Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,116 Xu Qingshun abducts Wang Baoqiang

After Na Ying saw this copy, she couldn't sit still anymore and said loudly: "Zi Zi, this game is fun and interesting. I want to participate. Count me in." Anyway, there is nothing going on now, so Na Ying arrived We are also here to watch a show, so under such a situation, I directly asked to participate in this game and tear off the name tag. It sounds like this game is very interesting.

Ye Ming relaxed his shoulders and said helplessly: "Well, sister, this game is interesting because it means that we will use name tags with our own names. If you bring my name tag to participate in this game, it will not be the same if you tear it up." It’s not interesting, there’s no sense of accomplishment.”

The core of Run Brothers is to tear off the name brand. Therefore, the most interesting content is how to design the task of tearing off the name brand. This is the most important. The key point is that the person who tears the name brand must have his own name.

Only in this way can there be a sense of accomplishment. This gives people the feeling of chasing. If the person you are chasing is not your own name, it sounds like you are acting.

For example, Na Ying does not have her name. If she came to participate with Ye Ming's name, then there is no problem with this matter. But if she is caught and torn off, then you say she tore it off. Ying, or tearing off Ye Ming, there is almost no sense of accomplishment in this. Therefore, Ye Ming felt that this matter was very helpless.

Na Ying thought about it, and if she went in Ye Ming's name, it would be acting, not playing games. Therefore, at this time, Na Ying still said helplessly: "If that's the case, then forget it. It’s boring, it’s really boring.”

I finally thought that Ye Ming's game was quite interesting, but at this time I couldn't put my name to participate.

Seeing Na Ying's disappointed look, Ye Ming immediately said: "How about, sister, you will be the director, Xu Qing and I will participate, and you, Sister Wangfei, and Sister Weiwei will be the directors, and the seven of us will be the directors." Is the individual the host?”

If Na Ying is not allowed to participate, this will always be difficult, but without her name brand, as a director, there is no problem.

Na Ying's eyes suddenly lit up and she said: "This is good. I have never been a director. If you are talking about being a director, it would be interesting."

The princess hit Na Ying and said: "You have never been a director, can you do a good job as a director? Don't end up blindly directing?" Na Ying didn't take it seriously at all for such teasing, and said with a smile : "Don't worry, our leadership skills are absolutely fine. You all have to listen to me, right?"

At this time, Ye Mingcai said with a smile: "The director has only one job, which is to issue character cards. The host's performance in the game has been predetermined, and the rest is up to the actors themselves. Directors generally have no What right to intervene?”

At this time, Na Ying was also happy to say: "I am the director, do you dare to disobey the director and want to rebel? Don't give me nonsense, how about you start talking."

At this time, Na Ying immediately entered the ranks of people going crazy.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wei and Wang Fei were very attentive to a job like directing. They directly used the copywriting given by Ye Ming to study how to direct this game.

Ye Ming and others changed their running clothes. At this time, the seven people were ready. Although Na Ying is in the director's position, when it comes to telling dramas, that is still Ye Ming's job. Even if Na Ying holds a copywriter, she is still a little unable to talk to the actors. But this couldn't stop the sister. The sister waved to Ye Ming and said, "Who is that? Ye Ming, please tell everyone about this play."

The director can't tell the story, but the director has the right to order others to tell the story. In this regard, Na Ying is definitely very adaptable. To be a leader is to act like a leader.

Ye Ming smiled and said to the six people standing in front of him: "Everyone, listen up, from now on, our company is a big battlefield, with three floors, and there is a big venue throughout. In the future, maybe We will go to larger libraries, bookstores, and even shoot at ancient buildings such as the Yellow Crane Tower. If necessary, it is not impossible to go to the United States to borrow some of their large buildings. Therefore, you must You must have a certain understanding of your work, physical strength, and physical strength are the basis of this program. Run, brother, the meaning of this program is to keep running and never stop."

The final meaning of the program must be made clear. Therefore, Ye Ming directly explained the final meaning of the program when he said it for the first time.

During this song, Sun Li said with some surprise: "Boss, our company has at least eight exits on each floor. This is the one-story building with the most exits nearby. There are so many exits, plus If someone is hiding on purpose, it will be very difficult to find them."

Of course they are very familiar with the situation in their own company. Therefore, they do not have a good understanding of using their own company to produce this program. After all, they mean that in such a situation, they There are simply too many companies exporting.

Ye Ming said solemnly: "Actually, the company's terrain at this time is relatively simple. If it were other venues, we would be even more confused when it comes to such an event. Also One advantage is that we are all familiar with this company, but Sister Qing is not very familiar with it. Therefore, during the game, I will give Sister Qing a map to show the location of each entrance and exit of our company.

In this way, she can use various intersections more effectively to avoid everyone. Remember, if two people meet, they can tear each other's names, or they can make an alliance, or you can use your own method to plead for mercy, and beg the other party to spare your life.

If you can insist on tearing off all six people in the end, that person is the winner. "

Ye Ming At this moment, Ye Ming wanted to tell everyone the essence of his game, at least the general content.

Moreover, because it is a game, there is no need for a camera to follow everyone, so it is relatively simple. At this time, Xu Qing thought for a while and said: "I took a look and found that these people in your company, at least the male actors, can't be torn apart by me. If I meet them, wouldn't I be very unlucky?"

Xu Qing knows the people in Ye Ming's company relatively well. Even the shortest actor Wang Baoqiang is said to have come from the Shaolin Temple, and his kung fu is also very good. However, Huang Bo and Xu Zheng, judging from their body shape, encountered tearing. It is also very easy to lose oneself. If the three of them meet anyone by themselves, it will not be very comfortable at this time. Therefore, in such a situation, Xu Qing raised his own questions.

Ye Ming said without hesitation: "You have not formed an alliance. If you feel that you are relatively weak, you can form an alliance with Ma Susunli and Tang Wei. In this case, tear Wang Baoqiang and others apart first. Of course, this will test your own personal charm."

This is a fact. Among running men, if we talk about forming an alliance, it is definitely a pioneering work. They are obviously enemies, but after a few words, they directly united to deal with other people, and then tore them apart. These two formed an alliance. People, if you start to fight against each other again, this is a very fierce place for the running brothers.

Therefore, at this point, it is still a great test of a star's charm. If in such a situation, Xu Qing teamed up with three other actresses, even if they teamed up with one, they should not be able to tear Wang Baoqiang out. What does it matter?

At this time, Xu Qing nodded. This was a path. If Ye Ming had already said that it would not be good for him to take it again, then Ye Ming could not be blamed.

At this time, the three of them, Ma Su, were also thoughtful. If it was said that Wang Baoqiang and the three of them were to be torn off first, then this show was about four people working together to tear off Ye Ming's name brand. I wonder if four people were working together. , can he become Ye Ming's opponent?

Seeing everyone's eagerness to try it, Ye Ming nodded and said, "Well, what we are doing today is just a simple game. If it comes to a formal game, then such things will be much more difficult. There will be many Guests will come to play this game with us, and there will be many mini games for everyone to play before this session. Now, everyone disperses and goes to different floors. Half an hour is game time to see who can Persevere until the end, don’t worry, I won’t use kung fu to deal with you.”

Ye Ming's last words also reassured everyone a lot. If it was Ye Ming's hard work, then there would be almost no suspense about one thing in Epoxy Auto, and everyone would just surrender. The seven actors were brought to every corner of Ye Ming's company.

Na Ying looked at it excitedly, and at the appointed time, she told everyone through the radio that the game had started. This is the rhythm of Keith tearing off famous brands.

Xu Qing was a little nervous. It was his first time to participate in such a game. Walking alone in an empty corridor, even if he met one person, in such a situation, there would be a surprise.

Loneliness, what Xu Qing enjoys at the moment is a lonely environment. If it is a formal shooting, there is still a cameraman at this time, so it will not be so lonely. But look now, there is no cameraman at all, that is to say Xu Qing is the only one who plays this game.

Now Xu Qing is very eager for someone to show up, tear off the famous brand without tearing off the name brand, let’s wait and see, anyway, in such a situation, she very much hopes to find someone, even if this person is own enemy.

Through surveillance, Na Ying and the others could clearly see the expressions of each actor. Naturally, Xu Qing's expression could not escape their eyes.

Therefore, Na Ying pointed at Xu Qing and said: "You see, this game, Xu Qing, is actually not very suitable. It has not officially started to tear off famous brands, but in the case of epoxy automatic, Xu Qing This is already a manifestation of this.

Therefore, in a situation like this, I think it is not impossible for her to be the first to be ripped off and eliminated once she encounters other people's lies. "

Na Ying still looked at people with a very vicious eye. If Ye Ming's performance was to be followed, then at this time, she would be the first to be ripped off. It's indeed normal. But Na Ying never guessed who the first actor Xu Qing met was Wang Baoqiang.

When Xu Qing walked to the end of the corridor, Wang Baoqiang came over slowly with a box of milk and drank. When he met Xu Qing, Wang Baoqiang backed away suddenly and started a defensive posture. In fact, this is a habit of a martial arts practitioner. As a martial arts practitioner, if you don't choose to take action as soon as you encounter danger, then a situation like this is already very rare. .

In fact, Wang Baoqiang's original subconscious action was to knock down the person who appeared in front of him first, and then directly tear off the name tag.

But fortunately, he also heard Ye Ming say that this is just a game and you cannot use your skills casually.

Therefore, at the last moment, Wang Baoqiang chose to step back and observe who was coming.

If it was Ye Ming who came over, then he would just surrender. Even if it was a competition of kung fu, it would be easy for his boss to deal with him.

But after seeing that the person coming was Xu Qing, Wang Baoqiang immediately felt relieved and said with a smile: "Sister Qing, it turns out it's you. It scared me. I thought it was the boss who came here?"

Wang Baoqiang, this actor is relatively familiar with Xu Qing. During the time of Swordsman, Wang Baoqiang also participated in several supporting roles. Although they were just fleeting roles, he always stayed on the set for a long time. For a long time, Xu Qing and Xu Qing have been old friends. If we talk about friendship, the two of them are obviously more friendly than Huang Bo and Xu Zheng.

Therefore, Xu Qing was relieved a lot after seeing that it was Wang Baoqiang. Meeting Wang Baoqiang here was a very good result. At least Wang Baoqiang wouldn't tear himself off casually.

Since it is said that Wang Baoqiang will not take action, Xu Qing himself is also considering whether this matter will have a good result if he chooses to cooperate with Wang Baoqiang in such a situation.

Alliance is allowed by the program. Therefore, in such a situation, alliance is Xu Qing's best choice at the moment.

Xu Qing looked at Wang Baoqiang and said: "If Baoqiang means that you meet your boss, then you are somewhat sure that you will tear him down." (To be continued)

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