be my last album, and my works will be on the Internet in the future." Download. Hope it can create a miracle."

Ye Ming didn't know whether Jackson could create miracles again, but now Jackson had begun to create miracles that he didn't even know he had.

In his previous life, Jackson did not release new records at all due to the case. However, after his death, he became the most profitable artist for consecutive years. This has to be said to be a very sad problem for Jackson.

After his death, everyone discovered what a great artist he was.

But now, Jackson has started a new life. He no longer has to worry about his debts. Moreover, Jackson also has a very good image among the public.

He himself has begun to create miracles. If he adopts Ye Ming's method again, then such a thing will become very interesting.

The sales of Jackson's album exceeded 20 million, which is definitely not a problem.

And Jackson is actually a man of his word. After breaking up with Ye Ming, he flew directly to New York and held a press conference for the finale of his concert. Moreover, at the press conference, he himself A surprising decision was announced.

A red jacket, huge sunglasses, white gloves, a black dress, and a white armband on his arm. This is Jackson's standard attire. In front of more than 300 reporters, after Jackson finished talking about his concert, he suddenly Signaling everyone to be quiet, everyone looked at Jackson at this time.

At this moment, Jackson's mood was very calm, and his tone was also very peaceful: "Everyone, thank you all for coming to this press conference, thank you all for supporting me over the years, thank you all the fans, colleagues, and record company executives. The support of my colleagues.”

What kind of thing is this? It seems to be a speech at an award ceremony.

But keen reporters have already discovered some clues from Jackson's expression, as if something important is about to happen.

Sure enough, Jackson finally said in a very sincere tone: "Now, I am announcing a decision. [That's it] the sales of this album are very gratifying, but I can tell everyone that this album will be my last album."

The New York Times reporter couldn't sit still. As a die-hard fan, he immediately raised his hand. After getting a nod from Jackson, the reporter stood up and said: "Hello Mr. Jackson, I am Henry, a reporter from the New York Times. Just now you said that [This Is It] will be your last record, so you won’t release any more records in the future?”

It can be said that Jackson is now in his peak period as a singer. If there are no surprises, then at this time, it would be very normal for Jackson to play in the entertainment industry for another ten or eight years. The entertainment industry is more than 60 years old. There are not just one or two year-old stars.

But Jackson said this would be his last album. Are you deceiving me?

Jackson answered very definitely: "Yes, I can tell you for sure that this will be my last album. Of course, if there is any charity need, I will spare no effort to support it, but a purely commercial album , this will be my last record, and after this record, I will not release any new albums, including commemorative albums."

Jackson is a very philanthropic person, and everyone is very clear about this. Therefore, no one has any objection to Jackson's statement.

In European and American countries, celebrities release some records for charity and appear in some movies. Not only do they not charge a penny, but they also pay for food and accommodation. What they want is not profit, but fame.

The reporter from Time Magazine stood up and said: "Mr. Jackson, this is Johns from Time Magazine. If you will no longer release records, does that mean we can assume that you intend to quit the music industry?"

Jackson shook his head with a smile and said: "Of course it's not like this anymore, because I also found that the record industry has begun to show signs of decline, especially after the release of Apple MP3. Not many people know our records anymore. Attention, by the way. Mr. Johns, the one you are using for interviews now is also Apple’s MP3 series, right?”

Johnson waved his hand awkwardly. He was indeed using an Apple product. Jackson said solemnly: "I met a friend of mine before and talked about this with him. He said that in the future, Internet music will truly replace the record industry, and this is a major trend.

Therefore, I will not release new records. That does not mean that I will quit the music scene. On the contrary, I will join the music scene more deeply and make the music I like. My future works will be downloaded from the Internet. issuance method.

Therefore, I will not quit the music scene, I just said that I will change my release channel. "

Jackson's words really touched a nerve, because not only did Jackson say this, but he also did this. At this time, his annual income from the Internet was basically an open secret.

Although there is a certain difference between this and his actual income, everyone believes that Jackson's actual income will be more than announced.

By this time, Jackson had already mastered the Internet's profit model.

At this moment, everyone understood why Jackson had so much confidence to directly announce that this was his last album. For a moment, all the media was in a frenzy. In addition to hyping Jackson's concert finale, the rest What follows is more about Jackson’s last album.

At this time, a reporter from the BBC asked Jackson a question like this in a subsequent interview, why did he release this news at this juncture? If this news was released before the album was sold, then I believe the album’s sales would be even greater. of huge.

Jackson spoke very frankly about his previous conversation with Ye Ming, and said that he had considered this issue again and again. If it was true as Ye Ming said, at this time he hoped to give his fans Leave a good memory and don't wait until your album has sold hundreds of thousands and feel abandoned by everyone before you make such an unexpected decision.

Jackson's answer was very pertinent, and it also caused everyone to feel sad. Perhaps, many people have thought of the same problem as Jackson, that is, in such a situation, the record industry It's really the same as what Ye Ming said, it will be a time when the sun sets over the mountains. (To be continued)

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