New York Knicks vs Cleveland Cavaliers.

In the end, New York won and turned the game into garbage time early.

The belated [decisive battle] between Zhang Feng and LeBlanc James also came to an end.

The two figures are comparable.

Zhang Feng scored a super triple-double with 48 points, 18 rebounds, 11 assists and 6 blocks.

But judging from Zhang Feng's data, it doesn't look like this was obtained by a defender.

6 blocks in a single game...

This will make NBA insiders feel ashamed. on the other hand.

Young James scored a triple-double of 31 points, 12 rebounds and 14 assists. It is worth mentioning that Young James' three-point shooting percentage in this game was as high as 60%, and he made 6 of 10 three-pointers in the game. Before that, Youzhan's three-point shooting percentage was only 37%.

Based on pure data analysis, the two seem to be similar.

But in fact, Zhang Feng is still superior.

Because You Zhan's condition and feel are really explosive today, and Zhang Feng's touch today is very average, but even so, Zhang Feng's data is still slightly better than You Zhan's.......

The two people, known as lifelong enemies, met for the first time in their careers.

The game was somewhat regrettable. James's Cavaliers are still in the rebuilding period and cannot compete with the New York Knicks, who have the league's best record.

Eighty percent of the reason why the Cleveland Cavaliers led by Young James lost to New York was due to this reason. Of course, the other 20% was because today's Young James is still inferior to the former King James who dominated the world. A lot.

Many people in the outside world say that James relies on his body to survive. Without his body, he would not be able to start in the NBA.

Actually, this is not the case.

In addition to his obvious [physical talent], James also has a historical level of [hidden talent].

Such as: terrifying vision, durable body, and amazing learning ability.

In his previous life, when James led the Heat to win two consecutive championships, he had mastered all COSCO shots, otherwise he would not have been able to surpass the San Antonio Spurs.

It can be said that LeBron James will grow and improve every year.

He has a historical level of talent, and at the same time, he has a superior understanding and hard-working perseverance. It can be said that except for his slightly anxious appearance, he is almost a perfect player.........

History changed because of Zhang Feng's intrusion.

Zhang Feng's defense made Xiao Zhan very angry.

His incomprehensible breakthrough was unable to exert even 30% of its power against Zhang Feng.

Simply put, he felt great tonight, but he was very aware of his shortcomings.

After losing this game, what James plans to do is to ask the Cavaliers to hire the best trainer to improve his shooting. , one day, me! LeBron James! I will defeat you in front of the whole world.

Just when Youzhan secretly swore, a huge slap hit him on the shoulder

"LeBlanc, don't forget our agreement." Zhang Feng reminded

"Agreement? What agreement?"LeBron James said pretending to be confused.

"hehe."Zhang Feng sneered twice and looked at this man who never opened hot spots in public.

You Zhan, who was creeped out by Zhang Feng's look, finally 'remembered' and said with a sudden realization:"Don't worry, brother, we will go there later. Have a meal. The place is yours to choose"........

New York is a world-renowned city. There is no doubt that there are countless high-end hotels.

Zhang Feng found a 7-star hotel, and at the same time, he called his god-sister, Fujima Eri, to come.

At the dinner table, Zhang Feng and James talked to each other.

As they chatted, Youzhan began to look depressed.

"What's wrong? LeBlanc! Zhang Feng asked curiously

"Hey, Afon, you know my teammate Ricky Davis, right? He likes to target me whether on the basketball court or in the locker room...."LeBlanc James sighed and said

"Ricky Davis?"

"Just him!"

"Dare to bully you?"

Zhang Feng frowned slightly.

Although the Four Heroes of Fengchen often tease each other, and the extent is not small.

But if one person is really bullied, the other three will definitely roll up their sleeves and fuck the guy.

After hearing You Zhan's complaint, Zhang Feng secretly He couldn't help but shook his head.

Although Young Zhan looks anxious, he is definitely a good person and always wants to have a good relationship with his teammates. If this matter had been replaced by Black Mamba Kobe, Answer Iverson and himself, he would have been there long ago. There was a fight in the locker room. This is why in the previous life, many new NBA rookies dared to provoke the stronger James, not Kobe....

Lao Zhan has such a good temper.

Among the Four Heroes, the one with the best temper is undoubtedly LeBron James........

After hearing what happened to James, Zhang Feng suddenly smiled and said:"LeBlanc, this matter is actually easy to solve. You can call your general manager, or call the boss directly and tell them the whole story. Presumably, it will be solved soon"



"Not so good, after all, Ricky is..."

LeBron James said hesitantly

"Idiot, you have to know that you are now the core of the Cavaliers' training."

"he! If Ricky Davis wants to target you, he is just trying to shake a big tree, and he is overestimating his ability."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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